Bloody Night

It was a dark, eerie night when the small town of Greenwood was gripped with fear. The moon was hidden behind thick clouds, and the wind was howling through the streets. People were shutting themselves in their houses, afraid to venture out.

But one group of teenagers decided to brave the night. They had heard rumors about a haunted house on the outskirts of town, and they were determined to explore it. They packed some flashlights and snacks and set off towards the old mansion.

As they approached the house, they saw that it was surrounded by an overgrown garden and a rusted, wrought-iron fence. The gate was creaking in the wind, inviting them in. They hesitated for a moment but then pushed open the gate and walked towards the door.

They entered the house cautiously, their flashlights illuminating the dusty furniture and cobweb-covered walls. As they climbed the stairs, they heard strange noises coming from the attic. They exchanged nervous glances but continued up the stairs.

When they reached the attic, they could hear something moving around. They slowly pushed the door open, and what they saw would haunt them forever. A blood-soaked figure stood there, holding a knife and staring at them with eyes filled with malice.

The teenagers tried to run, but the figure chased them through the house, their screams echoing through the halls. The figure caught up with them and attacked with its knife, slashing at them wildly.

In the end, only one of the teenagers survived to tell the tale. She never returned to the town, haunted by the memories of that bloody night. And the house remained deserted, a chilling reminder of the horrors that lurked in Greenwood.

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