Draxum's son (an ROTTMNT AU)

By LedoraMomo

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at the day of the explosion in Draxum's lab, Lou Jitsu left in a rush and accidentally dropped the small box... More

Chapter 1 - the birth of a bond
Chapter 2 - Ups and Downs
Chapter 3 - Raising battles
Chapter 4 - Growing and Learning
Chapter 5 - Surface meets Underground
Chapters 6 - The sudden meeting
Chapter 7 - The plan's execution
Chapter 8 - Waking up
Chapter 9 - Building Towers
Chapter 10 - Tumbling down
Chapter 11 - The Awakening
Chapter 12 - Surviving matters
Chapter 13 - Fighting demons
Chapter 14 - Crushing Misunderstanding
Chapter 16 - Searching Faith
Chapter 17 - Rebuilding a home
Chapter 18 - Bargaining and Searching
Chapter 19 - Breaking walls
Chapter 20 - Duel or surrender
Chapter 21 - Barging in
Chapter 22 - Going 'home'

Chapter 15 - Recovery Attempt

285 14 1
By LedoraMomo

Mikey was slowly waking up, he had fallen asleep after crying himself out in despair, but something felt strange to him, he woke up in a bed, wrapped in bandages, in a very familiar room, and a very familiar voices could be heard in the background, he slowly got up to his feet, it was oddly easy now that he had recovered a bit, but it was still hard to walk though, but he managed to make his way to where the noise was coming from, but not before walking by that window, not so long ago, his dad smashed through that glass to see him again, he heard Michael was under Big Mama's care and busted his way in to meet his son again.

Yes, the Nexus Hotel, he was brought back there, but how? A sudden bang was heard in the other room, Michael dragged himself through to see what happened, he walked into the scene and saw his uncles, Huginn and Muginn, sitting on the tv room, watching some silly show on the television, they seemed to have dropped a bag of snacks or something, at first, they seemed to be chatting in their usual care-free attitude, he was about to leave them be, that was until he heard their conversation, they sounded a bit worried, he approached the door to get a peek as the two henchman spoke.

⭕- "Man, I wonder if little Michael will be alright, he looked pretty beat up."

❌- "He's the strongest kid of all! There's no way he'll go down just like that! He's tough, and even if he's not good right now, we'll be here for him every step of the way."

⭕- "Yeah, absolutely! And we'll stay even after we find boss! Maybe he knows where he is?"

❌- "Probably, maybe that's why he went through all the trouble to go so far from where he was before."

⭕- "Wow, he can be so tough when he wants to! It must have been so difficult to go so far being so hurt, how can someone be so determined? It's awesome!"

❌- "I'm still concerned about him, he's still very small and he already had to go through so much..."

⭕- "True... but we'll help him anyway, right?"

❌- "Of course!! No doubt about that! We watch over him since he was a baby, and I plan on keep doing so for as far as I live!"

Hearing these words melted Michael's heart, he walks inside the room with teary eyes but before he could say anything, Huginn and Muginn heard him coming in and immediately turned to look at him, they flied out of the comfort of the couch they were sitting in to embrace their dear nephew, the two were overjoyed for feeling the warmth of their nephew's hug, his big and strong arms always gave the best hugs ever, they were so happy to see their boy standing on his own, they were all sheding tears of joy and had large smiles across their faces, Michael was so happy to see his family again, or at least, what remained of it.

Michael stumbled to his knees and cried with his uncles, they were so oddly small that he felt a bit awkward, it felt like hugging two plushies, but he loved that feeling nonetheless, he had his family with him right near his heart, he cried rivers for having them in his arms again, a sense of safety grounds him after he was feeling like an endless  fall that swallowed him, having that feeling of sinking slowly relieved, was a comforting moment for his troubled mind, Huginn and Muginn show concern for their nephew, asking a thousand questions about his current state and well-being while helping him sit down on ther couch.

The two coddle him in a spoiling way, bringing him a blanket, his favorite sweet snacks, they check his temperature and bandaged injuries, and nursing him with love and compassion like doting parents, they act towards him like two uncles that overindulge and spoil their precious nephew out of the pure adoration from their hearts, Michael is overjoyed to receive this care again, the feeling of being showered with love and attention is very comforting.

The family of three spend the day together, the two uncles talk things through with Michael and the young boy expresses his frustations and tells them about what he's been through so far, what he saw, what he feels and felt like, stuff like that, while Muginn and Huginn explained where they were during that time, they were sent by Draxum to search for Michael around the Hidden City and New York, but there was just one problem.... the cities are considerably huge... and they are very small... so it naturally took a lot of time for them to find any sign of him, and they couldn't go back without him or with empty hands, so they kept looking over and over for him, and it was during one or their "rechecks" of the Hidden City was when they were able to find him after they went over the recks of the Shredder aftermath.

While they talked, Big Mama, who actually survived the incident, knocked and was let in by them, Michael was shocked and cried on her arms once she sat besides them, he jumped in for a hug as soon as she entered his reach, his heart just blew up in happiness when he saw his mother figure coming back after he thought she was gone forever, it was a tearful reencounter for the both of them since when Big Mama woke up and saw that Michael was gone, she figured out he actually went on with his plans of facing the Shredder on his own and she wasn't even sure if he survived.

So when Huginn and Muginn came to her door with an injured and unconscious Michael, she was both worried and relieved, worried about his condition and his well-being in general, shocked that he actually did something so careless and reckless, happy to see he's alive, and relieved that he's alive, which makes their meeting even more heartfelt now that they're reunited and aware that the other is ok and well.

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