☆ Both outsiders ☆ Hobie Brow...

By isuckhobiestoes

90.1K 2.1K 17K

☆ Hobie Brown x Reader ☆ °+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚°+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚ Hi. My name is y/n l/n. I was bitten by a radioa... More

☆ Info ☆
☆ Beginning ☆
☆ Jamming session ☆
☆ Bloody Hell ☆
☆ New friends, new love ☆
☆ Truth or Dare ? ☆
☆ Peaceful week ☆
☆ Let's not care ☆
☆ The prettiest ☆
☆ Late night swim ☆
☆ Last day ☆
☆ Desire ☆
☆ New mission ☆
☆ Movie night ☆
☆ Family ☆
☆ Make him pay ☆
☆ Weak ☆
☆ I saved him ! ☆
☆ Guilty ☆
☆ My lovely punk ☆
☆ Our story ☆

☆ Party ☆

2.5K 59 862
By isuckhobiestoes

(very long chapter again, grab a snack)

From previous chapter :

We cuddled til we both fell asleep, deeply in love with each other.

What about this gut feeling I have all the time..?

°+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚°+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚

-Time skip-
-Two weeks later-

y/n do u have an outfit for the party ??

Nahh i cant figure out one😫😫

GURL the party is TONIGHT smh😭


yk what ? ima come at your place in 10min😎

😻 alright thanks😘

I put back my phone in my pocket, standing in front of my closet.

Yeah, two weeks passed..
Maybe you need some context here.

So, Pav talked about having a party when we were having this Shrek movie night, right.

It took us two whole weeks to convince Miguel to have that party.

Actually, Lyla had to blackmail him, with whatever ; we'll never know anyway. He got so scared that he finally said yes.
He was pretty angry though.

Through those two weeks, Hobie visited my parents again, and I visited her sister.

We even went shopping, Brooke and I !

I had a sleepover with Gwen, and then one with everyone else (except Miguel again).

I was still doing well as Spider-Woman, and as Y/n, I started to look for a job.

And I actually got a job interview three days after the party ! I applied to Starbucks, and was pretty excited to be honest.

Also, two days after the movie night, Hobie proposed to make a band with Gwen and I.

Of course, we said yes ! So we jammed and rehearsed kind of everyday. The three of us had this synergy, we were made to be a band.

We couldn't figure out a name though..

And sometimes, Pav and Miles came to see us playing, and they sang some song. Pav was weirdly good at it actually.

Miles needed some work, but he still had something. But Pav and him were just playing around, screaming in the mic like kids.

So here I was, two weeks after this movie night, standing in front of my closet, eyeing it up and down. I had good outfits you know, I just couldn't choose one.

I didn't know what was the BEST one.
I thought that maybe Gwen could help me.

So I began to take every clothes that I liked and put it on my bed. Basically all of my closet..

So I put back some of it, thinking that I couldn't make an awesome outfit out of it.

I also had new clothes, after shopping with Brooke ! She gave me some nice advices.

She was kind of acting like a big sister with me, she was very protective and never judged my style. I loved her so much.

They also made a really good duo with Hobie, they made me laugh so much.
But you could see that they really cared about each other.

After about 20 minutes (she said 10 but heh), Gwen entered my room through a portal.

She had some casual clothes and carried a backpack. Her outfit was in it I guessed.

She looked at my room and sighed as she noticed a huge amount of clothes on my bed.

Then, we began to think about some of my clothes that would match together.

She sat down on my bed, and I left the room to try the first outfit we thought of.

My parents weren't home, so we put some music on the apartment and just had fun.

I was literally a runway model at this point.
Gwen gave me different looks each time, but they all were pretty funny.

It took us two hours.. This was SO long, but finally we found THE outfit.

I felt so pretty and hot, not gonna lie.

Then, it was makeup time.
My outfit was very [your style] so I had to do a makeup that matched.
Which took me another hour..

At this point, Gwen was just ranting about her and Miles, while trying to play on my bass.

"Yeah.. so.. It's official now.
He's my boyfriend."
She mumbled.

I opened my mouth in shock and turned my head towards her, as I was putting some mascara on.

"Finally ! Congrats Gwendy !!"
I replied, with a wide smile.

She smiled weakly and chuckled.
They were so embarrassed about that, it was pretty cute to be honest.

Then, we both got notifications on our phones. It was the groupchat.

Par ty starting in 1 hour, where are you guy.

😭 bro its in an hour we're obviously not there

i at tje pub

🤨hobie no way🙀
youre already ❤️‍🔥drinking ?!?🍺 wait for us bro!🥳🥳🥳

na iam figtibg

not the typo💀 damn love just get ready

leme finih nd i come t you place

wasup my babes its daddy miggy 😘😘🥵

TF ☠️

lyla hacked me again.
i swear.
anyway, please try not to be late. i already hate this. take care.

lol🤨. yea alr

Gwen and I were giggling so hard after Lyla hacked Miguel's account. She did that pretty often and it was so funny.

After a few minutes, Hobie entered my room, a bit out of breath, his hands resting on his legs. Then he giggled.

"You know, some lads actually pay for getting their ass kicked.." He said under his breath.

Then he looked up and noticed Gwen. He lifted his eyebrows, pretty happy to see her.

She waved at him, with her pretty smirk.

"Gals, it's nice that you're here.
I have a plan for tonight, at the party.."
He began to say with a mischievous look.

Then he explained his whole idea. Well, it wasn't something that deep, but it was funny. So we both agreed.

Then, we just talked and hung out in my room.

"Hobes, is that your outfit for tonight ? You're basically wearing the same thing as usual."
Said Gwen with a giggle.

"Hey ! I actually put a lot of effort in this outfit,
I added a little something."
he said with a chuckle, in an ironic tone.

"Yeah ! Can't you see he added a badge on his jacket just for the party ??"
I replied on a joking tone,
giggling with Gwen.

"Oh so you noticed !
That's my gal !"
Then replied Hobie,
throwing his arm around my neck.

Gwen an I both looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

Then, as we all were ready, I took my bass with me and we left my room through a portal.

We took our first step and Miguel was in front of us, arms crossed and glancing down at us.

"It's 7:02 pm. I told you to come at 7pm."
Said Miguel, on a very firm tone.

"Don't be like that, makes me wanna kiss you on the cheeks." replied Hobie before laughing.

Miguel slightly opened his mouth in shock, sighed and pinched his nose bridge.

He sighed again and put his hands on his hips.

"Anyway. I'm glad you're here."
admitted Miguel before turning his back to us, walking towards the lobby.

We followed him, as we could hear the music as well as people speaking loudly even through the walls.

The party only started two minutes ago and it looked like it was going on for at least one hour..

I put my bass somewhere a bit hidden where Hobie told me to.
He winked at me, and I giggled.

Then, the door opened, and we saw the lobby being full, but like I've never seen it.
Full of spider people.

Some had their mask on, some didn't.
There was spiders people crawling on the walls, swinging, hanging on the ceiling, drinking and eating while talking.

There also was a spider DJ ! He was pretty good, the music was pleasant, so as we kept walking, I began to shake my head in rythme.

Then, Pav swung towards us and waved at us.
Hanging upside down on a web that stuck to the ceiling, he lifted his eyebrows when he saw Gwen and I outfits.

Gwen had this very pretty dress and a fake leather jacket on top of it, as well as some badges on it.

Pav released his hand from the web and dropped down to his feet, checking Hobie's outfit.

Without saying a word, he chuckled and punched Hobie's shoulder.

They laughed together at Hobie's outfit.

Pav was wearing an outfit that looked very Indian, as he looked proud of his culture.
He was so sweet, and just beautiful.

"Bro you look so nice !"
Said Hobie to Pav,
giving a nod and a smirk.

"I know right !"
Pav chuckled.

"You look.. Well, as cool as usual."
He then giggled a bit louder.

As they were talking, a woman arrived.
She was a middle age woman, wearing a red tight dress. Her hair were curly and we could see she really took care of it.

Gwen waved at her with a smile.

"Hi Jess ! You are stunning."
Said Gwen to this woman.

"Oh babe you too."
She replied with a warm and badass smile.

"Who's this ?"
She then said, giving me a smile.

"Hi ! I'm Y/n, or Spider-Woman !
Nice to meet ya, you're gorgeous."
I said, a bit intimidated.

"Guess all of three are Spider-Woman then !"
Jess chuckled.

She had some big mommy vibes, and looked very charismatic. Her red dress really suited her curves, so I couldn't stop looking at her.

She held her hand to me, so I gave it a shake.

"Is Kai doing good ? How old is he again?"
Asked Gwen, tilting her head and raising her voice as the music was pretty loud.

"Yeah, my husband is home with him.
He's 6 month, such a cutie."
Replied Jess, with a wide smile and lovey eyes.

I wasn't wrong after all, she is a mom.
Then, she left and went to take a drink, talking with Miguel.

Gwen then told me some things about her, but mainly that she was her mentor and a really cool woman.

Then, as Pav and Hobie were still talking, Gwen and I noticed Miles.

He was talking to several people.
Who are they..? I wondered.

Even though I was part of the Spider Society, I never met anyone else than the friends I made. So I was still a bit new.

Gwen began to walk towards Miles and I followed her. She said hi to everyone, as she looked like she also knew everyone.

Everyone introduced themselves.

There was Spider-Noir, a man in black and white. He looked so cool to be honest.

Penny Parker, a very beautiful girl, looking a bit shy at first but then very sweet.
Like, she seemed deeply kind.

There also was.. Spider-Ham...
Alright, there was Spider-Cat so why not a pig, right ? He was funny though.

And finally, a very funny and charming girl named Margo Kess, or Spider-Byte.

They all seemed like good friends, and from a long time. I struggled a bit to fit in, because they had their own jokes and stuff.

I began to feel a bit nervous, so I thought about leaving to the toilets to calm myself down.
But I was scared to leave.

My breathing got a bit quicker, and I was fidgeting with my hands, hair and even piercings.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly felt a warm and familiar aura getting closer to me, because of my spider-sense.

It was Hobie, I recognized him through my sense. He was the only one I could recognize.

I didn't even turn around to check, because I felt his arm around my shoulder, slowly rubbing it with his thumb.

"I'm here, is alright."
He softly whispered in my ear.

This man knew. He felt that I was anxious.

Feeling his soft words and breath on my ear gave me shivers down my spine.

I instantly felt better.

He said hi to everyone, and began to talk.
People were listening to him.
He had this effect on everyone.

He talked to me as well, which made me fit into the conversation. He really helped me there.

I gave him a sweet smile, and he winked at me. His arm was still around my shoulders, our bodies touching.

With my right hand, I rubbed his hand that was on my shoulder, and tilted my head slightly to put it against his torso.

Pav joined us, bringing Spider-Cat. I was actually so happy to see him, so I gave him a hug. He seemed happy too, as he was purring.

"Meow. Meow rrrr~ meow"
said the Cat.

I looked at Pav.
"Y/n ! Long time no see !"
Said Pav, translating what the Cat said.

I was still a bit confused. How did Pav understood the cat ?? I never understood that.

I talked with Spider Cat, and he began to lie down around Pav's shoulders. They were good friends, which was so sweet.

"We need beers now."
Said Hobie with a sassy grin.

We kind of all nodded and headed towards the drinks. There was a lot of different alcohol, but Hobie and I took beers anyway.

As I remembered Hobie's idea that he told us before, I giggled slightly. He looked at me and winked, as he knew what I was thinking about.

We were still we everyone and two other persons joined !

It was a man with his horse, and a woman in wheelchair. She was gorgeous, and looked pretty funny.

Apparently, his spider name was Webslinger, and Miles seemed like a good friend of him.

And the woman was Spider-Sun, which suited her very well since she was stunning and shining from her beauty and personality.

So we were now 11 spider people, talking to each other in small group. Since Hobie really helped me to fit in, I no longer felt anxious.

Which is why he was talking to Noir, Ham and Gwen, and I was in another small group, talking to Sun and Miles.

Sun was talking about Miles's art, which was pretty good in my opinion. I noticed an LGBT as well as a lesbian badges on Sun's dress.

And again, people joined us. But this time, it was Jess, Peter and Miguel. The spider parents.

We were all talking, some people had drinks, other had food, and it was so entertaining.
I felt so happy, so grateful to be surrounded by nice people.

Everyone of them were funny (except Miguel) and interesting. They all made me feel good, like I belonged here.

My heart felt warm and happy.

As I was talking, I decided to go to the bathroom to take a pee.

But before I left, Hobie gently grabbed my hand, and gave a nod towards Miguel, so my eyes went to check on him.

Miguel looked like he was having fun, laughing, a drink in his hand, talking to several people.

I couldn't help but smile. Hobie smirked too, and got closer to me.

"We're gonna start soon, alright ? I told Miles  and Pav about the plan." whispered Hobie to me, through the loud music.

"I can't believe you had to prepare this plan ! Never thought you'd been so organized."
I said to Hobie with a loud chuckle.

He chuckled back and got even closer to me, glancing down at my lips. He then brought me into a kiss, in the middle of the lobby.

No one really cared about us, and I just loved that we could be happy in front of everyone.

He pulled back and rubbed his nose against mine. I smiled and then gently left, to finally go to the toilet.

I threw some webs to actually get there quickly, as I felt like my bladder was going to explode. I really needed to pee.

Which I did when I arrived to the toilet. I took a pee, and noticed my period coming.

I knew it was going to happen since I was taking the pill, my periods always happened at this time of the month.

I was actually a bit scared that I was going to have my period at the party, because I sometimes had really bad cramps.

But thankfully, I was doing ok.
I brought some pads with me since I knew it was going to happen.

I left the toilet and washed my hands.
I began to feel a bit excited an nervous about what was going to happen, Hobie's plan.

I joined the other, still near the drinks, and having fun with each other. Miguel felt pretty comfortable, as Peter was helping him to fit in.

They kind of looked like best friends, it was cute.

This time, Mayday wasn't there, sadly.
I kinda wanted to meet her.

After an hour of talking, dancing, doing spider things, having fun.. It was finally time.

We began to leave everyone, and hide somewhere, Hobie, Pav, Gwen, Miles and I.

We found somewhere behind Miguel, so he couldn't see us doing our stuff.

Near the lobby, Hobie hide some drums a few days ago, don't even ask me how.

So we all carried it, to the lobby. I also took back my bass from where I left it earlier.

We had to setup everything, even though Hobie kind of started before. That's why I told him I was surprised that he was so organized.

He planned to do and improvised gig. That was his whole idea. We plugged the amps, setup everything, plugged our guitar and bass, as well as a mic.

We even had a synth to plug to some speakers.

Some people were getting curious, and lots of eyes were turning towards us. Thankfully, Miguel didn't notice.

But, as I was tuning my bass without the sound on, I saw Peter noticing us. He first frowned his eyebrows, a bit curious, but then he smirked slightly.

We were almost ready. I felt the excitement in my body, my heart was racing, and my blood flowing all over my body.

Gwen was sitting in front of the drums, warming her hands. Miles gave her a soft kiss, which made me smile and giggle softly.
They were so cute.

"You guys have to meet Gayatri. So we can do a triple date !!" Said Pav, with a loud giggle.

Hobie's guitar was tuned, and my bass as well.

Miles was in front of the microphone, and even though I said he needed to improve his singing, I knew he was actually pretty good. And we actually rehearsed this song several times.

Gwen was taking in some deep breath, and was smiling widely. I could see the excitement in her eyes.

Pav was in front of the synth. He didn't know how to play it, but he just knew one song.

It was a song we knew Miguel liked, and we thought that we could play it to him, so Pav learned this song on the synth just for him.

We were all ready. Hobie gave a hand sign to the DJ, which made him stop the music.

The lobby was in total silence for a second, since everyone was so surprised.

Then, Pav began to play some notes on the synth. Everyone turned around to see us.

Miguel frowned his eyebrows.

Quickly after, Gwen joined with the drums.

And I joined with Hobie, as he was strumming and acoustic guitar that was plugged in an acoustic amp and to speakers.

We were playing Tren Al Sur by Los Prisioneros. And I noticed Miguel recognizing it very quickly.

(i really recommend listening to the song while reading. please do if you can !)

Miles began to sing softly, with a nice voice.
He was the only one that knew how to speak Spanish, so he sang.

He was pretty good, shaking his body through the song.

This wasn't what Hobie was used to play to be honest, but he seemed like he was enjoying it.

The bassline were so fun and interesting to play. I kept shaking my head and tapping my foot on the floor.

Hobie got closer to me, shaking his head in rythme too, with a wide smirk.

As we were playing, he arched his back towards me gave me a playful and warm kiss.

I chuckled slightly, and he went back to his place.

When the synth wasn't playing, Pav played some maracas too. He was multi-task.

Then, a quiet moment came, Miles sang two lines with the drums playing in the background, so Miles turned towards Gwen and they exchanged a smile.

I saw every spider people getting closer, some of them dancing. Miguel kept looking at us, without saying a word.

How did we know he liked this song ?
In one of the videos of him and his daughter we saw when we spied on him, there was one video of him dancing with his daughter on this song.

Miles recognized the song, and we kind of liked it very much. Without really knowing we were going to play it, we rehearsed this song a lot.

We just liked the vibe, it was very pleasant and nice to play this song with everyone.

Miguel was still looking a bit weirdly. I was actually nervous that it would just hurt him.
I noticed Peter putting his hand on Miguel's shoulder.

After another quiet moment, the chorus came in and Miguel finally gave us a shy smile.
Gosh, I felt so much better.

I turned around to check on Gwen, and she was smiling, like she was in another world. She REALLY loved playing the drums, it was actually impressive.

Pav was enjoying it, dancing while playing. He was actually quietly singing too because he just learned the lyrics. But without a mic.

Then, Peter began to take Miguel's hand and to dance with him. Miguel was a bit awkward at first, but as further the song went in, he began to losen up a little bit.

Everyone else was dancing or clapping their hands, and I loved this feeling.
People were liking this, and I felt much excitement in my heart.

Quiet moment, another powerful chorus, with Miles giving his soul in this song. It was so impressive.

Quickly after, a solo came in, and it was supposed to be synth and guitar, but it was too hard for Pav.

So as the other instruments were still playing, Hobie did his solo.

It wasn't the song's solo, it was something he created ; an actual improvised solo.

This showed me how much of a good guitarist he was. He knew how to improvise a solo in every music style. It was impressive.

And boy it was so good, he was picking some strings, his guitar's pick between his index and thumb.

His back was very much arched, his head shaking and his eyes closed through the beautiful melody.

I'm so in love with him.
I'm a lost cause.

When the solo stopped, Hobie gave me a smirk as he noticed I kept looking at him through the solo.

I giggled and then turned my eyes towards Miguel. He was dancing with Peter, laughing and having fun. He seemed very nostalgic, but still enjoying the song.

My heart felt so warm and I couldn't help but smile by seeing him actually enjoying something.

Then, the song began to slow down, beginning to stop with every instrument being quiet.

We heard everyone laughing, speaking, having fun. The song was stopped for a few seconds.

Miles began to sing again, as the song wasn't finished. He was actually singing in a capella, with just Gwen, Hobie, Pav and I snapping our fingers in the background like in the song.

Everyone began to clap their hands.

Miles kept saying "Tren Al Sur".
Then, every instrument quickly came in again, with Miles still singing those words.

Some people in the public began to sing it with him, as Miguel was still enjoying the moment.

Then, Miles began to speak to the public through the microphone, as we were still playing.

"Pavitr Prabhakar at the synth and the maracas !!" shouted Miles.

The crowd went wild and applauded him, and even whistling him. Pav waved at the public and kept smiling.

He looked very proud, and I was too. He really didn't know how to play the synth and he did SO good !

"Y/n l/n at the bas !!"
He then shouted, pointing his arm towards me.

The crowd applauded me, and I looked at everyone in the group. They nodded, so I began to do a very quickly solo.

Which the crowd responded by even more whistles and applause. I felt so good.

"Hobie Brown at the guitar !"
Shouted Miles again, throwing his arm to his right, pointing Hobie.

Hobie threw his hands in the air, stopping to strum his guitar as we still kept playing.

He waved at everyone and then made the rock sign with his both hands. Some people in the public did it back.

The crowd screamed and applauded Hobie, they weren't tired of applauding. I felt so much serotonin, this was crazy.

"And finally, Gwen Stacy at the drums !"
Screamed Miles, taking a step to his left to let the public see Gwen.

She took a deep breath in and as Hobie and I were playing softly, she began a solo.

But Hobie stopped playing, and it was just Gwen and I. She nodded at me, saying that she liked it that way.

Actually, when we rehearsed together, Hobie was always pretty late. So Gwen and I played some solo while waiting for him.

She was used to play solo with me playing some notes in the background.

Hobie didn't bother at all, he was actually impressed.

Gwen was quickly hitting the drums, with sweats on her forehead, her face aching yet with a wide smile.

She was breathing quickly, and the public kept screaming, going wild.

Miles was staring at her, with a lovely smile. His eyes were so soft for her. He was deeply in love, and I trusted him to take care of her.

Then, she hit the drums one last time and finished her solo, which the crowd responded by being louder than ever.

She looked so happy, so passionate about it.

Hobie was shaking his head in disbelief, but in a good way. He looked very impressed. Actually, we all had this look on our face.

But we kept playing the song, and Pav went to the microphone.

"Please applaud Miles Morales, the singer !"
Shouted Pav.

Miles chuckled slightly.

The crowd applauded again, with some whistles. They loved it, and it felt so good.

Then, we stopped the song.
Miguel look at us, and began to walk towards our direction.

Gwen got up from her chair and joined us, near the microphone. We were all next to each other, Miguel fronting us as we were waiting for him to say something.

Then, he wrapped his both arms around all of us, and hugged us softly. Even Hobie.

It was actually Hobie's idea, so yeah.

We all enjoyed the hug, very happy that he liked the song. We were a bit scared at first, because it was a painful memory to him.

But he changed. From the first time I met Miguel, he really changed. He looked like he was actually healing.

The hug lasted for a few seconds. He gently pulled back and wiped a tear on his cheek.

"You guys.. Thank you so much."
He said, with a shivering voice.

"You're not mad..?"
Asked Miles, a bit scared.

"No. I'm not. And I know you sneaked into my lab two weeks ago. Peter told me."
Replied Miguel, raising one eyebrow, still looking a bit mad about this.

mumbled Miles softly, which made us chuckle.

"But no, I am not mad."
Repeated Miguel.

He then wrapped his arms around our shoulders, and tilted his head towards us.

"You guys mean the world to me."
He admitted.

"I'll do anything for you.."
he then said before letting go of our shoulders and walking away.

We all stood here, a bit shocked.
We never thought he'd say something like that, and then walk away without even letting us answer something.

Before we could even think about it, the crowd was screaming "Encore !".
We looked at each other and smiled, agreeing to play more. It wasn't planned but whatever.

So we got back on it, and played a few songs. Not too much though, because we wanted to drink and have fun with the others.

Hobie plugged his electric guitar and his pedals, ready to play.

We played Muffin man by Frank Zappa, Everlong by Foo Fighters, How soon is now by the Smiths and Pav was very good at singing it.

And we finally played I Am a Poseur by X-Ray Spex, which was a punk song, and you could really see Hobie in his natural element.

I was actually singing the song, it was a bit hard because the singer's voice was pretty high pitched.

But I managed to sing it, thanks to the rehearsal.

Hobie was shaking his hand, strumming some chords briefly and throwing his body all around. He was smiling and looked so hot.

So I got in the vibe too and shook my head as well.

After this song, we stopped playing.
We were a bit tired.

We joined the others, and they kept saying that we were good, talented..

But the nicest compliment was that we had the best synergy as a group.
This really touched me, as well as the others.

So we kept talking.

Some people were playing video games, like Mario Kart. Seemed pretty fun, and they looked very drunk so it was ever funnier.

We were all hungry so we took some Spiderburger.. Weird merch.
But it was the BEST burgers I ever had, surprisingly.

Other people were dancing near the dj, and there even was a dance battle. They seemed pretty good at it.

As the party went further in, I began to feel a bit drunk, and everyone else too, which was funny.

We were joking around, having a laugh.

Hobie was almost always close to me, and I really enjoyed this. It made me really realize that he was my partner, my lover.

Even though it has been some weeks, it was hard to actually realize that I was lucky to have this man in my life.

As I was thinking about that, I took a sip from my drink and Hobie got closer to me.

I was against a wall, so he leaned his head towards me and kissed me with passion.

The kiss felt very different, since I was drunk. And I got excited very quickly.

Our lips were brushing against each other, his breath on my cheek, and his hand running on the back of my head, playing with my hair.

It was full of love and hunger.
I really noticed that we both craved each other.

I quickly felt desperate for him. My hand were roaming all over his body, as I felt his tongue rubbing mine.

We quickly pulled back, and looked at each other with burning fire in our eyes.

But we were in front of everyone. So we kept kissing, but we had to stop there.

Sadly, I was really uncomfortable by having sex somewhere hidden in HQ, and he understood it very well, without judging me.

I loved that he was so understanding..
I felt so lucky.

After a while, it was 4am and we all left. The place was very messy, but lots of spider people promised to clean the day after, which Hobie and I also promised to Miguel.

So we took a portal and left to Hobie's place. His sister was already asleep, so we tried to be very quiet, even though we were drunk so we just kept giggling.

To be honest, I was too drunk to do a skincare of whatever. I just wanted to go to bed.

I drank a lot of water, to help me with the alcohol a bit, and put some pajamas on. It was Hobie's clothes that I used as a pyjama because I forgot to take mine.

We changed by fronting each other. And I didn't feel embarrassed to get naked in front of him, it wasn't our first time.

I felt very comfortable with him. He never judged my body, and never tried to have sex when I was getting naked because of changing my clothes.

I mean, it would be annoying if he tried to have sex EACH time I got naked, right..
Well, my ex boyfriend did.

So this felt new to me, it was so refreshing..

I gave him a sweet smile thinking about this.

As we were ready to sleep, he smirked at me and lie down in bed, waiting for me.

I lie down with him and we cuddled. I was very tired, and the alcohol wasn't helping. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was already falling asleep.

"Sorry.. I'm too tired to do anything tonight."
I said to Hobie, quickly falling asleep.

"Hey. Never apologize about this my luv."
he then whispered softly, as I huddled in his arms.

"I love you."
He added, rubbing my arm.

"I love you so much Hobie."
I managed to mumble, as I was almost sleeping.

"No one ever loved me like you do."
I then said.

"Me neither, luv.
I'm lucky to have you."
He replied softly.

Then, I finally fell asleep, in bed with him.
I loved sleeping with him, it was so helpful actually.

Because I kept having some nightmares about this Dr. Strange from time to time.
But it was becoming rare as the time passed, thankfully.

This man actually scared me, because he seemed mad and insane. Something psychological. I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't himself.

It was scary.. and sad.

But I was too drunk to think about it anyway.

Hobie fell asleep as well, as I felt his breath brushing my skin.

This party was the best idea.
Thank you, Pav.

alright, 5700 words IF YALL AINT FED THERE BRUH😜

long ass chapter i hope it wasn't boring yall😖

Im sorry it took me one more day to post this bc i was visiting a friend😻🤚

s/o to sayorawr  !! Please check her story ITS SO GOOD ISTG 😻🤚
And without knowing she helped me to write this chapter so yeah thanks babe😽

You guys don't know how much i love you !!!

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