~{Entangled}~ (FNaF)

By 0Burnt-Noodles0

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This is background on Michael and Ennard's growing relationship- "Fate Is No Friend" Has parts that contribut... More

Chapter I: Wake up
Chapter II: Late Night Visiter
Chapter III: Sleep
Chapter IV: Difficulties
Chapter V: Trial Run
Chapter VI: Exotic Butters
Chapter VII: Human
Chapter VIII: No More Movies
Chapter IX: Down The Stairs
Chapter XI: Bad Soup
Chapter XII: Acting Weird
Chapter XIII: Kill Code
Chapter XIV: Cuddles
Chapter XV: Trust
Chapter XVI: Flynn
Chapter XVII: 2003
Chapter XVIII: Voices
Chapter XIX: Family
Chapter XX: Family Reunion
Chapter XXI: Burn Together
Chapter XXII: Back Again
Chapter XXIII: Unhinged
Chapter XXIV: Him
Chapter XXV: You Won't Kill Me
Chapter XXVI: Not The Same
Chapter XXVII: A Slip Up
Chapter XXVIII: Old Friend
Chapter XXIX: Public
Chapter XXX: Reading
Ch. XXXI: Gardening and Uniform
Ch. XXXII: Moving and Gray
A/N: Major TimeSkip
Ch. XXXIII: Confessions
Ch. XXXIV: Relations
Ch. XXXV: New Roomate
❤Valentine's Day Special❤
Ch. XXXVI: Father and Son
Ch. XXXVII: Lovers
Ch. XXXVIII: Killer
Ch. XXXIX: Bath Time
Ch. XXXX: Walking
Ch. XXXXI: Raine
Ch. XXXXII: Bad Thoughts

Chapter X: Bad Choice

51 2 2
By 0Burnt-Noodles0

(Still the same day as the last chapter-)

>Micheal's POV<

   I finished talking to Flynn, and looked at Ennard. "Why the hell would you do that-?!" He looked back at me. "To get your attention, of course- And to also get rid of the annoying thing-" I glared at him a bit. "Ennard, I don't have the money to replace that right now-!!" I put the phone back on the dock, and looked down the stairs.

   Pieces of microwave were scattered all over the ground. "Great- Now the path to the basement is blocked. You're going to have to clean that up, Enn." "What- noo-. I don't like it down there-!" "Enn. I have to go get ready. You know what- fine. I'll ask Flynn to do it when he gets here." He stared at me.

   "What." "Flynn is coming to house sit for me-" "Will you be here?" "No, I have an interview-" "Can I come with?" "No, I can't bring you with me, Ennard. (I wish I could tbh-) I'll make sure to have some food for you if you get hungry." I started walking to my room, and he followed me.

   "Do I have to interact with him?" "No, you don't. But if you're going out of your room or out of the vents, I need you to be in your human form so that you don't blow our cover- The last thing I need is for the cops to come."

   "Who to come?" "I'll explain later, just please listen- Also- I guess this could be good practice on how to act like a human- So give it all you got, okay-?" He nods a bit. I open the door and glance back at him. I sigh a bit, and open my arms towards him. He looks up at me and tilts his head.

   I laugh a bit. "Hug-?" He smiles and quickly hugs me. I guess he's more comfortable, because 3 days ago he wouldn't even let me poke him- I smile, and fix his hair a bit. I should probably wash the face paint out of his hair- "Alright, then- I need to go get ready, and then I'll make you some food, okay-?" He nods again, and lets go, then runs down the hallway. I smiled as I watched him run down.

45 minutes later . . . (4:45 p.m.)

   I had gotten ready, and was currently making dinner, when there was a knock at the door. I looked up from the stove. Ennard was standing next to me, watching me cook. "I think that's Flynn- Could you continue to stir it for me so it doesn't burn-?" I looked over at Ennard. He smiled and nodded. "Mhm!!!"

   I handed him the laddle, and gave him a gentle hug, then walked over to the front door. As I opened the door, I saw Flynn. He had a book in his hand, and he looked at me. "Hey-" I let him. "Hi Flynn- Again, sorry for the short notice-" He laughed a bit "It's no problem really- Is Jhon still at that camp?" I closed the door behind him, and sat down next to him on the couch.

   "Yeah- But he's coming home earlier than what was scheduled." "What, why-?" "A little girl went missing from the camp area, and they still haven't found her-." I sighed a bit. "I feel lucky that it wasn't Jhon, but horrible for the parents of the girl-."

   "Damn-.. They should have sent the rest of the kids home the day she was noticed missing-!" "They couldn't-. There was a bus shortage. He'll be here tomorrow, though-" "That's good- Could I possibly meet your roommate-?" I glanced over at the kitchen.

   "Eh- Nah- He's not really a people person-" "But he's living in the same house as two other people-?" "It's complicated-." Something's burning.. "Mkay, then." "Benedict-!!! It's burning-!!!!!!" Ennard rushed out of the kitchen, holding his hand.

   OH GOD- I quickly got up and walked to the kitchen, and turned off the stove. Flynn had followed with the fire extinguisher, and extinguished the food. I sighed after the food came into sight. "Dang it-.. Enn-?"

   Flynn set the exinguisher down. Ennard hesitantly walked over to me with his hand behind his back. I knew it was hurt from the way he was holding it earlier. I had a couple minutes to spare since thw interview was at 5:10. I gently grabbed Ennard's arm, and looked at Flynn. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back- Enn meet Flynn, Flynn meet Enn-" I then took Ennard to the bathroom.

   I closed the door behind us, and had Ennard sit on the edge of the bathtub. "Let me see it, Ennard-." "See what-?" "Your hand-" "My hand is fine-!" "No, it's not, stop lying to me." He groaned a bit, and hesitantly showed me his hand. It was burned, and it looked like it hurt severely. I got some bandages and some aloe vera.

5 minutes later . . . (4:57 p.m.)

   "There you go-" I smiled a bit. "That should help- I need to get going now-" As soon as I stood up, he hugged me tightly. I laughed a bit, finding it cute. (Alright- I admit it-) I hugged him back gently. "What's this for?" I smiled. "Thank you-." "Anytime, Enn." He looked up at me, then hesitantly let go.

   "What happens if I accidently switch to my animatronic form-.?" "Do you want a way to prevent that?" He nods a bit. "Alright then." I push the knob on his band, and then turn it and let go. "There- That way it won't accidentaly get pressed."

   He nods again. I open the door, and leave the bathroom, and he follows behind me. I go over to the front door, walking past Flynn who's sitting on the couch. "Okay- I'm off- Please don't burn anything down okay-?" Flynn looks at me. "I'll make sure-" He laughs a bit. "Mkay-" I smile, and then walk out, and close the front door behind myself.

Chapter X: Conpleted

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