
It was a dark and stormy night, and the wind howled through the trees outside. The rain pounded against the windows of the old, creaky house, and the only light came from a single lamp that flickered in the corner of the room.

The clock on the wall struck midnight, and suddenly, the power went out. The room was plunged into darkness, and for a moment, the only sound came from the rain tapping against the roof. But then, there was a faint scratching sound coming from the hallway.

At first, it could have been dismissed as just the wind, but the sound grew louder and closer. It was like something was dragging itself along the hallway, inching ever closer to the room where I sat alone in the dark. My heart began to race as the scratching grew louder and more frenzied.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the door to the room burst open. I was knocked backwards by the force, and as I scrambled to my feet, I saw a figure in the doorway. It was dark and shadowy, and I couldn't make out any features, but its eyes shone with a malevolent glow.

I backed away as the figure approached, but it seemed to be moving faster than anything alive should be able to move. Its hands reached out towards me, and I tried to run, but I stumbled and fell to the ground. As it closed in on me, I felt a cold grip around my ankle.

I screamed and kicked at the figure, but it wouldn't let go. It dragged me towards it, closer and closer until I was face-to-face with the glowing eyes. And then, as suddenly as it had appeared, it was gone.

I lay there on the floor, panting and shaking with fear. The scratching noise had stopped, and there was nothing but silence in the darkened house. I had always been skeptical of ghost stories and hauntings, but now I knew that something was out there. Something malevolent and terrifying, waiting for me in the darkness.

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