Daring To Love The Fuckboy ||...

By Jungwon_1904

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In a quiet neighborhood, Y/n and her friends enjoy a peaceful evening in her room. Suddenly, mysterious noise... More



246 6 0
By Jungwon_1904

~ Next day ~

Packing up:

The morning sun filtered through the curtains of their hotel suite, casting a warm and gentle glow over the room. Y/n and Jungwon were in the midst of packing their suitcases, the reality of their impending departure from Paris settling in.

Jungwon carefully folded a shirt and placed it in his suitcase, his brows furrowing slightly as he contemplated the arrangement. Y/n, on the other hand, was seated on the bed, her own suitcase open before her, but her attention seemed to be anywhere but on the task at hand.

"Jungwon," she pouted, looking up at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "Are you sure you know how to pack my clothes properly?"

Jungwon glanced over at her, amusement dancing in his gaze. "I think I've got a pretty good handle on it, thank you."

Y/n tilted her head, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Well, just in case, I could show you how to fold them perfectly. You know, so they don't wrinkle during the flight."

Jungwon chuckled, shaking his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I think I can manage."

Y/n leaned forward, her fingers tracing the edge of her suitcase. "Are you sure? I could demonstrate the expert technique."

Jungwon sighed in mock exasperation. "Alright, fine. Show me your expert technique."

With a triumphant grin, Y/n scooted closer and began demonstrating the art of folding clothes with elaborate gestures. "You see, you have to fold it like this, and then tuck it in like so-"

Jungwon watched her antics with a mixture of amusement and adoration. He couldn't help but be captivated by her playful spirit, even when it came to something as mundane as packing.

As Y/n continued her comical demonstration, Jungwon decided to play along. "Ah, I see! So it's all about the secret tuck, right?"

Y/n nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! And don't forget the magical spin before placing it in the suitcase."

Jungwon burst into laughter, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're quite the packing maestro, Y/n."

Y/n winked at him. "Well, you know, a girl has to have her talents."

After a few more playful exchanges, Jungwon finally managed to convince Y/n to focus on the task at hand. Together, they folded clothes, neatly arranged items in the suitcase, and zipped it up.

With their suitcases packed and ready, Y/n let out a wistful sigh. "I can't believe we're leaving this beautiful city."

Jungwon wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "I know it's hard to say goodbye, but we'll always have these memories, Y/n. And who knows, maybe we'll come back someday."

Y/n nestled into his embrace, a soft smile gracing her lips. "You're right. Thank you for making this trip so unforgettable, Jungwon."

He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. "It was my pleasure, Y/n. Now, let's head to the airport and make our way back home."

As they walked hand in hand out of the hotel room, the memories of their time in Paris remained etched in their hearts, a chapter of their journey that would forever be cherished.

Don't want to leave:

The airport bustled with activity, travelers scurrying to and fro, a sea of emotions ranging from excitement to bittersweet farewells. Y/n and Jungwon stood amidst the throng, their suitcases in tow, as they prepared to embark on their journey back to South Korea.

Jungwon placed their suitcases by the curb as he retrieved them from the trunk of the car. He closed the trunk and turned to Y/n, only to find her still seated inside the vehicle, lost in her thoughts.

"Y/n?" he called, leaning down to peer through the car window. "It's time to go."

Y/n's gaze met his, a mixture of reluctance and apprehension dancing in her eyes. She offered a weak smile. "I know, Jungwon. It's just... I can't believe our time in Paris is over."

He understood the sentiment all too well. "I know it's hard to leave, but remember, we have so many more adventures ahead of us."

She sighed, her fingers gripping the edge of the seat. "I know you're right, but..."

Jungwon's determination hardened. He straightened up and opened the car door, his voice gentle but firm. "No matter what thoughts are swirling in your head, Y/n, they won't stop us from flying back. It's time to face reality and make our way home."

Y/n hesitated, her eyes locked onto his as if searching for reassurance. But Jungwon knew he needed to take action. He reached in, his arms sliding around her, and he effortlessly lifted her from the seat.

"Jungwon!" Y/n exclaimed, her arms wrapping around his neck as she clung to him. "Put me down!"

He stepped away from the car and set her on her feet, but her grip on him remained firm. He chuckled, trying to gently pry her arms away. "Y/n, we need to go. And you need to stand on your own two feet now."

Her resistance persisted, and Jungwon sighed playfully. "Alright then, I guess I'll just carry my suitcase and you can carry yours."

Y/n's eyes widened, and she finally released her hold on him, quickly grabbing her own suitcase. Jungwon smirked in victory, and they began making their way towards the entrance of the airport.

As they walked side by side, Y/n finally caught up to him, her steps synchronized with his. She shot him a playful glare. "You know, you could have just said you were going to leave my suitcase here."

Jungwon chuckled, glancing at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, a little motivation never hurt anyone."

Their laughter echoed through the air as they continued their journey, suitcases in tow, embarking on the next chapter of their adventure - one that was bound to be filled with surprises, challenges, and a love that had been kindled amidst the enchanting streets of Paris.

Flight delay:

The airport's hustle and bustle seemed to fade into the background as Y/n and Jungwon found their place in the waiting area. A sense of calm settled over them, a stark contrast to the excitement that had filled their Parisian escapade. Y/n plopped herself down onto the bench beside Jungwon, seeking comfort in his presence. She wrapped her arms around his, her head finding its rightful place on his shoulder.

Jungwon welcomed her with a soft smile, his head tilting slightly to rest against hers. It was a tender moment, a silent understanding passing between them as they waited for their flight back to South Korea.

As time ticked away, the announcement over the intercom broke the tranquil atmosphere. Y/n's head shot up, her brows furrowing in disbelief. "Did they just say our flight is delayed?"

Jungwon's lips curled into a rueful smile. "Seems like it, Y/n."

She groaned, her head falling back against his shoulder in exasperation. "Of course, the universe is conspiring against us."

He chuckled, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her arm. "It's not so bad. We have each other, and a little extra time to relax before we head back."

She sighed, her grip on his arm loosening slightly. "I know, but I was really looking forward to being back home."

Jungwon's expression softened as he gazed down at her. "Home will still be there when we get back. And think about it, we have a couple more hours to just be together without any distractions."

She looked up at him, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You always know how to see the bright side of things, don't you?"

He winked playfully. "Comes with the territory of being your teddy bear."

Y/n chuckled, her fingers idly tracing circles on his forearm. "I guess I can't complain too much then."

They settled into the waiting period, the delay seemingly forgotten as they engaged in light-hearted banter and shared moments of affection. As the hours passed, the delay became a mere blip in their story, a reminder that even in the face of unforeseen circumstances, their connection remained unshaken.

And so, they waited, wrapped up in each other's company, their love thriving amidst the mundane and the extraordinary, ready to embrace whatever the future had in store for them.

To be continued...

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