Favorite Slipup

By Itgworl_

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Her pain comes with a price! More



260 17 0
By Itgworl_

"Where is she?" Lamarcus asked.

"You are not going to be passing my friends around." He kissed his lips.

"Why? If they wanna fuck me let them." I laughed.

"She is in school and you already know she is not even on you right now." I shrugged and he groaned loudly.

"Can I see your phone?" I pointed to it and he grabbed it and walked off.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it.

"Hey mom." Gia smiled and I instantly hugged her and took baby Misty out her hands.

"Hey baby." I smiled at the baby. "You look so beautiful." I looked at Gia.

"Thank you, Ben tied my fucking binder to tight. We walked in and I closed the door.

"Bubbles." I kissed her noses and her big hazel eyes stare at me. "Oh my goodness, I love you."  I kissed her cheek and she just stared.

"Where is dad?"

"Had to go to handle some business. Lamarcus!"

I heard his heavy feet.

"Just come talk to me Justice." He sighed and he looked at me and his face lit up. "Hey mama." He coed and rested the phone between his shoulder and his ear and he took her from me and walked off.

It's so beautiful to watch him with kids being as though my mom had to take a legal guardianship over his kids because of his situation. And how everything's are going in his therapy... My mom refuses to tell me and the little bits and pieces that he tells me is just not enough information. But I do know my mom had to take legal guardianship of the kids and they stay with her and he goes over there every day and he drops them off to school every day. He goes to eat dinner with them sometimes and sometimes they do come over here. I think the program that he's in it really affects his life. I'm not sure what's going on but I'm so glad that we're all doing better and we're all getting better and his main goal is to get the kids back and my mom has no problem with that. She wants him to get to the place where he's allowed to have his kids.

"Him and Justice is a thing?" I shook my head.

" he likes her, but she just wanna fuck but I think he kind of fucked it up because Cassidy came over here one day tweaking, and it was the first day that they were actually giving each other those vibes. She change the vibe of the room, and Lamarque is kind of shy away from justice, and now justice doesn't want to be around him." We laughed,

"He is hilarious."

"Come on let's fix this." I pulled her in front of me and I sat down and she took off her shirt and fix her sport bra.

I unhook the back of her binder and that shit damn near popped off.

" you look great, your stomach is intact." I grabbed the Shea butter from the drawer in the stand beside the couch, and I opened it and rub some on her belly. She snapped back fast.

" Benny says the same thing. I kind of like the stretch marks on my butt. This is so fire." She grabbed my shoulders as I wrapped the binder. " I took her to see my mom yesterday and she would not stop crying and I definitely think like what Lamarcus said about the energy around my mom... She has some very disruptive energy, she's not a horrible person, she's not a bad person is just the way that she was raised in the people she was around in the things that she's been through. That makes her the way that she is. She is really sweet. Sometimes, there's times with the real her poop through and those are the best times, you know?"

" I completely understand, my mom wasn't always like this, as you know. We put work in, we go to famous therapy, she goes to therapy on her own. My mom is trying to get herself into something that your mom has to do. I definitely don't think your mom is a horrible person, I don't think she really meant to fuck up your life or your dad's life. She's just always in fight or flight in trying to steam a scammer way to survival. can you blame her? All the stories that we heard from her growing up... That shit was fucked up."

" yeah, I really feel bad for her sometimes but it's like... like you said she has to take the steps better herself. I am doing therapy, you're doing therapy, your mom's doing therapy... Everybody's doing therapy now and she feels as though it's still like an embarrassing thing to do therapy. She doesn't want to help and she just keeps digging deeper holes and she's going to end up alone and I don't want her to. That's my mom and I will fight to have a relationship with her as long as I live. I just wish we could all get along." I nodded.

" for you, I will always keep the peace and keep it respectful. No matter what she does, or says. We definitely can work towards relationship whenever she's ready, I don't know about my mom. She's a little nuts." We laughed.

"Mhm..." Lamarcus flopped down beside me. " you've been talking to me for about 15 to 30 minutes now. Just come to the house. Justice I'm not fucking around, I will find you." Gia laughed.

"Stop Lamarcus."

" that wasn't- it was Gia."  He smirked. "Gia tell her hey." He held up the phone and She tapped speaker.

"Hey Justice."

"Hey babe. Where is Amil?"

" right here."

"Hey baby!"

" Why the fuck would you give that man the phone? He's calling me and I'm just getting out of class. He played himself, and I hope he can hear me." He chuckled. " I am not doing this, it's just looking like I am going to have to punch that bitch on her motherfucking mouth. Because if she text my phone, one more time, one or the other is getting fucking punched, and I'm just saying that to let everybody know what the fuck is going on. I am going to school, and work... Back-and-forth back-and-forth. Fuck everybody really." We laughed.

"Tell her to come over." He mouthed.

"Justice come over." I sighed.

" I just got out of class, I don't have to work tomorrow, thankfully."

" come stay with me tonight, Joshua leaves tonight to go to Vegas." 

"Okay. Your brother is a fucking headache. Take me off speaker." I laughed and took the phone from him and took it off speaker.

"Okay, you off."

"I want to fuck." I laughed. " I am so serious, I feel like that's the only thing that's all this stress right now. It's been damn near a year of me going without no penis. I am done, I didn't sign up celibate. So I am probably gonna get it within the next two days probably tonight so."

" do what you Gotta do, it's really up to you. No judgment from me."

"Give him the phone." I laughed and gave him the phone.

"Hello?" He played with Misty's feet and she smiled and her little laugh bubbles and her chunky cheeks with dimbles were everything. "I got you, I promise. It won't happen again." He stuck his tongue out and we laughed.


" I swear to God-" I laughed loudly. " I did not do shit I swear to God. It was just so I don't know where and I haven't talked to her since the last time I talk to her which was months ago. I swear to God." I laughed.

" then what the fuck is her problem. Because I called her the other day and she always seem so happy and she hasn't brought you up. We went from talking about you all day every day to her not even mentioning your name. I don't know what happened."

Right now I am on the phone with my mom, I don't know with Macy told her but she's just so infatuated about the problems that we have now. We don't have any problems because there's no problems that I personally know of. I don't know shit. I don't care about the shit.

" well, however, she feels she's going to keep feeling that way. I don't care. It was a slot of time where we could've talked about it and she could've brought it up, but she was ignoring my calls, ignoring my text, I'm not gonna beg her for anything if she already knows how I'm set up, so I don't even know why she played herself. That's on her. I did nothing to her, I have no bad feelings towards her, I wish you the best. I wish our more blessings, but it's bigger things for me to worry about. Obviously, nobody has my back but me, not, including you. But I can't even have a baby shower because no one wants to play my baby shower and I had all of these bitches around me for no reason. They were literally here for no reason, I am always here when I go to beer shit but when I go to something or I want something, it's just impossible. Nobody's around to be found. Me and Justice just became friends a year ago, Gia she has her family going, and don't get me wrong. She's still very willing to help but I just don't want her to do it. I want to Macy's to do mine just like I did hers. She doesn't even know that I did her baby shower but that's whatever. Fuck her." I waved it off as if my mom can see me.

" I just don't understand her not even speaking to you about it because you guys were inseparable. You guys have each other's back like no other. This shit is weird as fuck. I'm going to ask her about it."

" well, when you ask her about it, tell her don't call me, I don't care. I don't feel like talking about the shit, I don't got time for making up. She already show me how to that she is temporary so the relationship is not gonna be the same. You weird ass bitch- excuse my language let me just stop talking about her before I do get upset." I rolled my eyes.

" OK I'm gonna just tell her that you don't feel like thosevibes right now which is understandable. OK I am about to take the kids to this little party so I will call you when I get back in. Tell your brother that when he comes in the morning to drop the kids off to school and actually buy them something to fucking eat for lunch. I do not want them eating the school lunch."

" OK. I love you mommy."

"I love you more beautiful." She hung up and Joshua called.

" hi baby, you called right on time I just hung up with my mom."

"Hey babe, I miss you."

" I miss you more. Right now would be the perfect time to meet. Lamarcus is on his way to go get Justice from work."

"I am just getting to my house. She texted me earlier." He laughed and I automatically laughed without even knowing.

"What she say?"

"She asked can she have sex in my house. I mean I appreciate it. She said she just wanted to be respectful. I was going to text you but I wanted to tell you over the phone. I can't wait to get back to you."

"I miss you too, I wanna fuck Joshua." He laughed.

"I'll be home tomorrow night. Your ass is nesting so I don't wanna be gone for to long."


"Yes, prepping the house."

"Oh I cleaned the laundry room and I organized it finally. I did the labels and everything."

"Good job baby. You been wanting to do that for ever."

"Wait til you see it, Lamarcus gave me a cookie for doing it." We laughed.

The front door opened.

"Best!" I heard Justice voice and she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey!" I got up and hugged her.

"Your brother is fucking crazy. I guess he is mad at me."

"What? Why?" I laughed and she smiled.

"Look at my shorts."

"What?" I stepped back.

"He talking about pum pum out for everyone to see like. He is already to controlling. He is cra-" he grabbed her face and she grabbed his arm. "Lamarcus, stop."

"You are talking to much, come on." He grabbed her bag and damn near dragged her into his room.

"She is my company."

"She will be back and Mom said she wants you at her house anyway." He shrugged.

" you are lying, she would've told me that."

" I swear to God." They went in his room.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

" yes, baby, I cannot wait to come home. This is the movie dreadful business trip that I think I ever took in my entire fucking life. I think it's time for me to hire somebody or better people."

" yes because I want you in the house for the first year. We already talked about it so... and you still haven't answered."

" I am definitely going to be there for you and our child. If you want me off for the first year then I am off for the first year. It's that simple."

" baby don't hang up my moms calling me."

" I would never hang on you baby."

I want to fuck this man so bad.

"Hello mother?"

"Macy is here."


"Come here and we all can talk."

" I was literally just talking to you like five minutes ago... Did she just pop off or something?"


" I'll see what I can do."

"Girl get your ass here now." She hung up and I instantly wanted to cry.



" what happened? Why do you sound like that? What did she say?"

" I just don't wanna go over her house. She wants me to sit down and have this conversation with Macy and I don't wanna go."

" why not?"

" because fuck her." I shrugged. "I'll see her when I see her."

" I mean, the conversation is definitely worth it." Is shrugged. " I will order you a driver and I will stay on the phone with you."


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