Sticks & Stones.


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✧・゚:*When the sword is drawn from the stone, hope blooms within the rebellion. But fates and destinies are f... More

Sticks & Stones


398 16 0

⚔︎ Bargains and Chains ⚔︎



"Be at the castle before dark if you wanna see the girl and the boy alive."

That had been the message left behind by Mischief John.

The remaining members of the rebellion were all sat in the war room. The silence was palpable, all of them waiting for Arthur to speak.

He sat at the head of the table, his face a mask of stone, his eyes locked upon the seat on the other side of the table, Renly's seat.

How were they supposed to do this without her?

How was he supposed to do this without her?

"We exchange the sword for the boy."

Everyone's heads snapped up at the sound of Margot's voice.

She was never present while they planned their missions, and she very rarely spoke up. Arthur suspected there was at least one person present who had never heard the mage girl speak.

"They would not have you enter the city with it anyway, so we use it as a bargaining tool."

She spoke calmly.

"Should we not bargain it for Renly then?"

Percival asked.

"If this is truly to be the final battle. Should we not get our finest fighter back?"

His voice was strained, he had lost many friends today.

Margot went to speak but Arthur beat her to it.

"She would never leave Blue behind."

He answered calmly.

There was an ache in his chest that would not go away.

Margot nodded in agreement with him.

Bedevere let out a growl, he stood up and threw one of the cups on the table at the wall violently.

Nobody moved or spoke for a moment, they just watched as the cup clattered to the ground, the liquid within it trickling down the wall.

"We recruit the people of Camelot, attack like we always planned."

Goosefat Bill said from his perch on one of the other tables.

"If we exchange the sword, we will lose our biggest advantage."

Bedevere growled out.

"And when we do not send Arthur..."

Another cup was thrown at the wall.

Goosefat stood and carefully approached his friend.



Bedevere growled out.

"She will not die."

Bedevere said firmly at his friend.

A flash of pain cut through Goosefat's usually stoic features.

"We were supposed to protect her from it!"

Bedevere yelled at his friend.

"We swore-"

"What do we do then?"

Goosefat asked, his eyes wild.

"How do we save her?"

"You send me."

Arthur's voice cut through the room.

He had been silent since Mischief John had left.

His mind had been reeling, his heart beating in an unsteady rhythm.

There had been a panicked fog that had clouded his mind but the moment Bedevere had mentioned Renly's death it had all become crystal clear.

"We exchange the sword for Blue, then I will join it."

He directed his words towards Margot who perked up slightly.

A plan was forming.


Goosefat began but at the deadly glare he received from the true-born king he decided it was best to shut his mouth.

"If we can somehow get the upper hand inside, I might be able to get to the sword and fight from within the palace."

And save Renly.

"Can you handle that?"

He asked the Mage girl.

"I can do that."

She confirmed.

Renly was sat in the throne room.

Her hands and feet were shackled and her mind was spinning.

She had stopped spitting out blood and her balance had returned slightly but she had not yet fully recovered from the blow to her head that had incapacitated her.

The stab wound in her shoulder had been patched up, the king had not wanted her to die just yet.

Speaking of the king, he had been walking around the throne room rambling and eating, celebrating his defeat of Arthur Pendragon.

Far too early in Renly's opinion.

It almost made her laugh, the arrogance of the pretender king.

"You see, I was quite impressed when I learned of your resume, my dear Renly."

He spoke in a condescending voice as he approached her. Had her chains not been chained to the floor the girl would have killed him hours ago.

She was standing calmly, trying not to sway. Her head was held high and her eyes were lit with a murderous fire.

She still did not know where Blue was and it terrified her.

She had not yet let her mind linger on the dead they had left behind in the caves.

She could mourn the dead when she was safe, or dead herself.

"Quite a lot of trouble you've stirred up during your lifetime."

"I had a good motivation."

She spoke, casually shrugging.

She refused to show him any emotions. He was not worthy of having her react to his taunts.


He asked raising one brow playfully, mockingly.

Renly snorted.

The Blacklegs in the room shifted slightly at the reaction and Vortigern immediately straightened.

"No, boredom. Do not get me wrong there was something incredibly satisfying about pulling one over on you again and again."

She spoke casually.

Vortigern sneered.

"Making trouble for the false king... Quite a nice way to pass the time as we waited for the true-born heir to emerge."

She grinned.

Vortigern looked like he might hit her.

Her grin widened.

"Go on..."

She said stepping forward as far as her chains would allow.

"Strike me down. I suspect being unconscious is better than listening to your rambles. You're not a very interesting man, are you?"

She taunted.

"Take away the crown and the magic and all you are is just a pathetic little man filled with an ambition to own something that does not belong to you."

Vortigern took a large step towards her raising his hand.

Renly acted quickly, she grabbed his hand before it made contact with her face and pulled him towards her, she brought her knee up harshly in between his leg.

Blacklegs from all angles approached and she immediately released the false king and stepped back with her arms raised.

"Sorry, instinct."

She said grinning.

One of the Blacklegs smacked her hard across the face.

She would have fallen had she not been prepared for the blow.

Stars scattered across her vision but kneeing Vortigern in between the legs had been worth it.

She watched as the false king straightened throwing off helping hands, a scowl edged into his face.

He stared at her, his eyes studying her closely.

"Were you disappointed?"

He asked turning around and pouring himself a glass of wine.

Renly did not do him the satisfaction of asking.

"When you met him. Your 'true born king'."

He clarified. The words were mocking as he took a large sip from his glass.

"Realising that you were putting all your faith into a thug from the streets of Londinium."

Renly chuckled.

She remembered the conversation with Arthur all those months ago.

God, it felt like a lifetime ago.

"All kings are thugs Vortigern."

She said casually.

"It's just a matter of which ones are actually worthy of a throne."

Vortigern gritted his teeth.

"Did you ever consider it?"

She asked.

When she did not elaborate he was forced to ask.

"Consider what?"

He gritted out.

She smiled.

"That you were simply not meant for the throne."

She answered simply.

"It belongs to me."

He grumbled.

"Does it?"

She asked raising a challenging brow.

The doors opened interrupting the conversation. Renly straightened.

A Blackleg approached the false king, whispering information into his ear.

Vortigern grinned.

He motioned for the Blackleg to leave.

"Bring him up."

He ordered before turning back to Renly.

"It seems, I will get to keep it either way."

He said triumphantly.

Her heart began to beat faster.

She did not let the fear, no, it was terror she felt show.

He was not that stupid.

She assured herself.

He knew better.

He had a plan.

"We'll see."

She said shrugging.

The doors at the back of the room opened abruptly, a Blackleg entered dragging a struggling Blue with him by the back of his shirt.


Renly breathed out.

At the sound of her voice, the boy stopped struggling.

His eyes snapped around the room until he finally found her.

He winced and Renly had to hold back a chuckle, she no doubt looked like hell.

"Did they hurt you?"

She asked glaring at the Blackleg that was still dragging him further into the room.

It was too late for her to act indifferent. The way she had fought to protect the boy when they had been taken had no doubt already told Vortigern all he needed to know about her affection for the boy.

Blue shook his head firmly.

"Looks like they hurt you."

He said wincing.

Renly shrugged.

"I've had worse."

"A deal has been struck."

Vortigern spoke up interrupting their reunion.

Blue glared with a ferocity that looked like it could set a man ablaze as he stared at the man who'd killed his father.

Blue lunged but could not escape the firm grip of the Blackleg that held him in place.

"The boy for the magic sword."

He said towards Renly, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"I do believe I am getting the better end of the bargain."

Renly did not let herself react.

She had to trust her crew.

She let the relief at the thought of Blue getting out of the crosshairs fill her.

The doors opened and Bedevere stepped inside the throne room.

He was led by Blacklegs on either side of him.

Renly did not know whether to be relieved at the sight of him or terrified.

One of the Blacklegs stepped forward carrying the sword over to Vortigern and setting it down on the table before him.

Vortigern put down the piece of bread he had been eating and approached it.

He pulled out the blade from its sheath examining it.

"So where is he?"

He asked Bedevere impatiently.

Renly straightened.

She wanted to know this too.

"He's a day's ride from here. As soon as the boy is safe he will come. He poses no threat to you without the sword."

Bedevere said.

Not true.

Vortigern nodded.

"Tomorrow, I don't have to remind you of what will happen if he doesn't come. I'll start with the girl. Now take the boy and go."

The false king ordered.

Bedevere swallowed but nodded nonetheless.

"What about Ren?"

Blue asked indignantly.

"She is to remain here."

Vortigern said with a smile on his face.

Blue's head shook violently.

He opened his mouth to protest.


Renly said, her voice firm her eyes hard.

"Go with Bedevere."

It was an order.

One to be followed without question.

Blue let his head hang down slightly in defeat.

Renly turned to Bedevere.

They always could speak without words and what she was telling him was clear.

I love you.


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