The seven princes of the sea

Av MinYoonjiSHI

19.6K 1K 168

This mermaid was brought upon the tail of another, she grew up in a small stone home, far from all seven sea... Mer



174 8 4
Av MinYoonjiSHI

Back at the castle, the most neglected prince of the sea, had rediscovered an old room. It was dusty and dark and old.

He slowly turned on the lights and everything in that room had become clearer, but his vision blurred.

Memory after memory went by him and he slumped down by an old piano to calm down and digest everything.

In the corner of his eye, he sees a small mannequin with an awfully familiar suit.

[ flashback ]

"Oh, my boy. You look so handsome!" His mom gushed, fixing up her little boy's prince outfit.

"Thank you mama!" The little prince giggled, his smile never leaving his face.

He turned to the mirror and took a look at his little ruffle collar.

"I'm going to show hyung! They'll love it." He giggled, informing his mother.

The woman smiled bittersweetly but held back any strong emotions as she looked at her growing angel.

"I'm sure they will." She agreed softly.

The prince smiled and fixed his blue suit before realising something.

"Mama...when will you go see my other brothers? Aren't they your sons as well?" He cluelessly asked.

His mother was sat on the corner of her wide bed, she bent down slightly to caress her boy.

"Mm. I can't meet them. Maybe you can be there for me?" She asked, tears starting to appear.

She blinked slowly, looking at her child in admiration.

"Mama, why are you crying?" The little prince asked, placing his tiny hands on his mothers cheeks.

She smiled with teeth and chuckled, shaking her head.

"It's nothing baby. My son is just growing so fast." She reassured.

The prince grinned widely and jumped in happiness.

"Don't worry mama! I'm only 6..but when I grow up- I'll learn how to fight! I can be your knight, mama!" He exclaimed, approving of his genius future plans.

His mother smiled and laughed, caressing his face.

"Of course, Taehyung."

[ flashback over ]

Taehyung was hyperventilating. Tears streamed down his perfect skin as he continued to look around the room.

"Where did you go?" He whispered.

The door to the room opened and he snapped his head in that direction, only to be met by a confused Jimin.

"Tae? What are you doing here? You realise this is where the secret room is, right?" Jimin pointed out.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked around once again.

"Taehyung..are you alright?" Jimin asked, approaching his best friend.

"No." He whimpered.

Jimin looked at his friend in sadness and decided to lift him up by the shoulder.

"Come on, let's help get your mind off things." Jimin offered.

They both swam out of the room after closing the lights and closing the door.

"I'm sorry. I'm being selfish. I'm here crying over her again but you've never even met your mother." Taehyung sobbed lightly.

Jimin shook his head.

"No. Don't apologise. You have every right to feel how you feel."

Taehyung looked at his friend and nodded silently.

Jimin looked at Taehyung in determination.

"When you're feeling better, would you like to solve a mystery with me?" He asked.

"What mystery?" Taehyung replied.

"The disappearance of the 3 supposed Queens of the Kim kingdom."

[ with Y/n ]

I gasped lightly at the sight before me as I sat up in anticipation, holding onto the cart while we're entering the territory.

"What happened here?" Yoongi asked quietly, almost whispering.

The three of us looked around.

For yards and miles, there was nothing but empty, shattered rocks, many of them already covered in growing moss.

Sea urchins has called this barren-land, home, and tiny fish called this place their safe haven.

"They were attacked, a long time ago." Blake spoke from beside the cart.

I turned to him in confusion.


All of a sudden, our cart was stopped, when a long spear-like shell was empaled into the side of the wooden cart.

"Get down!" Yoongi ordered in a hushed tone.

He let go of the ropes that were bound to the seahorses and took refuge in the hay. Quickly, he grabbed onto our sling bag and took out weapons, stuffing some of them wherever he can, and holding a sharp knife.

"Take something to hold, get some other weapons and try to hide them on you, you never know when you need it." Yoongi instructed, handing me a bag.

I did exactly what he did earlier and passed the bag along to Jungkook.

While the youngest was busy trying weaponise himself, I was inspecting the gadget that I decided to hold onto.

It was quite tiny in my hand, as if someone chipped off the bottom circle part of a sword. I felt a button and clicked it. The useless circle had flinched and transformed into some sort of nunchucks.

"Whoa! Noona, that's sick!" Jungkook gushed.

"Shh!" Yoongi hissed.

We were quickly silenced. I took my time to look around and realised that Ezra and Blake were nowhere to be seen. Yoongi must've noticed my panic, because he reached out to grab a hold of my shoulder.

"They're hiding." He reassured.

I managed to relax slightly at his announcement, but still kept my guard up. It was needed, considering that another longer spear whipped through the water and stuck itself through a big block of hay.

Jungkook was taken by surprise as he was extremely close to the spear. Mind you, we were facing away from our secret attackers. All three of us simultaneously slid even lower onto the cart floor.

"I have a bad feeling about still being in this thing." Jungkook muttered.

The seahorses were long gone, that gives us a disadvantage since now we can't flee from this place.

"Let's get out then." I suggested, looking over at Yoongi who laid on my right.

He nodded and grabbed the other bag that was given to us and handed it to me.

He raised his head slightly so he could see over the wall of the cart and cautiously slid out, stretching his body out so that he was fully covered by the wooden cart. Yoongi spotted a large rock nearby and quickly instructs me and Jungkook to get down and follow him as he swims away towards the rock.

"Wait..Y/n do you have the map?" Yoongi panicked.

We were all already safely behind the large rock, backs pressed against the cold object.

I rummaged through my bag and told him I couldn't find it, he then asked Jungkook the same thing but his reply was like mine.

Yoongi frustratedly combed through his hair and glanced at the cart, gasping when he sees red, angry bubbles surrounding the vehicle.

"Shit! I need to go back and get it, or else it's going to burn!" He exclaimed, swimming away.

"Hyung! You'll be burnt too!" Jungkook shrieked, trying to stop Yoongi from leaving.

"I'll be fine." He insisted, racing back to the cart.

We watched anxiously as Yoongi travelled through the almost boiling water retrieve the old map. He disappeared into the bubbles.

Yoongi was sweating, the water temperature was abnormally hot. And the random hot bubbles definitely told him that this wasn't a natural cause. Someone was using some sort of magic on their cart.

He took a deep breath, holding onto the decomposing cart and spotted the map. He grabbed it and swam away, relief started to calm down his adrenaline as the water started to cool again.

There was a loud bang from behind him and he glanced to see what it was. The cart had collapsed and was engulfed by...flames?

"Impossible." He whispered in shock.

Yoongi clutched the map closer to his chest and rounded the rock earlier.

"Guys, how is there fire underwater?-" He halted.

Y/n and Jungkook were being held back by slightly buff mermen. Their skin was as pale as his and their clothes were nonexistent. Their chests were bare and 'out there' as they refrained any movement that the two were making.

"Release them!" Yoongi growled, whipping out the knife that he was holding earlier.

The two men looked at the knife then looked at Yoongi. They looked to be in thought, possibly thinking the same thing.

"Where do you come from, kid?" One of them spoke.

Yoongi scoffed and pointed the knife at them.

"There's only one kingdom around here. Now let my friends go!" He barked.

They looked at one another and laughed.

"Yoongi watch out!"


[ ]

After Yoongi was rudely hit on the back of his head to the point he fell unconscious, Jungkook and I were being brought deeper into this apocalyptic looking ghost town.

They hadn't searched any of us yet, but I'm hoping that when they do, they don't end up trying to find the weapon that was hidden in my chest. was out of panic.

We were thrown onto some chairs once we entered a slightly dark room, surprisingly not restrained, but under an extremely watchful gaze of the three buff mermen.

"Who have you brought to my throne?" A women with a both sharp and soft voice spoke from the darkness.

So we were in a castle?

The interior started to make sense, though the random holes in the ceilings and walls made the building look less elegant and more abandoned.

"My Queen. We do not know who these merfolks are, but they carry the mark of our enemy." One of the buff mermen spoke.

My ears perked at the word 'Queen' and was hoping we found the kingdom we've been searching for.

"What? You, Boy! Speak! What is your name?" The supposed Queen demanded, pointing at Jungkook.

He was hesitant at first but then decided to comply.

"Jungkook." He said wearily.

"Last name?" She asked again.

Jungkook opened his mouth, only to close it again with crashed brows.

"I..don't know.." He answered truthfully.

Even though we couldn't see the Queen, I could tell she was seemingly pissed off.

"And what about you, girl? What's your name?"

"Y/n." I stated confidently.

It was silent for a bit.

"Last name?"

"I..I've never known." I realised.

From beside us, we could hear a familiar voice groan.

"Oh what about you? Don't know either?" The Queen scowled.

"Huh?" Yoongi muttered in confusion, his eyes trying to adjust to the dark.

"Wait." The Queen paused.

Silent and slow swishing could be heard, the spotlight in front of us that was caused by a hole in the ceiling was now displaying one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

She had dark mint green hair, pale fair skin, and plump pink lips. Her round brown eyes were framed by beautifully grown lashes.

What surprised me the most, were the scars on her face. She had one long horizontal streak along her prominent nose and the scar had healed into a brown line.

There was also a cut on her lip that had healed but stayed as a reminder, and there were faint marks on her neck.

Her tail was a similar colour to her hair, but was much lighter, which made her seem ethereal as the light bounced off her colourful tail and reflected onto her face.

She looked to be wearing a dress that were fit for queens but it had been ripped and sewed together and the skirt was shorter so that she could swim much more freely.

"You're a royal." I whispered to no one in particular, mouth agar.

As she swam into the light, her eyes never left Yoongi.

"Bring him forward." She demanded.

The guard behind Yoongi pushed him into the light where both party could see each other clearly.

The mermaid slightly glared at the guard but ignored him and continued to inspect Yoongi.

Yoongi looked at the mermaid in front of him in silence, but it didn't take much to see that he was obviously taken aback.

"Min Yoongi?" The Queen whispered.

Yoongi looked at her and took a quick glance at me before hesitantly nodding with a shrug.

"Well, my name is Yoongi. Not so sure about my last name but-"

The mermaid sobbed as her suspicions were confirmed when she saw the mint green aura of his soon to be hair colour in the light.

"Oh my son!" She wailed, falling on her knees and hugging Yoongi tightly.

Yoongi was undoubtedly shocked, but he slowly relaxed and hugged the mermaid back, reminding himself that he was theoretically a royal, and the theory was proven. Now they just needed to find the other 5 kingdoms that were most likely as destroyed as this one.

"Welcome Home! Welcome back to the Kingdom of Kindness, The Min Kingdom." His mother whispered, not able to speak louder as she was too over the moon due to her son's return.

She quickly pulled away and held her son's cheeks. A sad eye smile plastered on her beautiful face.

"My look just like your father. He'd be overjoyed if he knew he'd be able to see you again." The Queen informed.

But from the way she phrased it, I don't think any of us knew if she meant that Yoongi's father was still alive or not.

"That cruel beast stole you from us when you were five, the time where you were supposed to be conscious enough to embed your father and I into your memories." She went on, crying as she pushed away his loose strands from his face and caressed his cheeks once again.

"..Mother." Yoongi tried out.

The Queen paused for a moment and then smiled enthusiastically.

"Mother." Yoongi repeated, tears falling down his matching pale skin.

"My baby!" The Queen sobbed, hugging her son once again.

While the two were in a heartwarming reunion, Jungkook and I were let loose by the guards after realising we were no threat.

We swam to each other and stood beside one another, a soft smile on our faces as we looked back at the Min's.


Min Yoongi.

What a charming surname.



How are we feeling about this??

(Also spoiler alert: it's not the same case for all the members)

I just wanted to pop in to say: I hope this chapter makes up for the time you've spent, patiently waiting for an update.

I'd also love if the silent readers come out of their shell and interact by comments! I love reading the few random things some of you had said in previous chapters.

(Also all the other bts solo songs cuz they're all great)

I love and appreciate all of you! Have a great rest of your day/night/afternoon!


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