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Amil POV

" I don't appreciate that every time I think I have to go some where for work we have to have a weeklong argument. I ask you for nothing I put my all into this relationship. I don't understand the problem with me working I have slowed down tremendously to satisfy you." He spoke firmly and softly.

" I don't care what you say." I laid back well he rubbed lotion all of over me.

"You always say that. I created this job for myself. I found work in something that I love to do. So for you to act like you just don't care about that or anything like that it's a fucking slap in the face."

" I do care about-"

" no you don't."

"Yes I do Josh. I am so proud of you and everything that you accomplish. You get all of the shit on your own and I am so happy for you. All I am seeing is my best time to hire an employee or a representative!"

"Relax." He stepped back. "Calm down, stop yelling."

"Baby I am calm." He went back to went back to what he was doing. "I just don't wanna be here all alone."

"You can stay with your mom. Gia is coming with me. You said that you didn't want to come. It's only four days in Las Vegas. it's not like we're going to China again."

"I am sorry." I sighed.

"Hey hey hey... relax."

" I just don't like that you feel like I don't care about your job. I know how much you love your job, I just be talking because I don't want you to leave." I wiped my face. "I hate that I fucking cry so much. I am just oozing tears at this point." I rested my hand on my stomach.

" I understand how frustrating it can get and that is why I slowed down. It's just that sometimes as the owner of the business I have to be there for a big decisions and things like that. I can't just leave it a stray. I don't think I'm at that point yet." I nodded. " I promised you a happy pregnancy. I am going to make that happen for you. You will never experience this any other way. You are carrying my child and you are beautiful and I love you so I will make anything happen for you."

"Shut up."

"You shut up." I frowned up my eyebrows and he laughed. "I am playing."

"Don't tell me to shut up." He kissed me.

"You told me to shut up first."

"Don't do what I do-"

"Do what you do before you get fuck up." He mocked me and I laughed. "Same shit-"

"Different day." We said in unison and I smiled at him and he smiled.

"We finish eachother's-"

"Sandwiches." He burst into laughter,

"You are so lame." We laughed and kissed me. "I love you so much."

"I love you baby."


"I will shoot your ass!" The guy yelled at Josh.

"Baby, just come on." I sighed.

"I am a man baby." Josh sighed and I could tell he was conflicted. "I can't let that slide."

Some guy slapped my ass well we was walking through the mall.

"Joshua, this isn't worth you life." He stared at me and I rubbed his chest. "Baby I love you and I know you will protect me no matter what. I know that so please."

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