─ limitless ; jjk

By LivelyPotter

17.5K 1.4K 801

─ in which shy, introverted elena morgan meets jungkook jeon and his son. 2024 © LivelyPotter acade... More

─ 00. synopsis
─ 00. act one
─ 01. intimidating men
─ 02. twenty dollar bill
─ 03. surprise meetings
─ 04. vicious women
─ 05. caught
─ 06. dirty thoughts, innocent mind
─ 07. the book
─ 09. the distance between us
─ 10. limitless
─ 00. act two
─ 11. bruises
─ 12. broken
─ 13. ruined
─ 14. home and heartbreak
─ 15. mind, heart, and soul
─ 16. never like this
─ 17. would i?
─ 18. whole
─ 19. this sucks
─ 20. i wish i could hate him
─ 00. act three
─ 21. string her up
─ 22. family is a choice
─ author's note
─ 23. special nickname
─ 24. mommy?
─ 25. the truth, at last
─ 26. sleepover?
─ 27. madly, obsessively, innocently, and captivatedly
─ 28. homeward bound
─ 29. together once more
─ 30. unconditionally devoted to her
─ 00. act four
─ 31. caught red handed
─ 32. elena's 'great' escape
─ 33. desperately seeking
─ 34. call me by my name
─ 35. bedtime stories
─ 36. late night conversations and confessions
─ 37. a goddess in disguise
─ 38. don't let the hard days win
─ 39. entirely hers, forever
─ 40. my love for you is limitless
─ 00. act five
─ 41. good girl
─ 42. smutty books, addicting lips, and dark promises
─ 43. not so innocent after all...oh crackers!
─ 44. don't worry about me
─ 45. no other comparison
─ 46. kayli made me do it!
─ 47. toy stores
─ 48. being outed by a six-year-old
─ 49. lost without you
─ 50. epilogue
─ limitless; a moment of reflection

─ 08. shocking revelations

317 31 5
By LivelyPotter

─ 08. shocking revelations



Jungkook sighed heavily, worried as he watched his little Elena walk down the sidewalk, upset. He didn’t know why she was so upset, upset enough to where she didn’t accept his hug.

Her head drooped lower and lower as she approached her house before Jungkook pulled himself away.

“Daddy?” Dae asked, frowning from his place on his bed. “Why is ‘Lena so sad?” Jungkook sadly smiled and sat down by his son and tucked him into his bed.

“I don’t know, baby.”

It couldn’t just be the message she received; she was upset when he first peeked into his son’s room after leaving the kitchen.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the thought of dealing with Selene. But she would help him get relief and keep his dark fantasies away from his sweet Elena.

He wanted to defile his little Elena in the best of ways – but he couldn’t.

“What do you think got her so upset, hmm?” Jungkook hummed, pressing a kiss to Dae’s head.

Jungkook turned away switched on the blue nightlight on the bed as Dae pouted his lips and thought.

“I don’t know…she looked really sad when she ran up to my room a few minutes ago.”

Jungkook felt his heart stop in his chest, as every ounce of blood drained from his face. 

“What?” he struggled to say, entire body stiffening. “Do you mean she wasn’t with you the entire time?”

Fuck…did she – no.


“No, daddy.” Dae shook his head innocently. “She went to tell you bye-bye – ‘cause she had to leave.”

Jungkook closed his eyes tightly and groaned, tortured.

He fucked up.



Shifting uncomfortably in my seat, Mr. B watched me closely as the information sank into my brain.

“How? I-I mean why?” I asked, rubbing my temples.

My parents had reached out two days ago, demanding that I come and live with them.
Why? They’ve never cared about me before?

Why now?

It doesn’t make sense. They must want something.

Vic’s lips pulled back into a sneer, as Sang laid a hand upon his arm – as if to calm him.

“They want money,” he scoffed, malice clear in his tone.

“They’ve blown all the money I’d given them, and they want to use you to make more. If we refuse…” he trialed off, laying his head in his hands.

Mr. B eyes hardened, “In simple terms, they plan to bring Victor to court for kidnapping their underage daughter.”

“What?” the words were acid on my tongue.

I could hardly get the words out.

Court? Kidnapping?

Oh my crackers.

“B-but they left me! I was living on my own for a month before Victor took me to live here!” those were some of the darkest parts of my life. I didn’t like to revisit those.

“I know,” Vic sighed, North placed his heavy palm on my head and smiled sadly.

“We have no proof, muffin. I doubt we could get ourselves out of this."

Honestly, there was only one option left.

I had to go.

“So…I have to leave.”

“—No! No, we’ll find another way. I’m not letting you leave Charleston.” Vic argued, lips thinned.

I pursed my lips and let my shoulders drop.

“I have to. I can’t have you get into trouble because of me. The academy could help but it’ll be more trouble than it’s worth to involve them. Look, the longest I’ll be gone will probably be only a couple months.”

Vic opened his mouth to argue as the others slumped their shoulder, “You know I’m right, Vic. Please.” I said softly, eyes downcast.

“Can we talk about this more tomorrow? I’m tired.”

Even though I had basically slept the entire day, I was tired. Mentally tired.

Without waiting for a reply, I left the room.



Inside the guest bedroom of Jungkook’s house, he stood in between Selene’s widely spread legs, expression blank.

His tattooed hand fisted his cock as Selene’s begs and whimpers went in one ear and out the other, as he gripped her thigh that was hiked across his clothed hip.

He clenched his teeth and felt nothing but disgust as he prepared to sheath himself inside another women that wasn't his sweet little Elena.

He couldn’t do this.

He couldn’t fuck Selene and wake up the next morning feeling like he betrayed his little Elena. He couldn't look into her sweet face, knowing what he'd done.

He didn't want to do this.

Instantly Jungkook backed away from a whimpering Selene and sighed – ripping the unused condom off his length and tucking himself back in his trousers. He wasn't even hard anymore.

Selene’s mouth popped open in protest.

“Jungkook? What are you doing?” She whined unattractively, reaching down to rub circles on her clit as she begged him.

“Fuck me,” she purred as he recoiled – wondering how in the world he used to find her seductive. “you know you want to.” She mewled.

Jungkook could have laughed at how sure she was of herself.

“No, I don’t want to.” He sighed, buttoning his shirt. “Please dress yourself.” He asked her, putting distance between them.

“What the fuck?” Selene nearly shouted, she pushed herself onto her knees and looked at him.

“Keep your voice down, Selene. Dae’s sleeping.” Jungkook warned, an edge in his tone.

“Why?....” her expression froze as awareness

“It’s her isn’t it?” she said snidely, ignoring the warning look Jungkook sent her. “The little blond girl. A bit too young for you, isn’t she?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Jungkook growled coldly, aura becoming menacing, “Do not speak of her that way, Selene. She is innocent in all of this.”

Jungkook's heart ached at the thought of what his sweet little Elena was feeling now.

Selene barked out a cold laugh, “But she is the reason you won’t fuck me like you used to?”

Jungkook glowered, “You’re free to sleep in the guest room tonight, Selene.”

With that, Jungkook stormed out of the room, and walked into his own bedroom at the end of the hall.


7 AM

I left for work early the next morning and winced once I saw Selene drive down in her black Audi – smirking at me.

I wanted to cry.


But I shook it off, I had already shed enough tears.

I had enough to worry about than dwelling on what happened at Mister Jeon’s house last night. I worried about my parents.

I felt sick to my stomach as I thought about it. Would they really go as far as taking my family to court to get more money from Vic and me? Does their greed never end?

I drove to work with a worried notch on my brow.

I spent the day working in a daze, nearly spilling scalding hot coffee on myself. Marc nearly sent me home – but instead had Kayli pick me up to hang out at the Sergeant Jasper.
They knew about everything.

“Are you okay, El?” Kayli asked, snapping her fingers to get my attention. I jumped and jerkily nodded, “I’m fine. I’m just thinkin’, you know?”

Kayli pursed her lips and sent Axel and Raven a look – seeing it, they avoided her eyes and left us alone in the kitchen. She held my face in her hands and made me look into her eyes.

“We’ll try to find a way, okay? I don’t plan on letting my best friend live with those greedy bastards.”
I laughed.

“Thanks, Kayli. But it’s okay.” I smacked my lips and sipped on the blueberry yogurt drink she handed me. “As long as they get a reasonable about of money, I can come home.”

“They’ll run you ragged and use your name to make money off you.” She said, remembering the time when Vic moved out and Mother and Father made me preform multiple times a week until they left me high and dry one evening and never looked back.

I shrugged, “Maybe. But at least I never have to see them again when they let me go.”

Leaving Charleston would give me time to think about my life and what I wanted to do with it.

My heart hurt at the thought of not seeing Dae for a long time.

I didn’t want to say goodbye to him.
Kayli let out a hiss and looked sharply away.

“I just don’t understand why you’re leaving so willingly Elena.” She said, beginning to become angry – her dark brown eyes flashing. “Don’t you know how worried we are for you?”

“I do.” I sighed, eyelids drooping, “You already know what they’ll do if I don’t leave. My leaving would save us a whole lot of trouble, Kayli. Being exhausted will be worth not having to deal with them again. I’m an adult, I can make my own decisions. I decided to do this.”

Silence issued between us as we stared at one another, unwilling to back down.

Finally, Kayli sighed.

“You’re so fucking stubborn, you know that, right?”

A loud giggle escaped my lips as a smile grew across my face.

“I know,” I winked, “It adds to my charm.”


7 PM

Kayli dropped me off in front of my house and started to drive away after blowing me a kiss goodbye.

“Bye, love you!” I laughed, waving my arms and snorting when Corey stuck his head out the window and yelled back.

“Love you too, sunny!” he screamed halfway down the road. I rolled my eyes playfully, feeling like myself for the first time today, as I waved until they were out of sight.

“Elena?” my heart stopped.

My head turned to the side to see Mister Jeon striding quickly towards me, Dae giggling in his arms.

There wasn’t a smile on Mister Jeon’s face – only determination and worry.

There was nowhere to hide, I clenched my teeth as they neared me quickly.

He was still dressed in his work clothes, I noticed, as he came to a stop in front of me.

“Hi, Mister Jeon.” I waved, brows furrowed, “What’s wrong?”

I turned to Dae and I felt like I didn’t have to force my smiles as he waved with his tiny hands.

“Hi, ‘Lena!”

Mister Jeon’s jaw ticked, resolve flashing in his eyes.

“I think it’s time you and I had a chat, yeah?”


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