Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️

By sambertsspie

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C O M P L E T E D "I can't even explain this feeling. This surreal happiness overload. It's just... Wow." -Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Authors Note : The end?
Guys look what i found

Chapter 48

650 25 4
By sambertsspie

I woke up and stretched out my arms and legs. Only did I not remember to hold onto the branch that I was on. I almost fell off but I regained my balance quickly. Carefully I slid down the tree trunk and landed in the soft grass. I walked toward the clearing and the sun was just coming up. I couldn't see the sunrise at all because of the trees but I could watch as the sky slowly changed from a deep navy blue to a brighter, happier blue.

Being out in the wilderness is great at times. It makes you forget the things that really aren't needed in your life. But the best way to enjoy the outdoors is with your love ones, the people that mean a lot to you. For me it's that guy that I've been obsessed with for a long time. If only he was here.

I sit down on the grass even though the morning dew makes my clothes damp. I would lay down but I don't need to be drenched. All I do is stare at the sky but someone catches my attention.

"A little birdie told me you would be here," a familiar voice says behind me. I jump up and spin around on my heel as a smile grows on my face. Before I know it I'm running to him.

When I reach him he picks me up and twirls around. Once he sets me down I lean my head on his chest in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much," I tell him. I did. I missed him so fucking much that it was almost unbearable. I haven't seen him for more than a month. In my mind that seems pitiful. I've gone more than a year without seeing my mother and I was fine. But with Adam... It was different.

"I missed you too." He pulls me in closer and puts his chin on my head.

This feeling is so important. When I'm in his arms I feel... Safe. I've said it before but he's my force field. He's my white blood that protects me from the viruses of this cruel and menacing world.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks as he pulls away, leaving his hands on my waist.

"Tell you what?"

"Oh you know, how your father is chasing you down. How Neil found you. How you were going to sleep in a tree."

"I didn't want to worry you. I knew that if I told you any of this you come to my aid and we'd get caught by the paparazzi again." I tell him truthfully.

"Okay. Just please call me the next time you plan on sleeping on a damn tree branch," He laughs. I just smile at him in a daze.

"Let's go back to my house so you can get some better sleep." He turns around but keeps one hand wrapped on my side. With a gentle push he gets me moving through the trees.

We eventually make it up the hill and into a nearby parking lot. I search the area for his car but I don't see it.

Adam notices my confusion and points to a red car to our left. I can see a silhouette of someone sitting inside of the vehicle. Once we get close I recognize who it is but his look surprises me.

Tommy's face was covered with hair.
He had a full on beard and it made him look so different. It made him handsomer. The new facial hair gave him more of an edge that he didn't have before.

Adam leaves my side and opens the passenger door for me. I give a small thanks as I sit down next to Tommy. Adam sits in the seat behind me.

"I like the beard Thomas," I tell him.

"Thanks. It's a result if not giving a shit for about a month. I'll probably shave it off tonight because it's getting itchy."

"Don't shave it. It makes you look handsome."

"Oh, well I guess Mr.Beard is here to say," he says with a smirk.

He starts up the engine and begins to drive to Adam's home. Once we get there I've heard many stories of Tommy's road trip experiences with Adam. Apparently one time the band left Adam at a pit stop because he was taking too long. Tommy and I thought the story was hilarious but Adam didn't feel the same.

By the time we reached Adam's house it was 7:30 in the morning. Normally I would just go to my room and sleep but today I felt inspired. I wanted to stay up and use this day to the fullest. The reason why I was so energized after a night of sleep in a tree was beyond me.

"Hey Tommy, thanks for the ride. I appreciate it," Adam says.

"Your welcome and if you ever need company again just text me and I'll come over," Tommy tells Adam. Company..?

"Hey Tommy, you should stay a little longer." I say as a plan forms in my head.

"Hey Skyler, you should get some sleep." He laughs.

"Ok. You and Adam can hang out while I take a nap." I'm not taking a nap.

"Nah I think I've had enough of Adam. I've been in the same house for almost a month."

"Shut the fuck up!" Adam yells at him embarrassed.

Has Tommy been here to keep Adam company?

"C'mon Tommy! You'll get to hang out with the cool kids!" I beg him.

"Fine." He rolls his eyes and holds back a smile.

My inner child starts to cheer. I run up to the front doors of Adam's house and wait for him to unlock it.

"Why are you so happy? You slept in a tree last night." Adam scowls at me.

"Why are you so grumpy? You didn't sleep in a tree last night." I reply. The fuck is wrong with you?

Adam shrugs his shoulders as he unlocks the door. I head to my room
and change clothes. I'm still in my sisters clothes from yesterday. Once I get them on I realize that I should probably take a shower considering I spent a night in the wilderness. I peek out my door and find Tommy and Adam chatting at the dining room table.

I take the shower and get back in my new clothes. I walk out of my room and can't find Adam or Tommy. Then I hear loud laughter coming from downstairs. I head down the stairs and walk into the gym room.

Tommy's lying on the weight bench barely holding up the bar. Adam stands behind him to make sure he doesn't smash his face in.

"THOMAS JOSEPH RATLIFF! LIFT THOSE WEIGHTS!" Adam yells in a sergeant voice.

"It's too heavy!" Tommy laughs. His arms are shaking but he's still pushing the weights up.


"Yeah asshole!"

"Boys be nice to each other!" I yell at them.

"Yes ma'am," they say simultaneously. Adam grabs the bar and helps Tommy place it in the right spot. Adam looks up at me and gives me a pouty face.

"Sorry Addy, we just don't want to hurt our little Tommy." I say to him like he's a little kid.

"Excuse me, I am not a child. In fact I am the oldest person in this room!" Tommy informs us.

"Whatever old man," I joke with him. "Anyways... I think we should all do something today."

"Okay like what?" Adam asks.

"I think we should go down to the Fun Festival today!" I tell them.

Adam and Tommy look at each other to see who agrees first.

"Well... I guess we could but we are still hiding from the paps," Adam states.

"I have nothing to do today but it's only," Tommy takes out his phone,"8:20. I kinda doubt that anything will be open this early."

"Okay we can find something to do until 1:00 in the afternoon. By then I'm sure there will be fun things open at the festival cause ya know... It's called the Fun Festival." I suggest.

Adam verbally agrees and Tommy just nods his head. This is gonna be an adventure filled day.

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