A new threat

By Elorcan95

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A Hogwarts Legacy story. Focused on the relationship of reader x Sebastian. After all the traumatic events o... More

New year, new threats
Another dramatic entrance
A turn for the worst
Rebuilding what we had
A difficult start
The undercroft
We all have regrets
An unforgettable friday
Legilimency (part one)
Legilimency (part two)
The aftermath
Hidden feelings
Rising to the challenge
Speaking truth
Thinking of you
Sometimes all we need is that little push
Gifts and notes
Matchday - Part 1
Matchday - Part 2
Matchday - Part 3
Long-awaited meetup(s)
Late night interactions
Dreams and dates
A deeper connection
When it comes to light
Stirred feelings
Much needed advice
An eventful game
Mind wanderers
A notable victory party
Turning point
Guide you through
Extraordinary winterbreak - part 2
A well executed plan
An unwelcome return
Calm before the storm
Stand our ground
The last stand
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - part 2

Extraordinary winterbreak - Part 1

115 9 42
By Elorcan95

Sebastian's POV

It had been weeks since the night that we stole from Professor Masons. 

The winter break was fast approaching and yet I still haven't asked Y/N off her plans. It wasn't that I was afraid to ask her, but we haven't exactly spent much time together.  Life had become so hectic over these last few weeks. Between Quidditch, school assignments, classes and an apparition course, I barely got to see her. 

I treasured every breakfast and lunch because those were the rare opportunities where we could talk. 

I smiled upon entering the Great hall this morning. Y/N was already sitting on her usual spot across from Samantha, the spot next to her reserved for me. Her eyes were already fixated on the entrance. 

Just knowing that she was looking forward to see me, made my heart beat faster in my chest. I took the seat next to her and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. ''Goodmorning, sunshine.'' I said happily. 

''Goodmorning to you too.'' She said giving me the warmest of smiles, her eyes shining bright. 

''Looking forward to another apparition class?'' I asked. 

Y/N groaned in frustration. ''I can't believe I have let you persuaded me into this course. It is so difficult, no one is able to get it done.'' 

''Yet. No one was able to succeed yet, but I have a feeling I might pull it off today.'' I said confidently. 

''I bet if someone can do it, it is going to be you.'' Samantha said in between bites. 

''Please don't magnify his already big ego.'' Y/N complained as she loaded her plate again. 

''It's one of the reasons why you fell for me, is it not?'' I asked, giving her a sly grin. 

She merely rolled her eyes and continued eating without giving me any vocal response. 

''I can't believe that the winter is already setting in.'' Samantha sighed. ''Time flies by so very fast.''

''Speaking of which, what are your plans for the holidays? I asked both ladies, but mainly interested in Y/N's response. 

''I will go home and have a nice and well deserved break form all things Hogwarts related.'' Sam said as she massaged her neck. ''The stress is making my muscles all tensed up.''

''Sounds perfect.'' I said politely before I turned around and moved my attention on my Y/N.

''What about you?'' I asked curiously. 

''Just going to my parents house, I suppose.'' Y/N said as she kept on eating, her eyes solely focused on her food. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time with me during these two weeks." I said not able to keep the hopeful tone out of my voice.

"Where are you staying?" Y/N said as she turned her head, giving me all her attention.

"I am going to my sister's, Ominis will join too and I thought it would be nice to have you there as well. Besides I hate the idea of spending two weeks apart." I said genuinly as I caressed the back of her hand.

Her eyes lighted up and her excitement was radiating from her face.

"I would love that. I do have to ask permission from my parents first. I will ask them right away." Y/N said jumping up from her seat.

"See you both in class." She chirped before running off.

"I don't know what you did to her Sebastian? But if she priorities this letter over her food, you defenitely won over her heart."

I smiled at Samantha. 

"She has a hold of mine ever since I first met her."


After I wrote my letter I hurried down to the apparition course, which was held in the Great hall.

The letter took me a little longer then I thought and now I had sprint to make sure I would be there in time.

The course took twelve weeks in total, but we were already in week three and no student was able to apparate from one end of the room to the other.

I didn't want to sign up in the first place, but Sebastian had convinced all of us, being Natty, Poppy and me, to take part in this course.

I couldn't argue with the fact that apparation would come in handy if we ever needed a quick escape. So here I was out of breath, but just in time nonetheless.

The instructor from the Ministry wasn't there yet. The great hall was filled with 6th and 7th years.

I walked over to my friends who were all standing in the right corner, patiently waiting for the lesson to commence.

"Did you manage to write to your parents yet?" Sebastian asked his eyes glinting with curiousty.

"Ofcourse, now we only need to wait for their response."

"Do you think that they will give you permission?"

"Hm, I don't see a reason why they shoudln't? I haven't mentioned that I will be staying with you ofcourse. They would definitely not approve of that, as you can imagine."

"So you made up an excuse?"

"More or less. I just stated that I wanted to stay over at a friend's house. Technically I am staying at Anne's, I just convientely forgot to mention that she has a brother as well."

Natty and Poppy were listening in on the conversation, wide eyed as they realized what we were going on about.

"Y/N, are you going to stay over at Sebastian's? For how long? Why didn't you tell me?" Poppy whispered excitedly.

"I just asked her this morning." Sebastian answered for me.

"I am planning on staying for the first week, just before Christmas arrives for which I will be returning home so that I can spend it with my family."

"I hope your parents will allow it Y/N." Natty said as she eyed the two of us.

I shrugged. "Time will tell."


Sebastian's POV

It had been a monday morning when I asked Y/N about the winter break, but as time went by there was still no response from her parents and it was already friday.

Maybe the answer will come today. It was only one more week before the break would start.

I had arrived first at the lunch table, my gaze focused on the big doors expecting my girlfriend to walk in any second.

A smile appeared on my face as she made her entrance. But as soon as I saw her companion I gritted my teeth.

I hated the jealousy that arised everytime another guy was talking to Y/N. But I just couldn't help myself. Especially Jasper and Thomas were getting on my nerves, because I knew about their feelings for her. Now the latter was annoyingly close to her, walking side by side as he made her laugh about something. I re-focused on my plate, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my jealous death stare.

"You can sit across from us. Samantha is not feeling well today." Y/N said to Thomas as they arrived at the table.

My gaze remained on the table as I felt her body taking a seat besides me, her arm and leg gracing my own as she sat down.

"I am seriously considering to tell her this isn't going to work out." Thomas said obviously continuing their conversation they had earlier. 

"I think you should. Because it's a waste of time for the both of you." Y/N said.

I didn't know what they were discussing, but I chose to stay out of it.  At least that was my plan.

"I guess, you're right. I should look for a new volunteer then."

"You know I am happy to help you, but-"

"I think we could start our lessons again. It has been over a month now, so I had time to move on." Thomas said cutting of Y/N's sentence.

"What kind of lessons?" I asked not being able to hold it in anymore.

"You know that I helped Thomas with his Potions assignments before. We took a break after uhm- after he learned that we were together-"

"Because I needed a bit of time to come to terms with your relationship." Thomas finished.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said letting my jealousy take over.

"Sebastian, Thomas and I are spending a lot of time in each other's presence, being in the same house and playing Quidditch together. You don't need to worry about it."

I noticed a small glimpse of hurt in Thomas's eyes as she said this. But he covered it up quite fast.

"If Y/N wants to help me, she should be able to. I don't think she needs your permission."

My grip on the cutlery tightened. "No, she does not, Y/N is free to do whatever pleases her." I said as I took hold of her hand above the table.

"Speaking of which, did you receive word from your parents yet?" I asked, hoping to lure out a reaction. 

''No, I haven't.'' She said shortly. 

''They need to hurry though bec-''

Stop that. Y/N's voice rang through my mind.

What? You don't want him to know? Why?

Let it rest, please. 

''What's going on with your parents Y/N?'' Thomas asked disrupting our little private chat. 

''Nothing, I just needed their permission to go on a field trip and they haven't replied yet. 

''What kind of field-''

''Thomas can you get over here? We have a discussion regarding the Wizard chest rules.'' Some first year whined. 

''Duty calls.'' Thomas said standing up and walking away. 

I let out a deep sigh. 

''Thought he would never leave.'' I said shaking my head. 

''Would it kill you to be a little nicer?'' Y/N complained as she gave me an angry stare. 

''Let's not forget how charming you get whenever girls come up to me.'' I said raising one eyebrow. 

''Pff, that's not the same. Those girls are annoying and they just go after you for your looks. They don't even know you.'' She said irritated. 

Her face was a little red from her fury. Other people might find it intimidating, but I always found it quite endearing. A little chuckle escaped my throat before I put an arm around her. 

''Let's agree that we are both quite jealous.'' I said as I messed up her hair. 

''Hey! I still have classes today.'' She complained as she petted down the hair on her head. 

''But to come back on topic, your parents still haven't replied?''

''They have actually and they are fine with it.'' She said with a big smile on her face. 

''Really? That's so wonderful.'' I almost yelled, earning a few curious looks from other students. 

''Sebastian, ssh.'' Y/N said her face flushed as her eyes faced the table. 

''Why can't people know?'' I asked.

''Don't you think people are going to assume... things.''

''Assume what?'' I asked not following.

''Do I need to spell it out for you? Sebastian, why do you think I didn't tell my parents I was going to stay over at my boyfriend's?''

My face turned red as I soon figured what she was trying to say. ''Oh, uhm I see. It does make sense now.'' I said sheepishly. 

I couldn't prevent my mind from wandering to the night we slept next to each other in the Hospital wing. The memory of the way her body fitted perfectly against my own and the peaceful expression of her face still lived vividly in my brain. 

''Are you coming?'' Y/N asked pulling me out of my daydream. 

''Uhm I am sorry? Where to?''

Y/N shook her head. ''We have Potion class in a few minutes.''

''Yes, go ahead I will be right behind you.'' I said as I raised myself from my seat and walked behind my girlfriend. We were ready to leave the Great hall, but not before I gave one more death-glare to Thomas Mills who conveniently looked our way. 

Y/N's POV (Time skip to the beginning of winter break)

I had created quite a struggle for myself, as I was dragging down my enormous suitcase from the staircase. Could I have used the floo flame? Probably yes, but Sam had put a lot effort in my hair this morning and I would hate if it got messed up. 

''Why in Merlins name did I pack for a whole month?'' I mumbled to myself as I slowly descended from the stairs. 

When I almost reached the end of my long journey, I came across Ominis. 

''Y/N is that you? Are you doing alright? You are breathing quite heavily.''

''Oh - hi  - Ominis -- I just have -- a large suitecase.'' I said in between heavy breaths. 

Ominis smiled at my explanation. ''Here, let's trade.'' He said as he put down his small bag and walked towards me. 

''No, Ominis. It is quite alright, the thing is too heavy.''

''Move over.'' He complained as he pushed me aside gently and grasped the handle of the trunk. 

''Merlin! What did you bring? Are you planning on moving in, or what?'' Ominis gasped as he began to walk with my luggage. 

''See I told you so. Let me-''

''Stop whining and get my little bag'' Ominis said as he moved forward. 

I knew better then to argue with Ominis, so I bowed down and grabbed his lightweighted travelling bag and made my way down to the mainfloor. 

''Ominis, what are you doing? I thought you packed that little bag of yours.'' Sebastian asked, who was leaning against the wall besides the door. 

''Sebastian, do you really think, this is mine.'' Ominis said as bowed forward, his hands resting on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. 

Sebastian eyes shot to me. His facial expression turned from amused to admiration as his eyes wandered over my body and face. He sprinted towards me and took over the little bag from Ominis. 

''Let me take this.'' He said his eyes not leaving mine. ''Y/N, you look so magnificent.'' He whispered in my ear. 

I smiled brightly at his compliment. His words were nothing compared to the feelings and thoughts that went through his body. 

At first I just wanted to put on something casual, but Sam had offered to make it a little more interesting by dressing me up and doing my hair. 

I wore a white knitted dress with long sleeves, a high waist line and flared skirt. My legs were covered in black tights which were transparent due to it's thinness. My hair was done halfway up, leaving the rest of my hair cascading down in a very lose braid on my back. 

I had never wore my hair like this and the amount of time and work Sam had put into it was ridiculous, but seeing his expression made it all worthwhile.

Sebastian's POV

The whole journey to my sister felt like a dream. I just couldn't believe how happy I was at this moment in time. 

Only at the beginning of this year I had been so fearful that I had lost it all, but here I was. My sister had find a way to forgive me and the most beautiful and brilliant girl I have ever met was mine. 

I had made more friends this year and the friendship I had with Ominis had grown stronger as well. And even though there were dangers lurking about, I was sure that our love was strong enough to pull us through. 

When we arrived at my sister's, we started unloading the carriage, unfortunately I had to carry the burden that was Y/N's trunk. Ominis had simply stated that he wasn't going to move that thing for another inch. 

''Who has packed for a whole year?'' Anne asked as she eyed the trunk. 

''Take a lucky guess.'' I said as I put it down against one of the walls. 

Anne turned aroud and faced Y/N. ''Are you planning on moving in already?'' She laughed before she gave Y/N a small hug. 

''Uhm- no, I - uh''

''She is just pulling your leg Y/N.'' I laughed as I nudged my sister lightly. 

''I knew that.'' Y/N said crossing her arms, an innocent smile playing on her lips. 

''Sure you did.'' I said giving het a wink.

Anne chuckled. ''You two just got here seconds ago and you're already flirting non-stop.'' 

''Prepair yourself Anne, you have seen nothing yet.'' Ominis added as he planted his bag on the pile of luggage and gave my sister a tight hug. 

Was it just me or was this friendly hug a bit long?

''So how was the journey?'' Anne asked when he finally let go. I couldn't help but to notice a slight change in her demeanor. She seemed happier and dare I say? More alive. 

''It was quite alright.'' Y/N said as she took a seat next to Ominis. ''I enjoyed it very much. It was the first time I ever got to sit in one actually.''

''Huh, but how did you get to Hogwarts then?'' Anne asked as she took the seat across from Ominis. 

''Both years I had a personal Hogwarts escort.'' Y/N said before she looked down, probably thinking about her mentor again.

I cleared my throat and changed the subject. ''Anne, I didn't tell you yet, but Y/N can conjure up a Patronus as well. 

Anne's eyes shot to Y/N. ''Can you really? Whoa that's so amazing. I can't believe the two of you are so evenly matched. It's almost like you were made for each other.'' Anne said as she gave Y/N a wink. 

''Oh! Y/N you need to tell me about the victory party. I have begged my brother for the juicy details, but ofcourse I didn't get any.'' Anne pouted. 

''Believe me Anne, if I had to write all of that down it would have been a novel.'' I said shaking my head. 

''Where do I even start?'' Y/N laughed. 

''Maybe start off with Sebastian punching a student in his face.'' Ominis chimed in. 

''Or about how you drank Garreth's weird concoctions.'' I said chuckling.

Anne giggled. ''Ahw, I would have loved to be there.''

''Maybe you will be able to see it with your own eyes soon.'' Ominis said, making the room go quiet in an instant. 

''What is he talking about?'' I asked my sister.

''Uhm, well we think we found something promising, but there are no guarantees yet.'' Anne said as she gave Ominis a bit of a stern look. 

''Can you tell us more?'' I asked curiously. 

''We will tell you more about it in the morning. You've had a long journey today. So I will get some food going and then we can talk more about Hogwarts and all the things I missed.'' Anne said as she stood up from the table. 


''Tomorrow Sebastian, I promise.''


Dear readers, 

This chapter has been cut into two. The winterbreak is two weeks and I have planned a lot. It will be the last time that I will publish a two parter, except for the finale ofc. That chapter is going to be big as well.

I would like to thank you all. A special thanks to my commenters <3 and my voters. I truly can't express what every read, vote and comment makes me feel.

Until next time :P

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