Sakura x Hibari

By AnnaVelardi

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Little shorts about Yakumo Sakura's love for Hibari Kyoya. Including how she fell in love with him. Why she i... More

Yakumo Sakura
Earliest Memories
The First Friend
Love at First Sight
Year One : Part One
Year One : Part 2
Welcome Back
Mismatched Adventures
Dino Cavallone
6 : Mask
6: Round One
Round Two
6 : Finding Hibari
6: What love can do
6 : Aftermath
Varia : Rings
Varia : Feeling Better
Varia : Storm Guardians
Varia : Emotions
Varia : Mist
Varia : Cloud
Varia : Urges
Varia : Sky Part 1
Varia : Sky Battle Part 2
Varia : Sky Battle Part 3
Varia : Aftermath
Future : Not According to Plan
Future : Grand Entrance
Future : Training
Future : Raid
Future Hibari Kyoya's Return
Future : Hibi
Future : Truth
Future : Their First Time
Future : Bonding
Future : Choice Battle
Future : Vongola Primo
Future : Four Swords Men
Future : Vongola Decimo
Future : Leader of the Arcobaleno
Future : Future : Skylarks, Cherry Blossoms and Daisies
Future : The beginning of the End
Future : Middle of the End
Future : Primo and Decimo
Future : The End
Future : Aftermath
Simon : Growth
Simon : Confession
Simon : Love
Simon : Inheritance Ceremony
Simon : Simon Family
Simon : You're Mine
Simon : Gift
Simon : The Night Before
Simon : Welcome
Simon : Ryohei vs Aoba
Simon : Killer Spots
Simon : The First Memory
Simon : Lambo vs Ooyama Rauji
Simon: Lambo's Pride
Simon: The Second Memory
Simon: Gokudera vs Shitopi-chan
Simon : The Third Memory
Simon : The Horrible Truth
Simon : Hibari vs Adelheid
Simon : The Fourth Memory
Simon : Damian Spade
Simon : Yamamoto's Return
Simon : The Fifth Memory
Simon : Yamamoto vs Damian Spade
Simon : Late Night Secrets
Simon : Tsunayoshi vs Enma
Simon : The Sixth Memory
Simon : Freedom
Simon : Damian vs Hibari & Sakura
Simon : The Final Battle
Simon : The Seventh Memory
Simon : Tsuna & Enma vs Damian Spade
Simon : The Yakumo Curse
Simon : Aftermath
Rainbow : Hibari Kyoya x Yakumo Sakura
Rainbow : Team Fon
Rainbow : Day One
Rainbow : Day Two
Rainbow : Day Three
Rainbow : A Favor

Future : To My Past Self

47 2 0
By AnnaVelardi

Summary : I have you all seen those two parallel universe movies? That's where the inspiration for this title comes from. In this chapter we see our little Yakuza Princess adapt a little more to life in the future. 

Yakumo Sakura enjoyed her bath. She took a long one relaxing after such an eventful morning. She had changed into clean underwear and creatively cut up Hibari's kinagashi into shorts and a shorter top to fit her smaller figure. She came out of the bathroom with her hair slightly damp. Then the girl followed Hibari's instructions. She went up the stairs all the way to the room that had a door open.

As she approached it she could hear two voices, "Sir you can't. She's not your Sakura-sama." That was Miki's voice. "Miki, we came to an agreement. You get to keep whatever you have towards her and I don't bite you to death as long as you remember she's mine. Past or future, Sakura is still my Sakura. Therefore, what I share with her, what I teach her, what I choose for her is for me to decide not you. If I want to train her to be like her future self and at the front lines then I can. If I want to keep her here locked up like a treasure, then I will." Hibari said. Sakura couldn't stop the smile on her face. That sounded like her Hibari treating her like an object versus a person. "Sir she can't..." Miki stopped talking.

"Little one, I can feel you there. Come in." Hibari called her. The girl blushed because she was caught eavesdropping. "Sorry." she said as she entered the room. Hibari glanced up at her. "Have a seat." he gestured with hand to have her sit across from him. Miki bowed to her. "Excuse me, your highness. I have more duties to fill." he said. "Wait Miki!" Sakura said, still standing.

She looked between the two of them. "The Yakuza... Kai and Bai..." she asked. "Are alive and well. So is everyone else. I'm going to tell them of your return so they can continue to keep the morale up and watch over Namimori." Miki assured her. Sakura let out a sigh and sat on the couch. Everyone was okay. Hibari pushed a cup of tea in front of her. "Drink and relax little one. You're safe." he assured her. And she was. No one was going to hurt her or take her from him again. Miki bowed once more then excused himself.

Sakura took a sip of the tea before she looked up at the older Hibari. "Thank you for saving me Hibari-san." she addressed him so formally. His eyebrow twitched. "You don't need to be so formal, little one." he said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out her earring and two boxes. Sakura looked at him then the items he placed in front of her. "You need to learn to fight in this world. To do that, you need to ignite your flames as a leader." he shared. Sakura picked up her earring. The orb was a brilliant orange.

She took a deep break and closed her eyes. Her pride as a Yakuza leader. Knowing she was in the future to help protect the past. She opened her eyes and looked at Hibari. "If I may ask... Gamma mentioned something about your wife..." she wasn't sure if she was ready to hear that answer. Hibari looked at her and scoffed. He would have chuckled if she wasn't so damn cute. "Your future self is my wife. We have been married for almost five years now." he said as if it was a simple comment. The princess on the other hand felt her face light up like a firework. Hibari even gestured to the photos behind them on a table against the wall.

Sakura got up and went over to see a proper shinto wedding photo. There was also a photo of them in Egypt and what looked to be like Italy. "Wow..." she said, surprised as a wave of happiness washed over her. "You're future self died this morning. In order to protect the future we had to bring you over sooner than I wanted." he shared. "But your future self knew something would happen. That's why she left you that box." he shared.

The princess went back over to the couch again and looked at the box and her earring. She couldn't stop the thoughts of her and Hibari getting married one day that her orange earring lit up in a brilliant orange flame much like Tsunayoshi's. Hibari scoffed. "Of course. Something stupid as love would ignite your sky flame" he commented rolling his eyes.

Sakura fought the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Instead she took the earring and shoved the flame into the box. The box glowed bright orange and opened revealing two rings and one bicolor box. Hibari's eyes widened. Her future self left her her rings and boxes. Including the box that took her from him.

He got up and went over to her and took her rings. "Give me your right hand," he told her. She handed her hand to him. He took the storm ring and put it on her middle finger. "You are a storm attribute fighter. Always in the center of the fight. Relentlessly attacking your opponents and never backing down. You have storm through all your fingers except for three." he shared with her.

He took her cloud ring. "Left hand." he ordered her. She handed him her left hand. "Your ring finger is one of the three that bears a different attribute. This is your only cloud vein. It leads to your heart directly connecting with mine." he said as he kissed the back of her hand. The girl could faint from butterflies. He held both her hands in his. "Your pointer fingers are your sky attributes. They show you the way as you lead and point to others for attacks." he finished and let go of her hands. "Kyoya-san." She called his name and it hurt a little. "Kyo." he corrected her. "Your future self calls me Kyo. Please do so as well, little one." he asked her, picking up the bi-color box.

"Your future self died getting this box. Let me research it a little before you can have it." he asked her. She nodded her head. "Then get some rest. I'll have either myself or Miki train you tomorrow. Tetsu should be back from the meeting in a bit. Ask him if you need anything else." he told her. "Okay." she said. He nodded at her then left the room.

With the door shut behind him he felt the tightness in his chest. Her past self wasn't his princess. But now that she was there he would do anything and everything to keep her safe. "I won't let you go this time" he promised himself before heading to the lab as he glared at the bicolored box.

Sakura sat in the lounge room waiting for Tetsuya. Although this is where she would be staying while in the future, she couldn't help but feel like she was a guest and not a member of the home.

A knock on the sliding door snapped her out of her thoughts. "Sakura-sama, are you hungry?" Tetsuya asked her. She shook her head still feeling overwhelmed and exhaustion catching up to her. "No. But I am feeling tired. Kyo-san said something about asking you to set up the futon?" He nodded his head. "Of course my lady. Let me show you the bedroom." Sakura nodded and followed him.

"Kyo-san is right. If you need anything please ask me or Miki-san. We want you to be comfortable here." he assured her as they walked down the hallway. "And what about training?" she asked. "Miki-san is ready to start tomorrow if you'd like. I learned today that Tsuna-san, Gokudera-san and Yamamoto-san have already started lighting up their rings too." he shared with her. Sakura frowned looking down at her two rings. "I was able to light up my earring but not the rings yet." she honestly told him. "You'll be able to do it soon. It normally takes 30 hours to light up the rings up and you alright lit up your earring so you'll be okay." he assured her.

Sakura sighed but nodded her head. This was something she would need to have faith in. Tetsuya stopped in front of a set of double doors. "Here we are." he told her as he opened it. The room was huge! It was over 10 tatami mats long and wide with an indoor garden in the center of the room.

Sakura walked in and looked around while Tetsuya set up the large futon. "Unfortunately we only have one right now but if you'd like I'll try to get one just for you." Sakura turned and looked at the large futon and realized she would be sharing the bed with future Hibari. "I-it's okay." she said. He nodded his head and gave her a bow. "Then get some sleep my lady." he asked her before leaving her.

Sakura got into the bed. So much happened that one day. She was in the future and her and Hibari were married. Miki seemed like her second but Kai and Bai were still alive. She wondered about her best friend Yuna since no one had brought her up. She learned a little about their enemies and how to ignite her flames. She looked down at her cloud ring. She softly put the ring to her lips thinking of her Hibari and how in the future they would end up together. This was a good thing. As she moved it away a soft calm flame of purple appeared on her ring. She smiled. Everything was going to be okay this time. She was going to be okay... as she came to realize it was when exhaustion caught up to her and she fell asleep.

Ten year later Hibari entered the room close to midnight. He didn't get a chance to research the bicolor box as he had other things to deal with because of Tsunayoshi and his crowd. He followed up with Miki about his Sakura's Yakuza and heard a report from Tetsuya as well. Now he was tired and ready to enter his room to sleep only to be greeted by a sleeping princess in his bed. He couldn't stop the small chuckle at how small and cute she looked.

He got into bed and looked over at her once more before covering her up. "I will do everything in my power to make sure you are safe here." he promised her then got into bed and fell asleep as well.

The next morning Sakura woke up alone but that wasn't anything new. She tightened her makeshift kinagashi before leaving the room and looking for the others.

The girl could hear voices in the kitchen so she made her way over there only to be greeted by Hibari sitting at the head of the table, Kusakabe in the kitchen making food, and Miki standing behind Hibari awaiting orders. "Good morning, your highness." Miki greeted her smugly first. Hibari put his report down and looked up at her. "Did you sleep okay little one?" he asked her softly. "Yeah, did you ever come to bed?" she asked him. He nodded his head causing her to blush a little. "Are you hungry my lady?" Tetsuya asked her. She nodded.

"Have a seat." Hibari told her, gesturing to the chair next to him. She nodded her head as Miki pulled out the chair for her. "Thank you." she said as he pushed her in. Tetsuya came over and brought her a plate of rice and scrambled eggs. "Thanks." she said to him. He nodded as she began to eat. Tetsuya brought over a larger plate for Hibari who moved his reports so his plate could be placed.

"Um..." she interrupted the quiet morning. Hibari lowered his report giving her his full attention. "I was wondering if there was other clothing for me so I could start training." she asked Hibari. "There is. I have some clothing that is in the same style as your future self for you to train in." he told her as he continued to eat. "So I can't have a crop top and some shorts?" she straight up asked for it. Hibari felt his hand pause in the bite he was about to take. "No." he said simply.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at him then turned her attention to Miki. "Miki, please go pick up a crop top and shorts for me." she ordered him. Miki went to move but Hibari then said, "Miki if you leave I will bite you to death." He kept eye contact with Sakura who slightly puffed. "I am entitled to my own comfort." she shot at him. "Not if it's you dressing so inappropriately." he shot at her. She huffed and puffed leaving her half eaten plate.

Hibari watched her leave but he could sense Miki wanted to go after her. "Stay." he ordered both Miki and Tetsuya. This was going to be difficult. Sakura was still a child and he already went through this once before with his Sakura doing it a second time wasn't something he wanted. He finished eating before he got up to check on the girl. "Miki set up the training room." he told him then went after Sakura. "Yes, sir." he said bowing.

Sakura was in the bedroom going through all the clothing her future self owned. There was nothing but formal clothing or makeshift kimonos with shorts under or flared out skirts. She huffed and wanted to scream. There was nothing in her style. Hibari watched her rip apart her closet. "There isn't anything in there that you'll like." he made matters worse.

The princess turned around and shot a death glare at him. Hibari felt himself standing up straight. What a strange feeling he hasn't felt in a long time. She was angry at him. And he could feel her anger and it angered him. He fed off it; he hasn't felt that since high school. He walked over to her. "Calm down." he warned her as he towered over her, his voice straining to keep control of his urge to fight her.

The girl looked up at him and froze. "If I fight you right now. You will lose and it will be painful." he warned her. Sakura felt herself stiffen up but she let out a deep sigh calming herself down. Hibari let out a sigh as well. Thank goodness she calmed down. His expression was soft. "Why don't you change and meet me and Miki in the training room." he told her. She nodded her head. "Okay." she started to relax. Hibari then left her there and headed to the training room.

Sakura let out the deepest sigh and fell into the mess of clothes. She felt something crumble under leg and she pulled it out to be greeted with a letter with her name on it. She opened it.

Dear my past self,

Yes. We are married to Hibari Kyoya. We married him in our 20th year. These are all old clothing. Please tear them up to suit you. I don't need them. And take care of him for me. I know he's really upset with me and he's going to be over protective of you but just remember to put him in his place and walk all over him.


Your future self

The girl reread the letter a couple of times before she smiled and giggled. This is what she needed and with that she went though all the different kimonos. Miki brought her a pair of scissors and the princess went to work.

She cut off the longer parts of the skirts. Some she layered the bottoms for more flare. A couple of them cut off the shoulder connections and had the sleeves hang off her arms. Then she went ahead and put on the cloud one. This one she kept in the same form that her future self had left behind. She tied her hair up in it's high ponytail and headed over to the training where she was greeted by all three boys.

Tetsuya held up a bag of heels for her. She went over to him first and pulled out a pair of white ones then slipped those on. Kyoya went over to her and handed her her red box. "Open it." he said, stepping back. Sakura ignited the storm ring on her right hand and shoved the large flame into the box with no hesitation.

The box opened in her hands and went straight down to her thighs creating small binds that connected to her knees creating protection. Two more connectors made their way on either side of her legs and wrapped themselves around her legs and heels. Beautiful red flames glowed around her ankles. Sakura admired them while Hibari smiled. She was way ahead than he was expecting. "Those are your storm boots." he shared.

Miki stepped forward and activated his own yellow flames creating brass knuckles before got into a fighting stance. "Ready Princess?" he asked her. Sakura looked at him then back at Hibari. "No holding back. Show me how you intended to fight Gamma." he dared her. She nodded her head and walked towards Miki getting used to the boots. But Miki wasn't kind; he went to attack her.

Sakura dodged the attack by backflipping but she put too much pressure on the landing and flinched slightly. Hibari frowned and Miki brushed it off as he continued to stalk towards her. "You'll learn with practice. Again your highness." he told her. Sakura's eyes widened. He sounded just like Kai. "Right." she said, her spirit wasn't shaken and she was ready to go again.

"Enough." Hibari stepped between them. Sakura looked at Hibari as did Miki. Hibari turned his attention to her. "Play around in your storm boots. Get a feel for them. Learn to walk on air with them. Then you can spar again." he told her. She smiled and nodded. Some practice would be good.  

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