All I Want is Love

By BabyCakes2921

164K 5.4K 459

When you start feeling empty as if you have nothing left, all you need is love. If you have not read Loving... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Part 52
Author Talks

Chapter 22

3.1K 101 4
By BabyCakes2921

Kee's POV

I woke up and went into the bathroom to pee and handle my hygiene.

I turned the shower on and got in letting the hot water relax my body. I stayed in the shower for about 30 minutes.

When I got out I lotioned my body with my Victoria's Secret Amber Romance body lotion. I made sure I lotioned everything before putting some black tights, my royal blue high-low shirt with long sheer back and my royal blue six inch pumps.

Ii went into the bathroom and wand curled my hair. I ran my fingers through them so the curls would be spread out and wide.

I did light make, which basically was eye liner, nude lipstick, mascara and a little blush. I don't need much makeup so I'm cool.

I took a couple pictures in the mirror, looking nice as hell. May be a lil cocky but fvck it. You can be mean when you look this clean.

I turned everything off and decided to make breakfast for me and my baby.

I went downstairs and got everything out for some pancakes, home fries, bacon and cheese eggs.

I was downstairs cooking for a while before Paco came down. While I was making the last of the eggs he came behind me and hugged me from behind.

"Good morning chocolate"

"Heyy baby" I turned my head and pecked his lips.

"What you making??"

"Pancakes, bacon, cheese eggs and home fries"


"What, I'm making too much??"

"No I'm not even talking about the food"

"What you referring to than??"

"That ass looking nice as hell in these tights you got on"

I shook my head and continued to finish the food. "Bye boy"

"But that shyt look nice and its all smiling", he slapped my ass.

"Don't mean you can keep tounching my ass"

"Whyy not??" He asked patting it somemore.

"Cause boy move"

"What I did?? What I do??" He said in a baby voice.

I started laughing and moved out the way to get the plates.

"Babe where about to go??" He asked sitting on the island.

"I gotta go take care of some things."

"And what does that mean exactly??"

"Things need to be handled and imma handle them"

"Things like what??"

"Just things I need for my business and stuff"

"Mhm ard Kee. You think you slick"

"I mean I guess" I said when I gave him his plate.

"Thanks baby" he puckered up his lips.

"Ewww I'm not kissing you, I don't know if you brushed ya teeth"

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't"

"Oh well you not getting a kiss"

"Ard ard I brushed my teeth"

I looked at him for a while before I actually decided to give him a kiss.

"Babe I ain't brush my teeth" he said smiling

"You nasty as hell!!" I said wiping my tongue with a paper towel.

"Dirty ass" I mumbled as I made my plate and sat down at the table.

After eating and talking I left to head to the mall. I wanna go shopping and show off for a while.

While I was in the middle of shopping Debbie called me.


Pookie: "Mookie!!!"

"Me:" Yes bapes??"

Pookie:" What you doing??"

Me:"shopping what about you??"

Pookie:" cooking"

Me: "oool what you making ??"

Pookie: "All Marcus' favorites. Look boo you need to come to mamas house later for dinner. Everybody gone be there"

Me: "Ard imma see you then okaee"

Pookie: "Okaee"


When I hung up with her I called Paco to inform him on the dinner. Debbie texted me and told me to be there by 7.

Imma keep shopping until around like 6.

I walked into foot locker being greeted by one of the store associates.

"Hello Ma" some guy said

"Heyy" I waved and went over to the Jordan section.

Of course his thirsty ass followed me. I swear people will do anything just to get some ass.

"So what are you looking for beautiful"

"You have these in a 9 1/2??" I asked handing him this peach color Air Force 1's with the thick sole.

"Lemme go check for you" he winked at me and walked off.

I continued to look at the sneakers while he was in the back. I think imma get Zyaire and them some sneakers too.

"Here you go ma" he handed me the sneaks.

"I rolled my eyes and took them to try them on. They fit and they look sexy as hell.

"Thanks I want these and can I get the white ones in men size 12, two black ones, one in a 3 infant and the other in a 2 children, I need another size 3 infant but in white and another size 3 infant in this color" the whole time he was looking at me while biting his lip.

I hope this nicca get every fvcking thing I asked for.

After like two trips to the back everything I wanted he brought to the front desk. He asked could he rang me up just to talk to me.

"So you got a man??"

"Yup and kids. Anymore questions??"

"Damn ma its like that??"

"Like what??"

"You just gone say it like that??"

"Boy listen, you can't get or have me. I have a man and kids. Don't get me wrong you a cute lil thing, but I'm not ya age and I'm loyal. Sorry sweetheart."

"Damn I need a chick like you. And I'm only 20"

"I don't talk to anybody younger than me. So yea we could never have nothing."

"But what if I don't act my age??"

"All y'all young boys act y'all age. Y'all childish and play too much and I don't have time"

"What if I can show you that I'm not like that??"

"You would like that chance wouldn't you??"


"Sorry imma thorough chick. Imma be by my man side no matter what."

"I like you beautiful"


I gave him the money for the sneakers and he gave me my receipt but not before writing something on it.

I took my bags and started heading out the store, he ran up to me stopping me right before I walked out. "Can I at least get ya name??"

"Its Kee"

"That matches you so well. Well Kee I'm Mark"

"Nice to meet you, bye"

"Come back sometime just so I can see you."

I smiled and he smiled back.

"Ma you have the most beautiful smile."

"Thank you" I smiled again.

"Imma be dreaming about that smile and that face"

"Lol bye boy that was corny" I chuckled leaving.

"Don't forget to come by again" he yelled as I walked off. People is so crazy.

I shopped somemore before heading home to put my bags in the house and make sure Paco was ready.



"Come on" I said walking into the room seeing him dressed in black and royal blue.

"You always tryna match me, wear ya own colors" I said sitting on the bed.

"Girl shut up . where you coming from??"

"I went to the mall. I took too long so imma stop by my firm tomorrow"

"Oh okaee, what you get??"


"What kind of stuff??"

"The stuff you get from a mall" I said in a duh tone. He hate when I do that.

"Babe I got you and the kids some sneakers"

"What kind??"

"Air Force 1's"

"What color??"


"Where they at??"

"They down stairs. I would tell you too wear them, but since you have on blue trying to be like me. I think cause you have on black pants I want you to wear a pair of blue sneakers."

"Ard go pick a pair out"

I got up and walked into our shoe closet. Me and Paco put together is a whole bunch of shoes. Its worse because we both sneaker heads and I love shoes. I have more then him but still. He has a lot on his own.

I decided to pick out his black and blue Air Jordan 1.

Once he put his sneakers on we were headed to my parents house. When I got there everybody was there. All my siblings and their kids.

"Aww y'all look cute" Angie said hugging me as we walked in.

"Bye girl he copied me. This was not planned"

"Shut up Kee you acting like you don't like the man. You know you liked him since forever"

"Shut up" I mumbled and rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey baby"

"Heyy mama" I kissed her cheek.

"How you feeling??"

"I'm okaee just hungry"

"Did you eat??"

"Yes I've been eating ma"

"How many times you ate today??"

"4 times actually"

"That's good baby"

I just shook my head and went into the basement to see my pops. I didn't see Debbie and them so I'm guess they're on their way.

After talking to my pops for a little while I went upstairs to see the kids.

"Heyy y'all"

"Heyy Aunt Kee" they all said back except for Zoey.

"Heyy Spongebob"


"Yea boo its me"

"Oh hi"

"Zoey whats--

I was about to ask her what was wrong when I heard one of the babies crying. I went to see what was wrong and got side tracked and went downstairs.

I ain't see Teyana so I guess she not coming.

After about an hour we were all sitting at the table about to eat. We already said grace and we were making our plates.

"Kee I heard you got a twin" Debbie said.

"I do"

"Where she at??"

As soon as Debbie said that Teyana walked into the dining room. She put the bags she had down and went and said hi to mom and pops.

Me and her spoke and she also spoke to Paco and gladly he spoke back. As soon as everybody noticed her all you heard were forks hitting the plates.

"Oh my fvcking god! Y'all look exactly alike" Angie said.

"Mom it can't be" Darri said.

"Yea it is Darri"

"They look just alike though. Its crazy"

"That's what I said. But I can tell my girls apart my mom said sounding happy.

My mom stood up, "ard y'all this is Teyana. I know y'all already knew about her from the past and the story that she died but that wasn't true. We just found out that she never died and the doctors gave us false information. She's been living with a family all her life and finally came to reach out to us. She is younger than Kee by one minute and I want y'all to welcome her to the family."

"Teyana that's, ya sister Mina, Angie her husband Jihad, Darri and her fiancé Richard, your brother Marcus of course you know Kee and Paco and that's ya sister in law Debbie she Zoey and them mom."

"Heyy y'all"

"Heyy Teyana" everybody spoke back in unison for some reason. Well everybody but Debbie, I just kept seeing Debbie grit on Tee. That's only because she know the full story of us meeting Tee and she's just over protective.

After the odd lighted up everybody conversated with each other talking about anything.

After we ate and cleared the table my pops brought out the chocolate cake that my mom made. Her desserts be so fvcking good.

While we were in the middle of eating Marcus stood up to make an announcement.

"Y'all I gotta tell y'all something."

We all quieted down so we could here what he has to say.

"Ard first I wanna say, Welcome to the family Teyana. And second I wanna let y'all know something so y'all won't be caught by surprise in the future."

"What are you talking about" my mom asked.

"Y'all I have cancer and it hasn't spread yet but it can go either way--"

"What the fvck Marcus!! You just now telling us this shyt I know you been knew. You wasn't going to say nothing to no fvcking body. You know what bye"

I got up and left the house hopping into my car. I pulled off so nobody could come outside and try and talk to me.

After crying for a little I called Tyrone.


Ty: "Yo"

Me: "Ty I need you to do me a favor"

Ty: "What is it babymom"

Me: "I need you to go get Taj mom and bring her to the trap"

Ty: "ard imma call you when she there"

Me: "ard one"


Killa coming back bytches.

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