Voice inside my Head

As I sat in my dimly lit room, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. It wasn't until a whispering voice filled my head that I knew things were truly wrong.

At first, the voice was soft and gentle, like a mother soothing her child. But as the night wore on, it grew louder and more aggressive. It told me to do terrible things - hurt myself and those around me - and seemed to revel in my fear and confusion.

I tried to ignore it, to escape into sleep or drown it out with music, but it only got worse. The voice became an all-consuming presence in my mind, driving me to madness.

Only when I reached out for help did I realize the true horror of my situation. The voice wasn't in my head at all - it was a malevolent spirit that had attached itself to me, latched onto my thoughts and emotions like a parasite.

In the end, I had no choice but to exorcise the entity, to force it out of my mind and back into the darkness from which it came. But the memory of its insidious whispers haunted me for weeks, months, years after, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurks just beneath the surface of our world.

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