─ limitless ; jjk

By LivelyPotter

15.2K 1.3K 793

─ in which shy, introverted elena morgan meets jungkook jeon and his son. 2024 © LivelyPotter acade... More

─ 00. synopsis
─ 00. act one
─ 01. intimidating men
─ 02. twenty dollar bill
─ 03. surprise meetings
─ 04. vicious women
─ 06. dirty thoughts, innocent mind
─ 07. the book
─ 08. shocking revelations
─ 09. the distance between us
─ 10. limitless
─ 00. act two
─ 11. bruises
─ 12. broken
─ 13. ruined
─ 14. home and heartbreak
─ 15. mind, heart, and soul
─ 16. never like this
─ 17. would i?
─ 18. whole
─ 19. this sucks
─ 20. i wish i could hate him
─ 00. act three
─ 21. string her up
─ 22. family is a choice
─ author's note
─ 23. special nickname
─ 24. mommy?
─ 25. the truth, at last
─ 26. sleepover?
─ 27. madly, obsessively, innocently, and captivatedly
─ 28. homeward bound
─ 29. together once more
─ 30. unconditionally devoted to her
─ 00. act four
─ 31. caught red handed
─ 32. elena's 'great' escape
─ 33. desperately seeking
─ 34. call me by my name
─ 35. bedtime stories
─ 36. late night conversations and confessions
─ 37. a goddess in disguise
─ 38. don't let the hard days win
─ 39. entirely hers, forever
─ 40. my love for you is limitless
─ 00. act five
─ 41. good girl
─ 42. smutty books, addicting lips, and dark promises
─ 43. not so innocent after all...oh crackers!
─ 44. don't worry about me
─ 45. no other comparison
─ 46. kayli made me do it!
─ 47. toy stores
─ 48. being outed by a six-year-old
─ 49. lost without you
─ 50. epilogue
─ limitless; a moment of reflection

─ 05. caught

307 28 23
By LivelyPotter

─ 05. Caught 



Jungkook sighed heavily and ran his tattooed hands through his hair as the front door of his house was shut firmly, watching Elena flee his home.

His chest ached remembering the terrified look on her face as they entered his house - and came upon Selene.

The pit in his stomach grew.

"Fuck." He grunted and started to unbutton his shirt, heading in the direction of his room.

He knew it was no use chasing after her to speak about what she had seen - he didn't want to terrify her more than the night's events already had.

Jungkook slid his shirt off his shoulder as he entered his large bedroom, planning on showering, cringing as he thought of what he had to do.

It would certainly be uncomfortable for both parties involved, and he only hoped his sweet little Elena didn't think less of him.




7:50 AM

I thanked the gracious, merciful god above that I had work again.

It would distract me from thinking of what happened last night.

I only hoped I didn't have to see Mister Jeon and his girlfriend anytime soon. She already didn't seem to like me - I cringed as the image of her naked body entered my mind.

I wish I could bleach it out of my brain.

I sniffed and rubbed my hands over my face and got dressed in one of my normal sundresses and this time I opted to wear my converse this morning. Brushing my teeth and pulling my hair back in a clip, I grabbed my tote, and water bottle, and I was off to join Vic.

Vic's eyes brightened as he stood by the front door, he handed me my lunch pack and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Ready to go?" he asked in greeting, opening the front door as I could step outside.

I forced a smile and nodded, "Yeah," I mumbled, sipping at my ice water. My eyes were drawn down the road - making sure Mister Jeon wasn't near and followed Vic to the car.

Just as I was settling in the passenger seat, I saw Mister Jeon making his way up the sidewalk, nearing the house, dressed in normal runnimg clothes.

I adverted my gaze and stared at my lap after I buckled my seatbelt. As Vic started to pull out of the driveway, he rolled down his window to greet the man.


I felt Mister Jeon look at me, but I refused to remove my gaze from my lap.

Only when Vic said his goodbyes and started to leave, I looked at him.

Mister Jeon eyes were soft and intense as always as ours connected. I sent him a faux forced smile and looked away quickly.

"What was that about?" Vic asked, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye five minutes down the road.

My shoulders tensing, I slowly shrugged.

"What was what about?" I asked.

My response had Vic chuckling, "You're acting so awkward in front of him, Elena." Vic started to grin widely, wiggling his brows, "...wait...do you have a little crush on him?" he teased.

My stomach dropped and I scoffed, hiding the blush on my cheeks.

"No! He's just really intimidating," I giggled awkwardly, guilty of my lie.

"I get it," Vic nodded, biting his cheek as he pulled to a stop in front of Marc's café. "That's a relief, though. He's nice, impressive and all, but he's too old for you." He said, turning to me.

The smile on my face wavered.

I didn't think so - and I didn't care.

But it wasn't wise for me to keep my eyes on him, the man had a girlfriend for cracker's sake! A beautiful girlfriend, I pushed away the envy I was feeling and forced my smile to become wider.

"I'll see you later, Vic." I smiled, hugging him quickly, "Thanks for dropping me off!"

"Be safe and call me if you need anything!" Vic called as I waved once more and shut the car door and trudged into the café glumly.

The hours passed slowly, and I was still in a rut.

I started to feel more like myself when Corey and Kayli popped in to visit me and Marc. Thankfully I was able to take my lunch break to hang out with them.

Kayli watched me over her mug, brown eyes watching me suspiciously as Corey ruffled his sun kissed blond hair and looked between us.

Nervously, I dug in my lunch pack and withdrew a small bottle of strawberry yogurt drink Vic always gets me at the Asian market and twisted the tiny cap off. I took a tiny sip, savoring the taste.

"Okayyy, what's wrong, El? You've been acting off." Kayli said, setting her mug down and crossing her tanned arms across her chest. I swallowed and twisted the lid back on my drink and pouted.

"I don't think I'm acting off." I said, picking at my nail beds.

Corey scoffed playfully, "You are. You've been more withdrawn than usual, E." he said, reclining back into his seat.

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and bit down on it, a bad habit I had, and debated whether or not to tell them.

But I gave in, since they were the closest people I had to friends.

"Um, well you've heard of Mister Jeon, right?" I asked, knowing they wouldn't tell my family about anything we spoke about - well unless the information endangered my life.

Corey and Kayli exchange a curious look and slowly nodded.

"Well, Dae - his son - fell asleep on my lap last night and I told Mister Jeon I didn't mind to help him get Dae to bed without waking him." I slowly said in a whisper.

Kayli's brows rose, "Okay, and?"

Corey rolled his eyes playfully, "she's getting to that, babe."

Kayli elbowed Corey in the side with a laugh as I smiled at their antics.

"Well I went to his house and walked inside with Mister Jeon....uh, and when he t-turned on the lights there was a women there." I stuttered, face blazing red.

Kayli snorted, "Oh no! A women in his house!" She gasped sarcastically before giggling, "What's so wrong with that?"

"Well. Uh, the women was laying, spread out, I mean really spread out on his coffee table when we came in."
I cringed.

Kayli and Corey eyes bulged out when the next sentence came.

"She was completely naked - waiting for Mister Jeon to come home." I whimpered, pressing my fingertips against my eyes as I thought about the mortifying images.

Corey slurped his coffee down the wrong pipe and choked - drawing glances from the customer's around us.

"Oh, crackers - Corey, are you okay?" I asked, helping Kayli beat on his back as he coughed and regained his breathing.

"...you poor thing," Kayli cackled, "Your innocent eyes are forever tainted."

"I know." I groaned, taking another sip of my strawberry yogurt. "I was so embarrassed. I ran upstairs to get away. Mister Jeon sounded angry." I shivered.

He sounded really terrifying when he was mad. I prayed to never be on receiving end of it.

Corey patted my back, "I'm sorry, El." He chuckled, "You poor, innocent little thing." He cooed.

Kayli snickered, "Holy fuck, I can't believe you saw that."

I shrugged and finished the strawberry yogurt, "Yeah. I wasn't expecting it."

I'd never seen anything like it in my entire life.

And I hoped to never see anything like it again.

We spoke for what seemed like only seconds until Corey's phone pinged with a new message. Bringing his phone out, and reading the message; he paled.

Instantly, my brows lowered in worry, "What's wrong?"

Kayli bit her lips and peered over Corey's broad shoulder.

"North and Raven got caught up in the crossfire of an accident at the range."

My heart dropped into my stomach, were they okay?

Kayli and Corey observed ym panic, "It's okay, Elena. Just a few scrapes and bruises, but we have to leave - Marc included."

At the mention of his name, Marc burst through the back of the café, toting his phone in his hands.

"Do you mind to watch over the café for a while?" he asked, frowning, "I'm sorry to ask you this."

I shook my head, thanking God that the accident wasn't too bad, and North and Raven were okay.

"I don't mind - it's been pretty calm today, don't worry."

"Thanks, babe." Kayli sighed, pressing a kiss to my head.

"If we're not back but closing time, lock up please." Marc said, pecking the top of my head before hurrying out with Kayli and Corey at his heels.



4:30 PM

A sigh left my lips as it neared closing time.

I was tired and ready to leave, but knowing that the mess at the range wasn't near being solved, I tried to figure out what to do in the meantime.

Most of the customers in the café were readying to leave when the bell at the front door jingling - alerting me of another customer.

The sound of heavy footsteps made my head turn up, and stomach flop as I recognized the person.

Mister Jeon was heading my way, without a smile in sight. My heart thundered within my chest as he neared - eyes intense.

Mister Jeon was dressed in his work attire; black slacks - that clung to his solid thighs as he walked, and his tight white button up dress shirt fit him perfectly, showing how chiseled and muscular his torso was.

The tattoos that peeked up around the collar of his shirt caused my mouth to dry.

Sweet crackers!

He was perfection.

"Hi, sweetie." He greeted kindly in his deep, husky voice as his hands resting on the counter.

I adverted my gaze before I go caught staring at his tattooed hands - the veins more prominent once he cracked his knuckles.

"Hi, Mister Jeon." I said timidly, head lowered in submission. I knew he was here to talk about last night - and I couldn't run away and avoid it. "Can I help you?"

When I peeked up, Mister Jeon looked at a loss for words - and something darker lingered in his eyes as I sucked on my bottom lip, awaiting his reply.

"Can I have another plain coffee?" He asked, reaching into the back pocket of his slacks and withdrawing his wallet.

I jerkily nodded, taking the chance to grab a large mug from underneath the counter and poured the strong, plain coffee into the cup.

"Here," I sweetly smiled, placing the coffee in front of the man, who had taken a seat at the counter while I was turned.

Mister Jeon gave me another heart stopping smile, "Thank you, Sweetie." Mister Jeon reached into his wallet and withdrew a sleek black credit card from his wallet - and handed it to me.

I carefully took the card from between his fingers and swiped it, allowing the machine to take out the correct amount of money for the coffee, before handing it back.

While Mister Jeon was enjoying his coffee, I flushed and busied myself by cleaning the counters again.

I felt his gaze on me as I reached up on my toes to hang up the clean mugs above the counter.

Blushing, I pulled my dress back down after feeling it rising up my chubby thighs.

"Sweetie?" my head snapped to the side to peek at him. Mister Jeon licked his lips and set the mug to the side, "Can you come here, please?"

I sucked on my lip, nodding. I took slow steps until I was standing across from him.

Mister Jeon slightly started sigh, "I'm so sorry you had to see that last night."


I shifted uncomfortably on my feet, cringing. "It's okay, Mister Jeon." I forced a smile, Mister Jeon furrowed his brows and looked at me closely, "I'd, uh, I'd rather not talk about it. My eyes have forever been tainted."

Did I really just say that?


Mister Jeon's eyes crinkled at the corners as he watched me nearly gag, amused beyond belief.

He threw back his head and laughed, drawing awed looked from men and women around the café.

I couldn't blame them for being in awe of him, I was always like that when I was near him.

"How's Dae?" I asked brightly, missing the adorable little boy. Mister Jeon chuckled lowly, "He's wonderful, sweetie. He's staying with a nanny I hired to watch over him while I'm away."

I made a O face and nodded before we fell silent again.

Mister Jeon rubbed his fingertips across his lips as he quieted and took another sip from his mug.

My phone rang, startling me. Eyeing the screen, I answered it when Vic's contact was shown on the screen.

"Hello?" I asked brightly, hoping the meeting and cleanup was over with.

Mister Jeon smiled at the brightness in my tone, checked the time.

"Hey, El." Vic greeted tiredly, bringing a frown on my face. Mister Jeon sat up straighter, watching me closely.

"What's wrong, Vic?" I asked, turning away from the man in front of me.

"The meeting isn't even half way over with, El. I won't make it in time to take you home."

"It's okay, Vic." I assured him, scuffing my shoes on the floor. "I'll figure everything out - don't worry, okay?"

Vic was silent for a few minutes, but agree when he remembered we didn't live far from the café. It was only ten - fifteen minutes away.

"Alright, I love you, be safe, okay?"

"I promise. Love you too." Once Vic hung up the phone, I turned around and gave Mister Jeon a forced smile.

"Sorry about that, was there anything you needed?" I asked, putting my phone into my tote.

Mister Jeon shook his head, slowly, biting his lip.

"Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly.

I shrugged.

"North and one out friends got into a little accident at work today - so my brother and the others are trying to make sure everything gets cleaned up."

As I finished my sentence, I looked around the café -realizing it was void of people.

Expect Mister Jeon and I.

"I'm so sorry. Are they okay?" He asked, a frown on his plump lips.

I nodded, "Yeah, just a few scrapes and bruises. Sean is taking care of them."

Looking at the clock, I noticed it was closing time.

"Want a refill?" I questioned, head tilted cutely.

Mister Jeon shook his head, "I'm okay. It's closing time, isn't it?" he said, basically reading my mind.

My lips parted, "Yeah," I smiled, taking the mug from the counter and placing it in the sink.

"Do you need me to drive you home?" he offered.

Shocked, I swallowed and looked around awkwardly.

"Uh, it's okay, M-Mister Jeon - you don't have to do that, I cam just call Kayli-"

"I don't mind, sweetie. Otherwise, I wouldn't have offered. Come."

I hesitantly grabbed my things as Mister Jeon waited for me. I walked out from the counter, keys, tote, and water bottle in hand as I followed after him.

My hands shook nervously as I locked up and café doors.

Mister Jeon waited by the open passenger door of his Mercedes - a smile on his face as he waited for me.

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