The Alpha War

By KatieCow

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Katrina was a shy girl who kept to herself. Work and home, that was it. That was till she went to the bank an... More

Chapter One: The Robbery
Chapter Two: Strangers
Chapter Three Remembering
Chapter Five: No Long a Girl
Chapter Six: The Library
Chapter Seven: Renger
Chapter Eight: Dinner
Chapter Nine: A Painful Weekend
Chapter Ten: The Perfect Date
Chapter Eleven: Almost Taken
Chapter Twelve: My Own Sexy Wolf Man
Chapter Thirteen: A New Family
Chapter Fourteen: A Scaring Past
Chapter Fifteen: Maybe I'm More...
Chapter Sixteen: Becoming Part of the Pack
Chapter Seventeen: The Lake
Chapter Eighteen: The Saving Grace
Chapter Nineteen: Tattoo
Chapter Twenty: Taken
Chapter Twenty-One:The Moonlight

Chapter Four: Desires

602 12 0
By KatieCow

So as you can tell from the title things are going to get a little heated so I wanted to warn people. Hope you enjoy and please comment and vote. Thanks for reading


There was a loud crash that woke me from my sleep. I sat up quickly looking around but it room was dark and still. As I got out of the bed I noticed I was wearing a T-shirt that was huge on me. I smelled it and knew it belong to Brent. Smiling I closed my eyes and enjoyed his scent. I felt my heart speed up at just the smell of him. Whatever he was doing to me was driving my body insane. I wanted Brent like nothing I had ever wanted in my life.

There was another crash followed by shouting. Quickly I slipped out if the room and followed the angry voices. "I don't care. Renger has to be stopped!"

"If you raise your voice one more time I will put your head through the fucking wall." The voice sent chills through me because of the power behind it and I knew that it was Brent’s voice.

"Yes Alpha," the first voice said in defeat.

"Good now I understand Renger has been picking fights but I'm not going to do anything major right now. I don't know how much he knows about Katrina and I'm not taking a chance."

"But if you just kill him then there won't be a problem," said a new voice.

"Don't be an idiot." I recognize that as Justin. "Renger is smart and will see any attack."

"Alpha you rightfully are heir to his pack you have to..."

I didn't want to listen anymore. I turned to leave but when I heard the crash I dashed into the room, worried it was Brent. There was a loud growl and I was shocked to see Brent standing over a man who had knocked over a lamp. "Brent are you ok?" I asked. I could hear the quiver in my voice and prayed no one else heard it thought with all the big muscles in the room I was sure they did.

Everyone turned to look at me and there were some whistles. Brent turned to look at me. His smile fell when he noticed my bare legs.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude but I heard the crash and was worried."

Justin chuckled. "Katrina now that you are Luna you don't have to worry about intruding. This is your pa... people too."

"Well good to know we have a sexy Luna," one man joked. "She's hot. In that innocent way."

I felt uneasy and tried to pull the shirt down. It barely covered my butt and I felt their eyes on me.

"Everyone get out," Brent growled which sent a chill down my spine. I knew I should be worried by the anger in his voice but it was so damn sexy. “And if I catch anyone looking at my mate like that I will personally rip their eyes out.”

I went to leave but Brent caught my arm. "Not you." Once everyone was gone Brent pulled me into his arms. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"No," I squeaked. I didn't know if I should be worried or happy I was in his arms.

Then his hand was forcing my chin up and his lips pressed to mine. Instantly I folded into him. His hands roamed over my sides till they found my bare legs and he groaned. "You're too sexy too keep me sane." He pressed his forehead to mine.

"I don't know how you think I'm sexy." I shook my head.

"Amor you have a tiny sexy little body. And you're only wearing my shirt. Do you have any idea what I want to do to you right now?" I blushed and looked away but he forced me to look at him. "Don't look away from me. I want to see those beautiful brown eyes."

That only made me blush more and Brent chuckled. "One day you'll understand how beautiful you are and you'll have the courage to show it off."

"Do you want me to show it off?"

"No." He started to kiss my neck. "You are all mine."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of Brent's lips on my skin. Suddenly he kissed the Mark and I moaned. Brent growled and held me tighter. My head fell back and I could feel Brent's hand sliding up the hem of the shirt. But I didn't stop him. I didn't want him to stop. I wanted to drown myself in his man and never gasp for air.

His hand slid around to slide up and down my butt. Slowly he made his way to my front and I gasp as I felt his fingers. My breathing became labored and I fought to stay in control. I want to jump Brent but I kept myself in check. That was till his fingers pushed in. I gasped and felt Brent tighten his arm around me.

Slowly he pushed further and he forced me to look into his eyes. The world slipped away and my breathing stopped. Brent’s eyes were pitch black with lust and I knew mine reflected his. But it wasn’t just lust, there was something behind them that made my body respond to his. His power over me took control and I drowned in his eyes. There was so much power behind them that I knew I could always count on him to be there but something else but I didn’t know what it was. If I could describe it then I would say it’s like that part in a cheesy movie where they look into each other’s eyes and fall in love. Never did I think I would have that but nothing compared to it. Brent was all I needed and I knew I would never need anything else.

"Alpha!" The door bust open and the man froze.

Brent's eyes blazed with rang and he quickly tucked me behind his body. "Get the hell out now!"

I could feel his voice rumble through his body and bit my lip so I wouldn't moan again.

"Sir it's..."

"I don't give a damn what it's about. Go find Justin. He can deal with it."

“Yes Alpha.” As soon as the door was closed Brent picked me up and sat me on his desk with almost inhuman speed. I gasp and he took the chance to kiss me.

My nails dug into his back as he kissed me. My body acted on its own. It knew I belonged to Brent and he was part of me. He pushed me back so I was laying down and jerked the shirt up. He grinned wickedly at me before he started to kiss my stomach. My breath caught and I tangled my fingers in his hair.

Slowly my back arched and I felt something sharp racked across my stomach but it felt too good to think about. Then Brent slid his hand up and I moaned as he pressed up into me. "Oh god."

"That's right Amor," he breathed in my ear. "This is only a little of what I can make you feel." He kissed my stomach and I exploded, my body feeling a new high I had never known existed. I panted to catch my breath as Brent smiled down at me. He ran his fingers through my hair. "How do you feel?"

"Amazing," I replied without thinking. I looked up at him and blushed.

He chuckled. "Amor you are such a shy creature, I love it." He kissed my stomach and then helped me sit up. "Do you think you can walk?"

"Walk?" I asked. "Why wouldn't I be..." I tried to stand but my legs were mush and Brent caught me.

"That's what I thought." He kissed my forehead and pulled me up into his arms. "Why don't we get you a nice warm bath while I take care if some things."

"That sounds amazing." I tucked my head under his chin and let him carry me. 

I wallowed in the bath. It was huge. About the size of a hot tub and filled with bubbles. I didn't know how long I was in there but was happily half asleep when Brent came in a scared the crap out of me.

"You still in here?"

I jumped and bubbles went flying to which Brent laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Is the only thing I am to you is a joke?"

He frowned. "No Amor you are my mate, my equal, my lover." He came around and started to massage my shoulders.

"Oh lord you're…" I moaned. "That feels amazing."

He chuckled. "Why don't you come out and we can eat. I bet you're starving by now."

"What time is it?"

"Almost three in the morning,” he replied.

"Oh crap I need to get home." I started to get out of the bath and then realized I was naked. "Umm can you..."

"I forget you're human." He turned his back to me and handed me a towel.

"You keep saying that as if it’s a bad thing." I stood and wrapped the towel around my body. "And I'm waiting for you to tell me what all is going on."

"You know all you need to know." Brent picked me up and pulled me out as if I weighed nothing.

I sighed. "But I really do need to head home. I have work tomorrow."

"No you don't. You're not going."

"What why?"

"Because now that you're here with me you don't need to work and I don't want you out alone."

I crossed my arms. "Umm what? That's my job. You can't tell me what to do."

Brent let out a heavy sigh. "Amor you are now the Luna. It's your job to take care of the people. We all help each other and work together. I lead them but your job is to take care of money and their problems. Like if they need advice you're the first one they go to."

"Whoa what? How do you expect me to do that when I don't know them?"

"Because you're made it to do it. At your job you were a secretary. You took care if paperwork, getting your boss places, taking care of the money. All that is basically the same." He pulled me into his arms. "Besides it's a very easy job. Much less demanding than mine."

“But I love my job." I frowned.

"I know Amor but you don't belong in that world any more. You belong here with me." He tucked my hair behind my ear.

"No." I shook my head. "I like my world. I know it, I have friends, and..."

"It's boring and you find yourself wondering what else is out there and I can tell you that it's right here. All the adventure you'll ever need you'll find here with my people."

I bit my lip. "Brent I'm not part of your world. Besides I barely know you."

Brent locked his jaw. "Why must you be so stubborn? It doesn't matter that we barely know each other. You belong to me."

I shoved against him. "I don't belong to anyone."

"That's not what I meant. You belong to me and I belong to you." He cupped my cheek. "Katrina please understand in my world you wouldn't question me about this. The women barely have jobs. They work together, take care of the children, teach, and take care of the house. To us it doesn't matter if we don't know each other yet because we know we are made for each other. So to me you are fighting everything I know."

Sighing I let him pull me back into his arms. "Look my mom skipped out on my dad and I long ago, I barely remember her so I never had a woman to teach me woman things. I had to learn on my own and just staying here and not working because you want me to doesn't make since."

"It is also for your safety. Once others find out you're a Luna they'll come after you. If you can over throw an Alpha then you take his position and the easiest way to do that is by kidnapping his Luna which I'm worried Renger will try to do. He wants my position and will stop at nothing to get it."

"Is that why you guys were talking about killing him?"

The side if Brent's mouth turned down. "How much did you hear?"

"That was pretty much it and you threatening that guy," I answered.

"Alright then but please Amor I need you to stay here so I won't have to worry about you."

"But if Renger is really watching me then wouldn't he notice me not going into work?"

Brent chuckled. "Stop trying to think of a way out of this. Any female would quite. It's like I said our females don't have jobs." He kissed my forehead. "Now let’s get food and go to bed."

I paused. “Brent will you really kill him?”

He sighed. “I know in your world killing is wrong but we do it to protect our people. We have wars over power and a lot of people die but most of us only fight for honor. I would only kill him for the safety of my pack and you.” He ran his hands down my arms. “I wouldn’t hesitate if he threatened you. I… I couldn’t stand if anything happened to you.”

Nodding I rested my head on his chest. “I really was meant part to be a part of your world wasn’t I?”

“Yes you were.”

“Ok because for some reason I’m totally fine with that and I don’t know why.” I looked up at him through my eyelashes. “I still want to go to work. Brent I understand that’s not part of your world but I need it. I need time to adjust. You said we can take it slow.”

“Amor I need you to be safe.” He scowled.

“Then make Justin watch over me again. I can tell my boss he’s from a bank and is thinking about joining so he wants to see how things run,” I said exasperated.

Brent rolled his eyes but smiled. “You’re smarter than I gave you credit for.” He lightly kissed me. “You can have one day and we will see how it goes but if Renger even gets close to you you’re not going back. And I have one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You move in with me.”

My jaw dropped. “Umm isn’t that a little early?”

“Not for me. You should have moved in the moment I claimed you but now you are. You belong in my bed with me.”

I blushed. “Brent…”

“No, I’m giving you the chance to work so I want you here safe and also you’re the Luna so you have to get to know the people. I’ll have some guys move your stuff tomorrow.”

“Give me one week please,” I begged. “Let me have one week to adjust and tell my friends. I need…”

“You can keep the apartment but at night you’ll sleep here.”

I knew there was no point in arguing with him. Once he got like this I could tell he wouldn’t change his mind. And I wanted to move in. I wanted to sleep next to him all night. I wanted to wake up to seeing him. Part of me was ready to throw away my whole life to be with him. He was my future.

“Fine but only tonight,” I teased and he chuckled.

“My little Amor you are going to be the death of me.” He smirked and kissed me.

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