To Love A Beast

De 8-Youtsu-8

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Chizuru's forgotten past comes back alive when she meets a mysterious fellow out in the forest. With her new... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 6

497 17 2
De 8-Youtsu-8

"Where in the hell could this fella be?" Takeshi growled in frustration.

He has been walking around for over half an hour already with no sight of this 'fella'. (It shouldn't be that damn hard to find him or she or it), he was strating to lose his patience, nothing was this hard for him to find.

Takeshi is not used to a lot of humans being in one place...being alive though. He had a hard time blending in with them...just kidding, he wasn't an idiot. To him, humans are just ignorant tools, easily manipulated. Anyone would believe whatever he said once he sugar coated his true personality.

Speaking of blending in, he might need a little work on it. While everyone wore warm clothes, he was just in an old black yukata. Since he is an 'almighty' wolf, he was already warm enough. People would stare at him as if he was crazy, in a way he was.

(You like staring at things you find uncommon don't you? Maybe I'll just eat this whole town instead) Takeshi thought as he stared at a young couple, who quickly walked away. Takeshi couldn't understand why humans mated at such a young age, they barely understood the very meaning of true love.

A shop person called out to him,"Excuse me young man! You seem to be cold, would you like to buy some warm clothes? I'll give you a reasonable price", the old man smiled kindly at him.

Takeshi turned to him and growled,"Piss off"


Takeshi scoffed, and cleared his throat,"Ahem ahem, excuse me I'm losing my voice. I meant to say please offer me the cheapest clothing in your shop", the wolf smiled at him, like an honest man would.

The old man thought for a moment, and chuckled happily, his hearing was fading already. He welcomed Takeshi to show him some fine cloth that was also below its original price.

Takeshi eyed the gray cloak, the cloth was obviously a fake that wouldn't last him a week. (I don't even need this. Why the hell am I here anyway) he had every intention to humilate the old man but he needed to keep a low profile, this place seems to be stuffing their noses everywhere.

As he was to turn down the cloak, the old man spoke,"Ah, here comes the Shinsengumi wolves".

(Hmm? Wolves? These people socialize with my kind?) Takeshi turned and only saw a group of humans with turquoise uniforms with white bands. "Wolves you say?" he asked lowly.

"Un, that is what most townfolk refer them to. I don't believe they are bad young men though, they protect us with their blood and bodies from enemies", the old man answered.

"Why do you call them wolves then? Is it bad sarcasm?"

The old man chuckled, only making Takeshi frustrated,"Well, it's just a name. I believe they are called that since supposedly they are violent warriors that only kill for pleasure".

Takeshi stiffed at the sound of that. This old man was offending his kind in his face, but although it is just what other people believed. Even if he was a lone wolf, he didn't like it when humans had their opinion of his race.

Almost losing his calm, he caught a rather unique scent. One he has been looking for, he can't be mistaken this time, even if he's been searching for almost two months. He turned everywhere, sniffing the air and looked directly to the 'Wolves'.

(That fella must be one of them. Now I have more reason to kill him...or her), he started walking to their direction, leaving the old man confused and calling him back.

He couldn't get through the people that suddenly started crowding around the 'Wolves'. He saw two of them separated from the group and went to a stand selling weird food. They seemed to be calling for someone. (Damn, I don't have time for this), Takeshi lost his patience and shoved the people who were in his way, recieving insults and death glares.

He got closer to the group of men, the unique scent getting stronger. The two men at the stand were smiling down at somebody, when their face was finally shown, (Found you), he silently smirked.

Takeshi went behind a corner to watch the interaction between the men and the fella. They seem to be really close to him or her. He enhanced his hearing to listen what they were saying.

The man with red hair smiled kindly at her or him,"Do you want something Chizuru?".

If Takeshi was in wolf form, his ears would've perked up. (Hmph a woman's name and scent. I am such an idiot, the fella is a woman!), he growled at his own stupidity.

In the daylight, he could see her features clearer, and she was definitely a female. (Why would she dress like a man? Gender equality I suppose). He listened closer, Chizuru's face brightened when eyeing the aisle of strange food. She picked four types of food in the end, she decided to eat one right now.

Takeshi assumed she felt his stare, because she turned his way, luckily his wolf insincts help him hide fast. He looked over the corner and saw the group was already gone. He found her, but still no progress was made. (Her name does ring a bell, but I still need to know more), he followed her scent to see where it went.

He's been following the group for some time now, they were just taking a stroll outside. Occasionally interacting with the town's people and stopping at some stalls to see if the woman would want anything. 

Chizuru followed the men behind, she was so small compared to them. If they formed a circle around her, no one would know she'd be there. She looked like a small puppy following everyone around, for a moment Takeshi thought it was cute until he realized he was staring stupidly as someone he intended to kill later.

He started to get irritated at this point, nothing's changed since he came here. What's the point in following her anyway?

"Oi, ya don't belong in this town do ya?" a gruffy and slurred voice asked from behind. Takeshi exhaled knowing trouble had come already. He turned to see a tall, fat man pointing a dagger at him. He had a toothy smile, well some teeth sticked out while other teeth were missing. Takeshi could smell alcohol on this man, and it's obvious he isn't one to bathe.

(Ew. Why are humans so disgusting?)

Takeshi rolled his eyes and smirked,"So what if I don't? I suppose this town belongs to an obese mutated gorilla like you?". The man spat on the ground and stuck his dagger at him, "Whut did you say?!" he grunted.

Takeshi raised an eyebrow,"If you want to stab me then do it. I would like to see you try, I see you can take drinking challenges but what about physical ones?" he smiled in amusement.

The man accepted the challenge with rage and tried to puncture Takeshi's chest. The wolf didn't move until the knife was a centimeter from his skin. Takeshi smirked and twisted the mans arm away while punching his throat with the other. The man coughed and coughed, choking with his saliva. Takeshi didn't stop there, he grabbed the man's hair to drag him to the wall.

"Wh-What the..." the man sputtered

Takeshi smiled at him, then slammed his head various times against the wall without blinking. Powerful hits were being sent to the fat man's head. Blood started to splatter all over the brown wall, he even started to make a hole.

Takeshi didn't want any blood spilled on his clothes or he'd smell from the mans stink. It was already bad enough to be beating this man to death with his own hands. He should've just slit his throat with the dagger he threatened him with.

He held the man by his hair up in the air, almost pulling it from his head. The man was a nasty mess, his nose was deformed, spilling blood and mucus from the crying. He was missing more teeth than before. The wolf cringed, wishing he could just die and go clean himself, "You are disguting. Have a little more decency when you're about to perish. Humans were an eyesore before but you taint their reputation more with just the sight of you" Takeshi stared at him for a moment, then kicked him in the stomach sending him two houses away. The fat man flew through by leaving holes in the walls, Takeshi heard plates breaking and some shrieks.

He shouldn't have used a strong kick even if that isn't his full strength, now people were going to start coming check things out. Takeshi walked out of the alley and bumped into the Shinsengumi Wolves.

(God fucking damn it)

"More trouble?" he grunted under his breath. Takeshi couldn't see where Chizuru went, only the red haired one and the green eyed one were infront of him. "What is going on here?" the red haired asked.

It's obvious what went on, he beat the shit out of a fat person. "It's rude to begin a conversation like that" Takeshi grunted. The green eyed man chuckled, "Haven't you been taught about not talking to strangers? Especially if those strangers have armed men" he remarked. Takeshi rolled his eyes, he wasn't afraid of them. Having weapons indicated they were weak without them, "You and those lackeys don't scare me. Go play with your toys somewhere else".

(Screw this. I'm not wasting another damn month for that woman)

Takeshi turned to the right to walk away until someone grabbed his wrist,"How brave of you to". Takeshi looked down and saw Chizuru holding his wrist with big brown eyes (It's her). He didn't remember her having such an innocent face, or that small voice. Much less her very small hands compared to his big ones.

"You're hurt!" she exlcaimed, he looked over his body to see what she was talking about. The dagger the fat man had was lodged in the right of his chest, if Chizuru hadn't said anything he wouldn't have noticed.

"I didn't feel it at all", Takeshi pulled out the dagger with blood gushing out of the wound like nothing. He threw the blade on the ground since he would not be needing it. His wound would heal quickly, so he had to pretend to cover it so no one would suspect anything. He ripped off a piece of his yukata and placed it over his chest. The faces on the other men were priceless, they would have thought he'd be on the ground dying.

Takeshi turned to walk away but Chizuru held on to him still,"We have to treat your wound or it will get infected". (What a pestering woman), Takeshi shaked her hand away only to be stopped again by the green eyed man,"It's not nice to do that to a girl" he grinned at him,"Don't treat Chizuru like she's bug or we'll have a problem, okay?"

Takeshi knew what he was thinking, he wanted to challenge him infront of everyone. What an idiot man, he wouldn't stand a chance against a black wolf. Takeshi growled and smirked, he would play with them for a while. He got in attacking position while green eyes started taking out his sword. "Just so you know, I'm known to be a killing monster" green eyes smirked. A fire erupted in Takeshi's eyes, "What would you know about being a monster?" Takeshi growled with venom in his voice.

"Both of you please stop!", Chizuru got in the middle of both men trying to stop their squabble. "Chizuru get back, this is gonna get dirty," Green Eyes cautioned.

Chizuru turned to Green Eyes and stomped her foot,"Okita-san, please don't fight. We need to tend his wound". Takeshi was getting annoyed with Chizuru's worriness already. He laid a hand on her small shoulder,"Don't get inbetween an argument of men, Litte One. You can end up getting very hurt, along with the so called opponent".

Green Eyes frowned when he saw Takeshi's hand on her. Chizuru seemed to have noticed something, because her face lightened up. She turned to Takeshi, who was having a glaring contest with Green Eyes, "I recognize your voice. You were the one that helped me when I twisted my ankle!".

The men looked at her in confusion. Takeshi never imagined she would know him just by talking, but it was quiet when he found her again. He pretended as if he'd just remembered even if he had always known,"Oh yes, I do recall your voice. How is your ankle doing?".

This time Red Hair stepped in to the conversation and pulled Chizuru back by the shoulder,"We told her countless times to stay at home but she wouldn't listen", he chuckled but also showed some concern for her injury.

Chizuru-"But that was a long time ago. Yamazaki-san said I could have taken it off already"

Souji (glinting at Takeshi)-"That may be Chizuru, but if some idiot would have been more careful with you maybe you wouldn't have sprained your ankle"

Takeshi (at Chizuru)-"I'm sure it's not still sprained. Show me your ankle, Little One"

Chizuru giggled and showed Takeshi her wrapped ankle,"I'm fine really, I wanted to join the day patrol". The wolf was somewhat bothered by it, she pestered him about the wound but wouldn't do anything about her injury."You seem more the attacking type than a helping one" Green Eyes said sarcastically.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't thanked you for your kindness" Chizuru held her finger to her lips, thinking. Takeshi really did not give a rat's ass about her gratefulness, he just did it to take a better whiff on her scent. If anything, she should be grateful he decided not to eat her. "Wait a minute, do you live in the forest?" Chizuru suddenly asked.

"I used to have a little house hidden. But some thieves destroyed it inlcuding all my belongings"

(If they're really stupid they would believe my sob story) he thought. Chizuru looked surprised, by the way her eyes widened at the moment. Green Eyes and Red Hair were a little serious, obviously not caring what happened to him. They knew Chizuru well enough to get a hint of what she was thinking. Then, the girl suddenly jumped up,"I know! To repay your kindness, you can stay at the Shinsegumi Headquarters!".

"Chizuru, you can't invite strangers to live with us. Much less this shady one" Green Eyes said, he put his hand on top of her head while his eyebrow rising. "But...he's hurt" she said glumly. The warriors exhaled knowing she would not give up. Chizuru kept staring at her friends to get them to say yes, they stared back at her. Not being able to hold eye contact with her brown eyes that seem to suck you in, Sano chuckled in defeat,"I can't with those eyes of yours".

Takeshi's wound was healed by now already, this bunch really liked to talk. Wasting his damn time over stupid things, no wonder certain people didn't respect them. Chizuru as well could be a naïve idiot, inviting a stranger to where she lives without knowing what they're capable of. He's starting to curse himself for even having that stupid kodachi in his head.

On the other hand, he was hungry, he always wondered what cooked food tasted like. He was starting to get rather bored with rabbits since he killed off almost half of the forest.

"I am in no need for medical attention. But a place to stay would be nice though" he lied smugly, eyeing at Green Eyes to see his face. Chizuru clapped happily, being helpful to others made her really happy. Takeshi stared at her weirdly, (Such a thing makes her happy? More innocent than I thought).

As they were starting to walk towards the headquarters, Green Eyes mentioned,"Hold it, we won't allow free loaders there. Chizuru does chores because she wants to, so you will be doing twice her work since you acted so rude to her" he grinned evily.

Takeshi won't let a trivial thing bother him, he can endure hours of labor just to prove them that he is stronger, "I can do simple things like chores" he answered. Chizuru was even more happy, she got excited to have another friend to do chores with, now she wouldn't feel so lonely and the jobs would get done faster.

She grabbed Takeshi's wrist to pull him to the place where they would live together now. Red Hair quickly yelled at her,"Don't run Chizuru, you'll get hurt!". Chizuru smiled at him to make sure she'll be careful. He chuckled at her liveliness, they always have to be nagging her to be careful. She thinks they are more prone to get hurt but it's actually the other way around.

The men started walking behind them along with the other warriors, keeping an eye on the stranger with Chizuru. Green Eyes spoke with Red Hair on the way, "I don't like that guy, Sano. I sure as hell don't want Chizuru to be around him".

Sanousuke nodded in agreement, "Something is weird about that guy. We'll keep an eye on him though".

From up ahead, they could see Chizuru giggling and the stranger looking at her confused. She started to pick up her pace again and almost tripped on a rock, "Chizuru, I said don't run!" Sano called out again, instinctively ready to go help her. She nodded at him but still had the same pace, Sano sighed,"I sometimes wonder if I'm the nagging parent instead of her, Souji". Souji put his hand on Sano's shoulder and smirked,"I got you. Watch this".

"Chizuru-chaaaan, if you don't walk slower I'll have to hold your hand or pick you up" Souji called out to her. The men saw her jump and quickly slow her pace. They started laughing but Souji felt a little bothered that she wouldn't want to hold hands. What's wrong with that?

Meanwhile, Takeshi felt as if his arm would be pulled off, Chizuru sure had a strong grip, it made him question their encounter that night. He wondered why she would be so excited about him staying there, he would just do chores, although he loathed the idea of it. Also, he wanted to see what kind of place this girl lived in, it could be the reason why she looked so happy with them.

He wouldn't be suprised if she was their mistress,"Say, what exactly are you to those men, Little One?" he asks. She smiled wide up at him,"They are my important friends".

"I see"

That could mean two things. They really are important friend or important friends.  No matter, soon he'll find out the kind of woman the kodachi carrier is.

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