
It was a dark and stormy night, the kind that made your skin crawl and your heart race. The power had gone out, leaving the house in complete darkness. But one small candle provided a dim flicker of light, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

As the storm intensified, strange things began to happen. The flame of the candle danced and swayed as if alive, and the shadows it cast seemed to move independently from their sources. Whispers could be heard, but no one was there.

The longer the candle burned, the more terrified the occupants of the house became. They tried to extinguish the flame, but it wouldn't go out. It seemed as though it was feeding on their fear, growing stronger as they grew weaker.

Suddenly, the wind howled through the house, blowing open the doors. And in that moment, the candle revealed its true form - a demon of fire, born from the darkness and fueled by terror.

With a sinister cackle, the demon advanced upon its victims, burning everything in its path. In the end, there was nothing left but ash and embers, and the haunting memory of the Candle – a creature forged from fear itself.

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