The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 30

1.7K 87 11
By BekLittleSparrow24

Sky woke and the world was shaking violently. Or rather someone was shaking her violently. Sky opened her eyes and instantly shut them as dull candle light appears so much brighter. Her head was pounding and her body felt like a stone.

"Finally. I was worried I'd have to roll you out of the bed." A boyish voice filled her ears and Sky panicked.

Where am I? She snapped up like lightening and smashed her face straight into something hard. There was a painful cry from above her.

"Bloody Hell!" Sky's eyes rest on a boy. His hair was messy from sleep and he wore loose fitting cloths designed for bed. Only when he looked at her did it click in her mind.

"Edward?" He was holding his face and Sky flipped her legs over the side of the bed and stood. Her forehead was sore. "I'm sorry. Are you alright?"

He moved his hand from his face and smiled at her. "Remind me to wake you up with a broom next time."

Sky looked down at what she was wearing and was thankful she had collapsed last night fully dressed and not in her undergarments. As the memory of where she was settled in as did everything that had happened yesterday.

"You should have let me sleep away my life." She groaned rubbing her face and whipping sleep from her eyes.

Edward grimaced. "Trust me, I would have if I could." He turned to leave the small bed room. "But unfortunately, we both have to be at a meeting in ten minutes."

Sky frowned. She assumed this meeting was about what had occurred yesterday and she was so tempted to crawl back into the bed. A bed that did not belong to her. Sky looked to the door way Edwrad and gone and sighed.

Here I am complaining. I've found my brother and he's alive and safe. Sky felt dread in to chest. When he just lost his.

She made the bed with more tenderness than needed and ran her hands through her knotted hair until it was smooth. Checking that everything was in order, Sky shut the door behind her and saw Edward at the table waiting for her. In front of him was a green apple. He chucked it at Sky and she caught it easily.

"Eat on the way; we're gonna be late."

Sky adjusted her shirt and followed Edward out of his house and into the bitter cold of morning. The air was crisp and Sky was jealous of Edward's coat. The sky was an odd greenish colour that looked like the water beneath them and the building that surrounded them were quiet. Sky guessed it was just after day break.

She took a bite of the apple and squeaked as its juices exploded in her mouth. It had been so long since she had tasted something so sweet. Ship tended to stick to bland, hard bread and dried meat because it lasted. Apples did not and Sky savoured the fruits flavour.

She looked up and saw Edward was looking at her with confused eyes and a lifted brow.

"Enjoying yourself there?" Sky whipped the juice from her mouth and hoped she hadn't been making any odd noises. "I don't think I've ever seen someone be... affectionate towards an apple before."

Sky felt her cheeks flood. "I like apples." She told him and watched as he smiled.

"I can see that." He grinned and turned. "Come on. We need to hurry up."

Sky took one last bite out of her now gone apple and threw the core into the sludge. She followed Edward inside the main building and hurried to catch up with him as he made his way to the meeting room.

Sky was surprised to see there were many rebels awake and about, moving past them in the corridor and talking to one and other. Some watched Sky with dark eyes, others smiled at her and some ever said 'good morning' in cheerful tones.

They really do move on fast. Sky thought considering they had been under attack yesterday.

There was a large crowd outside the meeting room. Edward walked up to them and spoke with some with a small smile on his face. Sky saw the two men she had met yesterday; Sav and Timothy. Timothy greeted her with a smile and Sav gave her a nod.

"It's gonna be cramped in there." Timothy frowned and the other two men agreed. They all looked better from the good nights sleep. "We'll, let's get this over with. Shall we?" He and Sav moved into the room and Edward faced Sky. He gestured at her to go first with a flourish and she smiled at him.

Timothy was right; the room was full of bodies. As usual Dana stood at the head of the table talking with another lady. Sky saw Sav and Timothy move to the side of the room next to some other men they clearly knew. Edward followed them and Sky went to go with him but a loud thump caught her attention, as well as many others.

"Dustin!" Dana called out sounding like a mother, "Control your men." She went back to her conversation and Sky's eyes turned to the source of the thump.

The pirate captain sat back in his chair with an amused smirk on his face. Sky felt an odd mix of emotion unfurl inside her. All around Dustin were his crew and they all seemed to be in good spirits. Jenkins was on the ground, having been the cause of the loud noise, and Rouge was pulling him up by his arm and seemed to be scolding him. Bates was also present, searching the rebel crows with his good eye and having a conversation with the ships lookout Fane. Sky recognised the other faces too and found it odd that she had come to know these men. Thomas was leaning against Dustin's chair with a big smile on his face.

Why are they all so happy? Sky moved over to Edward not wanting to be near the pirates.

"Right, setting down!" Dana's strong voice filled the packed room and everyone stopped their muttering. "Take a seat if you can find one and shut up." Sky leaned against the wall next to Edward with her arms crossed.

"As you are all aware, King Patrick decided to attack yesterday." Dana paused and her eyes fell on Sky, "We do not yet know who provided them with our location, but I can assure you that when we do, they will be punished most severely."

More eyes moved to Sky's direction and she felt the urge to glare at all the eyes on her, but instead kept her gaze firmly on the woman leading the meeting. She would not back down to Dana, she would stand her ground and to prove that she was innocent Sky lifted her head proudly. Next to her Edward smiled at her stubbornness.

"Now however, we have more urging matters to discuss." Dana's eyes scanned the crowd. "As you all know the King has made his move towards the 'Cleansing' of our country." All around her, Sky heard the men and women grunt in disgust and anger. "So we must act now before more lives are taken."

Sky scanned the crow for their opinions and her eyes accidently locked with a pair of gold ones. Dustin gazed at her unblinking; with such intensity that Sky was sure he was trying to send her some kind of message. She forcefully turned her body so that she could no longer see him and focussed on what Dana was saying.

"-as we are all aware of. So, does anyone have any idea on how ere are meant to gain this information?" Sky cursed herself for missing what they were discussing. The faces inside the room stared blackly back at her and Dana sighed. "We need a way to get into that palace and hear the king's speech. Anyone?"

Sky leaned into Edward. "What is happening? I missed it."

"There is a ball being held in two days at the palace. Dana thinks the king will be giving a presentation on his plans and she wants someone to go in and bring the news back to us." Edward informed her in a low voice.

"So all we have to do is get into the palace?" Sky asked. She had done that once before and it may not have been easy, but she was sure, with the skill the Cormorants possessed, they would be able to infiltrate the kings defences.

"Yes, but it's not that simple. The palace will be crawling with the kings best guards," Edward frowned, "Including your brother no doubt. King Patrick is sure to have his most loyal men close to him and every single one of them will be expecting us to do something." Sky understood their problem.

"But what if-"

"Would you two mind?!" Dana's angry voice shut Sky up. "Is there something you wish to share girl?" Sky shrank against the wall in embarrassment. In her mind a plan was forming, but she did not want to come out and say it in front of all these people. "I honestly don't know why you are here, but you Captain insists you are of some use. However, if you do not keep your mouth shut I will force you out of the room."

Sky was really beginning to hate this woman. "You asked for any ideas." She snapped and saw Dana's lips thin with annoyance.

"Yes... Do you have one?" Sky was acutely aware of every single person in the room.

"I might." She pushed herself from the wall and stood up straight. Her plan was not something she wanted to say and her eyes flicked to Dustin. She had seen the hate in his eyes for her brother and she was sure that hate would be there now, but instead she saw something else; faith. In her?

"The king will be expecting the Cormorants to attack, correct?" Dana nodded. "So don't attack." There was a moment of silence before Dana spoke

"I think you are missing the point of what we intend to do. We need to hear the King's speech-"

"I understand." Sky said not liking the patronizing tone being used on her or the mocking eyes of the rebels in the room. "If you will let me tell you my plan..." Dana crossed her arms and Sky got the sense that the feeling between them was mutual. "You want to hear the King's speech? Then send someone to the ball as a guest and have them bring the information back to you."

It was so simple that Sky was wondered why no one had brought it up before. "There are officers at every single door checking names. And on top of that they knew what our kind look like; any man of mine I send will be killed on the spot."

"Then don't send one of 'yours'. The king will have all his best around him, won't he?" Sky asked her voice picking up pace at her excitement, "And from what I've heard, Commodore Ashier is very close with the King." Sky saw understanding shine in Dustin's eyes, Dana, on the other hand took it the wrong way.

"So you want me to send you to the safety of your brother and expect you to come back with our information? Is there anything inside that head of yours?"

"What if someone went with her?" Edward's voice filled the room as he appeared next to her. "Ensured she got the information and passed it on to you?" Dana's eyes flicked between the two of them.

"I can go with her and make sure we get the information." Dustin's voice wafted over Sky and she bit her lip. She somehow felt better at the thought of him being there with her and that made her feel confused.

Maybe having Dustin and James in the same room isn't the best idea...

"Don't be stupid, Hawk." Dana snapped at him, "Every single officer and his wife know your face." Dustin frowned at the implied meaning and opened his mouth.

"I'll go with her." Edward spoke again looking at Dustin. The two made eye contact and Sky saw something pass between them. "I'll claim I saved her from your clutches and pass her into her brother's hands. From there she can get the information she needs and meet up with me afterwards."

Sky looked at him. His eyes were confident and his plan was sound. That is, if they could get to James before the other guards killed them. Dana was watching her and Edward with dark slivery eyes. She turned her gaze to the rest of the people in the room.

"Please tell me someone else has an idea?" The rebels shook their heads and looked down at their feet. Dana sighed rubbing her eyes. "Very well. Edward you will take Sky to the palace. If she gives you any reason to think she will betray us... kill her."

Edward smiled. "Yes Ma'am."

"We're done here." She addressed the whole room, "Go back to your duties. Edward, I want to talk with you." She spun and left the room.

The rebels followed her, some clapping Edward on the back and wishing them luck. Sky looked at the boy next to her and grinned. He smiled back and Sky's chest flooded with warmth. Until it was drained away in an instant.

"Sky," Dustin stood behind her and behind him were his crew members. She turned to face him and felt her stomach dip aggressively. She stepped back and saw his eyes darken. "Don't avoid me."

"I'm not." She snapped plating her feet, "I just don't want to be near you." He tilted his head and his feather fell into his eyes.

"Still hate me?" There was an odd tone to his mocking voice.

"Yes." No... I don't know. Sky bit her lip. Dustin frowned.

"I wouldn't have killed you Sweetheart." Sky felt her face heat.

"That's not why I'm mad at you." She told him.

"So you're just mad at me?" He smirked, causing Sky's eye to drift to his lips. She blinked snapping herself out of her trance.

"No-I..." She stumbled over her words and clenched her hands when his crew laughed at her. She looked at Thomas' goofy grin and frowned. "Are you drunk?" She snapped addressing the darker man.

Dustin looked over his shoulder at his men and back at her. "They might be, just a little bit. We had kind of a rough night."

"You are unbelievable." She turned and moved closer to where Edward was talking with Sav. "And disgusting." She called over her shoulder unable to comprehend why they had been drinking.

"Sky wait." Dustin grabbed her arm and Sky winced at the contact. She had forgotten about her injury. Dustin let her go and looked down. "I need to talk to you. About your brother." Sky paused.

"Later." She moved away from him.

The truth was she couldn't face him. She did not want to hear how awful her brother was, not from his lips. And so she hoped 'later' wouldn't come. She hoped that after the ball she would never see him or any of these people again and she would be able to talk to her brother. And perhaps get back what she set out to get; her old life.

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