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"Antwan what is the problem?" I sighed

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"Antwan what is the problem?" I sighed.

" I don't like the fact that we gotta keep going back-and-forth with this shit."

" we don't have to keep going back-and-forth. You want to text other bitches so now you're single. If I didn't answer the first 50 times, stop calling me, you're obsessed leave me alone." he sighed.

"It was a mistake."

" this is like the 10th time." I parked my car and hopped out.

I honestly haven't seen this man in about seven months and he still trying to plead his case to me. He doesn't understand that I don't give a fuck. I took him back so many times after he did me dirty but now I know that you are not going to change, you don't love me how you say you do. So I'm going to have to love myself to accommodate that lack of love that you have for me. And loving myself lead me by myself.

" Why are you bringing up the past? you forgive me for that, so why are you still holding on to It?"

"Bye." I hung up.

I walked up onto the elevator and threw my head back. All this working shit is not for me.

Stepping off the elevator i dragged my self to my apartment.


"Hey, you are?"

"Benny." I nodded.

"Oh welcome home from work." Gia walked out the kitchen with my fucking Welch's juices.

"Why you drinking my stuff?"

"He was thristy and this was all we had." I looked at her for a second and just decided to leave it alone.

"Whatever." I walked to my room and she followed.

"Are you cooking? I am hungry."

"No, I been coming home and cooking all week. You don't do shit all day you cook."

"I don't know how."

"There is noodles or something." I shrugged grabbed some clothes so I can shower.

"We don't have any food."

"Okay so you need to go shopping."

"Why don't you just go after work?"

"Gia please get out my room." He sighed. "I work 6 days a week plus over time and you want to cook and clean and all this shit. We are friends and roommates, I am not your mother. You need to start helping, your dad paying your half of the rent isn't enough. You have to buy food too, pay the Wi-Fi, something. I am tired."

"My dad give me a certain amount of money."

"Yeah so stop using the rest of it to eat out and start putting food in the house. You don't need every designer purse that comes out. You need to help around here or I am gonna start being selfish. The one thing I tell you don't touch you touch."

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