A Blind Deal of Destruction-B...

By HappyWriter62

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This is an AU where Error lost all his vision as a cruel trick of Fate. As a result, he has stayed mostly in... More

Chapter One: An Intruder
Chapter Two: A Rough Start
Chapter Three: An Offer
Chapter Four: Death and Libraries
Chapter Five: Trust and Phobias
Chapter Six: Jealous Mess
Chapter Seven: Chance
Chapter Eight: Silent Forgiveness
Chapter Nine: No Peace
Chapter Ten: Pets and Deals
Chapter Eleven: Trust to Touch
Chapter Twelve: Cake and Roses
Chapter Thirteen: Cats and Pride
Chapter Fourteen: Beaches and Brothers
Chapter Fifteen: Oceans and Scars
Chapter 16: Rejection
Chapter Seventeen: Crush Compliments
Chapter 18: Warnings and Challenges
Chapter 19: Puzzles
Chapter 20: Apple Surprises
Chapter 21: Purple Moron
Chapter 22: Affection and Voodoo Dolls
Chapter 23: Tricks and Signals
Chapter 24: Destruction Lives On
Chapter 25: Nightmare's Comfort
Chapter 26: Deserving
Chapter 27: "Date" Buffering....
Chapter 28: Clingy Crush Cracking
Chapter 29: Cold Silence
Chapter 30: Snitches and a Stitched Prison
Chapter 31: Worst Fear
Chapter 32: Real Love
Chapter 33: True Feelings
Chapter 34: Unfair
Chapter 35: Erased
Chapter 36: Bicker Bicker
Chapter 37: The Maze
Chapter 38: Fools and Love
Chapter 39: Pirates and Glitchy
Chapter 40: Reaper's Mistake
Chapter 41: Nightmare(s) and Glitchy
Chapter 42: A Week's Affection
Chapter 43: Meet the Parent
Chapter 44: Taking Glitchy Home
Chapter 45: Geno and Lust
Chapter 46: Birthday Surprise
Chapter 47:Shutdown?
Chapter 48: Buffer and Code
Chapter 49: Dream and Date-Searching
Chapter 50: Pinata Time
Quick Question
Chapter 51: Pink Run
Chapter 52: New Start
Chapter 53: Destruction and Affection
Quick Announcement
Chapter 54: Voices
Chapter 55: Questions and Suspicions
Chapter 56: The Anniversary
Chapter 57: Visiting the Past
Chapter 58: Nightmare's Love
Chapter 59: Tentacles and Affection
Chapter 60: Siblings
Chapter 61: Therapy
Chapter 62: A Day with the Boys
Chapter 63: Fate's Meddling
Chapter 64: Entropy's Foster Home
Chapter 65: Scared and In Love
Chapter 66: House Arrest
Chapter 67: The Future
Chapter 68: Too Many Dreams!
Chapter 69: Education
Chapter 70: Affectionate Oblivion
Chapter 71: Killer's Favors
Chapter 72: Gift
Chapter 73: Operation Goopglitch
Chapter 74: Fantasia's Tricks
Chapter 75: Masquerade
Chapter 77: Science
Chapter 78: Brother Regained
Chapter 79:Phone Secrets
Chapter 80: Sick Glitch

Chapter 76: Couples and Fantasy

145 6 11
By HappyWriter62

Nightmare's POV

"It sure is loud in there, Boss."Horror says

"Gaaah!"Killer yelps

"Killer, I told you not to move. Don't slide off the roof and give away our position."Dust says

"I gOt yOu, KiLlEr."Paps says, lifting him back up

"Thanks, Paps."Killer says

We sit on the rooftops of buildings surrounding the party in the park, watching carefully. I make sure they stay in the shadows and darkness so we don't get spotted. If we do by the wrong folks, that could put them and the two that we're searching for in danger.

"Are we close to them?"I ask

"I can smell Cross and Error but they seem...different. I don't get it but yes, they're in there."Horror says

"According to the necklace, Error is in there."Buffer confirms

I frown, knowing that finding them in that crowd without attracting attention will be tough. Then I catch a sensation of overloading positivity nearby. I groan, shaking my head. Dream is here too. I spot him down below, running through the streets with a mask and cloak on. I pick him up with my tentacles, lifting him up as he hangs upside down, struggling to get away.

"What are you doing here?"I ask

"You never answered me about Cross! I found the posters and have been searching for him! I locked in on his positivity to track him to this area! Now let me go, I have to get to him!"He snaps at me

"Dream, at this rate you and your aura will only make it easier for him to be caught. You'll be noticed a mile away just like mine would be easily detected. And you're being impulsive, so just sit back and thi-"I begin to warn him


He slices right through my tentacle, dropping back down and landing on his feet smoothly. He quickly runs off and I could sense his worry mixed with determination. I couldn't be that angry with him. That was smooth and I know his motives.

Any threat is in for trouble if they dare hurt Cross...And not just from me. Now how can I get Error out of that crowd? Hmmm...

"I have an idea...Stay here and keep watch for trouble."I tell the group.

Meanwhile, Error's POV

"Error, I really don't get a good feeling about this...I feel eyes on us..."Cross mutters

"I kNoW, bUt I hAvE cHeCkEd aNd d0n'T sEe aNy tHreAtS."I say, glancing around

I catch onto a golden aura radiating nearby. I smirk, recognizing Dream's presence.

"HeY, cRoSs. YoU sEnSe tHaT?"I ask, glancing at him

"Sense what?"He asks, looking too uneasy to catch onto the positivity.

"NevErMinD."I say, glancing around again.

I see Dream in the crowd, standing completely still and staring ahead. His eyes shine beneath the mask as his gaze seems to lock in on Cross, his face turning yellow already. I wave to him and gesture for him to come over. He hesitantly walks over, glancing between us.

"Cross...?"He says

"Dream? What are you doing here?"Cross asks, looking at him in surprise

"I came to make sure that you're okay! I am so glad that you are!"He says, hugging Cross.

Dream then notices the changes done to Cross and his face turns as yellow as a lemon. His eyes blur as he seems to get stuck in a trance.

"I love you..."He admits softly

Then he realizes what he said and hides his face in Cross' chest. I chuckle, seeing them both become blushing messes.

"YoU tWo ShOulD rElAx aNd gO dAnCe. BlEndiNg In aNd hAviNg fUn mAkE w0rK bEtTeR."I say

The two nod, disappearing into the crowd.

Now I feel what Cross was feeling as if I am being watched and frown. Then I get an idea, two of my hands opening a code portal and getting to work. Soon an illusion takes form of me, leaning against a tree with only a mask on. That gives me some relief, thinking that having a decoy will reroute some of the attention from me.

Now, I need to relax and think clearly. I wonder if this place offers chocolate milk...

I wander through the crowd, bumping into a short skeleton behind a green mask and frown, noticing that they were rushing. But before I could speak to them, they disappear into the crowd, though looked alarmed when seeing my extra set of arms in his face upon impact. I chuckle, watching many strangers fall for my decoy trick and getting pissed when learning the truth. I find that the food and drinks are bing offered in a small building with large windows and marble floors. I smile once pouring some chocolate milk, sipping it and feeling my mind relax. I return to my spot, drinking from my cup as my extra hands busy themselves with making random patterns in my strings.

I glance over, seeing the short stranger that I bumped into approaching the decoy. I roll my eyes, knowing from the last few how this will go.

"WhAt d0 y0u wAnT? CaUsE i aM n0t dAnc1nG."I code it to say

"You're not hurt yet...?"

"No bUt y0u miGhT b3."

"Let's go Error before things go wrong."

"I aM g0iNg n0wHerE wiTh y0u."

"But...Glitchy..It's me. I'm here to get you back. You have to explain why you went this far from home and what happened, but that could be done later."


I glance over, seeing the short skeleton getting closer to the decoy and frowning. There is a faint sense of negativity from him, but not as strong.


"Yep, it's me Glitchy! I've been searching all over this party for you! I spotted you and would've gotten to you sooner if a four-armed asshole didn't get in my way!"

Nighty you moron.

"AnD wHaT diD tHiS m0r0n l0oK liK3?"

"Why does that matter?"

"JuSt aNsWeR."

"Well he was tall and had a red mask over his eyes with four holes for eyes. He had white wings and black bones with all of his hands looking like yours but with completely different style of clothes than you! I ditched him before I lost my patience! Why?"

"I aM n0t r3aL. Y0u miSs3d th3 r3aL m3."

"Where are you then?"

I chuckle.

"Dr1nk1ng mY fav0rit3 dr1nK n3arBy. I caN se3 y0u."

I see him glance around, then run back into the crowd. I roll my eyes, then feel a hand on my shoulder with a knife to my back. I feel my bones start rattling again.

"You're coming with me."A voice says

"I d0n't tHinK s0."I say, knocking them down with a wing

With a swing of my strings, the idiot gets sent flying through the air away from me. Then I feel a tug at the bottom of my shirt as I sip my chocolate milk. I glance down at Nighty.

"Glitchy..?"He says nervously

My extra arms cross as I frown.

"So i aM aN aSsHoLe nIgHtY wHeN yOu wErE tHe oNe wHo rAn iNtO m3?"I ask

He tenses up, gazing me up and down and realizing what I meant.

"I'm sorry Glitchy! I didn't know! I thought you were at the tree!"He says

"WoUlDN'T tHaT bE tOo eAsy f0r tRouBlE tO fiNd mE? ThAt'S jUsT a DeCoY."I say

"You did an awesome job coding it!"He says

"Uh-hUh..RiGhT."I say

He frowns, looking up at me with pleaing purple eyes.

"Please don't be mad..I'm so glad that you're okay, Glitchy..."He says

I smirk, feeling my body change accordingly.

"YoU'Re lUcKy i l0vE yOu, NiGhTy."I say, kissing him on the head.

He gazes up at me and his face turns purple. I lift my mask up and his face turns a deeper violet. I wrap my wings around him to block him from sight and he glances around to get a better look.

"What happened to you? You look amazing but how did this happen?"He asks

"I wAs cHaNgEd aCcOrDiNg tO sOmEOnE's faNtAsiEs oF mE jUsT liKe LuSt aNd Cr0sS weRe. WeLl, mInE iS mOrE cOmpLeX sInCe iT dArKeNs wHen I aM angRy aPpArEnTlY. LuSt sAyS tHat i sHouLd bE gLaD tHat ThE id10t hAd wHoLeSomE fAnTaSiEs bUt tHiS fOrm kEePs mE oUt oF bOtH mY hOmEs. AnD i hOnEstLy dOn't wAnT tO kNoW wHaT ElSe rUnS tHrOuGh tHeIr hEaD iF tHey sEe mE aS a muLti-aRmEd aNd EyEd fReAk."I reply

"You're not a freak...You're beautiful....Breathtaking..."He says softly as his face burns more

Then he completely passes out. I scoop him up and fold my wings. I walk over to Dream and Cross.

"I tHiNk wE shOuLd gO."I say as my extra arms code decoys for each of us

"What happened to my brother?"Dream asks

"He pAsSeD oUt. N0w c0m3 oN. HeY dAnCinG dUo! We'Re lEaViNg!"I say, then shout to Lust and Dance

The four quickly follow me as I lead them out of the masquerade, slipping the masks back on. I notice the gang with Paps and Buffer climbing down from the rooftops. Paps makes a portal to the castle and we file through. I set Nighty down in bed and chuckle as the gang curiously stares at me, Horror poking my wings as if to see if they're real. Buffer hands me pictures from his vision as it loaded in for him.

"Soo, what do we do about the transformations?"Horror asks

"Dunno, just don't anger Error or you'll get nightmare fuel."Cross says

"So does that mean I have his chocolate in the fridge?"Killer asks, already in the fridge

"HOW did you come to that conclusion?"Cross snaps

I chuckle, playfully getting angry and marching over to the kitchen as they stare in horror. I see through multiple angles as more eyes formed on me again and I see Killer digging into the fridge. I slam a hand beside him and he turns to look at me, letting out a scream. He shuts the fridge and flees, looking terrified.

"StAy aWaY fr0m mY chOcOlaTe!"I say, bursting into laughter

My eyes shut again as my hostility fades.

"I counted six extra eyes just when he is angry this time. Seems another two form each time he is angry."Cross says

"Who the heck has these sort of fantasies for Error?"Buffer wonders

All eyes go to Nighty sleeping in bed. Then Fantasia appears again.

"Can I borrow you for a second, Error?"She asks

"UnleSs iT iS t0 r3verS3 th1s, N0."I say

She leaves and everyone sighs.

"NoW thAT bROThEr iS sAfE aNd eVeRyoNe iS hOmE, i wiLl sTaRt tRaCk1Ng tHe aDdReSs tHe wANtEd poStErS hAd."Paps says

I sit down as he goes to his newly made room. I quickly find each of my arms getting cuddled or held by someone. Horror had one, Killer had another, Dust had my third, and Buffer had my fourth arm. Lust, Dance, Cross, and Dream each went in pairs to other rooms. The four hugging my arms admit their worries and relief, then I feel tentacles petting my wings despite Nighty being asleep. I feel so secure here that I can't resist relaxing and sleeping for the first time in a few days since this mess unfolded.

When I wake up, I hear a conversation faintly down the hall. I silently make my way closer, surprised when hearing Nighty having a civil, casual chat with Dream. Then I smile, taking this as a sign that their broken bond is getting repaired. I see them at a table, Dream sipping tea while Nighty has his coffee.

"I was so silly yesterday....Spoke to Cross without thinking and made a fool of myself..."Dream says

"Well you are an impulsive fool."Nighty chuckles

"I couldn't help it! He looked so handsome...Just like how I imagined."Dream sighs

"Oh? So you were the one that caused that fantasy change? Why am I not surprised that you come up with the most sugarsweet fantasy possible?"Nighty says teasingly

"Oh shut up! I know for a fact that you're responsible for Error looking the way he does!"Dream snaps, his face burning

"Ssshhhh! Keep your voice down! He's sleeping!"Nighty says

"I knew it!"Dream cheers

"SSsshhh!"Nighty hushes him

"So...Why does he have two different sides of sweet and scary in your fantasy?"Dream asks

Nighty grins even with his face burning as his tentacles sway.

"There is a difference between us, Dream. You like guys. Simple as that. I like guys, specifically guys who can kill you."Nighty chuckles

"Specifically kill me?"Dream asks

"Nope. Just very powerful guys that could kill. Glitchy is sweet, but he's also amazing when he is angry, cute even when others find him scary."Nighty replies

"No, Dream. Truth is that Boss is a SIMP FOR ERROR!"Killer yells

"SHUT UP!"Nighty snaps

Dream gets caught off guard by the yell from Killer, choking on his tea as he begins to laugh. Then he notices me sneaking up behind Nighty and his laughter fades.

"It's not funny, Dream!"Nighty snaps

"S-I-M-P! SIMP! Boss is a simp!"Killer yells

I gently place two hands on Nighty's shoulders while another pair pet his tentacles. I feel him jolt in my grip.

"ThAt'S eNoUgH kiLlEr."I say

"Okay!"He says, going silent.

Nighty looks up at me, his face a blushing mess as his tentacles wiggle with joy at the affection.

"H-Hey, Glitchy..."He says nervously

"HeY nIgHtY.~ YoU hAvE a vErY iNtErEsTiNg mInD, dOn'T yOu?"I say

"How much did you hear?"He asks

"EveRYThInG sInCe DrEaM aDmiTtInG h1s fAntAsY oF cRosS."I say, trailing a hand from his shoulder to his cheek.

"I'll leave you two be."Dream says

"G-Glitchy I-I-I-"Nighty begins

"WhAt eLs3 rUnS tHr0uGh tHaT skuLl oF y0urS?"I ask, kissing his cheek

His eye turns into a blurry heart and I grin.

This will be fun.~


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