─ limitless ; jjk

By LivelyPotter

17.6K 1.4K 801

─ in which shy, introverted elena morgan meets jungkook jeon and his son. 2024 © LivelyPotter acade... More

─ 00. synopsis
─ 00. act one
─ 01. intimidating men
─ 02. twenty dollar bill
─ 03. surprise meetings
─ 04. vicious women
─ 05. caught
─ 06. dirty thoughts, innocent mind
─ 08. shocking revelations
─ 09. the distance between us
─ 10. limitless
─ 00. act two
─ 11. bruises
─ 12. broken
─ 13. ruined
─ 14. home and heartbreak
─ 15. mind, heart, and soul
─ 16. never like this
─ 17. would i?
─ 18. whole
─ 19. this sucks
─ 20. i wish i could hate him
─ 00. act three
─ 21. string her up
─ 22. family is a choice
─ author's note
─ 23. special nickname
─ 24. mommy?
─ 25. the truth, at last
─ 26. sleepover?
─ 27. madly, obsessively, innocently, and captivatedly
─ 28. homeward bound
─ 29. together once more
─ 30. unconditionally devoted to her
─ 00. act four
─ 31. caught red handed
─ 32. elena's 'great' escape
─ 33. desperately seeking
─ 34. call me by my name
─ 35. bedtime stories
─ 36. late night conversations and confessions
─ 37. a goddess in disguise
─ 38. don't let the hard days win
─ 39. entirely hers, forever
─ 40. my love for you is limitless
─ 00. act five
─ 41. good girl
─ 42. smutty books, addicting lips, and dark promises
─ 43. not so innocent after all...oh crackers!
─ 44. don't worry about me
─ 45. no other comparison
─ 46. kayli made me do it!
─ 47. toy stores
─ 48. being outed by a six-year-old
─ 49. lost without you
─ 50. epilogue
─ limitless; a moment of reflection

─ 07. the book

363 30 11
By LivelyPotter

─ 07. the book



8 AM

Sean and Vic observed my bloodshot eyes and exhausted expression with thinly veiled concern.

"You certainly look sick, Elena." Sean said, a frown on his lips as his palm settled on my forehead. "I already called Marc - so you can stay in bed and rest."

I closed my eyes with a groan.

It was a mistake staying up all night reading that book that Kayli had given me after I had worked all day.


"I-I'm fine. I just didn't much sleep last night-" I argued, feeling fatigue weigh upon me.

I had never really reacted well to getting no sleep during the night. Vic sat down on my pink floral duvet and smoothed his hand down the side of my head.

He smiled, "You've been working a lot this week, El. Just take the day off and rest, okay? The rest of us must leave for the day and I'd feel a lot better knowing you were at home resting."

I listened to the plead in his tone and gave in.

"Marc doesn't mind?" I asked through a yawn. I felt guilty for not being able to help him out at the café today. I hope I didn't let him down. Sean and Vic started to chuckle.

"No, hun." Sean chortled, "Just rest and eat something later, okay?"

I slowly nodded and tucked myself into my bed once more, snuggling into my fluffy pillow - feeling that book burn a hole through my pillowcase. It would never see the light of day on my bookshelf.

"We'll send someone to check in on you later to make sure you're alive."

Vic chuckled.

He pressed a kiss to my head, "Love you, El."

"Love you too." I called after him before he shut my bedroom door after allowing Max inside the room. The golden retriever yipped at the sight of me bundled into my bed and pounced on the bed.

"Hey bud," I giggled sleepily, Max trotted, gave me a lick across my face in greeting and laying down beside me. I threaded my fingers through his fur and allowed my thoughts to consume me.

I wished I hadn't read it - it made me think of dirty, filthy things I shouldn't be thinking of, but I couldn't stop, morbid curiosity had me up all night to finish reading every single word.

Reading Isla and Bryce's story...made me think of Mister Jeon.

I imagined Mister Jeon doing the same unspeakable things to me.

I blushed and rubbed my thighs together as my eyes closed - imagination running wild.

My eyes popped open again as my morals took hold of me once more.

Shame filled my every pore; I shouldn't be thinking of Mister Jeon this way, he was taken. It was wrong, filthy...but I couldn't help it.

He aroused feelings out of me that I had never experienced before.

I couldn't imagine him in that way anymore...and if he ever found out about my darkest fantasies, he'd never look at me the same. He would be disgusted by me, and I couldn't live with that.

Feelings of guilt and shame were the emotions I felt falling asleep.



6 PM

The sound of the doorbell ringing woke me up from my deep slumber.

"Just a minute!" I yelled loudly, through a yawn as I stumbled out of bed, nearly falling flat on my face as I tripped over Max body.

"Eek! Sorry, Max!" I called over my shoulder - hurrying out of my room.

I flew down the stairs in record time, feeling one hundred percent better than I did hours ago. I didn't know what time it was - but I knew I had slept for hours.

I winced, seeing the evening sky out the window. I peeked out of the peep hole and stumbled back.

I wasn't prepared to see Mister Jeon standing at my front door, with Dae in his arms. Crackers, what was I going to do? I licked my lips and pulled my nightie down my thighs.

You can do this, Elena.

Be calm.

"Mister Jeon?" I tried to wipe the sleep out of my eyes as I opened the door.

Mister Jeon sucked in a sharp breath, eyes flashing down my bare legs, before pulling his gaze away.

"I came to check in on you, Sweetie." He smiled, propping Dae up higher against his trim waist. "Are you okay?" he asked, noticeably concerned.

I gave a sleepy smile back, "I'm okay, just woke up." I explained, shielding my mouth as I yawned again.

"Did Vic send you?" I asked, opening the door wider for him to step inside. Dae reached out his tiny hand to me and I shook it with a large grin. "Hi Dae-Dae." I giggled - calling him by the adorable nickname I came up with.

Dae squealed with glee, "Hi, 'Lena!"

Mister Jeon watched out interaction closely - smiling widely, displaying those gorgeous white teeth, "He did, asked me to check on you this morning. I just got back from work."

I slowly nodded, "Thanks for checking in on me, Mister Jeon. You didn't have to." I cannot believe Vic asked him to check in on me. I could have died.

"Have you eaten?" He asked suddenly, eyebrows coming together while looking at my face. I shifted on my feet, shyly.

I shook my head sheepishly, "No, I've been sleeping all day." I flushed as he sent me a scolding look. "I'll eat soon." I assured.

"You will," Mister Jeon said - a grin pulling at his lips, "Go and get dressed, Sweetie." He ordered, tickling Dae's sides as he giggled.

Come again?

"Huh?" I asked, dumbly staring up at him.

Mister Jeon chuckled at the look on my face, "Come and eat with Dae and I." he grinned wolfishly, "I've already started dinner."


"Please!!" Dae begged with shiny doe eyes, "I want to show you my toys, 'Lena! Please?"

Mister Jeon smirked as he watched my resolve crumble and took pleasure in it.

"...Okay." I slumped my shoulders and pouted, "Just give me a minute to change."



Jungkook watched his son show little Elena his toy - feeling his heart swell with affection for both of them as Elena awed and gasped playfully as Dae chatting on and on about Kookie.

He loved having her here.

In his house.

With just him and Dae.

Jungkook softly smiled and turned to place the finishing touches on dinner before calling the pair into the kitchen.

Jungkook unconsciously smirked, seeing his little Elena blush as he set his tattooed hands upon her shoulders, before he steered her to a chair beside Dae and across from him.

"Thank you, Mister Jeon." Elena whispered shyly as she avoided looking into his eyes. "The food looks amazing."

Jungkook's chest puffed up in pride, eager to watch her reaction as she tasted authentic Korean cuisine.

"Thank you, sweetie." He rumbled, helping Dae into his highchair.

Jungkook placed Dae's little plate in front of him before dropping a kiss onto his forehead. "Here, baby." He chuckled, handing Dae his little spoon.

Once his son was taken care of; Jungkook took his seat across from the adorably cute blonde.

Jungkook handed her a pair of metal chopsticks, "Here, sweetie. I hope you enjoy the meal."

"I will, Mister Jeon." She chirped her light, lyrical voice music to his ears.

Mister Jeon watched with rapt attention as Elena picked up a piece of finely cut steak with her chopsticks and brought it to her glossy lips.

God, he loved hearing his name coming from her lips.

There was truly nothing like it.

Jungkook bit down on his bottom lip, nearly drawing blood by biting it so harshly as Elena let out moan of delight, thoroughly enjoying the food he cooked for her.


Not now.

Jungkook tried thinking of anything, anything other than her moans as he felt his lower half stir.

"Wow! This is amazing, Mister Jeon! How did you learn to cook so well?"

Jungkook loved how Elena looked up at him, awe brimming in her emerald eyes as she beheld him.

His heart pounded in his chest as she gave him her smile.

He cleared his throat and tucked into his own meal. "Well, growing up, both of my parents cooked and taught me most of what they knew," he chuckled, reaching towards his wine glass and taking a sip of the red liquid.

"I'm thankful for it now. I enjoy cooking."

Jungkook then took the chance to ask Elena about her life - and checking on Dae when he adorably pushed into the conversation.

Jungkook learned her hobbies, likes and dislikes, favorite foods, favorite genre of music, and of course - her love of reading and writing.

"I have a library here," He said, "You can come by and borrow as many books as you'd like." Fuck, he'd give them to her if that meant he could put that blinding smile on her beautiful face.

"Really?" Elena's eyes widened in glee, practically bouncing up and down in her chair.

Jungkook bit back a groan as the action caused her generous breasts to jiggle up and down.

He forced himself to think with his logical mind, rather than his cock as Elena sat across from him.

"Thank you, Mister Jeon!" Elena squealed, giving out a blinding smile, full of happiness and joy.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile back at the bubbly blond, "You're welcome, sweetie."

A knock at the door made Jungkook still as he was cleaning up the kitchen, showing Elena away as she tried to help. The blond gave him a pout and sauntered over to pick up Dae from his highchair and giving him a cuddle.

Jungkook chuckled and gave Elena's hair a pet, "Let me check the door, yeah? Want to wait for me in the living room?" He asked, not wanting the blond to leave him and Dae.

He could see Elena hesitating, but ultimately nodded when Dae started to plead for her attention.

Like a doting mother would; Elena carried Dae into the living room, cooing at his cuteness.

Jungkook felt like his heart would burst in his chest as the pair walked out of sight.

He felt like he was living in a dream; of which Elena, Dae, and him were a family.

A real family.

"Is that who you're fucking now, Jungkook?"

Jungkook hissed a out a breath as Selene walked into his kitchen uninvited. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Selene, when will you learn the act of knocking?" he sighed, as her heels hit the marble floor with an annoying clack.

He hoped Elena didn't see her, the last thing he wanted was for her to be uncomfortable in his home.

"So?" Selene sneered, red lips pulled back into a snarl. A month ago Jungkook would have found her jealously amusing, but now? Not so much.

"No, Selene."

She didn't have a reason to be jealous. When they started sleeping together - they agreed it wouldn't be more than that.

Their agreement was simply to use each other to let off steam.

Selene rolled her dark eyes, "Like I'd believe that. Why is she in your house?" she crossed her arms underneath her small breasts to try and to gain his attention.

Only to fail.

Jungkook felt his annoyance rise, "Because I invited her to dinner because Elena and Dae get along, and he likes spending time with her."

He didn't have to explain this to her, since it wasn't her house or her business, but he needed her off his back.

He didn't want Dae or Elena to witness their argument.

Selene clicked her tongue and slowly inched towards him - eyes directly drawn towards the bulge in his pants - thinking it was her that arouse such a reaction from him.

(which wasn't the case)

He desperately tried his growing bulge from Elena, the sole women to have hyped up his sexual frustration lately. Every time he thought of his little Elena, he was hard as a rock.

Took forever to get down.

Selene smirked, leaning back against the counter, legs slightly spread apart, enough for him to see she didn't have any underwear on.

Disgust welled within him as he watched, expressionless, as Selene tried to best to be seductive.

He needed to get rid of her.




"Look 'Lena!" Dae cooed, handing me his stuffed purple bunny, Kookie.

"Aww," I giggled back, sitting on down the floor and giving a hug and kiss to Kookie - reveling in Dae's excited chirps and giggles as I did so.

"Me, now!" He commanded, eyes big and round as he crawled on my lap, pointing to his cheek.

"Alright," I giggled quietly, pressing a big smacking kiss on his little cheeks before hugging him to me.

"Thank you, 'Lena!"

"Of course, Dae-Dae."

Dae's face lit up, "I like Dae-Dae!"

My smile became so wide I was afraid my cheeks would split, "So do I!" I grinned.

I wondered who was knocking on the door. Knowing I had to leave soon, I bit my lips and looked at Dae.

"How about you show me those trains you were telling me about? I have to go home soon, Dae-Dae."

Dae pouted, "Kay. Don't move or I'll tell Daddy." He wagged his little finger - trying to act stern, his expression made me giggle. Mister Jeon does the same thing.

I watched Dae toddle up the stairs and when it was clear, I stood up from the floor tried to find Mister Jeon.

I didn't want to leave without thanking him for the food, and letting him know Dae would be alone.

As I was nearing the kitchen, a familiar female voice entered my ears, and once I peeked through the door, which was opened up a crack, I paled.

"You haven't touched me in days, Jungkook." The familiar women, the one I saw buck naked not even a week ago, whined.

I think her name is Selene, Mister Jeon's girlfriend.

As I remember, she's beautiful - I swallowed down the envy inside of me as her long red nails raked down Mister Jeon's large, chiseled chest.

Even though I had no right to be jealous...I was.

I really was.

I hated the way my chest ached.

"Fine." Mister Jeon growled, close to sneering.

I released a gasp too quiet for anyone to hear and watched on.

Mister Jeon's large tattooed hand snapped out and attached it's self to Selene's long neck and jerked her near.

"When I get back I expect you to be in the guest room, naked and bent over the bed. Understood?" He rumbled

I paled. Watching Selene grip him in between his legs as she groaned lowly.

I felt my heart drop into my stomach at his words. I'd never experienced this side of him.

Mister Jeon made no reaction to her touching him in such a way, and back away.

Selene whimpered and jerkily nodded, rubbing her legs together.

"I understand." She licked her lips, eyeing the area in between his legs.

Mister Jeon watched her, expressionless, as she walked down the hallway, that was right by the refrigerator.

I'm guessing that's where the guest rooms were.

I felt my heart ache and speed up as Mister Jeon cursed underneath his breath.

I slowly backed away, feeling tears prick my eyes and left as quietly as I came.

My head drooped as I walked up the stairs to Dae's room, hoping he would be there.

To my pleasure, he was.

"Hey, Dae-Dae."

Dae's head snapped up and his face broke out in a grin.

"Hi, 'Lena!"

Dae took the time to show me his trains and other toys he had in his bedroom when Mister Jeon walked knocked on his bedroom room.

"What are you two doing?" I kept my attention on the big blue train in my hands as Dae ran to Mister Jeon.

He sounded normal again - happy and kind, not mad or ticked off. But I still couldn't see him the same as I did before I heard what was going on in the kitchen.

I blinked away tears and took my phone out of my pocket to read Vic's text. As expected, he was asking where I was, and asking me to come home as soon as I could - Mr. B ordered a family meeting.

I felt Mister Jeon's growing confusion at my change of mood.

Sending him a short reply back, I gathered my emotions and stood up.

I needed to get away from this house; and more importantly, him.

"Hey, Mister Jeon." I forced a smile, hoping he wouldn't see the dimness in my mood. "Thank you for dinner - but I really got to get home." I frowned slightly, peeking down at Vic's message again, worried and hoping to be away from here.

Mister Jeon walked inside the room, eyebrows drawn in confusion.

"Of course, sweetie. Are you alright?" he asked, I looked up at him with a weary smile.

Every time I looked at him, I'd see and remember what happened in his kitchen. And then I wanted to cry all over again.

"I'm okay. Mr. B wants me back at home, says he needs to talk to me and the rest of my family about something."

"I hope everything's okay." He said, reaching down and plucking a train off the floor.

"Thanks again, Mister Jeon." I smiled tightly, I knelt down and hugged Dae.

"See you later, Dae-Dae." I smiled genuinely, ruffling his silky hair before I stood up.

I placed my phone into my pocket, "May I let myself out?" knowing he was here to put Dae to bed.

Mister Jeon stared at me, concern shining brightly within his eyes as he stood by the door once more, I hid a wince.

"Go ahead, sweetie. Be safe, yeah?"

"I will." I smiled tightly and I scuttled towards the door, clenching my teeth as Mister Jeon attempted to bring me into a hug.


I gulped and dodged his open arms as I walked quickly put of Dae's bedroom.

I felt guilty for avoiding his hug, but knowing that women was waiting for him, naked might I add, I had no desire to touch him.

Quickly, I left the house and shut the door quietly.

When I was halfway to my house, my head drooped and tears pricked my eyes.

I didn't want to feel this way.

Maybe I should just avoid speaking and being around him. Maybe it'll make this feeling go away.

Wouldn't it?

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