Woke Up In A New Decade

By Angelodude

2.5K 11 19

Astrid Hoffmann was born in West Germany. It was 1987 and she was helping people get past the wall until the... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight

Chapter Forty Nine

15 0 0
By Angelodude

PICTURE: from left to right: Officer Rodionov, Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna/Nikolajevna, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna/Nikolajevna, Tsar Nicholas II/Nicholas Alexandrovich/Aleksandrovich, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna/Nikolajevna,

Me and Edward were on a walk. Yes your eyes aren't broken and you aren't going blind, I was currently walking with Edward on the beach as multiple officers and ladies in waiting chaperone us. I feel the warm breeze as it's finally nice to have my hair up again. Last time I wore it up was in 1987. I wonder what my birthday with Auntie would be like? I shake those thought away as I feel eyes on me. I turn to look to Edward, but he wasn't looking at me. He was just really flushed. I turn to look back to see all my sisters, Caoimhe, Cian who was face palming and Terrence who was visibly annoyed at me.

I saw Olga speaking to Mama. I wonder what that was about? "You look very beautiful today Miss Astya." Edward flushes. I blushed at his flirtation. Stupid play boys. "Thank you." This was perfect, he is another key to saving my family! It was great but still Terrence looked nervous. "You enjoy the ocean water?" He asked me. I looked out to the beautiful ocean, as if it would help my answer. The waves collided with the sand. "Sometimes, I do enjoy it sometimes I just want to bathe in the warm sun." I replied.

"I don't get to do much of that, father always expects something from us. It's just stupid." Edward sighed. "Well, I'm sure you will have time one day." I replied to him. I sounded absolutely stupid. Have time one day? It sounds like I don't even want to spend time with him. God why am I so bad at this? "I hope so." He smiles at me. "Astya!" Maria runs up to us as Tatiana followed her. "Mama wants to speak with you."

"Excuse me." I said to him and he smiled at me but he seemed to be smitten with Tatiana as well as they dove into a conversation. I followed Marie to the tent that my mama is sitting in the shade with Anna and Olga by her side. "Come sit with us darling or else you'll get sunburnt and you won't look pretty." My mama commanded. I sit next to Olga, she has a hidden look in her face. "How is Edward?" Mama asked me. "He is nice." I replied rather dully.

"You can be the Queen of England! Astrid Queen of England." Maria said rather excitedly. "Or Tatiana can be." Anastasia snickered as she sips on her tea, Tatiana laughs with Edward with the young British and Russian officers surrounding the perimeter around them, giving jealous glances to the two. I look back to Nastenka and shrugged. "Anastasia!" Maria gasped at her comment and Mama gave her a not very happy look. Olga stayed quiet, sipping her tea as she observed them carefully. "Tatiana won't marry him." She stated, as if it was to be a fact. And she knew it.

"How do you know that, Olga?" I question her carefully. "She doesn't like him, only Edward really does like her. If he tried to propose she would refuse, and plus she wouldn't want to go that far away from family. She won't do it." Olga tells me confidently. "But Olya, doesn't love conquer all?" I asked her. Maria looked back and forth to us. Staying quiet, obviously not wanting to invade on this debate or end up in the middle of the crossfire. Olga opened her mouth but didn't say anything, "Of course it does, the love and devotion and dedication to Christ will conquer all." Mama cut in to our debate. Olga shut her mouth and went to drink her tea.

"Astya, walk with me." Olga said while placing her tea cup down and standing up from her chair. "Umm.. okay?" I shrugged while also standing up. "Don't walk too far you two." Mama warns us. I follow Olga as there are officers surrounding every little corner of the beach area, keeping an eye on us. "Are you interested in Edward?" She asked me out of the blue. "He umm, seems nice." I say again. "You surely can't be thinking about marrying him, right?" She looked to me, worried.

"Why would that be an issue, Olya? It could save us." I asked her. "You can't marry him, you are so young and still maturing." Olga made up excuses. "Olga you are two years older than me." I folded my arms as we continued to walk. "Two years wiser." She lectures, i rolled my eyes. "How do you expect me to save us then?" I asked her. "You won't." She said. "What?" I was feeling very confused. "I will." She stated. "How do you plan on doing it? The prophecy literally says the third daughter, that's me." I said.

"You just have to tell me everything you know and I will figure it out." She said. "But you weren't chosen." I face her as we both stop walking. "This isn't like one of our sewing projects where you can take over when I make mistakes." I told her. Olga looked surprised at my words, she took a step backwards. "Astrid, you aren't listening I-" she stutters but I cut her off completely. "No! This is my fate! My job! Stop trying to control everything! Cian and Caoimhe wouldn't because they understand prophecies! You don't so stop acting so smart!" I yelled angrily to her. Olga stood still as frozen as a statue as I walked away, how dare she? Trying to control everything!

I walked back to the tent, not caring for stupid Edward as he is occupied with Tatiana. I walked past Terrence and Cian who were still throwing berries in their mouths and talking. "Mama, I don't feel well. Can I go home?" I ask her. "What do you mean, darling? You seemed fine not too long ago. Don't be silly!" She said. I feel like throwing up, I'm light headed and my face was red. I felt everything that I ate going up. I ran out of the tent and fell over next to Cian, in a bush and threw up. "Hey. Are you okay?" Terrence muttered. Mila and Lili went after me worriedly and watched as Terence and Cian carefully stand up without stepping in my sick. "Your grace, she is quite ill." Lili called to Mama worriedly. "Take her back to the palace, Lili." I hear mama say as I continue to throw up. I briefly saw Zander and Valentina chasing a soldier. I clutched my stomach as Lili helped me get out of the beach and into a carriage.

I layed down in the carriage , huddling myself, as Mila got in next to me. I felt the carriage begin to move as we slowly made our way back to the palace. Mila comforted me as best as she could as I felt sick. We soon arrived to the palace and Ekaterina, (a nurse from chapter 1) took me to the sick room as my urge of throwing up continues. A bowl was handed to me as I took it and vomited into the bowl. I hated this so much.

I was put in bed and fell asleep. A few hours later, I woke up and I decided to write. Mila is sleeping in the chair next to me and Cian is sleeping in the corner of the room with Caoimhe. I take out the small notebook that I carried with me and whistled. Mila did not move but Cian and Caoimhe woke. Then they pulled up chairs next to me and we began to brainstorm, how could we save them? Caoimhe had no clue. I looked out the window, just a bunch of guards in fancy uniforms. "Yes!" Cian whispered. He had an idea, he scribbled it down and I smirked. This would work! This is the plan, the perfect plan, dangerous but perfect. Now I just needed to be on good terms with Olga.

I look to my side to see Mila shifting in her sleep. Caoimhe threw me down so I would seem like I had just woken up. I then pretended to wake up. "How are you feeling, Astya Nikolaevna?" She asked me as she stood up to pour me more tea. "Yes, I think it was some Gastroenteritis (stomach bug) but I don't feel ill anymore."I told her, she smiled. "That's wonderful." She carefully handed me the tea. "Thank you." I took a small sip from the cup.

"Is my family back home?" I asked nobody in particular. "Yes, they checked on you when you were asleep." Cian was the one that replied. "Alright, thanks." I smiled and sipped my tea. Mila stood up and opened the door to let a footman know to tell Mama that I was awake. I stare up at the ceiling, wondering what my life during the revolution would be like, how bad the conditions would be. "Any dreams?" Mila asked me out of the blue. "No." I replied. I felt really hungry. "Wow! I'm surprised! You were sleeping for so long I would have thought-" Mila's rambling was cut off when the door was flung open and Mama rushed in. Mila stood up and bowed. Cian bowed and Caoimhe did too. Mama looked to me worriedly, "My darling, how are you feeling?" She asked me with concern as she petted my head.

"I am fine, Mama. It went away. I feel better." I told her. "My poor little Astriya, your sisters were worried sick, especially Olyushka." Mama says as I realised that Olga was standing at the door. Staring at me. "Mama, really. I am fine. I do not need any doctors!" I tell her. "Mila, go fetch the thermometer and check her temperature." Mama ordered. Mila bowed and ran off to go and fetch the thermometer. "Mama, I just drank tea." I tell her. "We shall wait then." She coolly replied. The doors opened and there stood Ophelia, I hadn't seen her for a while. Her hair was longer and she was more mature, still obsessed with Rasputin though. "Your grace, the Tsar request your presence immediately." She informed Mama. "I'll be back." Mama said as she followed Ophelia. My eyes looked to Olga. She hasn't moved since she was there.

I stayed silent, pretending not to care for her and instead look to Cian who had fallen asleep with Caoimhe busy drawing. Her shoes hit the floor making little clicks as she slowly made her way from across the room over to my side. She was breathing heavily as she stopped moving next to me, she moved her hair out of her face and looked sadly to me. "Astriya. I'm.. sorry. I'm sorry." She whispered. I didn't look at her. "I'm.... Sorry too." I whispered back. "Are you.. mad at me?" She whispered. "No," I looked to her. "We will save the family, all together. Me, you, Ci, Cao, Valentina and Zander. We will save this family from their execution. Together." I smiled to her. "We are in this together. We are a sort of.. gang I suppose. We will do this together. All of us until the end."

:)) e

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