Context Clues | Completed

By rebeccacai

359 66 55

Kang Il isn't known for being much more than a grouchy ball player with a temper and a hatred for kids. He do... More

Book Two
Book Notes & Translations
Chapter One | Duck Butts and Blobfish Faces
Chapter Two | Balloon Murderer
Chapter Three | Old Nicknames
Chapter Four | I want a Dino Cookie Too
Chapter Five | Unwanted
Chapter Six | Bullies and Bad Friends
Chapter Eight | Baits and Showers
Chapter Nine | Unburying the Past
Chapter Ten | You Have My Sympathies
Chapter Eleven | Bad Blind Dates and Good Excuses
Chapter Twelve | Mutual Benefits
Chapter Thirteen | Hope is for Everyone
Chapter Fourteen | Clumsy Husky Memes
Chapter Fifteen | Salanghaeyo
Chapter Sixteen | Unheard Confessions and New Roommates
Chapter Seventeen | New Group Chats and Fake Dates
Chapter Eighteen | Mother's Intuition or Mother's X-ray Vision?
Chapter Nineteen | Coward's Way of Confessing
Chapter Twenty | Harsh Truths
Chapter Twenty-One | Devil on My Shoulder
Chapter Twenty-Two | Consequences of My Own Actions
Chapter Twenty-Three | The Blessing of a Family
Chapter Twenty-Four | Golden Boy to Dirty Mistress
Chapter Twenty-Five | Sunshine of My Life
Chapter Twenty-Six | Secrets to Unravel
Chapter Twenty-Seven | Complete and Utter Madness
Chapter Twenty-Eight | Wrapping Up Loose Ends
Epilogue | They Say I Do
Author's Note
Book Three
Dedication & Acknowledgements

Chapter Seven | Misplaced Priorities Much?

14 2 2
By rebeccacai

Gal Jii

Messages between Coach Gal Jii and his wife, Gar Yung-Hee

Gal Jii: Guess which player I watched get DESTROYED by Tae Men

Gar Yung-Hee: Is Tae Men the PR liaison gal?

Gal Jii: The one and only

Gar Yung-Hee: Then I'll go with Kang Il. Unless you're trying to throw me a 'curve ball' as you might say and then Ryan Jae...?

Gal Jii: Curve ball. Very funny, my Love

Gar Yung-Hee: I learned all I know about baseball from you

Gal Jii: Then obviously I am not a very good coach

Gar Yung-Hee: Or a good husband it seems if he's gonna insult his wife's intelligence

Gal Jii: My Love, no one compares to you when it comes to beauty or brains

Gal Jii: Or your cooking

Gal Jii: Or sense of style

Gar Yung-Hee: That's enough sucking up, I get the picture. What happened between Tae Men and Kang Il then?

Gal Jii: She basically told him to stop treating her like garbage as he implied some very inappropriate things about her dating history

Gar Yung-Hee: He did what? Seriously?

Gal Jii: It wasn't pretty and she wasn't happy

Gal Jii: It was obvious that they have some history though. I didn't catch the full conversation, but she implied that she knew him before based on telling him he needed to learn how to be a human again

Gar Yung-Hee: Wow

Gal Jii: Speaking of Ryan Jae, he's on his way out to see Miss Jones I think

Gar Yung-Hee: Oh no! You don't think she's going to confess to Ryan Jae and not Lee Young-min? I bet three bottles of wine and some babysitting on her choosing Lee Young-min

Gal Jii: You'd root against your husband's favorite player to lose to his love rival?

Gar Yung-Hee: You'd root against your WIFE's favorite costar to lose to HIS love rival? Really?

Gal Jii: ...

Gar Yung-Hee: Do you think Tae Men and Kang Il will eventually get together? Is their history romantic?

Gal Jii: I'm not sure. I get the impression that whatever happened, Kang Il left on bad terms

Gar Yung-Hee: Not surprising

Gal Jii: Had Ca Jin-Ho told me that she knew Kang Il before, I would have checked with her to see if she was capable of working with him given whatever history they may have. But he didn't say a thing

Gar Yung-Hee: Do you think he knew? Didn't he and Tae Men used to date? Why is he helping her out then?

Gal Jii: I'm not sure, the whole situation is weird. Ca Jin-Ho knew it was Kang Il on the contract so for him to know about their history and still not say a peep is definitely strange

Gar Yung-Hee: Well, either way, keep me updated on what happens next! With the whole Lee Young-Min and Miss Jones deal coming to a conclusion one way or another, I'll need a new relationship to live through vicariously

Gal Jii: Is ours not good enough for you now, my Love?

Gar Yung-Hee: I'd give it an 8 out of 10

Gal Jii: And how do I make that a 10 out of 10?

Gar Yung-Hee: ...

Gal Jii: My Love?

Gar Yung-Hee: Win today's game for me. Doesn't it start soon?

Gal Jii: I will work my hardest to push my boys to the limit so we win this game in your honor

Gal Jii: Plus beating Ca Jin-Ho now that he's working for the enemy will be wonderful...

Gar Yung-Hee: He's a traitor, I know...

Gal Jii: The best batter I ever worked with... just poof...gone to be closer tov family

Gar Yung-Hee: You can cry about it later, go win the game for me and the kids. I love you

Gal Jii: I love you more

Bu Seok

Oh boy, he's about to leap off a cliff any moment.

I was standing in the locker room with the entire Eagles team and three of the Tae male family members who were chatting up the team about their stats, playing history, and of course, the fact that their daughter/sister was eligible and very attractive.

Something that several players had already taken notice when she was yelling at Kang Il and the current conversation that was sending Kang Il over the edge.

I'm quietly observing as Tae Men's father and two brother basically talk to every single player on the team and show off their numerous family photos and tons of shots of Tae Men, each one making her look more and more beautiful.

None of the Tae males had spoken a word to Kang Il and I had a feeling based on the looks Tae Moon was giving him that it was on purpose.

After the coaches had allowed the Tae males to stick around for the pregame meeting they continued their conversations regarding Tae Men's accomplishments and Kang Il was past the brink.

And then they met Ryan Jae and a Martian would be able to spot the throbbing veins from his forehead.

Deciding to take pity on the man, I pull him aside and lead him out to the field, claiming the need to see the stadium filled with fans from the view of the dugout.

Whether he's appreciative to escape the fawning of Ryan Jae and the proposed blind date between him and Tae Men, he doesn't say.

He stares around the stadium, careful to hide in the shadows of the dug out so reporters can't zoom in on his glowering face.

"I have something that might make you feel a little better."

He lets out a grunt.

"I'm fairly certain Ryan Jae was rejected earlier today."


"So, if Tae Men truly cares for you, she'd be able to do the same thing. It is possible. He isn't perfect to everyone."

"That doesn't bother me."

"Yeah, your glares and grinding teeth don't show your annoyance at all."

Kang Il lets out a moan and squats against the wall.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"Pity," I admit.

"I don't need or deserve your pity."

"Yet it's still present. Amazing what empathy can do, right?"

"If you're gonna be a jackass—"

Kang Il suddenly stands and looks across the field. I follow his gaze and see Tae Men in her professional clothes standing with Ca Jin-Ho to the side of home plate. She's wiping at her eyes, a grin on her face as she stares at him.

"They must have ended things on good terms."

"Apparently so," Kang Il mutters.

"Gal Jii would probably know why they broke up if you were interested..."

Kang Il looks at me and I see the cautious interest written on his face, but he doesn't admit to it.

I roll my eyes and text Gal Jii an inquiry about Tae Men and Ca Jin-Ho.

He quickly shoots a message back, Tell Kang Il to ask her himself. But for your knowledge, I think it had something to do with his trade 6 years ago and not wanting to do long distance, but I'm not sure.

I let out a snort at the first portion and relay the message to Kang Il.

"He still lives in another city so I doubt they'd be willing to get back together at this point since that's still a factor."

"Unless he gets traded."

Kang Il and I jump, grabbing at each other as we let out matching yelps. We turn and see one of Tae Men's relatives hiding in the doorway to the locker room entrance.

"Where did you come from?"

"Damn it," Kang Il swears. "Tae Min-Ki you always were sneakier than shit."

"I thought I recognized your face when we met at the coffee shop, but it's been a long time. It wasn't until Eomeoni said your name that I realized you were the boy in the pictures in Unnie's room," the teenage boy says calmly.

Ooo this is going to be interesting...


"Explains why she avoids this stadium now. She refuses to come except when Ca Jin-Ho comes to play."

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Kang Il is confused and I look over at him.

We lock eyes and realize we're still clutching onto each other; we scramble to separate.

"How long have you played for the Eagles?"

"6 Seasons."

"The same amount of time since Tae Men has refused to come here. Interesting coincidence, huh?" Tae Min-Ki glares at Kang Il and I sheepishly start taking notes on my phone subtly as the scene plays out in front of me.

"The last game she would have attended was the Season Opener of your Rookie year for Tae Moon's birthday. The only reason I remember was because I was too sick to go with him and he took Unnie instead. She hasn't been a baseball fan pretty much ever, but then she dated Ca Jin-Ho so that fixed itself sort of. The breakup made us think that she'd revert to being an antifan... but it wasn't until after that game that she declared herself an antifan..."

"An antifan of what?"


I let out a gasp at the revelation and watch a series of emotions fall over Kang Il's face.

Where's some popcorn when you need it?!?!

"I thought maybe Unnie was wrong about you; she's never been wrong about someone before, but then she found out she was working with you and you called my Unnie a slut—"

"I didn't—"

"I was on the field. I might just be a highschooler, but I'm not stupid. I understand subtext more than most adults."

"Tae Min-Ki—"

"Stay away from my Unnie. Stay away from her for anything other than professional obligations. She has a contract that she'll fulfill to the best of her abilities, but other than that, leave her alone."

"I didn't mean to hurt her."

"But you did. Are you really naïve enough to think that your jealous words would make her want you instead of pushing her away?" Tae Min-Ki spits.

"I'm sorry."

"Tell her that. Just stay away."

"I will tell her. I promise. But I can't stay away from Tae Men."

"Why not? You left her behind 15 years ago."

Oh boy I need some context for this story!

"I didn't want to," Kang Il's voice is getting breathless as he stares at Tae Men's younger brother desperately.

"But you did!" Tae Min-Ki steps forward and I see what's about to happen before it does, "Stay away from Tae Men, Car Taeyang or Kang Il or whatever your damn name is. Stay away and let her move on and be happy."

"...I can't."

Tae Min-Ki's arm strikes out and makes solid contact with Kang Il's face, snapping his head back. Kang Il must've been preparing himself for the hit as he barely flinches, but a small trickle of blood drips from his split lip.

Unexpectedly, Kang Il fully bows over in apology to Tae Min-Ki despite being the victim in the assault.

He stands to his full height and looks down at the young man, "I can't leave her alone. But I promise, I swear, that I will never leave her alone again for as long as she can stand to keep me in her life. But when she says no, when she says goodbye, I will respect her wishes for as long as I live."

Tae Min-Ki shakes his hand, his knuckles already bruising from the quick punch, but rather than argue or hit Kang Il again, he just walks away, leaving Kang Il and I behind and my mind wondering one question.

How can I find out more about this situation and turn it into the world's best sports drama?

Tae Men

After I had stormed away from Kang Il, I found my way through the stadium and to my other best friend's side. Ca Jin-Ho and I rarely see each other these days, the distance between Seoul and Busan too long for us to see one another often enough.

Aka a huge reason as to why we decided we'd be better off as friends...

That's not the only reason and you know it.

"Miss me already?"

I roll my eyes at his teasing tone and pretend I'm going to punch him in the arm.

"How are you doing, TaeTae?"

"Been better, been worse."

"How's working with Kang Il?" He asks innocently.

"He's still a complete ass," I hiss, looking down at my white pointed heels. "When you recommended me for the job, I wasn't expecting to work with him."

"Uh huh..." Ca Jin-Ho mumbles.

I look up at him and see him looking around distractedly.

"Ca Jin-Ho, were you expecting me to work with him?" I growl.

Ca Jin-Ho won't meet my eyes as he draws out his next words, "Noooo, of course not..."

"Ca Jin-Ho!"

"I thought it would be a great opportunity for you two reconnect and be able to move on!" He whines.

"Why would you think that?!" I cry out, hanging my head and shaking my arms, "If I wanted to reconnect, I would have! Now because of you not warning me he was the client, I had to lie about how I got the job! He thinks I was hired because of Gal Jii's wife... thank goodness I thought up a quick story because if he knew the real reason was because of your misguided notion that I—"

"That you miss him and have been missing him for the last 15 years—"

I let out a cackle at the absurd notion.

"I have not! If I'd been missing someone for so long, I'd probably be in love with them!"

My laughter continues and I look over at Ca Jin-Ho who is staring at me expectantly.

"Ca Jin-Ho are you crazy?!" I shriek. "There's no way I'm in love with him!"

He shrugs and sticks his hands in his pants pockets, "You're the one who refuses to date professional athletes now..."

"Because of you!"

He rolls his eyes at me, "I think you and I both know that's not true. We broke up for several reasons, distance and..."

"And what?"

Car Taeyang...

"And you know what, Tae Men."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I sniff. "Had you not moved away, we would still be together."

"Really? Cause I've been offered a trade to come back to the area and I'm thinking about taking it."

Ca Jin-Ho's words cause my heart to hammer in my chest.

"What...?" I say weakly.

"I could come back; just say the word." He stares at me, smiling at the startled look on mu face, "You think on that and in the meantime, come to terms with the feelings you have for Kang Il."

"Feelings of hatred?"

"There's a thin line between love and hate, Tae Men. We used to hate each other's guts too, remember?"

"I remember."

"Don't tell me you don't have any feelings for him, because I know better."

"Ca Jin-Ho—"

"You don't have to apologize; I knew that going into our relationship, remember?"

I look down at my feet again, "I didn't want to have feelings for him back then. You know that."

"I do; I also know you don't want to have feelings for him now."

"Feelings of hatred."

"Feelings of hatred, love, lust, whatever..."

"Ca Jin-Ho!"

"Don't worry, Taetae, your secret is safe with me. I just have one question for you?"

"What is it?"

"If you guys get married, can I be your flower girl?"

I burst into laughter, tears welling in my eyes, and smile up at my old boyfriend, my current best friend, and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"If I ever marry that blobfish, you can be the officiant, not the flower girl," I tease and he high fives me in celebration. "But if that's your priority right now, I have to tell you that they're a little off."

"Are you really that surprised? I'm giving up the girl to that blobfish... my priorities are definitely whacked."


Whether it be by luck or skill, the game was down to the final inning and was tied. Kang Il was on first base and Ca Jin-Ho was batting with 2 outs and bases fully loaded. It was a harrowing game, but maybe only to me as I was torn between supporting my friend and my client to win.

My parents and siblings had opted to enjoy seats right above 1st base and I was currently in the dugout eyeing the field and the reporters preparing to swarm the field post-game for interviews with Kang Il.

"Do you think he'll manage to behave if we end up losing?" Gal Jii asks from next to me.

I shrug and watch carefully as the handsome all-star pitcher, Ryan Jae, prepares to pitch to Ca Jin-Ho.

"His weakness is a curve ball, but Ryan's specialty is a fast ball. I'm curious to see what they'll settle on tactic-wise," Gal Jii chews on some gum loudly, snapping and popping it.

The sharp pops would have made me jump if I was wound any tighter.

"He's expecting a curve," I mumble.

"You think so?"

"I do."

Gal Jii grunts in acknowledgment.

And then the pitch is released.

"Curve ball," I mutter. Ca Jin-Ho makes solid contact with the ball and I watch as the players move quickly like performers in a carefully orchestrated ballet.

As Ca Jin-Ho runs to first base, the runner on third is tagged out and then it's a race against time between Kang Il and Ca Jin-Ho.

"Go Ca Jin-Ho!" the fans scream in excitement and I watch as the ball flies from third base to first in an effort to tag him out.

I watch as Kang Il stares the ball down and waits patiently for its arrival. Ca Jin-Ho seems to be running through quicksand as the moment plays out in slow motion.

"GO CAR TAEYANG!" I scream out with a wide grin, watching as the ball lands in his glove.

Kang Il tags out Ca Jin-Ho and the dugout erupts into cheers as the players file out of the dugout and the outfield to meet everyone on the pitching mound where Ryan Jae is cheering. I grin as Gal Jii joins his team and watch the entire group celebrate.

Except for Kang Il.

Kang Il stays on first base and has turned his face upwards. His eyes are closed and he smiles softly, his mouth moving ever so slightly as he whispers something indiscernible to even the best lip reader in the world.

The moment makes me a little sad as I watch the team members celebrate their accomplishment and Kang Il stand off by himself, not dissimilar to how it was when we were in school.

He helped them win, yet isn't celebrated himself.

"I see Kang Il is off on his own yet again."

From beside me is a young man wearing the same coaching uniform as Gal Jii. He's young and handsome with dark eyes and a straight nose.

"This is normally how it goes?"

Why ask a question you already know the answer to, Tae Men?

"This is my first game as a coach, but he was always notorious for his lack of camaraderie. The guys used to invite him to join their hangouts and huddles, but he always made an excuse. They stopped asking him after a while."

"If this is your first game with the team, how do you know that?"

"I'm friends with Bu Seok, the guy shadowing him. He's a HUGE gossip."

"I see."

"I'm Du Jii, the new pitching coach," he holds out his hand and I see that his right hand has been replaced by a metal prosthesis.

I force myself not to react to it, but cordially shake it and turn my attention back to the field as the reporters are allowed to start their interviews.

Polite, presentable, professional.

My mantra rolls itself through my head as I silently pray that Kang Il will behave himself during his interviews.

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