By YourBrokenMorenaGirl

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By YourBrokenMorenaGirl


I never thought a simple video could haunt me so deeply, but now I know better. It all began one fateful evening, when curiosity got the better of me and I stumbled upon a mysterious file on my computer. The file was titled "Video," and though I had no recollection of downloading it, my curiosity compelled me to open it.

As soon as I clicked play, a chill ran down my spine. The screen flickered to life, revealing a dark room with a single chair in the center. The camera angle was unsettling, as if someone was watching from the shadows. My heart raced, but I couldn't tear my eyes away.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness and sat down in the chair. It was a man, but something about him seemed off. His face was obscured by a hood, and his body language exuded an air of malevolence. I couldn't shake the feeling that this video was meant for me, that I was being targeted.

The man in the video began to speak, his voice a low, sinister whisper that sent shivers down my spine. He knew things about me, things that no one else could possibly know. My breath caught in my throat as he described my deepest fears, my darkest secrets. It was as if he had tapped into the darkest recesses of my mind.

As the video continued, the man's words became more menacing, his threats more explicit. Panic overwhelmed me, and I desperately tried to exit the video, but it seemed impossible. The file had taken control of my computer, trapping me in this nightmarish loop.

Days turned into weeks, and I became a mere shell of my former self. Sleep eluded me, as the haunting video played on an endless loop in my mind. Every time I closed my eyes, I could still hear the man's voice, his chilling whispers echoing in the depths of my soul.

I sought help from experts, but they were baffled by the video's origins. It seemed to have no traceable source, as if it had materialized out of thin air. The more I delved into the mystery, the more I realized that this video was not just a random occurrence. It was a curse, a malevolent force intent on driving me to the brink of insanity.

As the days turned into months, I became a recluse, living in constant fear and paranoia. Every shadow seemed to hold the lurking presence of the man from the video. I couldn't trust anyone, not even myself. The line between reality and nightmare blurred, and I questioned my own sanity.

One night, as I sat in the darkness of my room, the video suddenly appeared on my computer screen once again. I wanted to look away, to run, but something compelled me to watch. The man's voice was louder, more menacing than ever before. He spoke of my imminent demise, promising that my suffering would soon come to an end.

And then, as the video reached its climax, my computer screen shattered into a million pieces, leaving me in complete darkness. The room filled with an eerie silence, broken only by my own ragged breaths. I was free from the clutches of the cursed video, but at what cost?

To this day, I am haunted by the memories of that video. Its malevolent presence lingers, a constant reminder of the darkness that resides within us all. I have learned the hard way that some things are better left untouched, that curiosity can lead to unspeakable horrors.

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