All I Want is Love

By BabyCakes2921

163K 5.4K 459

When you start feeling empty as if you have nothing left, all you need is love. If you have not read Loving... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Part 52
Author Talks

Chapter 19

3.9K 112 6
By BabyCakes2921


I tried calming Marcus down because he was heated. Yaya is a snake for doing that though especially since he knew Marcus was with her and he would be in his face all the time, especially when he was at the trap with him.

"Daddy calm down please, you don't have to trip over neither one of them okay. You not with her anymore, it's not your baby for sure and Yaya gone have enough going on with Niah so they gone get theirs baby", I said massaging his shoulders.

"I'll be back", he got up from the bed going into the bathroom still looking mad.

"Bapes!!!" I heard Kee yelling from downstairs but then I remembered about her twin and I wasn't sure if it was her or not. But when I seen her I knew it was her.

"Moookkkiieee!!!!", I started rushing towards her as fast as I could.

I miss my sister so much. I hugged her tight and the twins started kicking. Well one did.

"Oh my gosh the babies are kicking?", she smiled putting one of her hands on my stomach.

"No not both just one. I think the other is still sleep. But anyway Mookie I missed you so much, I'm so glad they found you"

"All thanks to you. You always end up saving me, and I just want to say thank you foreal, if it wasn't for you my kids wouldn't have their mother", she started getting teary eyed which made me teary eyed. Oh the hormones.

"You're my sister and I'd do it any day at anytime, but preferably on the weekdays before the kids come home from school but not late at night either", I joked making us laugh a little. "Come sit down", we walked into the living room and she was looking all around at the decor.

"Wow this is beautiful Pookie. You're always decorating something and changing something", I just giggled.

"I know that's me and I can't take full credit for helping you. It felt like somebody was talking to me leading me exactly to you", she looked at me confused just like when I first heard it.

"What you mean somebody led you to me, you on some scary..."

"No, it's not even like scary shyt it's just crazy I don't know"

"You know what, now that you say it, I think something came over Paco too cause he was about to let me beat Tee's axx, but then all of a sudden he locked us in a room together"

"I don't know but what happened since you didn't fight, or did you?"

"No, she actually told me why she did what she did and everything. I mean she's my identical twin, we're alike in a lot of ways and who knows, I may need her one day"

"That's absolutely true, what happened to her though I mean why didn't she grow up with yall?", I asked rubbing my belly.

"The said she died when she was born from the umbilical cord but apparently not and the hospital never said anything"

"Aww she probably just wanted family"

"Yeah but here isn't the bet place to get it but she over my parents house now"

"I hope that goes good then"

"I know but anyway where are the kids?"

"Girl taking a nap. They finally got what they wanted and we just got back"

"Where'd y'all go?"

"I went with Zoey to get a mani and pedi and the Chinese lady decided to call me fat. Girl I almost went all the off on her until she said what she meant"

"I would've did the same thing but yo nails are cute boo"

"Thank you. I'm a cook something for everybody tomorrow, I want a family dinner"

"Do you even have enough food?"

"Not yet, I'm a tell Marcus to buy some groceries"

"Girl he is not about to go grocery shopping"

"He don't have a choice I want to have a dinner"

I text Marcus for him to buy some food I'd cook and then Jada came. She had my little butterfly and Ignatius with her too.

We all chilled and talked but when Marcus got back everybody had to go. I hugged everybody goodbye and the kids went with Kee since she was going over her mom's while Paco went to handle business.

Yanna's POV

"Talk to me baby" I said to Teyana

"Its just that I never was really wanted. And I felt abandoned"

"We didn't abandon you on purpose. We were told false information and I'm sorry for not being there for you. I really am baby. I'm glad you okaee"


"What you mean"

"I been through so much. Probably not as much as Kee but I've been through a lot"

"Tell me about it "

"I lived with a family that didn't want me. They treated me badly from everybody else and made me do things I didn't want to she started getting choked up at the end.

"What did they make you do baby"

"They made me do drugs, drink alcohol and not be the person I truly am. I'm not that person to kidnap people and be mean. I'm not but I wanted a family so bad that I was willing to do anything and that was the best way. I'm so sorry I really am" she started crying at the end.

I pulled her into me rubbing her back, "what else baby"

"I would get beat whenever I didn't do what I was told. I almost died being with them. They really didn't care about me. I tried killing myself but that never worked. I would get real depressed and it was never nobody there for me to vent too" as my baby girl vented to me about her life I started getting really mad. I have to be strong for her so I can't cry at least not now.

I continued to rub her back as she talked, "I I've been used by people and I'm just tired. I'm tired of fighting for people and things that are not sticking with me. It seem like everybody and everything is just seasonal and I want something real."

"So many times I cried for you mom so many and you never came. I was always told that you never wanted me that's why I ended up with them and that you didn't love me. No matter what happened I fought against it but it all hurted"

She cried even harder. I swear its hell about to be paid forreal.

"Baby I'm sorry you even had to experience any of that. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you called. I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner to take you away. I really am sorry. I'm glad I have you now and I'm never letting you go. I promise you I'm not. You been through a lot and you still here. Youve been told that you weren't going to make it but you did anyway. You've tried to kill yourself but God wouldn't let you. That's a sign baby. A sign that you are strong and if you fight things will get better. Everybody goes through rain before they see the sunshine. Baby you just went through your thunderstorm early and its about to shine all over you. Okaee baby" I stated.

I'm so glad that she reached out to us. Even though it wasn't the right way it still was a way. I have my babygirl and I wanna make everything right with her.

We sat there for a while as I held her until she stopped crying. I know how it feels when everything is bottled up and you finally let's it out. Its overwhelming but it helps so much.

"You feel better??"


"Are you going to stay with us now??"


"Okaee, tell me about yaself"

"I graduated from Stanford university college. At first I wanted to be a psychologist but I changed my mind and majored in law and minored in business."

"That's so funny. At first Kee wanted to be a lawyer but she changed to psychology and minored in business."

"My favorite color blue, I love food. Certain things I don't like but majority I like. Alfredo got to be my favorite. I love making money. I'm real nice but can be real mean when I wanna be. I love kids. I like to joke around and have fun. I'm a chilled out person, laid back and when you get on my shyt list its no way of getting off. I fight for what I want. I love having fun and playing basketball"

As I listened to Teyana tell me about herself it amazed me how much like Kee she is. Like they are really alike. Its things that they don't have in common but they are really identical.

We sat there and talked catching up on so much. I even told her about my past life and how things were hard for us back then.

"You need to talk to ya dad"


"Because I would like for y'all to have a relationship. And him and Kee are close so it shouldn't be hard for y'all to build a relationship."

She nodded her head and got up walking off heading to the basement. I got up and went into the kitchen to cook something.

"I think imma make so alfredo, just for my daughter" I said to myself.

I took the ingredients out for the chicken and shrimp alfredo.

As I was cooking, everything that Tee told me never left my head. It just kept replaying and I'm so mad that I couldn't be there for her.

No matter what happened in the past I was always there for my kids. I always made sure that they had everything they needed.

Yes I'm mad that I let certain shyt happen to my kids and they had to experience certain things but I tried.

And no matter what I never gave up. But to find out that there was always one left behind and that , that one experienced everything you tried to shield the others from hurt. Especially as a mom, it really do hurt. And to know that I can't do nothing about it now makes it even worse.

I just want her to know that I'm here and that she has a family. That she has a place to call home and come home too.

This would be perfect if Shamir was here. Then I could have had all my kids in one room just admiring how we all came from the bottom but accomplished so much.

I need to call my kids and have a family dinner. That would be the best mothers day gift.

Teyana's POV

After talking to my mom and dad I was actually able to show a genuine smile.

I had so much animosity and hurt build up in me that it felt good to let it out. It felt good to tell somebody something and they actually reply back.

To be held by somebody that actually loves me. It all felt so good and I think I'm ready to call this place home.

I want a family and friends so bad. I want to have a relationship with my brothers and sisters and be able to talk to them about anything.

I want to be able to watch and see my nieces and nephews and they actually know me.

And sooner I would like to start my own family. That's probably a reason whyy things never worked out for me. Because I was always so hurt that when certain things happened everything got destroyed.

That I was yearning for a family so bad that I was nice and willing to work with anybody that I got walked all over by any and everybody.

I know this my first time being here with them as Teyana and I really like it. I want to be able to call my mom anytime and she answer. Or just being able to have the privilege to go see her whenever I want.

I just want a family. Right now its like 7 o'clock and I'm sitting here watching The Walking Dead. I love this show like Rick is so fvcking sexy. I don't even date whites but I would if a cute one ever ask me out.

Mama made a big axx pan of chicken and shrimp alfredo. I'm already on my third plate. This food is good as hvll.

I know how to cook but damn. I was about to go get me somemore when Kee and them came in.

"Heyy Tee where mama" Kee asked coking in the kitchen.


"Okaee I be right back"


I made me another plate and got another cup of juice. By time I got back in the living room the commercial was over and the show was starting back up.

Kee came back downstairs. "Oh my gosh you watch the walking dead too??"

"Yea I love this show"

"I do too"

"This season 5 did you catch this season yet"

"No. Wait mama cooked??"

"Yea she made chicken and shrimp Alfredo"

"Oh hvll. I be right back" I laughed at how fast she got off the couch to go get a plate. It was funny because that's how I be about food.

I do not play.

She came back with a big axx plate and sat down next to me. Kee must eat a lot. Like damn. This girl gave birth to four kids, eats like that and still has a flat stomach.

I need to be like her.

"Ard so what happened in season 5??" She asked stuffing her face.

"So much like Rick really is a beast"

"I know that the white boy of my dreams"

"Mines too!!" We both laughed a little.

"Ard well what number episode are you on??"

"Only the 3rd"

"Do you mind if we go back"

"Not at all"

We went back to the first episode of season five and sat in our spots watching it non stop.

We made it up till like the 5th episode before we decided to stop and catch finish next time.

"I fvcking hate Gabe" Kee said.

"Yaass he weird and he gone get them killed."

"He def is buh whyy did Tyrese have to die like that"

"I know right I was over here crying when all the people that died was talking to him"

"Yess like that was so sad."

We sat there and talked about the Walking Dead until her phone rang.

"Hello"... "Yea"... "No I'm at moms"... "They already sleep I'm watching TV with my sista"... "No Teyana"... "Yea"... "How long"... "Ard".. "Lol ard".. "Love you too babe". She hung up.

"Ard Tee I know we started off kind of shaky and I want to fix that. You are my twin and imma always be here for you. Whatever you need just call okaee" she said out of nowhere.

"Thanks Kee. I'm sorry about the way I went about things. I shouldn't have did what I did and I am sorry for that."

"Its okaee I forgive you and I understand. Now I just wanna get pass all that. Look I know you gone need somewhere to stay and you can live with me and Paco if you'll like. I know mama and pops might give you this house since they don't come to Atlanta like that, but I also know that you might not wanna live alone right now. I'm not going to force you to live with me but the offer will always be there."

"Thank you sis. I really appreciate it"

"Anytime you my twin. I got ya back. Are you staying here tonight??"

"Yea I can help mom with the babies and stuff"


She went upstairs. I guess to say goodnight to mom and pops.

She came back downstairs about to head out. "Remember what I said Tee. The offer will always be there. Good night love you and call me if you need anything"

"Thanks love you too"

It felt so good to hear somebody tell me they love me and genuinely mean it. I was able to say love you back and not have the scared feeling afterwards.

Even though I may not like Paco I might take that offer up. She was right even if mom let me have this house I wouldn't be here that much because I'm not ready to be alone.

I know how Paco annoys me but the d he gave me when he thought I was Kee was too bomb. That nicca can really put it down.

But I can tell that he really loves Kee. Like the way he look at her says it all and I really like that. I love how their relationship is. They both are happy and you can see it.

I'm so glad that I came out here because if I didn't I would still be in that shyt hole I was in , in Jersey.

I love this already and I can't wait to meet the others. To my new beginning.

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