─ limitless ; jjk

By LivelyPotter

15.3K 1.3K 793

─ in which shy, introverted elena morgan meets jungkook jeon and his son. 2024 © LivelyPotter acade... More

─ 00. synopsis
─ 00. act one
─ 01. intimidating men
─ 02. twenty dollar bill
─ 03. surprise meetings
─ 04. vicious women
─ 05. caught
─ 06. dirty thoughts, innocent mind
─ 07. the book
─ 08. shocking revelations
─ 09. the distance between us
─ 10. limitless
─ 00. act two
─ 11. bruises
─ 12. broken
─ 13. ruined
─ 14. home and heartbreak
─ 15. mind, heart, and soul
─ 16. never like this
─ 18. whole
─ 19. this sucks
─ 20. i wish i could hate him
─ 00. act three
─ 21. string her up
─ 22. family is a choice
─ author's note
─ 23. special nickname
─ 24. mommy?
─ 25. the truth, at last
─ 26. sleepover?
─ 27. madly, obsessively, innocently, and captivatedly
─ 28. homeward bound
─ 29. together once more
─ 30. unconditionally devoted to her
─ 00. act four
─ 31. caught red handed
─ 32. elena's 'great' escape
─ 33. desperately seeking
─ 34. call me by my name
─ 35. bedtime stories
─ 36. late night conversations and confessions
─ 37. a goddess in disguise
─ 38. don't let the hard days win
─ 39. entirely hers, forever
─ 40. my love for you is limitless
─ 00. act five
─ 41. good girl
─ 42. smutty books, addicting lips, and dark promises
─ 43. not so innocent after all...oh crackers!
─ 44. don't worry about me
─ 45. no other comparison
─ 46. kayli made me do it!
─ 47. toy stores
─ 48. being outed by a six-year-old
─ 49. lost without you
─ 50. epilogue
─ limitless; a moment of reflection

─ 17. would i?

251 23 4
By LivelyPotter

─ 17. would i?



5 AM

Muffled moans and squeals erupted in Jungkook's bedroom early that morning.

"You feel so fucking good." Selene gasped.

Jungkook pressed his large palm firmly against Selene's gaped mouth and huffed – sweat trailing down his glistening chest as he thrusted into her core, as she clutched onto his silk bedsheets while on her hands and knees.

He needed her to keep quiet.

She had woken up at two in the morning and snuck inside Jungkook's bedroom, and finally, finally gotten what she had wanted for the past week.

Half asleep, Jungkook had allowed her into his bed as he woke up from another dream of Elena.

Another fantasy.

He allowed her to slide down onto his cock and ride him.

Slowly, he woke completely up and found himself disappointed when it wasn't his sweet girl that he was dreaming of using his body to pleasure herself.

Jungkook bit his lips tiredly as his hips continued their punishing rhythm - his head fell back in bliss, mind imagining long blond hair, milky freckled skin, and red bitten lips.

He'd been fucking her for the past three hours – with breaks in between.

He bit back a low groan as he felt her tighten around his cock, and prayed his parents or Dae wouldn't hear them.

Selene squeaked loudly against his palm as she tightened around his thick, throbbing shaft.

The guilt he was feeling was pushed into the back of his mind – as he chased his high for the third time that night. He needed this.

He needed to forget the heartache that he constantly felt – not knowing that the women he loved more than anything was going through something unimaginable that he couldn't possibly understand even if he tried. Right in this moment.

He paid no mind to Selene's moans, or her body jerking back and forth frantically as he moved faster, he paid no mind to the lights burning his tired eyes when his head tilted back to stare at the ceiling, and he paid no mind to the curtains that were opened, and the blinds pulled up – the blinds he had forgotten to pull down when he was cleaning them.

"Fuck..." his eyes squeezed tightly shut as his orgasm overwhelmed him, his abdomen tightened as relief overwhelmed his body.

Jungkook groaned lowly and panted as he released his load in the condom, clutching Selene's ass cheeks in his hands.

Slowly, he pulled out and paid no mind to Selene as she flopped back onto his bed – spent, as a smirk crawled across her lips.

He took the used condom off and tied it off, then he threw it in the trash can beside his bed.

He needed to change those sheets.

Maybe get a new bed while he was at it, he thought to himself as he peeked out his bedroom window.

Jungkook furrowed his brows, grabbing his underwear off the floor, eyes intently looking out the window, in the darkness of Sunny Vale court.

Jungkook swallowed hard.

He was slowly going mad.

"What's wrong?" Selene purred, bulging stomach and breasts out for anyone to see as she propped herself up on his headboard, unashamed.

Jungkook wiped himself clean and put on his boxers, refusing to look at her.

"Nothing." He grunted, eyes guilty looking down at his hands.

He regretted his actions.

He always regretting them.

Fuck! What would his sweet little Elena think of him?

...he knew she would probably be disgusted by him.

He wouldn't blame her, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

As he made his way to his bathroom for a shower to rid himself of Selene, Jungkook felt his heart speed up.

He could have sworn he saw the curtains swish closed in the Blackbourne house.

He hoped he was imagining things.

He fucking prayed he was.



After I had gotten the news that Dae was coming over, I didn't sleep a wink.

I stared up in the dark at my ceiling, blankets pulled up to my neck. My fingers hurt so much and that was another reason I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't move them.

It was a terrible feeling.

I was alone with only my destructive thoughts to keep me company.

I thought of Sang's worry for me, and I thought of Dae.

I decided I would spend tomorrow like I usually do.

In my bedroom, away from anyone.

That way I wouldn't bring anyone down with me.

I was better off alone nowadays, anyway.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I adjusted my hands, that were propped up on pillows on both sides of my body.

I rolled my eyes as my limbs screamed as I lifted my hands up. I was getting weaker as the days passed.

The lack of nutrition and water in my body took a toll, and I was merely a skeleton of who I used to be.

I winced, pulling myself up without the use of my hands and swung my legs over the bed. I slowly swayed to my feet, thankfully not feeling the bouts of dizziness I usually felt and paced around my room slowly.

I had no idea what time it was, but I knew it was late, or very early morning.

I haven't been keeping up with the time lately, if you hadn't already guessed.

Through my frilly, nearly sheer curtains, I could see a bright distant light that caused my brows to climb high on my forehead.

I slowly dragged my feet and debated whether or not to open them and snoop.

I had nothing better to do.

But after the last sight I had gotten while peeking out my window left me emotionally hurt, I was hesitant.

What would it hurt? The voice reminded me again of how I was slowly losing my mind.

I waited for five minutes in front of my window before my resolve crumbled; and I nudged the curtains to the side with my elbow.

My eyes scanned the darkened streets of Sunny Vale Court – wondering where that bright light had come from.

My brows furrowed, and I turned my head to look up at the only two houses left on the street; Old Mrs. Crane's house...and Mister Jeon's.

Since Mrs. Crane was moved into the nursing home a couple months back, there would be no reason for any lights to be on.

I turned my attention to Mister Jeon's house, and my eyes lit up – finally finding what I had been searching for before they dimmed within a heartbeat.

I stumbled back a tiny step – as the image of Mister Jeon and Selene engaging in sexual acts – right in front of an open window – was seared completely into my brain.

My eyes glazed over as the rest of my heart broke into a million tiny sharp pieces.

A hushed sob left my lips – and my feet tangled in my curtains. My arms swung through the air – as I panicked – falling onto the floor.

Instinctively, my arms shot out, trying to break my fall when my body collapsed onto my hands.

A quiet, agonized scream left my lips as my body weight pressed down onto my casted hands.

Pain like I had never known before pulsed throughout my body.

It was so sharp, so severe, that it made my head spin and bile rise in my throat.

I gagged – empty stomach heaving as I failed to throw up.

I laid there, face down on the floor with my hands trapped underneath me, reliving what I had seen through Mister Jeon's window.

So...he was sleeping with her after all, huh? The voice inside my head sneered a laugh, taking immense joy in my suffering. Poor, naïve little girl.

My eyes clenched shut.

What did I do to deserve this?

I cried harder.

"Shut up!" I nearly screamed, eyes wild and pained, "Please, leave me alone...." I gasped for air, "Please."

I had been counting the minutes and seconds as I waited, like Kota taught me to, unable to move, and the pain faded after an hour of counting.

It still hurt, really bad, but I could manage it.

I was tough, or at least I pretended to be.

By the time I was able to dry my tears, my face was red and swollen and rubbed raw by the carpet.

I continued to count.

Over and over, I counted to distract myself from the physical and emotional torture I was going through.

Who knew watching man I had feelings for...maybe love, sleeping with a women - who knew it would hurt so much?

Sunlight beamed brightly through my bedroom window – lighting up my bedroom, and I still didn't move.

My eyes glazed over and I stared lifelessly at the ground below me.


I continued to count as I heard my family waking up and getting ready for their day.


I still couldn't move; my mind wouldn't release me.

The image of Mister Jeon overtop of Selene would never leave me.


I knew it never would.


I didn't react as footsteps approached my bedroom – nor did I react when I heard North call down to my brother, saying he was bringing my breakfast and my antibiotics.


I didn't react when the door opened and the clashing sound of metal meeting the ground and glass breaking and scattering across the floor echoed loudly in my ears.


I watched, eyes blinking open and closed slowly as North's black boots pounded on the ground before his huge hands grasped me around my frail shoulders and pulled me up.


He shouted my name one – twice before I finally pulled myself to reality.

"Muffin," North called softly, blunt fingertips tapping my cheek as the sound of thundering footsteps raced to the room.

Vic's face crumpled into despair as he saw me, and he raced to my side, and fell onto his knees.

"El," He touched my cheek gently – it was then I finally realized the blood dripping off my cheek.

"She popped a couple stitches, Sean." He called worriedly.

Sang stifled a gasp as she fell onto the ground next to me and brought my small body onto her lap.

"She was laying on her hands – no, I don't know how it happened." North huffed, worrying as he looked down at me.

Sean grasped my face in his hands and forced me to meet his eyes.
He clenched his jaw and smiled soothingly.

"I'll have to re stich those, pooks." He smiled grimly, "What happened."

"I couldn't sleep." My voice sounded strange to my own ears, it came out deathly quiet, pained, and so unlike me.

"I got up to walk a bit and tripped on my curtains." I whispered, head falling back onto Sang's shoulder.

She brushed her lips across my forehead and spoke comforting words.

"I couldn't move." I admitted.

Sean furrowed his brows, "Why didn't you call for us?"

I frowned and looked at my lap.

"I didn't want to bother anyone."

Curses left my family's lips at my admission, and I felt worse.

I fought against the tears stinging my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I croaked, "I'm sorry." I sniffled, too ashamed to look at them. "I'm sorry."

They sucked in a sharp breath, and Sang rocked me from side to side.

"...h-how long were you there?" Sean asked, afraid for my answer.

I licked my dry lips, tasting the saltiness of my dried tears.

"Four hours, thirty-six minutes, and forty-five seconds."

I had been counting.

"Get her up," Sean ordered, jumping to his feet. "We have to get you to the hospital."

"No hospitals." I protested, panicking. "Please."

I didn't want to leave.

I didn't feel safe leaving my home.

Sean watched me for a long while before he slowly nodded.

"Alright." He whispered, "Get her on the bed, North. I'll get my bag."

North helped me to the bed and placed me on my soft mattress.

I exhaled in relief as most of the tension fled from my body as Max jumped up and laid next to me.

After the others fussed over me, Sean came back – Mr. B had the others leave the room.

Vic left hesitantly, frowning before I assured him that I was okay.

Once Sean had declared my hands were alright – although they swelled a bit more than normal, he stitched my cheek up again, replaced the bandage and gave me my medicine.

"Tell me," Mr. B said quietly after Sean had left the room. He sat down on the bed next to my legs and frowned heavily.

I avoided his eyes.

How was he able to read me so well?

"I know that something else happened, Elena. Please."

My lips pouted out as I swallowed hard.

Tell him, the nice voice chided.

"I..." I cut myself off as pain sliced across my chest again as I thought about it.

"I got up...and looked out the window because I saw a bright light..." I trembled.

Mr. B placed his hand on my head in comfort and I finally had enough strength to continue.

"I had nothing better to do other than look...so I did...." I sniffed, eyes welling up, "...I saw m-mister jeon...and Selene..." I croaked.

The look on Mr. B's face told me he understood exactly what I had been speaking of. I didn't need to speak more of the subject.

"It's alright, darling." He whispered, allowing me to cry. As I sniffled and tried to gain ahold of myself – Mr. B's fists clenched tightly and white-hot anger flashed within his eyes.

He looked like he would be out for blood.

"Please don't say anything to the others." I pleaded quietly, as Max nosed my cheek. I nuzzled back into him.

"You have word." He sighed, the unspoken yet lingered in the air. "It will take time, darling, but you will be okay someday."

He sounded so sure.

But I wasn't.

Would i?

Would I really?



Sorry it took so long to post!

When I was almost done with it, my PC glitches and deleted most of it. So I've spend the last two hours re writing it.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

What would you like to see happen in the book soon?

- Elena's 'bad bitch' Era?

- The boy's protective side?

- more Elena and Dae scenes?

Please let me know! I'm getting way too excited writing this story!

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