𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕀π•₯π•šπ•Ÿ (an Ariana Gra...

By idontlikethisthing

95.8K 3K 508

Baby, you do it so well You been so understanding, you been so good And I'm puttin' you through more than one... More

Chapter 1 (i can be needy)
Chapter 2 (through the phone)
Chapter 3 (no better place or time)
Chapter 4 (gotta get control of it)
Chapter 5 (are you down)
Chapter 6 (I'm always gonna be right there)
Chapter 7 (cause I'm so into you)
Chapter 8 (this bitch is gonna make me...)
Chapter 9 ( fuck a fake smile)
Chapter 10(I admit its exciting )
Chapter 11(baby you do it so well)
Chapter 12 ( know your place)
Chapter 13 (we'll get through this)
Chpater 14 (your way back then)
Chapter 15 (listen bae)
Chapter 16 (Heaven sent you to me)
Chapter 17 (I was under your spell)
Chapter 18 (while you're sleeping next to me)
Chapter 19 (love me harder)
Chapter 20 (i dont mean to be this way)
Chapter 22 (things are getting tough)
Chapter 23 (imagine a world like that)
Chapter 24 (And she calls me moonlight too)
Chapter 25 (I promise it's the little things that you do)
Chapter 26 (I love it when we make up)
Chapter 27 (Ridiculous love)
Chapter 28 (love language)
Chapter 29 (at the borderline)
Chapter 30 (till the daylight)
Chapter 31 (your on my mind)
Chapter 32 (just tryna have a good day)
Chapter 33 (fuck)
Chapter 34+35
Chapter 35 ( im getting better)
chapter 36 (kiss me)
Chapter 37 (im needy)
Chapter 38 (don't do to much)
Chapter 39 (how obvious)
chapter 40 (crazy in love)
The votes are in
Chapter 41 (are you ready)
Bonus chapter 1/??
Chapter 43 ( my baby )
Chapter 44 (put your hands on me)
Chapter 45 (excume um.. i love you)
A/n (I'm sorry)
Chapter 46 (wrap me up in it)
Chapter 47 (love)
Chapter 48 (Falling Deeply)
Chapter 49 (healed bruises)
Chapter 50 (I'm a girl with a whole lot of baggage)
Chapter 51 (nasty)
Chapter 52 (tired)
Chapter 53 (my baby)
Chapter 54 ( I do)
Chapter 55 (ghostin)
Bonus chapter 2/?? (There first Christmas)

Chapter 21 (k bye for now)

1.7K 59 1
By idontlikethisthing

as I'm writing this Ariana Grande and Dalton broke up..... maybe she read all the fanfics and decided that maybe the fans were onto something 🤭


Fixing my pants I was practically dragging Ariana towards the stage platform where a table and chairs sat and in each seat were the other dancers. We were both dressed in our outfits for the first four songs and 10 minutes before the show was scheduled to start Ari decided she wanted her holes pleasured and as the spineless girlfriend I was I gave in. And when I heard the opening countdown mid-sex never in my life had I felt a wave of adrenaline so powerful.

And at that moment in time, I felt bad for the wall that I was fucking Ariana on. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a crack on it now. And Ariana being the little cheeky fuck she was couldn't give to shits that the show was starting late.

"There you two are. We were thinking we'd have to call security to come and bring you two." Scott jokingly jabbed at us as we sat down next to each other. Her in the middle and I was on her left. "blame ms grande." Ariana kissed my cheek "Oh please you loved it." She took her mic from one of the management guys and cleared her throat.

It's probably groggy from all that screaming she just did.

And as she began singing raindrops. the crowd erupted into cheers. Slowly the platform rose along with the table and all those who were seated in the chairs. Continuing from raindrops she went into god is a woman. And just like we practiced we did the choreography in perfect sync. And when Ariana hit her high note I swear I felt a vibration throughout my body I'm talking balls and all.

We then moved the table and chairs around the stage. Turning it into three tables and a couple of chairs in preparation for bad idea.  With Ariana standing up in the middle with me, Taya, Darrion,(pray for his soul his haircut was fucked up), and Mao on the table all sexily. But in all honesty, I was uncomfortable. The position I was in was all style no practicality and I also forgot my compression shorts so my dick was very much visible because these pants were no joke when it came to tightness.

"Welcome to the sweetener world tour." The instrumental for bad idea began to play and we disbursed like mice and partnered up. I was with Mao and for most of the choreography for the first verse, we were just grinding on each other. I'm surprised she even let me. Wouldn't be surprised if Scott had to get on his knees to convince her.

With the chorus coming on we started to actually dance instead of just dry humping each other. And the back-back dancers. Moved the tables around back to how they originally were. While the front dancers aka me Darrion, Mao, and Taya danced with Ariana.

Going from a bad idea we went on to break up with your boyfriend and I think that's when Ariana realized I had forgotten my compression shorts. Though it wouldn't be hard to notice when for half the entire song she was at crotch on her knees in front of me.

And once we got off stage Ariana took the end piece of her microphone and hit it right on the tip of my dick. (Think of it like getting punched in the clit ladies.) and I have never been so betrayed in my entire life. But then Ariana said she'd give me head after the show so I got over it.

About five minutes had passed and we had gotten R.E.M down as well as be alright. And we're now on Sweetener and it was undoubtedly my favorite song to dance to. And it sounds way better live than on the album. Though the fact it was about Skeet Davidson would always make me laugh cry. But then I'd remember she's making a song about how bad she wants to ride my dick and I get over it.

Though I was truly happy because I didn't have to be in those same tight pants anymore gave my dingaling some room to breath

"When life deals us causes make everything taste like salt." Ariana turned her attention away from the crowd and looked at me "Then you come through the like the sweetener you are to bring the bitter taste to a halt." Ending her lyric with a wink she started dancing and throwing that ass back in a circle.

Always wanted to say that.

Ariana started eye fucking me "I like the way you lick the bowl." I pulled a Michael Jackson and grabbed my crotch and then knelt next to her standing back up when she started singing the chorus. And walking or jogging over to the pathways one of the Scott nudged me in my shoulder in a goofy way and pointed to Chris a fellow dancer who was dripping in sweat.

And I think he realized we were laughing cause he gave us the bird and then we headed back to the main stage where I proceeded to fuck up my body by floor grinding and then doing a back handspring without any previous practice.

And it was all for a bet.

But I just know that hundred dollar bill is going to taste extra sweet when I can use it back in America.

Though I was more surprised by how I did it successfully. Though if any pro saw me do it they'd give me zero out of ten stars across the board.

"Say I don't know what id do without you in my life." Ariana blew me a kiss and walked out onto the left side platform causing the crowd to erupt into cheers and continued to sing the rest of the verse and when the beat dropped I sauntered my way over all sexily and put my hand on her making her look tense up and look back but once she realized it was just me she relaxed and we started grinding on each other front to back, back to front dick and booty you know how it is. And the whole crowd went wild.

The Arianators loved the fan service of their favorite couple

Though as nice as it was to be affectionate with each other in public. Edits and clips of us would be all over insta and Twitter and tabloids who don't know my face would eat this up only to realize that the person she's dancing with is her girlfriend. So I guess that would be fun but in all honesty, this was probably overstepping or no heavy pda agreement we made when we first started dating. But hey this should at least kill off all those remaining rumors of us not being happy and in love with each other.

As the song came to an end it perfectly transitioned into successful and all the dancers ran off the stage to go change. After all, we had like 2 minutes to change and for them, it was just a jumpsuit. for me, it was some tight and uncomfortable clothes. No surprise whatsoever.

I'm starting to think Ariana wants everyone to see my dick print as if there isn't a rumor going around about her talking about my dick when she was wasted on live.

After seven rings and side to side, I was starting to space out.
thankfully the next songs up love me harder and breathin' giving me a few minutes to unscramble my brain and change from those styles no functional clothes into a more comfortable attire

It was just some baggy pants with a long sleeve crop top and a no-sleeve cropped hoodie and some vans but it was all purple. Whilst Ari strutted around in some six-inch white platform boots, a sports bra, and a skirt.

I tip my hat to you Ariana for wearing clothes like that

but it wasn't until the oh-so-familiar beat of makeup did I snap back to reality. And just in time that I was able to hit the beat. And as slick as I thought I was Mao who was standing right next to me was laughing. Though it wouldn't be able to be heard over the loud music blasting and Ariana singing in the mic.

Walking over to the other side we all got down onto the floor and let's just say I've never been so upset about forgetting my compression shorts until today. Let's just say having ass shaken in your face by three really attractive girls who weren't your girlfriend and getting a boner. Not only made a tent in your pants but also made you feel incredibly guilty. And the minute Ariana notices the tent in my pants she's either going to mock me or put two and two together and realize I got turned on by other women. And that would start a fire no amount of water or makeup would put out.

Thankfully I didn't have to dance the next to upcoming songs so when I got off the stage I practically sprinted towards the restroom and dropped my pants so fast that I got whiplash

Never thought I'd be jerking off in a public restroom whilst my girlfriend is performing in another area. "Jack from Cockfarm are you in here." I recognized the voice as Mao's and groaned "Yes Mao. What do you need."

"Well you just sprinted off without a word and we've gotta be back on stage in two minutes so I hope you're not having explosive diarrhea." I groaned and started moving my hand faster.

I don't understand how someone could cum in under ten minutes. Like what the fuck is up with dudes.

"Ain't no way." Mao started laughing hysterically "Are you jerking off." I groaned loudly and it wasn't from the pleasure "Mao can you respectfully fuck off." She started laughing even louder "From the stories Ariana tells me I don't think your gonna bust that but anytime soon." I froze "Ariana talks about our sex life?"

"Yeah, all the time man. Though she never goes into detail." At that moment I felt my dick go soft. So I decided to just put it back in my pants and leave the stall where Mao was slouched over the counter fixing up her hair. "Done already." She moved to the side so I could wash my hands "Looks like age is getting to you." I rolled my hands and flicked water at her "Ahh now you got all your dick and ball juices in my eyes." I started to chuckle.

Mao and I had the same humor and was undoubtedly my newest best friend. I hoped on introducing her to my o.g best friends once we return to America. "You'll be fine. After all, it's been keeping Ariana happy." Mao laughed and left the room dramatically.

I dried my hands on my pants and followed behind her "Ahh a pickpocketer is chasing me." She gave one of those white girls in movies run pretending to trip and fall ever so often. I had almost forgotten that we were supposed to be on stage in like 30 seconds that was until Luz aka Nekai spotted us and started cussing us out in Spanish. From afar causing us to move like he had life and had something to do with our lives.

Hearing Ariana hit the high note he sprinted up the stairs Luz tripped and started climbing up the stairs like a dog and once at the top, she started acting as if she didn't just bust her ass walking up stairs in high heels.

Me and Mao were laughing together but when the song changed from You'll never know to break your heart right back we started doing the choreographed acting.

"You said it was your best friend I guess I wasn't your type." Walking down the steps in front of the stage we went into the area that split the crowd like Moses split the sea and started dancing in the small area. Ariana got too close to the edge so I had to wrap my arms around her so she wouldn't fall off and the crowd went crazy. Ariana giggled and continued to sing like the professional queen she was. And when we went to get off the small stage in the middle Ariana decided to jump on my back without warning which caused me to stumble. Thank god for the railing cause I would have fallen and gotten hurt. "My baby loves me," Ariana yelled out and kissed my head kicking her feet in the most playful way ever.

I stepped out onto the pathway my legs were giggling from that near-death experience. "Oh, he's gay," Ariana spoke randomly and then slid off my back. Though I wasn't giving her much of a choice cause I let go of her.

Rapping some of Gambino's parts of the song she then went back to singing her lyrics and started acting all goofy with me ending the song with a not-so-subtle booty look.

Going into NASA I remember back to how this was the song that me and Ari made our relationship official and I remember it just like it was yesterday.

It was the last show for America before we went into the Europe tour and at this point, me and Ari had been dating in secrecy for a month and a half. And at the end of NASA Ariana decided instead of hugging me like rehearsed she kissed me so passionately. it made my heart flutter like a newly born butterfly.

Looking back up at the sweetener moon I wowed. I hadn't looked at it that much before and seeing all the stars shining on it added to the whole vibe of the song.

"Keep me in your orbit and you know you'll drag me under." But that's when I felt a pinch on my hand a really hard one. I darted over to where the hand came from and I came face to face with my girlfriend. Who gave me one of those 'Are you paying attention'?

Well, the answer to that question would be no because I hadn't even noticed it was just us and the rest of the dancers had left.

"I'd rather be alone tonight."

As if. I don't know why she wrote that lyric when it is never true. Though she doesn't do the stuff in seven rings or break up with your girlfriend either.

Standing and helping Ariana up she caressed my cheek "But you can say I love you through the phone tonight." I went in for a smooch only to be blocked by her finger and dramatically I gasped. Which only made her laugh. And once the lights went out she started peppering kisses all along my face.

Knowing what song was up next a part of me just wanted to sit on the stage and watch her sing. But I knew I probably shouldn't but then I thought fuck it especially cause a costume change was up next I decided to just sit up at the front stage crisscrossed applesauce and listen to her sing Tattooed Heart.

"Just as long as I'm the name on your tattooed heart." Slowly I rocked side to side listening to the love of my life's sweet voice. Watching her get on her knees and stretch her hands out into the crowd. How her fans fought with each other just to touch her always left me in disbelief.
"Just as long as I'm the name on your tattooed." She pointed the mic out to the crowd opting for them to all sing heart and then break out into cheers.

The lights dimmed as Ariana made her way back towards me and seeing as how this girl was blind as a bat and with the addition of the darkness this girl probably couldn't see shit "You were amazing babe." Ariana screamed out and then proceeded to trip over me and fall on top of me "Woah never thought you'd fall for me so hard." Arian punched me in my shoulder "Baby don't do that you scared me. What are you even doing up here."

"I wanted to hear you sing." Ariana giggled and started kissing my face "Aye lesbos get your ass down here!" Scot yelled out causing us to bust out laughing. Lifting Ariana over my shoulder I stood up and carried her downstairs to her dressing room.

"Jesus can't trust these two love birds to do anything but smooch and have loud sex." darrion tossed me my outfit for the next upcoming song which was just a red version of what I was already wearing. "What ever Darrion."

I put on the finishing touches of my outfit just in time for Ariana to finish 'every time'. I ran up onto the stage for the light is coming

"London, let's go." lights flashed throughout the entire stadium while a red spotlight covered the stage accentuating our already red outfits. Man and the two other dancers danced around Ariana and then Scott came up and started recording her with a go pro. He followed her around until the song came to an end and put it on the floor where she proceeded to kick it. And for the few seconds the lights were dark he took the camera and tossed it to management on the side.

We continued to do into you and then had another costume change for the last few songs and then another costume change for thank you next.

Hearing the collection of videos playing outside I couldn't stop the smile that tugged at my lips while I put on my Polo shirt with suspenders and plaid pants skirt and boots.

Walking or really skipping over towards the platform Ariana took my hand and kissed it gently "your my everything baby. Never forget that." Pecking her lips the platform began to rise cutting our kiss short.

In front of each of us stood mics on a stand but the only one that actually did anything was Ari's so ours were just there for show and nothing else.

And as Ariana sang the song for the first time in a while I didn't feel insecure or worried about whether or not I'd be able to do better than all of her exes. Because I knew that at the end of the day, I was already doing better than half of those fuckers. And I intended to do my best.

"Ariana I love you." The show had recently finished and people were starting to pile out of the stadium "Aww Y/n I love you too." Grabbing Ariana's mic off her stand I started signing Let me love you very poorly causing her to laugh and stare at me. "What do you rate it, judge." She put a zero in her right hand and a one in her left hand. "Tens across the board baby." I crossed my arms dramatically "Ariana that's nepotism." She gasped and started stuttering like someone caught in a lie "Don't worry I won't tell as long as you do as I say."

"Oh, really, and what do I have to do." Scooting in close to her I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Kiss me." Ariana purred and smashed her lips onto mine kissing me passionately

Longest chapter so far. And I was joking about the whole divorce thing I mean they are getting divorced but the Wattpad part was most definitely a joke. I just hope Ariana is doing okay cause this girl has not had the best when it came to love and well. I personally didn't think they'd last long seeing as how they got together using the most fanfic cliché aka forced proximity. But that's not what's important I just hope they broke up because they felt it would be better if they were friends and not because someone cheated or betrayed the other. Cause as much as I loved brown haired era Ariana we do not need her back like I'm happy with blonde hair era.

Also f in chat for the Wicked movie

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