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OK so my man might get the OK to go home

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OK so my man might get the OK to go home. I cannot wait to get my baby home and take care of him by myself. 

"Happy birthday baby." I felt him kissing my neck.

"Good morning baby, thank you so much."

I felt around the bed for my phone. I put it on do not disturb last night because I was tired and I didn't feel like my phone ringing.

I pick my phone and I noticed my mom called me like 20 times. I instantly called her back because I was nervous as fuck. One because she's probably gonna beat my ass. Two, because maybe something happened to buddy. He's out here a being crazy in the streets having the time of his life.


"Hey baby, happy birthday. OK so Macy has a gift for you." She started FaceTiming me.

I answered, and she had the biggest smile on her face, which made me relieved because I knew nothing happened to anybody.

" I apologize I have my phone on do not disturb."

" it's fine, but I want to show you something. Macy, Millie is on the phone."

" I got a birthday present for you! I think this one is probably going to be second runner up." They laughed.

" what is it?" I laughed.

My mom flip the camera, and Macy was laying in the hospital bed with my niece in her arms.

" oh, my gosh! Baby... Macy had a baby!"

" guess what she was born today at exactly 6:34 AM. Isn't that freaky that is the exact same birthday as you!" My mom laughed as Macy admired her.

"I kept my promise if she was born on your birthday we would name her after you. I didn't want her to have your exact name, but her name is Amila Eevi Brown."

"Awe... I am going to cry." I threw my head back and a bitch started bawling.

"Awe baby." Josh chuckled softly, rubbing my back.

" don't cry because you're going to make us cry."

" but really, I didn't- how did you find out about Amila? We couldn't even find a name that sounded like my name without being my name. We look for so long and you actually found one. And I have a birthday twin. I literally just said this to Joshua yesterday. I've prayed for this baby to be born on my birthday, and it actually happened. I am just so happy." I wiped my face. " now I can nickname her Milz." They laughed.

" girl, you and that damn nickname."

" stop because I really wanted you guys to call me that so bad but you guys refuse to now I can call somebody else that name." We laughed.

" You wanna know what's funny I told Nasir yesterday that you probably wanted to name her your name just so you can call her that. You used to be so obsessed with your name and you requested everyone call you that in school just for them to still call you Millie." We laughed.

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