On Chill / All American

By ItsQueenSu

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Sevyn Baker-Wade found herself trying to navigate through her high school in Beverly Hills watch as she exper... More



902 40 33
By ItsQueenSu

"You must be texting your man," Olivia said to Sevyn whose face was glued to her phone with a smile.

"He is not my man Olivia."

"But you want him to be," Olivia said with a smirk.

"And do."

"And when are y'all going out?"

"The day of the barbecue, he's planning the first part of the date and I'm planning the rest," Sevyn told her just as Laura and Jordan came into the room.

"Please?" Jordan begged.



Turning to face him Laura said, "I already gave you your phone back, Jordan. I am not giving you your car keys."

"OK, fine. Can I at least use the account to order a ride? Look, I have... I have a thing tomorrow night." Jordan said.

Sevyn rolled her eyes she knew when her cousin lied and he was a terrible one at that, they already knew that it was a girl that he was taking out on a date.

"Does this thing have a name?" Laura asked already knowing what her son had planned.

"It's not a date." Jordan lied.

"He's a terrible liar," Sevyn whispered to Olivia who nodded her head in agreement.

"What part of "grounded" is confusing?"

"Look, Cara doesn't have a car, all right? And I told her I'd help her out. Am I not allowed to help out a friend in need?"

"Bullshit," Sevyn whispered to Olivia.

"I'm sorry, Jordan. I didn't realize how hard it is to be you right now." Laura told him sarcastically while going to put her laptop in her bag.

"Thank you. So was that a yes?" Jordan asked not catching that she was being sarcastic.

"Nope. Stop asking." Laura said before leaving.

Looking over at Sevyn and Olivia who were watching the whole thing with a smirk, "What, you two got something witty to say?"

"Yes, I do, but I'm going to keep it to myself," Sevyn said with a laugh.

"And I also have a solution to your complicated dating life." Olivia offered.

Moving closer to the two he started, "I'm listening. Go with me and Sevyn to Dad's reunion barbecue tomorrow."

"Won't Grace James be there? The whole day will just be a huge reminder of what happened." Jordan asked making Sevyn roll her eyes while Olivia lifted the keys.

"My car tomorrow night. Just go to the reunion and hang out with Dad." She offered.

"You're bribing me," Jordan concluded.

"Duh," Sevyn said making Jordan stick his middle finger at her.

"Yes," Olivia said with a smile causing Jordan to smile before agreeing to Olivia's request.

^ Sevyn's outfit.

"Liv, all I'm saying is when was the last time you got your car washed? Sevyn let me use one of your cars." Jordan as they were at the reunion barbecue making their plates.

"One of my cars! Fuck no Jordan." Sevyn said while putting some food on her plate she didn't want to eat too much knowing what she had planned later.

"My car's not dirty, and you're lucky to have a car at all. Move." Olivia said while pushing Jordan so she could get to the next tray.

"Look, I'm making a sacrifice, too, all right? I don't even want to be here.

"Jordan, I know how you feel. I do. But Dad is all alone right now, and he needs us. So could you please just, like, pretend like you're happy to see him?"

"Wait. Here he comes. Smile." Sevyn told the two as Billy walked over.

"Hey Uncle BB." Sevyn greeted.

"Hey. You guys came. I didn't think that you'd, uh..." Billy said to the three he was surprised to see all of them.

"We wouldn't miss it, right, Jordan?" Olivia asked.

"I gotta go meet Corey I'll catch up with you later," Sevyn said to the three before going to find Corey.

Noticing him right away she headed towards him with a smile, "Hey Corey."

"Goddaughter." Corey greeted with a smile while pulling her into a hug making sure to be careful of her plate.

"Twenty Five years how do you feel old man?" Sevyn asked as the two separated.

"Old as hell Sevyn," Corey admitted making her laugh.

"It's okay Miss. Grace still looks better than you and Uncle BB." Sevyn teased.

"Always have," Corey said with a faraway look on his face.

"Are you okay Corey?" Sevyn asked catching his attention.

"Of course babygirl," Corey said before kissing her forehead.

"Hey Corey it's good to see you." a man said as he walked over to the two.

"Donovan! Hey man, what's up." Corey greeted him while they dapped each other up.

"You aged man and who is this young lady?" he asked looking over to Sevyn.

"This is my goddaughter Sevyn, Marie Baker little girl," Corey explained making the man's eyes go wide.

"Marie girl wow I can't believe that nice to meet you." He greeted while shaking Sevyn's hand just as Spencer walked over.

"Hey, can I holla at Sev real quick?" Spencer asked not giving Corey a chance to speak he pulled Sevyn aside.

"What's up?" Sevyn asked him confused.

"Why didn't you tell me that it wasn't a second break-in and that it was Layla who trashed her own house?" Spencer asked causing Sevyn to look away.

"I saw some cuts on her arm Sev. Thought she might be hurting herself. Look I'm not mad just why did you and Liv hide it?"

"I'm sorry Spence I didn't think that it would have gone this far and I've been depressed and there are definitely signs there but Layla knows how to fake it."

"I'm just worried about her Sev. Look ima go call Coop again to see if she still with her," Spencer said before walking off and Corey walked over to her.

"What's up with Spencer?"

"Layla not answering his calls," Sevyn told him leaving out the main reason.

"So Darnell told me you two have a date later," Corey said causing her to smile.

"I meant to tell you," Sevyn told him.

"He asked my permission, it's okay babygirl I was just stopping over here because something came up."

"You're leaving?" Sevyn asked sadly.

Pulling Sevyn into a hug he wrapped his arms around her tightly, "Yeah but you'll see me later."

"Okay, Corey," Sevyn said as the two separated.

"And you let me know if he's anything less than a gentleman," Corey said causing Sevyn to laugh.

"You know I will."

"I love you," Corey said while backing up.

"I love you too Corey," Sevyn said with a smile as he walked away. Darnell texted Sevyn letting her know that he was walking there now. Meeting Darnell at the entrance she smiled at him and he pulled her into a hug.

"I hope you know you're driving," Sevyn said as she separated from him and handed him her keys.

"Okay, passenger Princess," Darnell said before grabbing her hand before she led them to her car.

"And don't you ever forget that." Sevyn said with a smile as they stopped in front of Sevyn's Mercedes G-Wagon, Darnell opened the door for her, getting in the car Darnell made sure she was in before closing the door and jogging to the driver's side and getting in.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Sevyn asked as soon as he started the car making him laugh.

"You didn't even let me pull off yet before asking," Darnell said before pulling out of the parking spot.

"I wanna know," Sevyn said as she turned the music down some.

"Are you gonna tell me where you taking me?" Darnell asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

Getting his point she pouted and said, "No."

"So there's your answer just sit back and relax okay I got you," Darnell told her causing her to smile and look out the window.

Thirty minutes later Sevyn noticed where they were headed, her smile was so bright, looking over at Sevyn Darnell found his worries melting away.

"The aquarium?!" Sevyn squealed happily in her seat as he pulled into the parking out.

"How did you know I loved the aquarium?" Sevyn asked him as he helped her out of the car.

"I asked Corey," Darnell said Sevyn wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked toward the entrance.

"Can we see the Jellies first?" Sevyn asked excitedly, staring up at him with pleading eyes.

"Of course," Sevyn grabbed his hand and headed towards the building, getting inside the worker checked their tickets. Lucky for them, it was a slow day so they had all the time in the world to take in the sights. As they strolled towards the jellyfish exhibit, Sevyn was completely mesmerized by the display.

"Did you know that Jellies have lived on Earth for at least 500 million years, making them three times as old as dinosaurs?" Sevyn listed out.

"What for real?" Darnell asked impressed.

"They can also survive without a heart, brain, or lungs," Sevyn told him, she looked at him, and instead of looking at the jellyfish he was looking at her with a smile.


"Nothing it's just you really like jellyfish."

"I really do, so much that when I was younger I wanted to get a tattoo of a jellyfish but of course, I couldn't so my dad got a jellyfish tattooed on his wrist for me," Sevyn said causing Darnell to laugh.

"Tell me another fact," Darnell said making her think of another one.

"Okay uh well jellyfish are 95 percent water and their movements are based on the type of water that they live in," Sevyn told him.

"So you planning to get one tatted now?" Darnell asked as they walked hand in hand toward the otter exhibit.

"Yeah but for my birthday it's in two weeks."

They watched as one otter swam by the glass and did a little flip underwater. Sevyn could've sworn it was smiling right at them.

"What's your favorite exhibit?" Sevyn asked him.

"The Shark and Ray Touch Pool," Darnell answered causing Sevyn to look at him.

"Hell nah," Sevyn told him.

Laughing at her expression he asked, "Why?"

"They killed my man's Steve Irwin we as a whole community don't fuck with them," Sevyn said seriously while Darnell laugh.

"Okay true but they still my favorite."

"I guess for you we can go over there since it's your favorite." Sevyn unenthusiastically as he pulled her towards the touch pool exhibit. Once at the touch pool, Sevyn was very much so skeptical seeing the stingray floating closer to them.

"Is...Is this safe?" Sevyn asked, trying to take a peek at it while standing behind Darnell.

"Yes, it's safe Sev Look, even the five-year-olds are doing it."

Hesitantly, Sevyn put two fingers into the pool as a cownose ray went by. She flinched back before it could brush against her before looking at her.

"Is it going to sting me? And I'll be like my man's Steve?" Sevyn asked causing Darnell to laugh at her.

"It won't sting you. I promise. Here, let me help you," Darnell said while moving behind her, grabbing her hand, and guiding her hand over to the ray. Its fins brushed against the tips of her fingers and she couldn't stop the disgruntled noise from coming out of her mouth but Darnell kept her calm and he continued to help her pet the ray.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?"

"I feel like I'm going against Steve. I'd rather touch the shark," Sevyn told him with a smile. Darnell smiled back and guided her hand toward the Bamboo shark swimming by in the other touch pool.

The next stop was the Lorikeet Forest Sevyn had told Darnell that it was her second favorite exhibit, she described it as walking down a winding path lined with a waterfall and trees. Hearing chirping overhead and seeing a brilliantly colored lorikeet. The two took pictures with the birds when they landed on them.

The two were wandering around the next few exhibit, trying to look at as many fishes as they could, Sevyn noticed Darnell staring at a large pufferfish and from what she could see, it was staring back at him.

When the fish swelled up, you Darnell puffed his cheeks along with it, Sevyn tried to stifle a laugh at how cute he looked, slyly taking a video of him.

Before the date was over, Sevyn texted her security to see if they had finished setting up her part of the date, when she got the confirmation just as they made it back to the main entrance and headed to the car.

"It's your turn to be my passenger princess," Sevyn said while holding her hands out for the keys, reaching in his pocket, he handed them to her unlocking the doors they got in and Sevyn drove to the location.

"Ready?" she giggled as you held Darnell's hand leading him to the private spot she had for her part of the date. Leading him to the location he saw that it was a picnic. Chick-fil-A trays, fruit, snacks, drinks, and dessert. Along with two canvases each and paints.

"Do you like it?" Sevyn asked him nervously.

Darnell gave Sevyn a smile, "like it? Sev I love it I never been on a picnic," He said.

"But how'd you do all of this that fast?"

"I know people," Sevyn said before pulling over to the setup and sitting down on the blanket, patting one side for Darnell to sit down. He did, Sevyn pulled food and began eating with him.

Throughout the rest of the date, the two talked getting to know each other more ranging from simple questions to deep conversations while they painted.

"How was the date?" Olivia asked as the two were heading downstairs.

"Liv it was amazing he took me to my favorite place." Sevyn's favorite place was the aquarium, when she was younger any birthday, good report card, or tennis wins she always decided that the aquarium was where she wanted to go.

With a smile, Olivia answered, "The aquarium."

"Yes and then I took him on a picnic we ate and painted he's never been it was so cute," Sevyn told her just as Spencer rushed in.

"Hey." They both greeted him as he closed the door.

"Hey. You two heard from Layla?" Spencer asked the two. Sevyn and Olivia looked at each other confused before answering.

"No. I mean, I left her a couple of messages." Sevyn told him.

"Why? What's going on?" Olivia asked him.

"She was hanging out with Coop today and lost it on some dude," Spencer told them.

"Lost it?"

"Just picking fights she should not have been picking, all right? And I don't know where she is.

"I think I have an idea," Sevyn told him, the only other place Layla would be is her favorite hotel.

"Just give us one second," Olivia said before heading upstairs.

After Olivia straightened her hair the three head to the hotel, after getting the room number Spencer, and Sevyn stood at the door knocking.

"There's gotta be something else she's probably not here," Sevyn told him as he kept knocking just as Olivia turned the corner.

"She not here."

"I got the key," Olivia said while holding up the keycard.

"That worked?" Spencer asked surprised as he took the key from her.


"I knew it light-skinned girl with straight hair," Sevyn said shaking her head.

"Works every time," Olivia said with a smile.

"Should we be doing this?" Sevyn asked.

"Probably not, but we can't just sit back and do nothing," Spencer said before placing the keycard against the lock the sound of the reader beeps, the door unlocks.

As the three walked into the messy hotel room they could see loads of shopping bags, clothes, and shoes all on the floor and furniture, and takeout boxes all around the room.

"My God. What should we do?" Olivia asked.

"I got to call her pops," Spencer said as he took his phone out. After a much-needed conversation with Layla's father, Spencer was finally ending the call.

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

"What'd he say?" Sevyn asked as Spencer got off the phone with JP.

"What did who say?" Layla's voice startled the three causing them to turn around seeing Layla standing at her door with more shopping bags, "What are you doing in my room?"

The silence in the room as they stared at Layla, Spencer was the first to say something, "We were trying to reach you."

Walking into the room Layla dropped the bags on the floor while saying, "I was shopping. And how dare you invade my privacy." Taking a step closer to Spencer getting in his face she continued, "First you plan my whole day so you can spy on me."

"That's not what I was doing. And then you break into my room because what, I didn't run my schedule by you?"

"Layla..." Olivia said, she was trying to ease the tension but Spencer had already cut her off.

"I didn't know what else to do, all right?" Spencer raised his voice at her.

"Who did you call?" Layla asked Spencer.

"I called your pops."

Layla scoffs while shaking her head, "It's over, Spencer."

Spencer looked at her, not expecting her to say what she just said, "Layla, don't do this."

"Layla, he was just trying to..." Sevyn said to her but Layla didn't want to hear it.

Stepping aside allowing a clear path to the door she told them, "You know, I don't really want to hear it. You can just get out."


"Get out!" Layla yelled, pointing towards the door. Spencer stood there for a second before he walked towards the door leaving the room.

As Spencer walked out the door Sevyn and Olivia stood looking at Layla for a moment before following behind Spencer. The whole ride home was silent.

A/N: Yes Sevyn gets a letter too 😭

Sevyn's IG Post.

Sevyn's IG Stories

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