𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡...

By Strayfever

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#1 TOXIC SERIES It's the typical Enemies to Lovers story, flavored by yours truly. Raised in the same neighbo... More

|Lee & Hwang|


2.2K 134 188
By Strayfever

I'm sorry for the long wait. A longer chapter to make it up to you, Venemy. But from now on it will be more likely the updates will take around 5 days

The bitterness of anger lingered on my tongue as everyone moved when they heard the announcement. Yang wisely decided to keep his mouth shut and turned on his heels to find his seat. Glad he did, because I didn't think I could hold myself accountable for my actions if he spewed some more bullshit.

Hwang had followed him with a grin stamped onto his lips and another flute filled with champagne in his hand. I tracked him until he disappeared around the corner, then averted my attention back to Chan and my cousin.

"Thank you, hyung." Felix gently nudged my shoulder with his. The bright smile he wore to armor himself had lowered after Yang's attack. He was already a ball of nerves and stress since Thursday, to the point he could barely eat, and this display of dominance just now was enough to make him crack under the weight he was trying to hold.

"Don't worry," I assured him, and I noticed how two simple words already impacted my little cousin. The tension left his shoulders and his face softened a bit. "Next time, don't back down. You have all the right to be here. To be everywhere. You're a Lee, let them know."

Then Chan stepped closer, his smile wide, and curled an arm around Felix's shoulders as he pulled my cousin against his side. "Or else kick his ass. Your fighting is no joke, everyone will cry for mercy after you're done with them."

The corners of Felix's lips trembled up, he appreciated Chan's gesture to lift his spirits.

"Let's get to our table, I don't want to miss the auction." Felix got steered away from me, both of Chan's hands on his shoulders, and ushered him to where the others had vanished. I mumbled "I will be right there" because I needed to go to the restroom first but I wasn't sure if they even heard me.

I followed the path illuminated in a soft green. It wormed its way like a mountain path through the sculptures made by rising artists. Made especially for today. The art of the museum was safe beneath a plexiglass dome or behind safety screens against the walls. And other art that was taking up too much space was behind the lock and key in the basement where they stored them.

The path made a curve to the left when it reached the black door of the restroom. I went inside to pee and washed my hands afterward. The spotlights above my head did a piss poor job of boosting someone's confidence. The dark spots beneath my eyes were enhanced by the shadows created by my lashes and my knitted eyebrows. And my face was colored an ugly yellow making me look sick.

Last night after the car-bathtub-shenanigans, my blood was spiked with so much adrenaline that it felt impossible to fall asleep. Every turn I made in bed was a reason to shift my thoughts to something else. It went from reliving the moment with Hwang, and how fuckable he looked when he came. That I wanted to touch his glowing face, feel how hot he got. Then it shifted to confusion because this shit shouldn't be on my mind—at all. Which got me annoyed with myself. And the emotion mixed with adrenaline was a bad combo.

I ended up out of my bed at four in the morning, took a lukewarm shower, and decided to do some work at home instead.

The result: I was a bit snippy. It showed with the photographer. And it definitely showed with Yang. But to be honest, that dude pissed me off just by breathing in my direction.

I slapped the blade handle of the faucet down. One wet hand palmed my nape to cool me off a bit. The necktie was feeling more like a noose the longer I wore it. At work, I already dreaded the thing but now it felt worse.

It wasn't hard for me to figure out why it felt what I felt. My father was here with my mother. We hadn't spoken yet, he was too busy talking with every important person that attended today, and I was too busy avoiding him. But I knew I was placed with him at the dining table which meant I was out of reason to not speak to him.

I heaved a sigh before I opened the door of the restroom again, pinching the bridge of my nose to ease the tension in my eyes. I noticed black boots as I looked down but before I could lift my head I felt the tie tighten around my neck as I got hauled behind mirrored screens that separated the larger areas of the museum to create smaller intimate spaces.

The back of my head hit the wall. I grunted at the sudden force that was completely unnecessary. I knew it was Hwang before I blinked my eyes back open. I recognized his perfume evading my personal space. And the fist around my tie, choking me, was kind of his signature move, it seemed.

"What is it this time?" When I finally regained focus in my vision, I got greeted by Hwang's dark eyes heating my skin. There was something sinister about the way he looked at me, with his lips curled into a wide smirk, and the greens coming from the lights around us illuminating his skin. It must be his scent that was fooling around with me because this setting we were in was pumping my heart faster. I swallowed through the dryness, bopping my Adam's apple against the necktie.

"I'm curious."



"You have to be a bit more specific."

Hwang winded the tie further around his clenched fist, constricting my airflow some more. "At the photo shoot. You remembered... but why did that make you smile?" Through his smirk, I noticed a flicker of confusion in his eyes. There was a slight frown etched on his forehead, and as he leaned closer, I saw the corners of his lips twitch.

Wasn't it that I tried not to get overheated because of the way he crowded me, I would have laughed. Hwang forced me to think back and it triggered the same smile as the one captured by the photographer.

"Because everything makes fucking sense now. This. All of it."

"What do you mean?" The frown deepened as he whispered against my lips.

"You're forcing me into a contract because I tried to kiss you? Which I didn't remember until now. I hate to break it to you...but you're chasing something that doesn't exist. That, and your desperation is fucking hilarious."

Hwang was quiet. His dark gaze roamed over my face as he searched for words on how to retort. At least that was what I thought he was doing, or maybe he was plotting my murder.

"Doesn't exist..." he repeated my words with a soft murmur, his free hand now flattened against the wall next to my head, and then he leaned in impossibly closer. The warmth of his breath tickled my skin when he chuckled, the frown long gone. "Your service is outstanding if it doesn't exist."

"The contract—"

"Fuck the contract!" Hwang cut me off, growling. His nose skimmed my cheek when he reached for my ear to whisper into. "Nothing in that contract said that you needed to initiate. Yet you've done that twice. At my place while you chased your own high, and yesterday with the phone sex. No, it doesn't exist. I think it's you who's "fucking hilarious" and pathetic." He let go of me, shoving me once again against the wall. That will leave a bruise.

My hands shot up. One rubbing the back of my head, the other loosening the tie. "All I hear is someone who has trouble with the thought that our get-together has come to an end."

That didn't seem to bother him. Hwang folded his arms against his chest, still fucking smiling. "I'm not sure if you're acting dumb in hopes I would forget, or that you're actually plain stupid."

"Enlighten me so my stupid brain understands."

"I said the contract ends after the event. And as I recall, we are still in it." Hwang pointed his index finger above his head, waving it in a circular movement, then stepped back to turn around.

What? Fuck no!

I got ahold of the end of the bow that kept his blazer tied and forced Hwang to turn back to me. "What the fuck are you saying? We can't do stuff here. Are you insane?"

"That's better." His tongue slithered over his front teeth as he bared them with a satisfied smile. "You should know your place."

I grumbled at that. "Haven't you seen me enough on my knees?" Stupid question.

"Not like this. It's nice to know that not everything is as well thought out as you portray it to be."

"Hwang..." I spoke lowly. My angry eyes drifted down. I still hadn't let go of his blazer. "You know everyone is here. Your parents. My father. Sometimes you need to know when it's enough." My fist tightened around the white fabric.

"How long have you known me? It's never enough. And to be honest, this is way too much fun for me to stop." He yanked himself free of my grasp and walked to the side of the mirrored screen. "I shouldn't be late for my own auction party. I'm the star after all." And then he left.

I needed a minute to get ahold of the anger I was feeling, and because I didn't want to walk directly behind Hwang. This was getting out of hand. We were being too reckless and it was only a matter of time for us to get busted.

Back in the restroom, I straightened my necktie and finger-combed through my hair to get it everything neatly in its place. It got out a second time and I was met with, yet again, shoes. But these weren't boots. These were black loafers with a metal clasp and grey Versace print on top.

"Ah, here you are," Kim greeted me with a polite smile. His hands were behind his back like a chaperone waiting to direct me to my seat. "Your father asked me to find you."

"My father? Why'd he ask you?"

"My mother was in conversation with Mrs. Lee, I kinda got stuck there. Then your father asked me to fetch you. But in a way, I'm glad he did. It gave me the chance to talk to you in private."

"Private?" I glanced behind him, there was no one here besides the faint sound of chattering and the live music that played in the room behind this wall. "About?"

Kim's smile flattened. "I never got the opportunity to properly thank you for what you did at the batting cage."

Hwang in red came instantly to mind. The way he carried the bat on his broad shoulders, dangling his arms over it as he held a lunatic smile on his lips. His propositions to lessen my penalty, and Kim's. How I agreed to change places with Yang. It was the night that the "contract" showed its true colors. The beginning of our sexcapade.

"But I wanted to ask you first why you did it. You gained nothing out of it." He frowned at that, clearly at lost.

"A thank you would suffice, why do you need to know the reason behind it?"

"Because I have been thinking about it non-stop for the past few weeks about why you did what you did and I couldn't figure out why...so it would help clear my mind if you did tell me the reason behind it."

I shrugged and tucked my hands in the pockets of my dress pants. "Maybe I felt sorry for you when I saw you on the other side of that cage. Maybe I just like to defy Hwang in every possible way. Either way, you got out of it with just a warning."

"Oh, I know. My leg hurt like hell for a straight week but it could have gotten way worse if it wasn't by your interference. So thank you for helping me out like that. I owe you."

The first course was already served when Lee decided to join, with Kim tailing him. I slurped the soup off my spoon as I followed them to their seats. Kim sat with his parents three tables away from Lee. Lee dipped his head toward his father before he took his destinated seat. The stoney mask slid onto his face, suppressing his facial expression, and began his first course as he listened to his father.

This dinner contained out of twelve courses. And in between the wait of each course, Han took the moment to auction the next object. After course four my beach estate was up.

"Looking over the beautiful East Sea, we have the Hwang Estate. With a private beach and a good chunk of land, this secluded getaway is a wish for everyone who is in desperate need of an escape from the city. The property has seven bedrooms, three full baths, an arcade room, land to play golf on, and an infinity pool that looks out over the sea. It is truly a beautiful property that will be auctioned for a weekend."

Han was an entertainer by heart. He snaked through the circular, white-clothed tables to grasp the bidders' attention with a heart-shaped smile whenever he made eye contact with the daughters of the hot shots that were present here.

Besides Han talking, the auction was silent. No vocal bidding wars between courses. Instead, there was a large screen that showed the lot people were bidding on. Lot nr. 5 was my estate. Pictures flashed by of the property and beneath it stood the minimum charge of the lot.

Names and numbers came into view on the left corner of the screen. With a small device on each table, you could bid on the lot. There was also an option to bid anonymously if you weren't interested in sharing how much you spent on a lot.

"Lot nr 5 got sold for thirteen million Korean Won by the Lim family. That is very generous of you, sir. Every coin goes to The Children In Need."

My head snapped up when I heard the name. The whole auction past me by in a blur—the very least interested in it. I listened mostly to my parents' chatter and my thoughts pushing me in the direction of my phone. I let go of it, leaving it on my lap, and caught my father smiling. Then I tilted my chin over my shoulder and saw Mr. Lim with that same pleased smirk. What was going on?

My gaze wandered to Lee's table, he looked bored as fuck, not interested in the bidding whatsoever.

Lucky for him I was his savior-from-bored-to-death card. So I texted him.

After lot 7 there will be a small break. Meet me outside in the sculpture garden.


Hidden behind a hideous sculpture and blanketed by twilight, I waited for Lee. The garden was out of sight from the main building, which made it perfect for secretive things that needed to stay secret. I may be driven by lust most of the time but I wasn't stupid. Being caught would not only be the end of Lee but I would also be fucked too. And not in a good way.

The sound of footsteps on the gravel made my thoughts pop. I peeked behind the sculpture and I was met with Lee's shadowed eyes.

"You're a needy bitch, you know that?"

I smiled at that.  "You can call it whatever you like...I see it as making good use of the contract. After all, it ends tonight."

"Sure? No tiny letters that I missed somewhere? Because you seem to always have a way to keep this going."

"Shut up, we only have twenty minutes, and I don't want to spend it on your smart-ass retorts." I grabbed him by his tie—I was loving that thing...very convenient—and hauled him behind the sculpture with me. "Use that mouth of yours on something better."

"You know what?" His eyes pierced through mine. "I can't wait for you to derail after this is over."

"Don't flatter yourself, I have Yang for a reason." My back hit the sculpture. "What? Don't like that? After the contract, everything will turn to normal. My normal is Yang sucking me to sleep." The crass words were triggering Lee. I noticed how his eyes flashed, then darkened by a frown as his jaw locked.

Maybe this helped him get his head out of his ass to see this wasn't all just a contract. I didn't need to name this, I was fine with knowing that it pumped my blood a little faster whenever he was this near me, and that I slept so much better after it, or that I couldn't wait for the next encounter. It was a bright color that colored outside of the strict lines, and that was enough for me.

"Alright." An eyebrow shot up when his fingers curled around my white pants. "Just try to keep your eyes open so you know who to picture when he goes down on you." Damn, Lee. Was he aware of what he just said?

My pants hung around my knees when Lee crouched down. One hand grabbed my thigh, feeling his nails on the back. His other hand rubbed over my covered semi-erection. He followed the lines of my cock and squeezed my balls. I bucked against his palm, rutting softly to speed up the hardness. It didn't need much, not when Lee looked up at me through his lashes. He wasn't kidding when he said to keep my eyes open as he licked the fabric of my briefs with eyes not leaving mine. His pink tongue lapped over the hard ridge, then his mouth suckled on the head.

"Shit, I can't believe you've never done this before." This teasing was excruciating.

"Only all the other times you let me do this," he mumbled against my now fully hard cock. "Or, Chan and I are really good friends too."

"What?!" A surge of heat crackled like lightning through my body. My hand struck at Lee, winding the tie back around my fist, and forced him to look at me. "You and Chan..?"

Images of him and his friend flooded my mind. Lee buried between legs that weren't mine. His lips wrapped around a cock that wasn't mine... I wasn't liking any of that.

Lee's choked-out cough snapped me out of this hate-filled haze. "You're full of it," I grumbled at him and yanked at the tie. Lee stumbled onto one knee and then fell flat on his ass when I turned our position. His back was now against the metal sculpture and I leaned in with one stretched arm. Lee's tie still trapped in my fist, I guided him back to my hard cock. "Free my cock and open your mouth. I want to fuck it just like our first time under the bridge."

Lee complied and yanked my briefs down. "You seem upset," he smirked. 

"I said open your mouth. Let me show you who you belong to."

"Whatever, princess." Lee opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. This was the type of image I liked to see, one with my cock disappearing into his mouth.

My wet tip rubbed over his tongue, gliding in a bit further after each trust. A chill ran over my bare ass, and it brought me back to the first time Lee sucked me off. How good he looked on his knees. How good the first time his lips and tongue felt on me. How mind-blowingly hard I came after that. He didn't let me come in his mouth then. Now I was set to bury my cock deep down his throat and make him taste only me. No course will sate his palate after I was done with him.

"Hmm." A moan slipped out when I hit Lee with my first full hip trust. I watched my hard cock glide in and out, stretching his mouth. "You look absolutely beautiful like that."

He did. His neck was long with the tie tight around it. His chin tilted up to give me the best angle to fuck his throat. His watery eyes when I got too deep. The choking sounds that came with it. Saliva dribbling out the corners of his mouth. Fuck, that was hot.

My knees trembled by the awkward bent I was in. My back haunched, and my head dipped to get the best view. Heat gathered in my core, tickling my spine, and my balls drew up.

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath. The heat burst out of his confinement. It rushed through my cock and disappeared into Lee's throat. I kept Lee into place with his tie as I buried myself up to the hilt.

But his wet chokes drowned out when I heard voices.

"We can't be here! Let's go." That was undeniably Felix's voice.

"Why not?" The whisper made it impossible to pinpoint who this was.

A smack on my thigh helped me out of the frozen state I didn't even know I was in. I looked down and saw Lee's eyes flash. I pulled my dick out.

"Because we can't be seen together."

☞ ☆

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