Mortals Meet Percabeth + one...

MarsmUltor द्वारा

30.4K 365 386

Your not so typical cliche story about a bunch of people meeting demigods . Enjoy. अधिक

Brian Oven
John Barret and Maria Sophe
Mark Blofis
Jamie King
Rose Evans
Tristan Mclean
Headcannon 1
That's kinky
That's creepy
Gabe and Charmspeak
Fandoms be like
Hide the pain
And anotha one
Percy's change
Jercy bromance
Pipercy bromance
The Fault In Our Stars
To the Seven
Beauty, Grace and Punches
Annabeth's soft side
Worse things to be
Headcannons! (More of them!)
Would it really be a one-shots book without this?
What actually happened when Rick was writing THO
At the beginning of TLH
You can't defeat me!
What if Annabeth died?
Crossover if I ever saw one
Dad Chiron
Clap your hands
My Heart
Think straight
Crack at two
Fredrick Chase Part 1
Nico at McDonald's
Archives of the Argo II
Fredrick Chase Part 2
How I met your mother
Lil thing
Archives of the Argo II, Tape 1
My masterpiece
Apologies + Update
Quick lil update
Conversations pt 2
To Percy
Nico and Percy
Police and Percy
Percabeth and Rick
New Book!
Choices: A Short Story
Terrible Glory
A Choice for You Guys
The Fall of Jason Grace
The Fall of Mount Othrys
The Ghost King
A Chapter From My Novel.
Sins of Our Fathers
The Dark Ages
The Time Apart (Drabble)
Of Alcohol and Addiction (Another Small Extract)
The Titanomachy
The End of the Road
I Found My Home In You
Mocking Tropes Part 1
A "The Song of Achilles" Tribute
The Song of Achilles Tribute

Conversations pt 1

243 5 3
MarsmUltor द्वारा

Piper tossed and turned in her bed, restless. Her thoughts were plagued by how utterly screwed they were and her sleep was filled with endless visions and nightmares. Two of their three veterans on the quest were out for the count, just having returned after trekking through hell two days ago.

How could they even win this war? Hera should have chosen someone better for the quest. All Piper could do was charmspeak. She couldn't fight like Annabeth, Jason, Frank, or Percy. She couldn't control the mist like Hazel could and she could sure as shit not build like Leo.

She sighed, throwing off the bed covers and getting up, heading towards the door with one destination in mind: the mess hall. It was the one place where she could clear her thoughts while sipping a cup of steaming hot chocolate made from the recipe that Annabeth had shared with her.

She quietly slipped into the mess hall and made her hot chocolate, adding some cinnamon, a sprig of salt, a pinch of cayenne, and some nutmeg.

When she took her place at the table, she saw someone sitting there she hadn't seen before. Percy Jackson lay sprawled across one of the chairs. His face was impossibly gaunt and he looked weak. He had a blanket wrapped around him as he stared off into nothingness. It made Piper sick to her core, thinking of what they must have experienced down there in Tartarus to break down Percy like this had.

Nowadays, he would get cranky, and irritated, and snap at almost everyone who talked to him. The only one he would talk to freely was Annabeth, and that too only when the two were in private.

Piper poked his shoulder. Percy's hand shot out instantly,  and Piper had to dart backward to avoid being hit in the nose.

Percy's eyes cleared instantly, only to find the object of his irritation. His expression was now clouded by guilt. 'Sorry, Pipes. I shouldn't have lashed out like that.' Percy mumbled.

Piper laid a soothing hand on his shoulder. 'No, I get it. You're really tired. But trying to sleep in the mess hall isn't going to help you.'

Percy furrowed his eyebrows. 'Is that... hot chocolate?'

'Yep. Annabeth's recipe. Probably the best I've ever tasted.'

Percy's face split into a wide grin, the first time Piper had seen him smile in public. 'That's my recipe. The Jackson deluxe.' 

Piper grinned back. 'No way, dude.'

'Yes way.'

Percy frowned. 'You look troubled. You've got something in your mind, don't you?'

'Yeah. Kinda.' Piper said.

'Well?' Percy prompted. 'Spit it out.'

'How do you deal with it? The stress of the world's metaphorical weight being put on you? How can you stay strong after going through so much?'

Percy's eyes gained a faraway look as if lost in memories. 'I've had the weight of the world on me. Both figuratively and metaphorically. But if there is one thing I've learned from all of it: deal with it by not dealing with it. Is it healthy? No. Does it work? Yes. You have to learn to compartmentalize. Ask Anna or Jason, and they'll say the same thing. Our lives are royally messed up, girl, and we have to do what we must to survive.'

'By the way, this whole "staying strong" thing is a complete lie. We have-as you said- the weight of the world upon us. If we look weak, do you think anyone will follow us? We have to stay strong, or at least pretend to do so.'

Piper was awestruck. Sure, she had heard about the speeches he made, and that he was an excellent orator, but she had never known he could be so philosophical and dark. He always seemed so lighthearted... but then again, wasn't that what he had just said? Fake it until you make it?

Percy gave a sudden gasp and clutched his ribs. 'Fuck!' he said, gasping.

He rolled up his shirt, and Piper could see that the bandage wrapped around his entire chest was smoking. Piper hurried up and took off the bandages. The entire area was covered with purple bruises and old, faded white scars. She poured some nectar over his wounds and re-wrapped the injuries.

'Thanks, Piper.' Percy said.

Piper smiled. 'No problems, Perce. hey, I can call you that, right?'

Percy returned the smile. 'Yeah, no problem.'

'Well, we'd better get you to bed. Your's or Annabeth's?'

Percy pondered it over for a minute. 'Annabeth's. I just want to be with her for now. I thought I loved her before, and that I would keep her safe. Now, I'd tear the world apart to make sure that she never gets hurt.'

Oooookay? Piper thought. She could feel the love radiating off of him, and could only hope she would find the same sort of love with Jason.

'Let's get you to bed, lover boy. When we send Frank there tomorrow, he'd better not find anything.' Piper teased.

Percy blushed a bright red. 'Shut up! Nothing happened in the stables.'

'Oh, I know that.'

'Then why do you keep talking about it?'


'I hate you.' Percy grumbled. He took her hand anyways as they made their way down the ship. On the way, Piper thought that she had made a new friend, and potentially even an older brother figure. 

She was suddenly filled with a sudden urge to kiss him on the cheek. 'Good night, Perce.'

Percy looked surprised for a minute. 'Uhh... Um, good night?'

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