Mira Gilbert: TVD Fanfic

By BiancaEvans2

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I know I've done a story where Elena has an identical twin before. But I just couldn't get this idea out o my... More

Telling Matt
Telling Bonnie
Caroline's New Boyfriend
Ultrasound and Telling the Family
Founders Ball
Vampires Are Real
Sexy Suds Car Wash
Elena Knows the Truth
Next 10 Weeks
Studying with Jeremy
50s Dance
Family Night
Elena is Missing
Bachelor Auction
Elena's Double Date
Stefan is a Hostage
Birth of Grayson
Uncle John Meets Grayson
Miss Mystic Falls Competition
Blood Brothers
Meeting Isobel
John's Our Father
Mayor's Wake
Carnival Night
Next Nine Days
Chicken Pox
Where's Elena?
Story of Katerina Petrova
Man in a Suit
Meeting Elijah
Confronting Elena
John's Return
Historical Tea Party
Dinner Party
Caroline Reunites with Matt
Isobel's Return
Klaus' Curse
Last Day
Life for a Life
Damon's Dying?
Shared Birthday
Klaus' Return
Return Home
Klaus' Family Missing
Next 3 Episodes
Mikaelson Ball
Sired and Linked

60s Dance

1K 46 0
By BiancaEvans2

Mira's POV

So I'm going to school today. Since Jenna wasn't around to baby sit. Liz agreed to babysit Grey for the morning. I'd then come over to help Care get ready for the dance tonight. Which I will not be going too.  As I want to spend as much time as possible with my son. Care's not happy about it, but understands. However, made me promise to come to the next decade dance. Which I agreed to, praying an excuse would come up so I won't have to go. But that's ages away.

Anyway, I am looking at my hair in contemplation. "Can't decide on a hair do?" Elena asks me.

"I was contemplating cutting it actually" I tell her. "I feel like a change" I state.

"You could dye your hair" she suggests.

"Maybe, but a problem for another day" I tell her. I put my hair into a messy bun. We head downstairs as Bonnie lets to lawyer in. I take my little boy as Elena starts to sign the papers.

"So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?" Bonnie asks Elena.

"For now. As sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean" Elena tells her.

"Can we please keep Damon out?" I ask teasingly. We all giggle.

"Your guys own personal safe house" Bonnie states.

"That's the idea" Elena tells her.

"I'll also spend time at Matt's as only Care and Stefan have been invited in there" I state.

"Wouldn't want to clean it?" Bonnie asks and we all laugh. Elena finishes signing the forms. She leads the lawyer out leaving Bonnie and I with Gray. "So who is looking after this little cutie today?" she asks me.

"Liz is actually, I'm dropping him off and collecting Caroline" I tell her.

"That's nice of her" she states.

"She understands the difficulty and is Jenna's friend. I trust Liz with my life, which means I trust her with Gray's" I state. As Elena appears with the Salvatores. "I thought we agreed to kick Damon out?" I ask teasingly.

"Ha ha" he says as he heads over to his bourbon.  Bonnie hands Elena her jacket as I grab my car keys.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Stefan asks.

"School" Elena and I say.

"No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you three to leave it" Damon tells us.

"I told you I'd only be spending half the time here and other half at Matt's" I remind him.

"But, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that" Stefan reminds us.

"Right. But where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner" Elena tells them.

"Nor will Gray and I be prisoners" I add.

"Your way Elena, Mira" Damon grumbles.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him" Bonnie assures them.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that we can be. Come on" Elena tells us. We leave and Stefan joins us. I drove to Care's and dropped Gray off. Assuring Liz I'd be back at lunch time. Before taking Care and I to school early to help preparations for the dance before our first class of the day.

(Forbes house) Third Persons POV

Matt knocks on the door and Liz opens it while holding Gray. " Caroline left early for school" she tells him.

"I know. I came to see you" he states and walks in. "Why's my son here?" he asks taking him into his arms.

"Mira dropped him off, I'm baby sitting him for the morning" Liz states. "Now why are you here Matt?" she asks.

"I don't know what to do. What to say, how to act around her, especially with Gray around" Matt stresses.

"You can't let on that you know" Liz tells him.

"She wants me to take her to the dance tonight. What am I supposed to do?" he asks her.

"Take her to the dance" Liz tells him matter of factly.

"I'll never get away with it. She knows me too well, she'll figure it out" Matt tells her.

"Damn it, Matt, just do it. She's my daughter. She's my baby. I just, I need some time" Liz stresses.

"I know, but..." he starts to say.

"Look, if what Caroline told you is true, she's not the only one. The Salvatores are vampires. The Gilbert family is in on it, including Mira. Tyler Lockwood is God knows what" she rants.

"A werewolf" Matt states.

"There's no one in this town I can trust. I just need to take a beat and figure out what to do" she tells him.

"That'll never fool her" Matt tells her.

"Yes, you will. As far as she knows, you don't remember anything. Buy me some time. Please, Matt" she pleads. He sighs in defeat. She takes Gray back, "now go to school" she tells him and he left.

(Mystic Falls High School) Mira's POV

I arrive late to history. "Sorry Ric" I say as I sit beside Elena. He looks at me shocked and looks between me & Elena. "Continue" I tell him and he continues talking about the sixties. Elena grabs my attention and shows me a poster for the dance tonight. I shake my head and start to take notes.

After class I went to collect Caroline and take her home. I feed Gray and put him down for a nap while Care showers. Then start to help her get ready for the dance. Soon her mum appears with a bag. "Oh good you got it" Care says with a smile.

"What?" I ask curious.

"Gift for you" she states. As Liz hands it to me. I look inside and frown. "You're coming to the dance with me and Matt" she tells me.

"Caroline, I can't I don't have a sitter" I tell her.

"Which is why I asked mum and she has kindly agreed to watch Gray tonight while you come to the dance" she states.

"But..." I try to protest.

"No buts, not start getting ready" she tells me.

"Don't worry Mira, I'll take good care of him" Liz assures me. And I sigh in defeat. Care squeals and hugs me. Liz leaves us and I start to get ready. Soon Care and I are ready. We head downstairs to see Matt and Liz waiting with a now awake Gray.

"Mr President" Care says.

"Hey" he says.

"You look good Matt" I tell him. Care tries to kiss him but he looks at Liz and goes back. Caroline laughs. "Don't mind us" I tell them as Care apologizes.

"Have fun" Liz tells us.

"We will" Care tells her.

"Call me if you have any issues" I tell her.

"I will" she assures me. We leave with Matt after I kiss Gray's cheek. Matt drives us to the school. When we enter the gym, we already see the dance in full swing.

"You've out done yourself Care" I state and she smiles. She drags Matt onto the dance floor. I go look for my sister and find her with Stefan.

"I thought you weren't coming" Elena says hugging me.

"I wasn't going to, but Caroline had other ideas" I tell her. "We match" I say teasingly.

"Aside from the colour and your necklace" she states.

"Aside from that" I agree.

"Who has Gray?" Stefan asks.

"Liz does, but I don't plan on staying long" I tell them. "Just long enough to appease Caroline" I state.

"So one dance" Elena says.

"Yep" I say and we laugh.

"Speaking of, may I have this dance?" Stefan asks Elena. Who agrees and they head out onto the dance floor. Damon and Ric join me.

"Hi Mira, didn't know you were coming" Damon states.

"Neither did I until about an hour ago" I tell him.

"Mira, care to dance?" Ric asks and I laugh.

"I don't think that'd be appropriate Mr Saltzman" I tell him. "But thanks for the offer" I say. "Anyway Damon..." I say and see he's gone.

"He's dancing with Elena" Ric states. I see Stefan with Caroline. Matt appears offering me his hand.

"I gotta go" I tell him taking Matt's hand. And we start to dance. "Care was right" I tell him as we dance.

"About what?" he asks.

"About getting me out of the house for the night" I state. "Besides I know Gray is safe with Liz, she'd never let any harm come to him" I add.

"What would harm our son?" Matt asks.

"Nothing, he is perfectly safe and so am I" I tell him. As the song ends. "But it's time I go releave Liz of baby sitting duty" I state.

"Need a lift?" he asks me.

"No I'll call a cab" I assure him as Care appears. "I'm going home" I tell her.

"You sure?" she asks.

"Yeah and I'll stay at the house tonight, give you two some alone time" I tell her. "But remember protection, Gray does not need a younger sibling" I tease.

"Mira!" Care whines and I laugh hugging her.

"I'll see you both soon, enjoy tonight" I tell them.

"Don't be a stranger" Matt tells me.

"I won't be" I assure him. "Family weekend?" I ask.

"Sounds great" he says with a smile. We hug and I leave the gym hiring a cab. As I walk I hear something and turn. But no one was there. When I turn to continue walking I see Ric and nearly have a heart attack.

"Don't scare me like that Ric" I tell him.

"Sorry Mira, where are you off too?" he asks.

"To see Liz and collect my son" I state.

"Your baby" he says.

"Yes my baby, you ok?" I ask him concerned.

"I'm fine, just had a lot on my mind recently" he tells me.

"My aunt?" I asks.

"Yeah, Jenna the whole Klaus thing" he states

"I'm sure you and Jenna will work things out. Besides Klaus isn't a problem yet" I tell him.

"You don't know?" he asks confused.

"Know what?" I ask.

"Klaus is in town, he compelled someone at school. It's why Damon is here, the others are planning on going after him tonight" he states. I look at him surprised. "Maybe I shouldn't of said anything" he says.

"No, I'm glad your told me" I assure him. "I'll have serious words with Elena tonight, she promised no more secrets" I state. "Thanks Ric, I'll see you around" I tell him and he nods his head. I go outside to see the cab and get in. It takes me to the Forbes residence.

"You're early" Liz says as she lets me in. "I just put him to bed" she states.

"Thanks Liz and thank you for taking care of him for me today" I tell her.

"I enjoyed it, he's welcome here anytime and so are you" she assures me. "Mira, do you remember that conversation we had when the Salvatores came to town?" she asks.

"About the vampires?" I ask.

"Yes, have you suspected anyone recently?" she asks.

"No, but I will let you know if I have any suspicions" I assure her.

"You're welcome to stay here tonight" she tells me.

"Thanks, but Elena and I need to have a serious talk tonight" I tell her. "I'll grab Gray and go" I add and she nods her head. I collect Gray and drive us to the Salvatore house. I put him to bed and have a shower. Before putting on my Pjs. I head downstairs with the baby monitor to see Elena on the laptop talking to Bonnie.

"There wasn't enough time for me to tell you" Bonnie states.

"It's okay, seriously. Damon explained it all" Elena tells her.

"Then how about you explain things to me" I state and she looks at me. "You assured me there'd be no more secrets. Then I find out Klaus is in town and you didn't tell me. What the hell is going on Elena?" I demand.

"I didn't want you to worry" she mutters.

"Elena, I can't protect Gray if I am out of the loop" I remind her. "So tell me what happened to day and don't leave anything out" I tell her. So Bonnie and her tell me the truth. Needless to say I was shocked when I found out Klaus is possessing Ric's body. "He knows there's two of us now" I mutter as Elena left to talk to Damon.

"We'll protect you both and Grayson" Bonnie assures me.

"My main priority is Gray, I don't care what happens to Elena and I. As long as my son is safe" I tell her. "Along with you" I add giving her a pointed look. "You are not dying for us Bonnie and that's final" I snap. Before ending the call.

There's only one thing to do. I get up and head for the cellar, where Elijah is. I enter the cell and kneel beside him. Then remove the dagger from his chest. I sit by the wall leaning against it and wait with the baby monitor beside me. Elena soon joins me and we wait for Elijah to wake.


Picture above of Elena with the 60s decade dance poster.

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