Other worldly princess Magi X...

By monokuma2018

76.3K 2.5K 489

I honestly can't write a summary to save my life, so I can only say to give this a try. Yes, you are dungeon... More

Into the dungeon we go
Three ways: what could go wrong?
Challenge accepted
We three!
As the god says
People from a whole different world
Back to the castle
Dammit Judal!
Our little 'game'
No escape
Familiar faces & new friends
Attention Seeker
Hidden sanctuary
The real reason why
Silence says something
The night of flames
Acid within the flames
Alibaba Nii-Nii

Crazy family of three

3K 121 33
By monokuma2018

The earth had the odd illusion of swallowing you up. The monster had managed to swallow you up whole, pushing you down it's throat. The small dark tunnel heading downwards was the least bit scary, for you already knew where it lead to.

Though, that might have been a major problem for you: the person at the other end was someone you were hoping to avoid until this blew over. Going through twists and turns, you could only smile like a nutcase that had escaped from the mental ward, small little laughs escaping as you descended further down each passing moment.

   " I don't see why you have to put me through this. You know it's a waste of time for both of us~!" Your sing song voice echoed through the tunnel, as your ride began to slow. Though the sounds of the outside world could not be heard, you knew that he heard your wish.

   No sooner said, an opening had appeared beneath you, that lead to a dark room. This room was beneath the castle, lower than the dungeon itself. No servants dared to explore this area, the perfect place for almost anything to happen.

  In the middle of the vast floor was a large circle, runes running rampant within and out. In the middle untouched by the runes however was an eight pointed star; only that was a large hint on who helped him capture you.

   As you began to plunge from the air, two figures awaited on the ground, faces holding the same melancholy expression. The taller one held out a scimitar sword, the small glowing circle had ceased as you landed. No sooner done, the ceiling had closed back up; already done with it's master's task.

   The smaller figure stared down at you, blue violet eyes burning holes into the very thing you could call a soul. The long strawberry blonde hair poured from her red hood, the tips reaching past her elbows, which remained at her side.

  " Natalie, what's the big idea? This all I get for a 'welcome back'?" You smiled at your younger sister, her blank face turning into that of annoyance. Your brother on the other hand, could only shake his head at his sister's antics.

  " For making me worry sick, of course!" She wailed, throwing her small arms around you, little red hood falling off. The twin tails on (the top =.=) her head bounced around as small tears began to form, the red and white bows had lowered as if showing the same emotion. Her odd mood swings were very common in situations like these.

   " you were gone for so long! You left me alone, you meanie!" She sobbed, burying her head further into your shoulder. You, the victim of the monster of the surface, had ended up comforting one of the very people responsible for it happening. Odd how the tables can turn so quickly.

   " I know you wanna join in on this, Iggy. No need to be shy. Come on" You gestured for your older lovable brother to join in on the small family moment. But he complied with your little request, smiling as little Natalie wrapped a small arm around him.




    " Just, why exactly did you have to make a monster swallow me whole?" You spoke after a long pause of silence. This had both destroyed the quiet atmosphere and startled the two siblings.

" Uhh..... um.. well...." They both pondered for a moment to think of an explanation, but when retrieved none, your siblings sighed.  This would happen from time to time. Rolling your eyes, you smirked as an idea came to mind.

  " Here's one: so you both would stop fighting and destroying the garden??" You gave out an excuse, and started to laugh at the two expressions of anger in front of you.

You knew well enough that they couldn't have forgotten about the garden, especially since it was reduced to more than a plant wasteland.

   " Not funny (y/n). Not funny." Arthur had gotten up, mood now sour at the grim reminder. Natalie still clung to you, but was now pouting instead of crying.

    But as realization struck, she had snapped out of her mood as she hopped up from the ground, trying to help you to your feet. " I just remembered something! I want you to meet a new friend of mine!"  She cheered, dragging you with her.

Arthur could only smirk as he saw your pleading face. But it quickly faded, once he felt the strong grip on his wrist. He stared into (e/c) orbs that glowed with mischief.

   " I'll be damned if I go alone. We're all in this together~!" You cheered at his groaning form, as his way of saying ' Don't you ever sing that. Ever'. The rukh danced around the room, bringing a comforting aura to the dark room.

A/N: Couldn't sleep, and it's 2:13 am. I've been like this since 10:51 pm. So I apologize if it seemed a little (lot) rushed....... Damn insomnia!

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