Formula One Reader Insert

Por shereadsf1

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Daniel Ricciardo; Cheers!
Carlos Sainz Jr; Wait a minute...
Mick Schumacher; A Warm Winter's Day.
George Russell; Taking Time.
Sebastian Vettel; Lost Time.
Mick Schumacher; Say No More.
Lando Norris; Stormy Night.
George Russell; PR Fun.
Sebastian Vettel; I...
Carlos Sainz Jr; What was that?!
Daniel Ricciardo; Wait, me?
Pierre Gasly; Say It Aint So...
Charles Leclerc; A Dance.
Pierre Gasly; Our Last Summer.
Mick Schumacher; Lay All Your Love On Me.
Charles Leclerc; Slipping Through My Fingers.
Daniel Ricciardo; Money, Money, Money.
Lando Norris; Does Your Mother Know?
George Russell; Angel Eyes.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Fernando.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Please, Rescue Me.
Charles Leclerc; Say You Love Me.
Pierre Gasly; Tailored For You.
George Russell; Need A Hand?
Mick Schumacher; Come Back Here!
Esteban Ocon; Vamanos!
Lance Stroll; For Me?
Daniel Ricciardo; Your Wish.
Esteban Ocon; Weather Warning.
Lance Stroll; Make Do.
Lando Norris; Stuck on You.
George Russell; Good Old Days.
Pierre Gasly; Uncertain Times.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Piece of Cake.
Mick Schumacher; Leaving Do.
Daniel Ricciardo; Matching.
Mick Schumacher; Kinderpunsch.
Lando Norris; Wrapping Up.
Esteban Ocon; A Very Special Gift.
Charles Leclerc; Flowers? I said Flour!
George Russell; Stunning.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Our Moment.
Author's Note
Charles Leclerc; Big Deal.
Mick Schumacher; Imagination.
Lance Stroll; In a Spin.
Pierre Gasly; Just Like Before.
Daniel Ricciardo; Make Believe.
Max Verstappen; On and Off.
Mick Schumacher; The Outlier.
Charles Leclerc; Consolation.
Pierre Gasly; You're Coming With Me.
Lance Stroll; First Date... Again.
Charles Leclerc; Just Us.
Daniel Ricciardo; Baby, Surprise...
Lando Norris; You Caught Me.
Daniel Ricciardo; You're Safe.
INTERVAL 3: Well, f******k
INTERLUDE 4: These Will Go Eventually
Oscar Piastri; Advent Adventures.
Logan Sargeant; Yule Tide.
Carlos Sainz; My, what a big box!
Charles Leclerc; One More Time.
a note to the world
Variety; The Reveal.
Daniel Ricciardo; Heartbreak Anniversary.
Sebastian Vettel; Like Home.

Mick Schumacher; Prince and Pauper.

1.1K 20 174
Por shereadsf1

Yeah I watched the Barbie one recently don't judge me, he's so ken🫠 this might be fucking long well see how my imagination runs will run wild

I'm so sorry with how long this took me to write - I have been on my IG and become friendly with the admin of SchumacherAngels (I live for her she's so lovely go give her a follow) - if you see this, yes I am the person who was hunting down Max Günther at the Formula E

Underlined as always is foreign conversation (aka it'll be mandarin as ready speaks to a person)

A pun in here is mainly for any of my German readers, I hope you appreciate it if you are



For those of us who like/love classic literature, I have pulled a quote and slightly rewritten it from pride and prejudice - I have put this in italics.
"What on earth do you think you are doing?!" Yelled Gretchen, a wicked woman who knew nothing besides false smiles and expensive taste. "Your grandfather didn't leave everything to me for no reason, girl. I do not care if you are Senna by blood, you are certainly not my grandchild by any means and you will do as I say at once!" The woman continued to yell, watching as the girl with greasy (H/C) hair threw all her personal affections into a sack and walked past her. "How dare you ignore me whilst I am speaking to you!" The wretched wench continued to yell, raising her hand to take a backhanded swipe at the young girl. As her hand moved, a strong yet slight grip caught her arm and twisted it, causing the woman to cry out.

"My name is Lady (Y/N) Senna, granddaughter of the once all-powerful Ayrton Senna and I will not be treated like this anymore!" The young girl screamed as her strength twisted the hag's arm with more force than she realised. "I will be in touch for my estate, and will be somewhere that is not important nor your business!" She cast her (E/C) eyes to the floor before stamping harshly on her step grandmother's foot, digging the worn-out heel of the boot into the taught flesh. The old witch wailed as (Y/N) ran through the house doors and away, heading into the nearest village to hail a carriage to her closest family member - her uncle, Lord Nigel Mansell. "Take me as close as you can to the border, make haste good sir!" She instructed as she tumbled into the carriage, sack in hand before being thrown backwards as the horses spiritedly down the beaten tracks.

"My lady, we are as close as I can take you to the border." The carriage driver said, a young man by the name of George informed her after what felt like an eternity of being a passenger. "I sadly don't have the jurisdiction to go further under my employer." He continued, hopping down and opening the door for her, holding her hand as she stepped down and clung to her bag. "With how the north has felt, it would be best I avoid going there."

"There is no need for you to follow me further, Master George." (Y/N) said, grinning softly at the blond boy as he adjusted her bag better to sit on her back with the use of a couple horse reigns. "This has done me tremendous favour, I will be sure to write to Torger and thank him for your employment."

"You needn't do that, Lady (Y/N). Your friendship these years has been kind enough." He argued, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Her arms tied tightly around him, her head hiding in his chest as she heaved a sigh. "I will be back home soon, George. I'll write to you when I can, but please keep my estate safe."

"I will be sure to ask Stefano to tighten up security on the land, and I will do patrols around the land when I am available." He said as he lifted his friend's head from his being. "I swear it."

"Carmen is one lucky lady," (Y/N) said, patting his back before pulling her arms from him. "If it wasn't for the fact you were destined, I would've married you." She joked, hearing him chuckle softly.

"You're my favourite richy." He teased, squeezing her one more time before reluctantly pulling away. "Write to me when you reach your next destination, please keep yourself safe."

"I promise I will write, but I also do have a knife on me for the safety aspect." She said, looking to the border and a dark forest before her. "I must go, George. I swear I will be back and see you."

"I trust your decision, (Y/N)... Godspeed, my friend." And with that, she took off to the border, crossing through with no problem after showing the guards the seal from the lord. George stayed until she was out of sight, checking nothing was left in the carriage, before spotting a ring with a pearl inset. A little note read that this was for when the time to propose came and he laughed to himself, softly smiling as his eyes welled with tears. "Godspeed, lovely girl." He whispered before slipping the ring into his breast pocket and turning back to the village.

As (Y/N) pushed through the forest, the light of the sky was slowly waning and she was nowhere near the grand home of her uncle yet. A white horse suddenly ran by and knocked her off her feet, sending her spinning before she tripped on a tree root and fell into a boggy puddle. The skirt of her dress which was already muddied was now sodden with dirt. The hoofs landing on the wet floor slowed as they approached once more, two feet sinking into the boggy ground then followed as they squelched to her side. As she lifted her head up to see who was before her, she met a pair of eyes that were as blue as the moon in summer and seemed to light up under the night sky. "I'm so terribly sorry!" The young man profusely apologised, offering his handkerchief and a hand to her as she gawked at him momentarily. "Pferdinand is unsure of nighttime riding, I wasn't expecting to see anyone out here..." He explained as he placed the handkerchief in his palm before wrapping his hand around hers.

"It's quite alright sire," she explained, thankful for the hand up as she stepped to her full height. His hands softly cleaned her palms of any debris and dirt, checking for any cuts. "I am grateful for the company so late in the evening, the woods seem to enclose as the night draws in."

"Indeed it does, why is such a young, pretty maiden out here by herself so late?" He asked, wiping some dirt from her face, feeling the heat of her cheeks as the sleeve of his shirt brushed over her skin. He took note of how she hesitated and stood down, softly smiling as his beautiful teeth bared. "My apologies, I didn't mean to pry. Where are you headed? I am more than happy to take you there."

"I am headed to Mansell House, I am soon to be dwelling there." She said, relieved at the thought of being brought from the woods and to her new residence refreshing her tired resolve.

"We can ride to the gate with no issue." The nameless young man said, taking her bag from her back and attaching it on to the seat of the horse. "Would you feel more comfortable if you were on the back of the horse or the front?" He asked as they approached the stirrups.

"I am happy to ride however you see fit." She said, feeling his hands lift her to the seat in a fluid swing. "By chance, sir... Can I ask you for your name?" She asked, the depth of the night hiding the shock on his face as he took a moment to think of something creative.

"I'm Mick, and you are?" He asked in response, seeing a small smile grace her visage.

"My name is (Y/N)." She simply stated as she adjusted herself, Mick jumping on the back of the horse and reaching forward to take the reigns. His arms stayed snuggly to her side, his hands controlling the leather firmly yet sensitively as his body pressed against hers, head barely avoiding her shoulder as Pferdinand's hooves moved through the woods. The ride was silent - (Y/N) was slowly falling asleep with the steady rhythm set by the horse and lead rider, her head lolling back as she slowly dropped off. Mick slowed the horse to a soft trot as he noticed her resting her eyes, and soon saw the torches that signalled their arrival at the Mansell House.

"Miss (Y/N)," Mick muttered as the torches began to become clearer on the edge of the forestland. "Please awake, we are nearly at the destination." He muttered as she opened her (E/C) eyes before yawning, turning to meet his cerulean eyes. "Would you like me to enter the grounds with you?"

"That won't be necessary, Master Mick. I appreciate the thought, however they are fully anticipating my arrival." She sleepily informed him as she rubbed her eyes, seeing the grand house come into view. Mick stopped when they reached the gates and slid from the back of his steed, taking her hand and helping her jump down as his arm held her waist firmly. She grabbed her back once the arm around her waist had dropped and saw a guard approaching the gate, ringing a bell to alert the family within the house that their guest had arrived. "Well, Master Mick... It seems our time ends here. Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated."

"It is just a token of my apology." Mick said, blowing it off as if it was nothing. "I am just pleased to get a beautiful young maiden safely to her destination." He said, watching as a moustachioed gentleman ran down the gravel drive way and swung open the gates himself, ready to tear them off the hinges.

"Oh, (Y/N)!" He yelled, his Midlands accent thick with excitement and sleep. "Child, I am so pleased you arrived. Why are you so late?" He quickly fired at her, swiftly taking notice of Mick's presence and sighing with relief. "Young Mick, what are you doing here?" He asked, staring him down before taking in the dirt that covered them both and the horse. "Don't tell me you got lost in the woods." He begged, holding her hands pleadingly.

"Actually, Lord Mansell, the mess is my fault. I was late night riding with Pferdinand and I unfortunately knocked Miss (Y/N) over... The least I could do is offer her safe passage through the woodlands." The young man explained, watching on as the elder man embraced the young girl warmly, watching as her arms held Mansell so tightly. He watched as the lord pulled back and pressed a kiss tenderly to her hair.

"Mick, I am so thankful for you bringing her here." Nigel said, squeezing her softly as the boy grinned. "I would get on your way though, your family must be concerned."

"You are most likely correct." Mick said, grinning at the thought. "I will be on my way. Miss (Y/N), it was lovely to meet you, Lord Mansell, a pleasure as always." He then dropped his head before hopping back on his horse and looking at the pair. "I hope I see you both soon." And with that, he nodded his head once more before taking off down the road to his estate.

"Come in, (N/N). The boys and Rosie are awaiting you and I think you need a warm bath and some sleep, my darling." He said, ushering her indoors as he carried her back, arm wrapped around her as Roseanne, Greg and Leo all ran to hold her warmly, greeting her with love she had not felt for such a time. She explained the events of the evening after a long, hot bath and a filling meal for the first time in a long time. The younger Mansell men offered for her to spend the night in one of their rooms so she wouldn't have to worry about sleeping alone, and it was decided that their entire family would sleep in the master suite with mattresses on the floor. They laughed, they commiserated the loss of Lord Senna with his grandchild and discussed how to regain her estate for her before going to their beds for the night.

The following days and weeks were freeing. She was reading books and writing letters to George, she was learning about the Midlands and the history shared with the southern lands, her grandfather's history with Nigel and the royal family, the Schumachers. She yearned to learn for so many years about the world she lived in, the world she was to be a part of once more, and the family were more than willing to accommodate her wants and needs. Mick, in the timefrom their chance meeting, had been unable to figure out where he recognised her from not the reasoning she would not dislodge from his memory.

"What are you thinking about, Micki?" Queen Corrina asked, resting a hand on her son's shoulder as they gazed over the paddock, looking at their horses roaming freely, playing and resting.

"The night I went for a ride, I met the most beautiful girl." He admitted to her, looking down to meet her baby blue eyes. "She was gorgeous... I dropped her where she was staying but the only thing that really has concerned me is her status..."

"How so?" King Michael asked, now approaching the conversation with Princess Gina under his arm as they grinned together. Mick and Corinna turned to the pair and smiled, Michael leading them to the circle of garden seating, facing one another as they awaited the youngest's explanation.

"Although it was late, she looked like she was a scullery maid." He confessed, looking down as he played with his thumbs. "She looked... Disheveled, she looked as if she was abandoned in the woodlands. It was almost as if she escaped some sort of horrid situation."

"Well, if you believe that is the case, why don't we visit the family?" Corrina asked, watching as her son looked like a deer in headlights.

"That wouldn't work... It's too soon." Michael said, his hand running along his jaw and chin with thought. "Why not hold a ball? All the best families will be in attendance with their chosen wait staff. If she is a maid, we will surely find her."

"I want to see Prince Iain again..." Gina said, pouting at the thought of not seeing her betrothed for a short while.

"Then it is settled, we shall hold a ball. I will ask Lord Lewis for his help, I'm sure he will be thrilled." Michael said, immediately standing up and walking back into the house as his daughter swiftly followed behind.

"Now, I suggest you go and speak to Lord Sebastian and Lord Kimi for their knowledge on who this girl may be. Sebastian knows everything and Kimi is objective." Corrina suggested, making him smile.

"I love you dearly, mother." He said, pressing a kiss to her cheek before he stood and took her hand, leading her into the house before saying farewell to his family and heading to his secondary family members. Within days, invitations were sent to all the families in the land and the Mansell family had their letter hand delivered by Lord Sebastian.

"I hear you have a new dweller in the house, Nigel." Seb said, knowing how fast gossip travelled. Nigel laughed, turning to the stairs to see the young lady in question waling down the stairs with a pile of books in her hands.

"My darling, do you need some help?" Nigel asked, watching her head peak around the side of the stack.

"Could you please?" She asked softly, seeing him swiftly approach and take a chunk of the stack, meeting Sebastian's blue eyes. "Lord Sebastian?" She asked, shocked by the apparition of a common visitor.

"Lady (Y/N)?" He asked, surprised by her presence. She and Nigel approached the bottom of the staircase and placed the books on the centre table, Seb immediately holding her hands, bowing to her. "I was unaware of your visit, sweetheart. Where is your grandmother?"

"She is dead to me. She has spent my estate and she drove me from my own home, my own land, my own realm essentially." She said, explaining further after Sebastian probed further into the issues and was shocked by the information he was learning.

"This will not last long, I shall speak with the king forthwith." Sebastian said, his resolve for his deceased idol stronger than she realised. "The king was fond of your grandfather, he was always wanting his support and his friendship when it came to decision making so the king will be in your corner."

"Thank you, Sebastian." (Y/N) whispered, softly squeezing his hands before spotting a letter in his jacket. "What have you brought with you?"

"Well, speaking of the king..." He trailed off as he pulled their hands apart, riffling within his jacket and grabbing the letter and handing it to her. By this point, the boys and their mother had entered the conversation and saw the seal.

"The king's holding a ball!" They said simultaneously, wondering about their new outfits as (Y/N) read the invite and smelled a comforting cologne.

"This smells like the stranger from the other night..." She whispered to herself, everyone else too wrapped up in their own wishes and aspirations for the ball. Shortly after this, Sebastian headed back and the flurry began around them. Immediately seamstresses and tailors were contacted, and within a matter of weeks, they all had their own garments ready. (Y/N) has opted for an elegant gown in a deep red, the skirt of the dress was not overly full and there was no change beneath it, just a couple of thick petticoats lifting the dress enough for it to have some body. The night arrived and everyone stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching as she approached the top step of the house.

"Come down, darling daughter." Nigel called his adopted child, standing on the bottom as he awaited her to walk down the steps. She tentatively stepped down the stairs, Greg and Leo running up to stand by her sides as they looped their arms around hers. Nigel and Roseanne watched as they took down the stairs, gawking at them and how handsome they all looked. "You look so beautiful, (Y/N)... Your grandfather would be so pleased to see how intelligent and beautiful you have become."

"Thank you, Uncle Nige." She whispered, the young gents letting her go to their father. Her arms softly wrapped around the back of his neck as his arms tenderly held her waist. "I can't lie... I haven't been able to go to events like this since Papi died..." She confessed, meeting her aunt's eyes and finding comfort.

"The families we will see are proper gentlemen and women, they shall take you onboard warmly. I am sure of it." Roseanne said, tentatively rubbing her back as (Y/N) rested the side of her face against Nigel's shoulder.

"Thank you, Auntie." The youngest family member muttered, soon hearing the carriage sent by the king turn up. They exited the house and (Y/N) was shocked to see her friend from across the border. "George?!" She called the carriage driver as he climbed down arms open as he looked up, grinning brightly as she hurriedly approached. "What are you doing here, my friend?!" She asked excitedly, falling into his arms as he picked her up.

"The king sent for me, personally came to see Torger and asked for me." He informed her, resting one hand on her upper back and the other her head, holding her closely to him as he placed her on the floor. "Something about being spotted dropping someone at the border..." He teased, hearing her laugh for the first time in months, maybe even years.

"Who is this boy, darling?" Nigel asked, seeing the pair split and the young man bowed down to the family.

"Good evening, family Mansell. My name is George Russell and I will be your footman for the evening." He introduced himself as the family approached down the stairs, looking at the glee on their darling's face.

"Uncle Nigel, Aunt Roseanne, Leo and Greg..." (Y/N) introduced the family to George. "This is my friend George, he is from my old village of Bolivar and was my one friend."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, truly is an honour." George said, shaking Nigel's hand before delicately holding Roseanne's. "(N/N) has told me much about you all in her letters, but I sadly bear some troubling news. Lady Gretchen has invited Count Hülkenberg into the Senna house, however they were not invited this evening so we should have a pleasant atmosphere."

"That bastard is in my house?!" (Y/N) aggressively asked, it wasn't her friend's fault, but she made it feel that way.

"I'm sorry love, I can't offer much good news, but I did bring along someone that was missing you." George said, bringing (Y/N) round to see a surprise for her. She gasped and clung to the horse who immediately nuzzled her cheek.

"Oh, my dearest Michelle!" She said, seeing a family footman come and collect the horse from the pair. She bid her horse farewell as Nigel gave the staff member the order to take the horse to the stables.

"Lords and ladies, I do apologise however my carriage is only big enough for four riders. I am more than happy to make two trips if the ladies would like to go first?" George said, the red five as the called themselves then had a short discussion.

"I'll ride by you, young man." Nigel said, George swiftly helping the other four I got he carriage before helping the patriarch on to the driver's bench. Once they confirmed they were ready to depart, he charged the horses down the gravel drive and on to the road that led to their new fate line. Mick had spent the weeks leading up to the ball learning to dance and how to fold himself properly, not that he couldn't do that already, but it was to the extent of perfect. He was nervously walking, some may call in speedily placing, around his parlour, surrounded by his friends - Oscar who was the son of a merchant, Arthur who was the youngest son of the wealthiest landowner and Zhou Guanyu, an Eastern trader's son who was left with a western family as his father worked.

"God I hate these events." Mick muttered, fiddling with the collar on his shirt and trying to loosen it. His friends all chuckled, having heard and received his witterings on the delicacy of mental state, desperate to see this scullery maid once more. "I hope she is here tonight, I need to see her again." He exclaimed, throwing himself down in the armchair as his friends laughed.

"Mick, you should really know better." Zhou began, catching his friend group's attention. "A scullery maid is not the lineage you wish to continue a bloodline with." The Eastern gentleman received a stern glade. "I hear the rumour that the granddaughter of the Senna family has now been missing for months... Imagine if she turned up tonight."

"That woman has been a recluse since her grandfather passed, Zhou." Oscar pointed out, looking to Arthur for some support, only to see him poking the Prince's cheek. "I am friends with imbeciles." He whispered to himself before continuing. "It would be nothing short of sensational should she reappear in the public eye once more." The Southern islander pointed out, crossing his arms as Mick managed to undo the ties of his shirt and free his neck slightly.

"Would it not be romantic if this mystery girl was she?" Arthur dreamily asked to no one, imagining her beauty based of portraits that Lord Ayrton has commissioned shortly before his death a few years back. "Two of the most influential families united as one over a chance meeting."

"You are delusional." Oscar said, making sure every syllable was annuciated as he spoke to his friend. "She will not suddenly appear. She may be dead for all the aristocracy cares! As long as Lady Gretchen is alive, the Senna family is too." As soon as Oscar spoke, a member of the palace staff asked for the boys to attend the main hall, all of them nodding and walking out in silence. Mick brooded as he thought further into his feelings and sense of desperation until he came into contact with his father.

"Something on your mind, my son?" Michael asked, watching as he slowly nodded and pulled his lip about in deep thought. He pulled Mick into a small study and grabbed a bottle of something stiff, pouring two glasses for them to have. "It's this girl, isn't it?"

"It feels like fate we met, this feels like we are star-crossed lovers." The blonde man muttered, taking a swig of his drink as they simultaneously sat. "I met her once, but saying goodbye to her was hard enough once. If she's here tonight, I fear I may never be able to let her go if she is in such a role."

"Did she recognise you from anywhere?" Michael casually asked, lighting a cigar and taking a couple of puffs.

"She asked for my name, and I only could offer her 'Mick', not Michael Felix Schumacher the second." He pointed out to his father, taking a swig of his drink as his father kept the cigar from his reach. "How did you feel about Mama when you first met her?" Mick asked, watching as his papa's lopsided grin graced his aging face.

"I felt like I had been struck by lightning, to this day when I wake up and see your mother's face every morning, I still feel like the luckiest man on this continent." Michael explained, watching his son's bright blue eyes soften in adoration for the love they shared. "You will find that with someone, Mick." Michael offered, taking further silent drags on the cigar as Mick slowly finished his spirited tumbler. "Come, guests must be arriving and we must put on a good show." He urged his son to pick up his pace and head to the main hall where their thrones had been set up ahead of the evening. He stood on the steps where their thrones resided, tracing his fingers along the intricacies of the carvings that were etched into every nook of the seat, knowing one day he would be history on that chair - however he also selflessly thought for god to save the king.

The Red Five were greeted by the palace staff at the entry steps, Nigel climbing down unassisted as George helped (Y/an) and Roseanne stepped down from the carriage, with Leo and Greg stepping freely to the ground below. "I will be here for your return journey, please enjoy your evenings." George said, bowing to them all before he felt (Y/N) torpedo him, his arms bringing her close before he whispered in her ear. "Remember you are Lady (Y/N) Ayrtina Senna, you walk in there like you own the place and people will love you. They will love you like Carmen and I." He comforted her, a hand running up and down her back as she reluctantly pulled away.

"I adore you, George." She whispered, holding his hands momentarily before straightening her posture and pulling away completely. She turned forward to her family, the cape on her dress swishing in the same direction as she walked forward and took a deep breath, stepping forward and speaking to them before they entered. "I want to go in and be announced with my actual name." She watched as Nigel grinned and walked over, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he tenderly held her hand.

"You are his flesh and blood, through and through." He whispered, watching as the rear of the family stood confused by her statement. "She may be our girl now, but she is first and foremost a Senna, and the only surviving blood relative from one of the greatest men to ever walk on this earth." He informed his family, as if he could read her thoughts and feelings from a simple handhold. They all rallied around her as they entered the castle, waiting their turns to take to the staircase once their belongings had been handled by a member of staff.

"Please welcome Lord Nigel and Lady Roseanne Mansell, with their two sons, Lord Gregory and Lord Leopold." The cryer announced, the king and prince making their way to the steps to greet their old friends respectively. As they passed formalities, the doors swung open, everyone's eyes turning to the balcony where the sound of heels on the marble floor echoed through the palace. The announcer seemed taken aback by the name he was handed, but proceeded with the request after clearing his throat. "Introducing Lady (Y/N) Ayrtina Senna, granddaughter of the late Lord Ayrton." The gent called, the room falling into a hushed silence as she appeared on the balcony. She gracefully bowed to the room and Michael was up to the top of the steps before she could even take the first step down.

"Please allow me, Lady (Y/N)." Michael said, offering his arm as she curtsied deeply, bowing her head before she raised and tentatively rested a hand on his forearm.

"Thank you kindly, your majesty." She softly spoke, pleasantly smiling at him as his eyes lit up. "I appreciate the gesture, however you needn't worry about me."

"Au contraire, madam." Michael said, slowly walked down at her pace. "Lord Ayrton has a healthy respect for one another... Seeing you brings all of those feelings back to the surface."

"My papi always spoke so highly of you, your majesty. Even after your toughest battles or hardest moments, you offered him a resolve to believe he was always young." She said, grinning to him brightly as the enthusiasm was returned. "In his final days, he wished you could've visited, but being the monarch is a good enough excuse as he said." (Y/N) sadly smiled, feeling Michael's hand rest on hers comfortingly, the heat of the appendage comfortable.

"Sebastian told me about the estate, I swear to you I will do anything to restore every piece of the Senna estate to you, I will send my men to help restore everything that the house has gone through to how you wish." He assured her as Arthur had run over to support Mick, seeing that he was sheet white from shock. Arthur rested a hand on his friend's shoulder as he stared ahead, just as shocked due to their previous conversation, as the king as (Y/N) walked down the stairs. Mick looked to his friend with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, taken aback before Michael called for his attention. He turned his head as they approached the bottom step, watching as her (E/C) eyes registered that Mick was not just Mick, but a royal. "Lady (Y/N), please meet my son, Mick."

"It's a pleasure to see you again, your highness." She said, curtsying deeply and dropping her head as he bowed to her as well, Michael was confused by their interaction until he saw the way his son looked at her.

"It is delightful to see you as well, Lady (Y/N)..." Mick said as he straighted up, Arthur also stood straight as Zhou and Oscar walked over, bowing to the king and the lady. "Lady Senna, would you like to join myself and my friends?"

"Oh, well what a gracious offer..." (Y/N) said slightly surprised as she looked on to see her family nodding that she should. "Provided that the king is happy for me to, I wouldn't be opposed." She offered a bright smile to the king and his heir. Michael ushered her down the steps, Mick offering his hand to her. (Y/N) slipped her hand in his, them both feeling a jolt of electricity bolt between them as she curtsied to Michael once more before Mick led her to a quiet corner away from his friends for the moment.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were from a higher sector of society?" He almost angrily whispered, his tone harsh through his beautiful smile.

"My apologies, behind treated like a slave for the last ten or so years of my life made me realise that I didn't feel like I was part of the upper classes." (Y/N) argued, her grin taught as she bickered. "Why didn't you tell me that you were the prince, huh?"

"Not to sound narcissistic, but I'm the prince of the northern lands. Most people in each continent are aware of who I am." He pointed out, letting her hand go as he grabbed two glasses of wine as a waiter passed them, handing one to her. He took a swig and let out a sigh, his gaze on her soften as he put his thoughts aside for the evening. "Do you realise how much it worried me that you were alone in the woodlands? I told my parents that you had been abandoned or escaped a perilous situation..."

"I truly do appreciate that evening, I wholeheartedly am grateful that you ran into me and knocked me down because I was unsure if I would survive the night in the woods." (Y/N) confessed, sipping on her wine as the instantaneous angry ebbed away. "Why did you tell your family about me?" She asked, watching as Mick searched his surroundings before he could be totally honest.

"Because I wanted to find you again... I needed to know who you were and your purpose for falling into my life that day." He admitted, looking at her like she was the sun on the horizon or the golden hour of the day. "You literally fell into my life and now my heart, my body and my soul cannot let you go for some ridiculous reason." He pressed forward with his thoughts, that was until a trio of differing footsteps quickly approached from behind. He turned to see his friends looking at them with raised eyebrows, Arthur to be the first to speak of them all.

"So, why are you hogging this beautiful creature all to yourself, huh?" He asked, his accent powering through all of his words. He stepped forward to take her hand and pressed a kiss to her glove, bowing as she curtsied shortly to him. "I am Arthur Leclerc, enchante." He said, seeing her brows furrow.

"Isn't your brother the commander of the southern isles' fleet? Charles, correct?" (Y/N) asked, taking an interest in the history of her hand.

"The one and only, my elder brother... The idiot." He joked, enjoying her giggle as she hid her silly grin behind her wine glass. Oscar then stepped forward and did the same, holding her hand and graciously resting his forehead on her hand.

"Oscar Piastri, Lady Senna. Son of the captain of the merchant navy, responsible for the trade between the northern and southern isles." He introduced himself, feeling that she was somewhat familiar with him already.

"Your second cousin was a good friend of mine back in the day, a mister Daniel Ricciardo." She offered a soft smile as Oscar chuckled. "We were in school together, does he still have a smile that rivals a clown?"

"He is a clown for those he loves, madame." He confided, making her giggle before Zhou stepped forward and bowed, (Y/N) doing the same, her (H/C) tresses falling forward after leaning forward so often.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Zhou Guanyu in the flesh!" (Y/N) said, slipping into Mandarin as she greeted the other person from her past life.

"Oh (Y/N), you haven't aged a day, pretty lady." He stepped forward and held her hand, bowing to her as she grinned at him.

"How is the silk trade doing? Still steady I assume?"

"Business is turning towards opium now, but silk is still an abundant request for the western lands."

The other gentlemen stood in shock that she knew the language of a foreign land, exchanging looks as they pair spoke privately essentially. Soon (Y/N) and Zhou turned back to the other gents and apologised for the intermission. Mick felt a little twinge of jealousy pull on a heartstring or two, unaware that would be possible after only meeting her for a second time that evening. As the night progressed, (Y/N) and Mick slowly began to stand closer to one another, making each other laugh when the others were either dancing, eating or drinking. As the evening slowly wound down, the king made an announcement to the guest that remained. Lord Kimi, Lord Sebastian, King Felipe from the southwest, Lords Lewis and Fernando, all of his friends and loved ones gathered in front of the thrones, only Michael and Corrina stood by their seats before the king spoke.

"Ladies and Gentlemen..." He decreed as a hush fell over his audience. "Before we begin, I would like to welcome Lady Senna to the front, as this part of the night will be a dedication." Corrina stepped forward and reached for (Y/N)'s hand, Mick taking her other as he helped her up the steps and to his father's side, Michael sliding his green eyes to his side and resting a hand on her shoulder. "As much as some of us have forgotten or opted to forget the date of today, but I think fate has dealt us a hand to remember the relevance of this date." He turned his attention to the young woman, meeting her glassy (E/C) eyes as she seemed to have just remembered.

"It's May the first..." She whispered, feeling Mick squeeze her hand comfortingly as Corrina gently rubbed her arm. "Today is thirteen years since my grandfather passed." She then met Nigel's eyes, finding that a dam was due to burst with him as she wanted to reach forward and cling to him. Slowly her sadness turned to rage and she was ready to let the society she was born into know about her step grandmother's actions. "Lords and ladies, firstly I would like to thank the king and his family, as well as the Mansell family, for looking after me so kindly. My uncle Nigel and King Michael knew my grandfather in a way that I never did, nor could before he passed so untimely, and now what was left on my grandfather's memory has been taken by my wretched step family. His money is almost dry, his house has been ruined, my happy home is no longer either of those words." She stopped to swallow her tears and corrected her posture, trying to look tall with the royal family as they stood beside her. "Gretchen Senna has now reportedly moved Count Hülkenberg into my home, one of the sleaziest men in all of the south." She paused as mutterings flew around the room, echoing just enough to deafen her thoughts. "I wish to ask for any support in reinstating my title, my land, my grandfather's legacy into Bolivar again."

"It may be seen as too quick by some in this room," Mick announced, catching the attention of the crowds. "But if what Lady Senna has said is true, then we shall indeed support her request as the royal family." He tenderly looked at her, seeing the tears that still threatened to spill, nodding vehemently to her. The lords slowly but surely stepped forwards, Lewis and Sebastian taking the first steps out of respect for the late giant, Fernando and Kimi then took the steps to show their support.

"For the Senna family!" Lord Lewis called to the masses, hearing them cheer it in response. (Y/N) stayed and spoke with the lords to give the run down of the history as Mick disappeared, leaving her confused until Arthur appeared by her side.

"Lady (Y/N)... Please come with me?" He asked, watching her nod unsurely before excusing herself, meeting the princess' eyes as the royal woman smiled pleasantly. She slowly curtsied before Arthur continued to walk her through the grand house and down to a rose garden. "You're the girl that Mick rescued all those moons ago, aren't you?"

"I am." She weakly responded as she looked out and over the garden as they reached the patio. "How did you know?"

"Because the way he spoke about you the day afterwards, a cheeky glint in his eyes appeared." Arthur explained, carefully leading her down the steps. "Today, when you walked down those stairs, the glint appeared once more. It is the same glint that the king holds for the queen." He teased, watching her cheeks flush in the moonlight. Arthur plucked a rose from a bush and used one of the pins from his lapel to attach it to her dress. (Y/N) took note that the rose was white, signifying innocence and new love, and noticed how it stood out against the burgundy of her dress. "Wait on the bench by the fountain, the prince will meet you there soon." Arthur said as he walked her to the bench and kissed her hand before leaving her be and heading into the house. He took Oscar and Zhou up to the tower so they could watch in secret.

Mick carefully stepped over the stones as quietly as he could to avoid spooking her, however once he rested himself on the edge of the fountain, (Y/N) caught him from the corner of her eye, screamed and then pushed him into the water without a second thought. Once he resurfaced, she gasped and stuttered out an apology, watching him carefully as the beacons surrounding the fountain were lit. The white shirt he had been wearing now clung to his sculpted figure, (Y/N) watching carefully at how his taught muscles moved under the short. She caught herself immediately wanting to run her fingers along the ridges of his abdomen, yearning to cascade her hands down his back...

Until he opened his mouth.

"What in god's name was that for?!" Mick yelled, staring her down as he waded through the fountain's basin.

"Me?! What were you doing sneaking up on a defenceless young woman?!" She argued, still offering her hand out to Mick as a way of apologising. He caught his foot in the lip of the fountain and very quickly fell down, noticing that his landing was softer than he anticipated. He opened his eyes and was nose to nose with (Y/N), watching as she rolled her eyes. "Get off of me, you soaked, lumbering oaf!" She said with a giggle, knowing it wasn't his preferred position to be in with someone so new. She watched as Mick quirked an eyebrow and leaned his head close to her heart, nose brushing over the shell of her ear and into her hair.

"Or what?" He whispered, hearing her breath hitch, feeling her chest pressed against his as he smirked. He teasingly ghosted his lips just below her earlobe and he was shortly shunted off of her. She picked herself up and listened to the thumping of her heart in her ears, resting a hand on her chest to attempt to still the beating in her ribcage as her (E/C) eyes watched him stand and saunter to her space.

"What on earth are you doing?" (Y/N) asked, trying to sound insulted but the fluster of her cheeks was a dead giveaway.

"I meant what I said earlier." He said, reaching to her hand and grasping it, pressing it against his chest as his hand clasped loosely around hers. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since the night I took you out of the woods." He whispered squeezing her hand tighter as he stepped further into her space, their noses and toes inches from touching.

"I... Truly cannot deny I haven't felt the same way..." She admitted, moving the hand from her chest and resting it on his chest, the fabric damp beneath her touch as he looked down at her, searching her eyes for anything that could give away her true emotions.

"You chose a rather worded way of saying you cannot forget me." Mick teased, resting his free hand on her cheek, thumb brushing a spec of dirt across her skin. She giggled under his touch, his smile growing as hers did, loving every second they spent from that moment they reconnected. "You see, I didn't meet Lady Senna... I met Miss (Y/N), and she was this mud and sodden young woman who looked liked some commoner..." He began, watching her eyebrows furrow as her lips frowned.

"That isn't a fair judgement." She grumbled, watching him shake his head, a few loose strands of his blond hair falling to his forehead as.

"Can I please finish my sentence?" He asked, watching as she nodded hesitantly. "As I was saying, you looked like a commoner, but I was willing to give everything up in a second because you would not leave any recess of my mind." He brushed the hooked tip of his nose against hers, letting his nose trace across her cheek before drawing down into the crook of her neck, hearing a soft sigh from her as he inhaled her light parfum.

"Please..." She whispered, slowly moving a hand from his chest and to his shoulder, the other remaining over his throbbing heart. "Tell me what you truly want to tell me. No more of this tomfoolery."

"My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love--I love--I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."

"Is there anything else that you would care to share?" She whispered, shocked by the confession. "Since you are so hellbent on seeing a future with me besides what you believe is this notion of love, Mr. Schumacher... Apologies, your royal Highness." She chuckled, listening out for any signs of protest.

"Well let me think...(N/N) for every day, "My Pearl" for Sundays, and..."Goddess Divine"... but only on very special occasions, provided you take me as your lover." Mick then took a moment and stared at her lovingly, eyes softening in the moonlight. "And... what should I call you when I am cross? Mrs. Schumacher...?"

"No! No. You may only call me "Mrs. Schumacher"... when you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy." She said, grinning up to him as he looked at her (E/C) eyes as his hands warmly rested on her waist and snickered.

"Then how are you this evening... Mrs. Schumacher?" He teased, hearing a soft giggle emanate from her vicinity. He softly kissed her on the forehead. "Mrs. Schumacher.." He kissed her on the right cheek before lifting his head once more. "Mrs. Schumacher..." He then kissed her on the nose. "Mrs. Schumacher..." A soft peck to her left cheek. "Mrs. Schumacher..." And finally, after much taunting, he kissed her on the mouth, his hands gripping at her waist as he desperately gave into her being, arms wholly encasing her as her arms wrapped behind his neck and her nose buried against his cheek. She hummed softly as his arms pressed her against his chest, one of her hands shifting to the nap of his neck and the other shifted to loosen the strings of his shirt from his throat as her nails softly scratched, grazed more appropriately, over his pale skin. A shiver ran up his spine and he let his hand traipse over the strings of her corset. As his hands spread across the expanse of her back, her fingers tightly grabbed the cotton of his shirt and tugged him as close as possible, her lips capturing his constantly and as confidently as possible.

"Well, well, well..." A voice beckoned from close by, the pair breaking apart to search for where the voice eliminated from. "I always knew you were a harlot. First that George kid, and now a prince." The voice continued, Mick clutching (Y/N) closer as his boys ran down from the tower and into the garden, grabbing the attention of the remaining guests as they all appeared by the patio. Mick moved one hand to the sabre by his side, hearing footsteps approach from the other side of the fountain.

"Disclose yourself!" He ordered, seeing the lords and the king all draw swords in preparation for approach.

"There's no need for her to disclose herself." (Y/N) muttered as she hiked up her skirt, slipping a knife from the garter as his sword was drawn from its sheath. "It is the other Lady Senna, if one can call her that." She confessed loudly as she watched his hands gripped the handle, the king and lords taking a slow approach over to them. "Reveal yourself, wicked woman!" She barked, pushing Mick away as Gretchen revealed herself, (Y/N) twiddling the dagger in her hand as Mick stood close behind her, blade ever ready to defend her.

"You little slut, (Y/N)." Gretchen hissed, baring her teeth as she stomped over the stones. The youngest Senna watched as she noted the slight limp that her step grandmother walked with, pleased with herself that she caused it. "First you disobey me, then you continue to assault me by damaging my foot... And now, you're conspiring against me?" The old hag sounded like she was hurt, but it was followed by a cackle. "And now you have the king to protect you, how sweet." She teased, heaving a breath. "Your previously beautiful home, all memories of your grandfather... I am willing to burn them to the ground should you not come back with me at once." She now had (Y/N) within her grasp, but a dagger through her outstretched hand caused her to wail, her eyes staring at (Y/N) with disbelief.

"I do not take kindly to being intimidated." (Y/N) hissed as she twisted the dagger. "What brought you to this place?!" She yelled, seeing the King appear beside her. his green eyes looked down at her and he smirked, seeing her grandfather's ruthlessness shine through as his son stepped forward and held the tip of his blade against her throat and under her chin.

"I highly advise you to answer her, crone." He urged, simply digging the blade into the skin slightly, his father kicking the back of the wretched woman's knee to bring her to the ground. "Should you not, I'm sure my father and my beautiful acquaintance here will be more than happy to help me dismember you." Mick said this all with a smile, sending shivers up (Y/N)'s spine.

"I came here to retrieve my maid." Gretchen spat, wailing once more as (Y/N) twisted the blade that had taken residence in the bony hand.

"Should you refer to Lady (Y/N) as a maid, a servant or any role that is lower than you, hag, I will allow my son and the lady in question to do with you whatever they see fit." Michael said as he leaned down and whispered in her ear, pressing a smaller dagger against lower back.

"How sweet, you have guard dogs." Gretchen wheezed with laboured breaths, recovering from the most recent twist of the knife. "I've taken my lover into your home, well, it is actually my home according to your grandfather's will until you are married."

"That cannot be the only reason you have come here." (Y/N) insisted, resting the urge to twist the blade again. She leaned into the woman's face and growled at her. "Tell me the real reason you are here."

"You belong to me! You are my property! You are my servant and you should be thanking me for even letting you stay in my house!" Gretchen protested, feeling all blades dig at varying levels into her skin.

"You are nothing but a lodger in my life!" (Y/N) roared, taking those around aback as she finally let tears of anger slip down her cheeks. "You are a vampire of my money, my grandfather's love, to any of those around you!" She continued her tirade, wanting to take the sword in Mick's hand and drive it through her skull. "You have done nothing but treat me like I was nothing! Well, I have news for you. I am the sole descendant of Lord Ayrton Senna, I have inherited his spirit, and you best be grateful I don't wish a fiery death upon you!"

"(Y/N)... Should you wish to not send her to her grave, I will personally escort her to the nearest prison." Michael offered, watching as his son produced a handkerchief and dabbed it against her skin, drying away some of the remaining tears.

"That won't be necessary, your highness... She is already less able due to me damaging her foot when I first ran." (Y/N) said as she tried to collect herself, taking a deep breath before letting it out. She turned her (E/C) eyes to the woman before her, taking pity on her for a second before connecting her foot with the old maid's stomach, making her double over as Mick swiftly moved the sword, the tip nicking the skin and creating a small cut.

"Guards!" Michael called, seeing two men come with rope. "Make sure she cannot get away, send her to Silverstone and put her in solitary confinement." He instructed, his men nodding and tying her up until the one hand that had a dagger in it remained free. "Lady Senna, could you please?"

"Of course, your majesty." She muttered, twisting the knife and pulling it out, the king covering Gretchen's mouth as the blood seeped from her hand. Mick immediately took her over to Nigel, the mustachioed man holding her tightly as the prince pried the dagger from her hand, wiping it clean and slipping it into his belt. As (Y/N) sobbed against her uncle's chest, Mick followed the guards to the carriage and stared as the woman glared at him.

"I will make that woman my bride, not to spite you, but to raise her." He insisted, watching her brown eyes widen as she stared in disbelief. "She will be my wife and one day, this land's queen. She will bear my heirs and she will be treated better than she ever could have since Lord Senna's passing... Just to prove you wrong." He then slammed the carriage door shut and watched the carriage ride away, his father walking up to his side and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"You did well, son." Michael comforted, feeling his son's head drop to his shoulder. "You have proven your worth to our peers that you will be a fine ruler, proven to (Y/N) that we are serious about reinstating her land and that you will take her as a bride."

"Only if she will have me, Papa." Mick whispered, shutting his eyes and taking a deep, calming breath at the same time as his father. "I have not stopped thinking about this woman... And now I definitely cannot forget her."

"I saw the way she embraced you." Michael blurted, his son choking on a breath. "Trust me, you will not let one another go."

"Well..." A weak voice called from a short distance, a few pairs of footsteps following from the voice as the pair turned around. They watched as (Y/N) approached with Corrina on her left and Nigel on her right. "I wouldn't be opposed to a union with you, your highness." She grinned as Corrina used a handkerchief and wiped away a tear that rolled down (Y/N)'s cheek, before freeing her to Mick.

Nigel couldn't be less willing to do so.

"Your majesties, your highness... as much as I would love to hand my child over, I want to have a talk with the young prince first. May I?" Mansell asked, seeing Michael practically shove Mick over to him. Nigel rested a hand on the young man's shoulder and walked a few yards away before holding the young boy tightly. "She is under my care now, should you wish to marry her, you have my blessing, young man." Nigel sounded choked up, the stress of the evening finally setting in. "You will protect her better than Ayrton or I ever could." He felt Mick's arms wrap around him and squeeze him softly.

"I promise I will take care of her." He whispered, Nigel pulled back and grinned at him, his large hand patting her cheek.

"I know you will, son. Now, go and tell her that you're allowed to court one another." Nigel said, and with that, Mick sprinted back over and tackled (Y/N), picking her up and swinging her around.

"We have permission to court, should you wish to do so, I want to spend as much time with you as physically possible." Mick admitted, pressing kisses all over her face as she giggled, the parental figures watching as the innocently embraced.

"Well, you best tell your friends that there will be another person around more often." She said, pressing a kiss on his cheek as Arthur came running by, squealing and hugging them both.

"We have a new friend!" He exclaimed, seeing Oscar and Zhou run over and embrace their friends, old and new. "Oscar, you owe me ten gold pieces."

"Why is that?!" He exclaimed, Arthur grinning at him as Mick and (Y/N) watched on, just as confused.

"You said that Mick's beloved wasn't going to be the Senna girl." He teased, punching him on the side as (Y/N) fell apart, the royals following suit.

"We never put money on it!" Oscar protested, pulling five gold coins out instead. Everyone filtered back into the palace, but Mick and (Y/N) stayed outside, them both now fully dry. They sat facing the mountain with their hands intertwined, her head resting on his shoulder as they quietly processed the evening.

"I never thought that this would be the way that I found out about who you are. Who you really are." Mick admitted,  watching as she lifted her head.

"Well, I can't exactly say that this is the way I wanted to find out you were royalty, Mick." She pointed out, meeting his ocean blue eyes, watching his grin grow.

"Please, call me Micki." He insisted, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he leaned over. "How does it sound then? Being my forever pauper?" He teased, watching as she gasped and playfully pat his cheek once.

"Well, we'll just have to be the prince and the pauper for the rest of time..." She teased him in response, pulling him in for a soft kiss in the moonlight as their families watched on from indoors, finding sanctuary in their new love.

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