Junoon | Obsession

Oleh barnes_dornan

8.2K 498 58

A RishBala fanfic, taking inspiration from the show but with my flare =D Lebih Banyak



135 14 2
Oleh barnes_dornan

As the next few days went on by, Madhu and the others came to know that RK would not be on set the following week, as he would be flying out to Macau for the Guild Awards. So it was planned that when he was out, they would be focusing on Navisa's scenes, as well as other scenes with the supporting actors, along with some song sequences.

"Does anyone know what he's been nominated for," Navisa asked.

Her, Madhu, and Neha were sitting on the side, waiting for the scene to be set up.

"From what I've heard," Neha said, "both critic's and viewer's choice for best actor male."

"Oh wow," Navisa gushed.

"I know right," Neha squealed.

Madhu could only scowl. Someone kill me!

"He's definitely winning both," Navisa beamed.

"Absolutely," Neha agreed.

Madhu immediately snorted, the action being purely instinctive and it only processing in her mind after it happened.

"Madhu," Navisa grinned.

"You're so mean, yaar," Neha said, shaking her head.

Madhu couldn't help her grin, looking away. While the others fussed at her, Madhu could only grin, unable to help herself. She tried to get herself to stop smiling, but she just couldn't; that's how funny she found it all to be.

Little did she realize that the very superstar they had been talking about had arrived on set and taken his seat, and was overhearing it all as he read his script.

Yup, all of it.

"Madhu, snap out of it, it's not funny," Neha frowned.

"Yeah, he's totally gonna get both," Navisa said.

Madhu looked at the two, grinning through her frown. "You guys, seriously...."

"We are serious! He's gonna win both!"

"Viewer's choice is locked and sealed, without a doubt," Neha said, crossing her arms. "Don't underestimate the Army of Mini Stars."

"The what," Madhu frowned.

"Army of Mini Stars. That's what his fans like to call themselves."

"You've got to be kidding me," Madhu gaped.

"Not at all," Navisa said, shaking her head. "He's RK the Superstar so naturally his army of fans are the Army of Mini Stars. All the those minis add up to the support and create the superstar."

Madhu felt her jaw drop and want to unhinge itself. "That is probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

The two gaped at her while RK scowled behind his script.

"I mean Army of- who comes up with this stuff?"

"Stans," both answered together.

Madhu grimaced, looking away. "Whatever it is you guys wanna call yourselves, the point is you're putting too much faith. I mean there's other actors who have done movies, like Aditya Roy Kapoor, Varun Dhawan- Salman! Salman Khan did a movie, there's no way he doesn't get it."

"Everyone loves Bhai, there's no doubt about that," Neha said. "But RK's movie was an absolute banger, and he killed it in his role. He'll get critic's choice too, just you wait and see."

"Exactly," Navisa agreed.

"I don't buy it," Madhu said, fixing Navisa's hair. "There's now way he wins both, or even one for that matter."

RK glanced at her over his script, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

Navisa couldn't help but to chuckle. "You must be the only one in this entire unit that's not a RK fan."

"She is the only one that's not an RK fan in this unit," Neha said.

"Okay, and," Madhu said. "I'm not, nor will I ever be."

"Seriously? Not even after seeing his performance at the overnight shoot," Navisa asked.

"I'll admit, I was shocked; I was taken aback when the man managed to squeeze some tears out without using glycerin. However, him yelling is just second nature for him - that doesn't require acting skills or talent, for that matter."

Navisa and Neha looked at each other, rolling their eyes with a grin. As for RK, well, he was purely entertained.

"But best actor? Critics? No way!"

"You say this because you haven't seen his work," Neha pointed out.

"And I don't need to because I have no interest. I have no interest in seeing his films, and I have absolutely zero interest in ever becoming one of his fans."

"Careful what you say," Navisa sang. "I said that about Alia Bhatt but she proved me wrong with Raazi."

Madhu crossed her arms. "I will never, ever be an RK fan. Ever."

"If you say so," Navisa shrugged.

RK could only smirk, entertained by the words spoken by the woman with the very filmy name.

Spoken with such confidence... good, I like it.


"Wait, RK's not going to be there," Trishna said sadly.

Trishna felt saddened by the news when Madhu let her know that RK would not be on set the day Trishna would be going in as an extra.

"No, he'll be in another country on that day."

"How come, Glycerin," Roma asked.

"Some award show he's attending."

Roma gasped. "Oh my gosh! For sure he's going to get best actor!"

"Absolutely," Trishna cheered, her sorrow long gone.

"You've got to be kidding me," Madhu huffed.

"Arre Glycerin, you didn't see how brilliant he was in Qaynaat, he totally killed it," Roma exclaimed.

"Definitely one of his best films to date," Trishna sighed, remembering the movie.

Madhu only rolled her eyes. "My coworkers seem to think the same; that he's gonna win both critic's and viewer's choice."

"One hundred percent," both Trishna and Roma said together.

Again, Madhu scowled at them and how they both sounded like parrots.

"Oh my gosh Roma, what do you think he's gonna wear," Trishna squealed. "I bet he's gonna look so handsome! He's just so hot, I can't!"

Madhu rolled her eyes, looking away. What else is he gonna wear? Some tuxedo or whatever. And everyone seriously needs to calm down! He's not even that hot to begin with-

"...here are our top ten faves of RK's best looks!"

Madhu snapped out of her thoughts and turned to the TV, watching some celebrity gossip show cover some of RK's looks. And although Madhu had just been thinking to herself that he's not even that hot to begin with, she sure was locked onto the TV screen, admiring the man.

Okay, so maybe he is attractive, she confessed to herself. That doesn't mean he'll win both of those awards! It requires talent! ...then again his fans are crazy, so he could just win the viewer's one, but so what! It's the critic's one that matters! There is no way he's winning both! No way!


RK had left for his trip and Madhu was relieved! For a whole week she wouldn't have to deal with a specific arrogant, egoistic asshole, constantly smirking her way and making jabs at her.

Finally! A peaceful week of work! How amazing!

On the first day RK was gone, Madhu was all smiles. The same couldn't be said about her coworkers, who missed seeing the sight of him on an almost daily basis. Madhu most certainly did not share the same sentiment, staying happy throughout the day because there was no one to disturb her! And when the day same to an end, she was still happy.

"What a day," she sighed to herself, as she headed home. "Not one single snide remark made towards me. And look! I'm talking to myself, and not a single superstar to call me crazy! Ah! If only it was always like this!"

The following day, she felt the same, still overjoyed that there was no one to poke any fun at her. She worked away peacefully and watched as Navisa performed her scenes, along with the other costars. And when she left that night, she applauded herself for another great day and for not being interrupted with snide jabs as she applauded herself out loud.

On the third day, however, things took a slight turn.

Navisa was performing some scenes with the actress who played RK's character's mother.

"Please Sanaya," the actress cried, and she held out the pallu of her sari in her hands, "please return my son to me!"

Madhu instantly thought of what her sister had told her some time ago.

"From what I've read and seen, RK's not close to his mother at all. There's barely any mention of them together- heck, there's never been a picture of them together."

I wonder why he's not close with his mother, Madhu thought to herself.

She then remembered how Trishna had made mention of RK having a stepfather and stepbrother.

Could her getting married again be the reason why he's not close to her? It's definitely possible.... He lost his father at such a young age.... Her remarrying does make some sense, in a way. I mean she had a young son to take care of, getting remarried was the best way she could make sure her son was taken care of- at least, in those times for sure. But I guess he wasn't okay with it? And so there's a distance between them-?

"Cut," Mishra called out.

Madhu snapped out of her thoughts and went to Navisa, quickly giving her a touch up.

"So what did you think, Madhu? Did I look convincing," Navisa asked.

But Madhu was lost in her thoughts once more.


She placed her hand over Madhu's, bringing Madhu back to reality.

"Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah, totally fine," Madhu said, focusing on Navisa's hair.

"Hmm, you've acted this way once before you know, which is only tempting me to tease you and ask who you're thinking about," Navisa giggled.

Madhu looked at her in confusion.

"Remember last time in the makeup room when I asked if there was a loved one you were thinking about? You pretty much had the same look on your face."

I did, Madhu wondered.

"So, tell me - is there really no one in specific you're thinking about? Cause you were quite lost in thought and I'd say the only time someone thinks of another in that way is when they're in lo-"

"No, Navisa, it's absolutely nothing like that!"

"You sure? You sound a bit defensive," she teased.

Madhu vehemently shook her head. "Positive."

"If you say so," she shrugged with a smile.

Mishra let everyone know to prepare for the filming of the next scene, so Madhu stepped away. As she stood on the side, Navisa's words echoed in her mind.

"So, tell me - is there really no one in specific you're thinking about? Cause you were quite lost in thought and I'd say the only time someone thinks of another in that way is when they're in lo-"

What nonsense! I just had a random thought, that's it! It's nothing of that sort! Really Navisa, you.... And why am I even thinking of that Rishabh Kundra and his issues with his mom? Who cares! What do I care? That's his business, not mine! Seriously Madhu....

Except, despite having mentally scolding at herself for thinking of that matter, it was something that just kept poking her mind throughout the day. Time and time again the thought would just keep popping up, making her wonder once more on why RK had problems with his mom to begin with, only to then catch herself, scold herself, make herself forget about it for about five minutes or so, and the the cycle would repeat itself.

"Enough is enough Madhu," she scolded herself once more as she left for the night. "Why aren't you letting this thing go? Who cares! That's his own personal matter! What does it matter to me? Let him have his... his... mommy issues or whatever, what's it to me?"

She hit the side of her head.

"And here I thought I'd be in peace while he was gone. But no! Even when he's gone, I'm still thinking about him! Why? Why do I care? Who cares about him! Enjoy these peaceful days while he's gone. Before you know it, the week is over, and Mr. Egomaniac is back with his smart comments and wise cracks! Forget him!"

With a twitch of her lips, Madhu headed home, annoyed with herself. But while she was irked by her own actions, a certain hiccuping superstar was grinning away over a glass of vodka.

"Chief, why so happy," Bittuji asked, curious as to why his chief was randomly smiling.

RK let out a hiccup. "Did you hear that?"

Bittuji frowned in return as RK hiccuped once more.

"That," RK said.

"Uh, your hiccup?"

RK nodded, taking another sip of his drink, then hiccuped once more.

"Chief you should drink water-"

"No, Bittuji; water won't do anything here."

"How come?"

"These are a different type of hiccups; they have nothing to do with the fact that I'm drinking alcohol."

"Then... why are you hiccuping, chief," Bittuji asked, confused.

A smirk graced over RK's lips as he held up the tumbler containing his drink, twirling it around, having the crystal catch the lights from his room.

"It looks like someone is thinking of me," RK said.

"But chief, given all of your fans and how much they love you, surely there's at least one person thinking of you at all times."

"No, this is different... very different. Bittuji, this isn't a fan or some random person casually thinking about me. This is someone else thinking about me - badly."


"Mm hmm," RK nodded, and he took another sip. "Not negatively, but badly. Really badly."

Bittuji looked away in thought. tapping one of his phones against his chin. "But who could it be," he wondered.

At that moment, the TV that was playing in the background, which was currently on one of those song channels, began to play the song Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya. RK's attention was brought to the screen and his mind was immediately filled with the image of the woman with the name of the legendary actress.

"Madhubala... ahaan."


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