My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

chapter 46

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Later that night Taiyo arrived to his home, to be greeted by his older sister.

Taiyo: I'm home.

Yukiko: welcome home- what happened to you?

Taiyo didn't noticed that he was dirty from the fall earlier.

Taiyo: oh yeah I tripped and fell.

Yukiko: well you better take a bath first.

Taiyo: oh right I also found this!

He showed the statue from earlier.

Yukiko: what's that?

Taiyo: I found it under the bridge, doesn't it look cool?

Yukiko: it looks old, why did you bring it?

Taiyo: well I think it might belong to someone but in the mean time I have it for safekeeping.

Yukiko: I see, what if you don't find the owner? What will you do then?

Taiyo: I guess I'll keep it then.

Yukiko: honestly I don't see the appeal, but it's yours.

Taiyo: great! -yawns- man I'm tired, I'll head to bed.

Yukiko: take a bath first.

Taiyo: okay.

Meanwhile in the Tadano residence.

Hitomi: hey brother I have to ask you something.

Hitohito: what is it?

Hitomi: if for some reason there was another individual who could do the same things you can do, would you feel jealous?

Hitohito: no, why would I?

Hitomi: well, that person might gain more fame than you, wouldn't you feel threatened by that?

Hitohito: not really, I already stated that I don't expect any fame or fortune out of saving people, I only do it because-

Hitomi: because it's the right thing to do, yeah yeah, I know.

Hitohito: I know you might not agree with it, but those are my ideals.

Hitomi: well... if you're happy I'm happy.

Hitohito: thanks Hitomi.

Hitomi: but man could we be making a whole lot of money from your merch. Who knows, maybe the upcoming Guardian film will be a massive success at the bos office.

Hitohito: yes that is true but- wait......... what did you say about a movie?

Hitomi: oh you didn't know? They're making a movie about you, it's all over social media.

Hitohito: wait, when was this a thing?!

Hitomi: it was confirmed not long ago, it's gonna be directed by Games Junn, so I know it's gonna be good.

Hitohito: first a toy and now a movie.... what else is next?

Hitomi: probably an awful videogame where your only objective is to fly through rigns pfff.

Hitohito: yeah let's not-

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Hitohito: -checks his phone- oh it's Najimi.

Najimi: Hitohito my favorite childhood friend.

Hitohito: when you say that it's because you need something.

Najimi: wow I just wanted to invite you to the beach and you assume that I want something.

Hitohito: oh sorry Najimi, I guess-

Najimi: gotcha! If you can bring a cooler so we can store drinks in there.

Hitohito: -sighs-..... sure.

Najimi: great! We'll meet at the train station with the group in 2 days at 9:00 am.... don't be late.

Hitohito: wow usually I'm the one who tells you that.

Najimi: it's summer babey!! -hangs up-.

Hitohito: they're always in a good mood when it comes to vacation.

Hitomi: the beach sounds fun.

Hitohito: you want to tag along?

Hitomi: as tempting as that sounds, I'll pass this time I'm going to the mall with some friends.

Hitohito: oh I see.

Hitomi: but I know who you can take.

Hitohito: hm?

Ziara: *knocking on the room* Hitomi, Zol-El. Your mother says that dinner is ready.

Hitomi: Ziara perfect timing! We wanted to ask you something.

Ziara: oh and what would that be?

Hitomi: would you like to go the beach, with Hitohito?

Ziara: the beach?

Hitohito: yeah, Najimi invited me and some friends to hang out at the beach, you know since it's the summer and all.

Ziara: sounds fun, I would love to accompany you Zol-El.

Hitohito: great, now here's a couple of things before we go.

Ziara: hm?

Hitohito: first thing, please call me Hitohito when we're out in the public. Not all my friends know who I really am.

Ziara: I guess it can't helped..... very well Hitohito.

Hitohito: okay, second thing, we cannot mention anything related to Brakon or what we are, we are just normal humans.

Ziara: so if they ask me where I'm from what should I answer?

Hitomi: just say you're from Canada, people always buy it.

Ziara: very well, anything else Hitihito?

Hitohito: one last thing, while your powers are not as developed as mine, try your best not to show them, sure you can use your strength but up to a limit.

Ziara: you want me to hold back?...... okay I'll do my best.

Hitomi: okay now with that out of the way, I say we go shopping tomorrow to get you a new bathing suit Ziara.

Ziara: oh shopping, I've seen it on TV sounds fun.

Hitomi: trust me it is, we'll have a great time Ziara!

Ziara: I'll be in your care.

Hitohito: -smiling- (at first I was concerned about how she would fit in this place, but she had no trouble, and my family took her in her care.)

Jeanne: kids what's taking you so long?! Dinner's gonna get cold!

Hitohito: yes mother!

Takada residence 10:00 pm

Taiyo was currently trying to get some sleep, but he kept moving around. He felt a light headache and on top of that, the whispers he heard earlier when statue was found came back.

Needless to say that he wasn't having the best time.

Taiyo: my head hurts a lot.

He got out of his bead and headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

He chugged down the glass and made his way back to his bedroom.

The sudden noise of a loud thunder startled him.

Taiyo: eek!

He looked out the window so he could observe the weather outside, it was indeed raining with thunderstorm.

Taiyo: man I just hope the weather clears up for tomorrow.

???: Taiyo Takada.

Taiyo: eeek!

Taiyo fell to the floor due to the sudden voice.

Taiyo: w-w-who's there?

???: be not afraid child.... I do not mean no harm.

He looked around his surroundings but Taiyo couldn't see anyone.

Taiyo: who's there? Are you a thief?

???: I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them as best as possible.

A magic circle appeared below Taiyo and teleported him away from his home into an unknown location

Taiyo: whoaaaaa!

???: Taiyo Takada, you have been summoned to become Makaru's champion.

The man said as he materialized in front of Taiyo, an old man with a staff and a cloack.

Taiyo: I'm sorry but who are you again?

Razmun: my name is Razmun, the last devoted follower of Makaru.

Taiyo: okay?

Razmun used his staff to light his surroundings, and showing Taiyo the paintings on a wall.

Taiyo could only stare in awe.

Razmun: long ago Makaru the god of lighting had a premonition, a darkness that would consume the earth and the living things. The darkness took the form of a beast, and for a time it devoured whatever cross its path?

Taiyo: what happened next?

Razmun: .... Makaru kept fighting the beast for centuries, but he knew that he couldn't fight it for ever, it began to take a toll on him..... he was dying.

Taiyo: oh...

Razmun: during his last years, Makaru has come up to a decision to transfer his powers into the humans, choosing them as his champion, so they could keep the fight against the beast..... I used to be one of them.

Taiyo: but.... what does it have to do with me?

Razmun: Makaru couldn't just pick any human, he was very selective and only those who were worthy could harness the power of Makaru.

Razmun used his staff to show Makaru's previous champions, Taiyou observed all of them and how they were surrounded by a glimmering light.

Razmun: 59 champions were chosen throughout the centuries to fight off the darkness.... but sadly even a god like Makaru is bound to make a mistake.

Taiyo: a mistake?

Razmun pointed his staff at champion 59, his face couldn't been seen, but unlike the other previous champions this one was surrounded by a dark aura.

Razmun: not much is know of champion 59, at first he was a person of good heart and strong will. He was worthy of being his champion.

Taiyo: so what happened?

Razmun: he was tempted by the darkness, and he succumbed to that temptation, making him betray Makaru. So he started hunting all of Makaru's followers, including myself....

Razmun clenched the staff he was holding, trying to gather enough strength to finish the story.

Razmun: Makaru used the last of his strength to seal champion 59 for all eternity, he asked me for last one favor.... he tasked me to wait until the next champion arrived..... and now here you are.

Taiyo: so ........ now I have superpowers?

Razmun: not yet..... I know it's a lot to take in but-

Taiyo: COOL!!

Razmun: eh?

Taiyo: I will be able to fly, and lift cars and run super fast!

Razmun: hold it young Taiyo.

Taiyo: yeah?

Razmun: being Makaru's champion is a very big responsibility. You will have to be prepared for the challenges to come.

Taiyo: bring it on! I'm ready for anything.

Razmun: -sighs- only Makaru knows why he chose a kid.

Taiyo: so when do I start?

Razmun: first hold my staff.

Taiyo: okay.

Razmun: Taiyo Takada, do you swear to protect the innocent, to fight the forces of evil, and to stay on the path of Makaru's champion?

Taiyo: I do.

Razmun: then say my name, so the powers of Makaru will flow through you and become his champion.

Taiyo: your name?

Razmun: yes, only then you can become Makaru's champion.

Taiyo: so I just have to say Razmun-


Razmun: yes, the rite of initation is completed! You Taiyo Takada, are our last hope to defeat darkness once and for all.

Taiyo (champion): ouch.

With his new power, Taiyo became Makaru's champion and with that some perks included.

Taiyo woke up wearing a light blue suit, similar to the hodie he wears, a lightning logo incrusted in his chest, but the most significant change was on his body.

Taiyo (champion): -looking at himself- I'm an adult now?

His body turned from an infant to a fully grown adult as soon as he said those words.

Razmun: this is were we said our goodbyes young Taiyo.

Taiyo (champion): wait! What am I supposed to do now?

Razmun: -begining to dissappear- follow your heart, save the people from the dark forces..... do not disappoint me or Makaru.

Taiyo (champion): wait how do I turn back to normal?

He couldn't get an answer becuase it was too late, Razmun had vanished and Taiyo wasn't sure if he would see him again.

Taiyo (champion): -yawns- man I'm tired, I only wished Razmun-


Taiyo: ....... oh so by saying his name I can activate and deactivate them...... cool!! I can't wait to show it to Nishimura-san!

Little did Taiyo know is that just like with Hitohito, the path of a hero is never an easy one, and the obstacles to come could be overwhelming for a young kid like him.

???: .... so the old fool has finally chose his new puppet...... perhaps it is time to introduce myself to him.

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