Love Can Kill / Sandor Clegan...

By rissarosewrites

10.3K 566 7

Rieka Stark lay bleeding out feeling so alone next to the man that only wanted to protect her. 🐺 "I need y... More

1. Little Wolf
2. Big Bitch
3. The Giant
4. Are You In There?
5. Fake
6. Safe Place to Land
7. Only A Man
8. Killing Me
9. Log by Log
10. Go Away
11. Disease
12. Little Wolf
13. Believe Me Now
14. Asshole King
15. Southern Baby
16. Big Old Bear
17. Love Can Kill
18. Distraction
19. Tyrion
20. Good Dog
21. Foreplay & I Love Yous
22. We Are Family
24. Trust Me
25. Relieved
26. Love Letters
27. Fantasy

23Living For

283 20 1
By rissarosewrites

Sit Still Look Pretty / Tywin Lannister out now!
"The objective is to kill cersei without destroying kings Landing, thankfully she's losing allies by the day. the iron islands have been taken back in your name and the new prince of Dorne offers his allegiance and his support."

''How many lords turn against her? it does not matter if she can still call herself queen of the seven kingdoms.' Daenerys told them. 'We need the capital!'

''I watched the people turn against the king when they were hungry and that was before winter began. Give them the opportunity and they will cast cersei aside.'' Tyrion told her confidently. Rieka peered in. Daenerys glared when she heard the door creek open.

''We will surround the city if the Lannister's and the Golden company attack we will defeat them the dragons will kill them.'' jon offered. Rieka didnt like that jon was going to help this woman. She wondered if he had a plan or an agreement with Daenerys. She gets the rest of the realms. The north is free.

'Once cersei see we are the only enemy she will see her reign is over.' tyrion told her.

'Alright' daenerys agreed. Rieka didnt think she would listen.

'Our men will not march." Rieka cut in.

"What?" Daenerys hissed.

"Not those that dont want to." Rieka agreed. "You are free to ask but you do not command my people into risking their lives for you." Daenerys marched up to Rieka. Tyrion stiffened.

'I came north to fight alongside you at a great cost to my armies and myself, now the time has come to reciprocate and you want to question my reign? My superiority?' daenerys demanded.

"You have no superiority here." Rieka corrected. "And although you did come, you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart. Also, you didn't risk anything."

" I lost a dragon for you ungrateful people." Daenerys demanded.

" and now you're demanding help from us ungrateful people." Rieka agreed.

" I am in charge, me. You not you will listen to me and do as I say." she pointed the finger at herself, annunciating with the word. Riekas gaze shifted to her jabbing finger.

" what do you really think of the north?"

" it's a wasted bit of land." Daenerys hissed.

" anything else ?"

"Your people are fools for listening to you. I am the queen. Everyone will bow down before me . You are nothing. You and your people are nothing! Nothing until I deem you are something!" Daenerys demanded. Rieka smirked pushing the door open. Daenerys paled seeing the head of the houses standing outside the door. "You did that on purpose!"

" ask you an innocent question and you blew it way out of proportion with your egotistical attitude and dictator mentality?" Rieka pondered. "Yeah sure blame me. For your own fucker up head. Trying to use and abuse my people for your own gain, you don't care if they live or they die. I want them to thrive."

"How about we focus on our forces." Tyrion suggested. ''Jon and ser Davos will head down to Kings Road with the dothraki troops. We will sail to dragon stone with our queen and her dragons above us-' tyrion went on explaining the plan.

Daenerys glared back at rieka the entire time.

"Safe travels." Rieka offered once they were done.

"Your sister is a problem." Daenerys demanded grabbing tight to jons arm.

"Shes not." Jom realized.


"Its you. You are then problem." Jon corrected. Rieka smirked victoriously from outside the door.

" I feel like the damn queen!" Rieka declared, with a little shimmy as she entered her chambers. "What are you... why are you packing? No! Sandor! What?" She whined peppering his face with kisses. "Im going to keep kissing you until you change your mind." She warned. He reached out, grabbing her face in his hands and kissing her. Their lips melded together. A perfect fit. When he pulled back he met her worried gaze. "Stay San stay." She begged. " did I do something wrong?"

"No!" he declared kissing her again. "I was going to go to kingslanding....' sandor told rieka softly.

'Don't go." Rieka countered. "Why would you want to go there?"

"Rieka I have to kill my brother-"

"Let the dragons get him." Rieka countered. "he deserves to burn, you dont."

sandor thought long and hard about what he had to do. Rieka wasnt making it easy. He never thought that he would fall in love, that someone would love him back. Ray had asked him what kept him going. He had answered hate and at the time it was true, partially true. Maybe it wasnt true then Sandor realized. Maybe he was living for Rieka. Living for her touch, her smile, the way she held his hand, kissed his scars like they werent a weakness.

He wasnt living for hate anymore. He was living for love.

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