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Chain Message

I had always considered myself a rational person. Ghost stories and urban legends never really fazed me. That was until I received a chain message that would change my life forever.

It was a typical evening when I received the text. The message read, "Forward this to ten people or suffer the consequences." I chuckled at the absurdity of it. Superstitions and curses had no place in my logical mind. But something about this message felt different. It had an eerie aura, a sense of foreboding that sent shivers down my spine.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to forward the message to ten of my friends. I dismissed it as a mere prank, a joke to get a reaction out of people. Little did I know that I had just unleashed an unimaginable horror upon myself.

That night, as I lay in bed, a strange unease settled over me. The room felt colder than usual, and the air seemed thick with an otherworldly presence. I tried to shake off the feeling, attributing it to my overactive imagination. But then, I heard it. A faint whisper, barely audible, but enough to send a chill down my spine.

The whisper grew louder, more sinister with each passing moment. It seemed to come from all directions, as if the walls themselves were speaking. Panic gripped me, and I reached for my phone, desperate for a distraction. But as I touched the screen, the whispers intensified, morphing into a cacophony of anguished screams.

Terrified, I threw my phone across the room, hoping to silence the tormenting noise. But it only grew louder, echoing through the walls, reverberating in my mind. The once familiar room transformed into a nightmarish realm, shadows dancing with malicious intent.

I stumbled out of bed, desperate to escape the horrors that surrounded me. But no matter where I turned, the whispers followed. They taunted me, their words dripping with malice and despair. I could no longer tell reality from the twisted nightmare that had consumed me.

Days turned into nights, and I became a mere shell of my former self. Sleep eluded me, as the whispers haunted my every waking moment. The chains of the message had bound me, trapping me in an endless cycle of terror. There was no escape.

As I write this, I can feel their presence growing stronger, their whispers growing louder. They hunger for my soul, for my submission to their dark desires. I know now that the chain message was no joke, no prank. It was a gateway to a realm of unspeakable horrors.

I plead with you, dear reader, heed my warning. If you ever receive a chain message, do not succumb to curiosity. Do not forward it, for the consequences are far worse than you can imagine. The whispers will find you, and they will consume your very being.

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