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Black Dress

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young woman named Candy. She had long, flowing locks of golden hair and sparkling blue eyes that shone like diamonds in the sunlight. Candy was known for her impeccable fashion sense and stunning wardrobe, but her favorite garment was a little black dress. She wore it to every important event and always felt confident and sexy in it.

One evening, Candy received an invitation to a grand ball in the heart of the city. She knew she had to wear her favorite dress, so she carefully ironed and pressed it to perfection before putting it on. As she stood in front of the mirror admiring herself, she noticed something strange about the dress. The fabric seemed to be moving ever so slightly, as if it were alive.

Candy tried to shake off the feeling of unease and headed out to the ball. When she arrived, she was greeted by a sea of elegantly dressed guests, all of whom were mesmerized by her beauty. But as the night wore on, Candy started to feel increasingly uncomfortable. It was as if there was something sinister lurking in the shadows, watching her every move.

As soon as Candy decided to leave the ball, the lights flickered and went out. In the darkness, she felt a cold hand wrap itself around her wrist. Panicked, she turned around to see a dark figure standing before her, its face obscured by a hooded cloak. Candy tried to pull away, but the grip only tightened.

Suddenly, she felt the dress come alive, wrapping itself around her body and constricting her movements. Candy screamed for help, but no one came. She was trapped, alone in the darkness with an unknown assailant.

The dress continued to tighten around her, squeezing the life out of her until she could no longer breathe. Candy's  last thoughts were of the little black dress that had once made her feel so beautiful, now her murderer. Her body was found the next morning, still trapped inside the dress.

No one knows what happened to Candy that night or who was responsible for her death. Some say it was the work of a vengeful spirit, while others believe it was the dress itself that had become possessed by an evil force. Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain - the little black dress has become notorious as a symbol of death and despair.

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