Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours

186 4 2
By Paranormal_Babe


Last night with Loki was a rush. You're still in pain, which unfortunately means sex is pretty much off the table. Well, until Loki puts it back on the table with some special abilities of his.


Hey everyone and happy Friday!! I've been cracking up at your reactions to Gretchen. Seriously, they are so amusing. But that being said, I want to make an important note

This fic never was nor is it intended to be a commentary on any religion. The methods of worship and practice are not to be taken as fact, since this is a piece of complete fiction. This piece is not intended to be a form of disrespect to religion. I felt the need to state this because some...possibly questionable things are mentioned towards the end of this chapter. Mainly, Gretchen is crazy and that shows. But still, this isn't meant to be a commentary on religion, its all fun and fiction!!

Now that that's out of the way, let's get reading! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Your body was so fucking sore.

The pain in your body was the first thing you noticed when you woke up. It wasn't really that surprising, considering just last night Loki had taken his hand, a riding crop, and a flogger to your body because you asked him to. You made him promise not to heal you, and although he did soak you in a warm bath for almost an hour afterwards, you were certainly feeling the aftermath of your request.

You groaned as you began to stretch, but Loki's hand stopped you from moving. He was laying behind you, his chest pressed to your back.

"Don't. You're going to be sore," he murmured in your ear.

"Yeah, I can feel that," you snorted.

"You asked for it, just remember that," Loki chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your shoulder. Loki turned you over gently so you were laying on your back. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning, handsome," you giggled. Loki leaned down and kissed you slowly, his hand traveling up the side of your body. You felt yourself quickly growing wet at the feeling of his large, wandering hands. You went to spread your legs but you whimpered as you noticed the dull throbbing of your cunt. Loki pulled away and you sighed. "Wow, I haven't felt that since our first night together."

"There's a reason for that, you know," Loki said, trailing his fingers over the bottom of your stomach. You quirked an eyebrow. Loki propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at you. "I'm sure you've noticed the drastic difference in our sizes."

"Yeah, you're a giant," you laughed.

"Yeah, and you're a tiny woman." Loki rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm rather large and you're rather small. We fuck a lot. That's bound to cause you some pain. After we have sex, I always make sure to take that discomfort away with a bit of healing magic, at least more recently. I didn't do it as much in the beginning - staking my claim and such."

"That makes sense," you hummed. "So you didn't do that last night?"

"You asked me not to tamper with your pain at all so I did not. I can change that though," Loki suggested. You shook your head and placed your hand on Loki's chest. You swiped your palm over his warm skin and blushed at the beauty of his nudity.

"No, I'm happy like this. I feel you," you sighed pleasantly.

You shifted a bit and winced, your smile faltering every so slightly. Loki frowned and brushed his fingers along the tops of your thighs, caressing your skin so gently that you barely even felt him.

"The throbbing between your legs should go away soon," Loki said.

"Good because I'm going to want you between my legs soon," you teased, poking Loki's chest. He scoffed but let out a laugh anyway. Loki pulled himself out of bed and waved on a pair of black pants. He walked around to your side of the bed and scooped you up into his arms. "Where are we going?"

"You need to eat. We did some seriously strenuous activities last night," Loki said. He magicked a loose fitting silk robe onto you, one that wouldn't hurt your bruises. "I put a spell on Cooper so he can't see the marks on you. I have a feeling he would kill me if he did."

"Smart," you said, resting your head on Loki's shoulder as he carried you into the living room. You took in a deep breath and admired the smell of his body. Even when he went to put you down onto the couch, you clung to him. "Don't go."

Loki looked at you with a small smile. "I won't."

He sat down with you and you curled up on his lap, careful not to put too much pressure on your ass. The sound of a collar shaking filled the room as Cooper walked in from the kitchen. He yawned and laid down at the bottom of the couch. Loki smirked, kicked his feet up and rested them on top of Cooper's back. Cooper growled and bit Loki's ankle. Loki grunted in annoyance and you began laughing.

"You sort of deserved that," you said. Loki grimaced but you just reached up to kiss his cheek. "I love you, you know that."

"Yeah, yeah," Loki snorted.

Loki waved his hand and summoned a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. Loki collected the food onto a fork and began feeding it to you. You chewed quietly, enjoying being so close to Loki while he took care of you. After swallowing a mouthful of eggs, you peered up at him.

"Last time you fed me, you ended up sitting me on your lap to warm your cock for two hours," you noted.

"Don't tempt me. I don't care how sore your little cunt is. I'll do it again," Loki chuckled, his threat completely serious. You squeaked and quickly took more food into your mouth. You did not want to admit that the thought of warming Loki's cock even in your tender state was highly enticing. You shifted in his arms as Loki took a bite of toast. "So, what is on your agenda for today, little one?"

"I'm going to work on some art," you said, picking up a piece of bacon and eating it.

"Pet, this isn't because of what happened yesterday, is it?" Loki sighed, giving you a concerned look. You shook your head as you swallowed the bacon. Loki picked the remaining nub from your hand and popped it into his mouth.

"No, it's not. I actually feel really inspired today. Last night helped clear my mind a lot," you admitted. You brushed your fingers over your inner thighs and sighed pleasantly.

"That is the pleasure of activities like that," Loki murmured, kissing your temple. "It helps release the pent up stress and frustrations in our body."

"Thank you for taking care of me," you hummed. Loki removed his lips from your temple and placed them on yours. You kissed him slowly, savoring in the sweet taste of his lips. There was a gentle tugging on your toe and you pulled away to find Cooper lightly nipping you. "Are you hungry, boy?"

Cooper pawed the ground and whimpered with excitement. You turned to Loki and gave him pleading eyes. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"I'll take care of it. Can you get your supplies together while I feed him?" Loki asked.

"Yes, Master," you giggled.

"Good girl." Loki pecked your lips before gently sliding you off of his lap and onto the couch. Your sore bum hit the cushions but you were beginning to get used to the dull ache. Loki stood up and clapped his hands together. "Come on, rat."

Cooper bit Loki's ankles as Loki walked into the kitchen, a full belly laugh coming from him. You chuckled softly as you gingerly hoisted yourself up and began collecting your art supplies. It took you a few minutes to get them out but once they were all on the table, Loki sauntered back into the room. You were kneeling in front of the coffee table where all of your supplies were spread out.

"What are you going to work on?" Loki asked, plopping himself back onto the couch. He rubbed your back as you looked over your supplies, your lips twisted into a contemplative pout. You scratched your chin when your eyes landed on a bottle of black paint. You snapped your fingers as you stood up.

"Can you sit on the floor for me?" you asked. Loki raised an eyebrow but shrugged. He slid onto the floor with his back pressed to the couch. You climbed over him and sat on the couch behind him so he was resting between your legs. You began running your fingers through his long, silky hair. You grabbed a portion on the side of his head and began twisting it into a braid.

"Is this part of the art process?" Loki asked.

"It is," you said. "Back when I was in college, I remember seeing a picture of your brother when he was visiting Earth a long time ago. His hair was braided down the side of his head. I heard they're called viking braids."

"Ah, yes. A very traditional Norse hairstyle. I've worn it a few times. It looks excellent riding into battle with them," Loki said casually. You reached the end of the braid and held your hand in front of Loki.

"Tie, please," you said. Loki snapped his fingers and a bundle of black ties appeared in your hand. You bent over and pressed an adoring kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my sweet," Loki said. You tied the braid and smoothed it over with your hand. Loki purred as you ran your fingers through his hair again. "Feels so good, pet."

"I know. I've always loved having my hair played with," you chuckled. You kissed the top of Loki's head. "Close your eyes. Rest. You always take care of me. Let me just take care of you for a bit, okay?"

"Rest upon your luscious thighs as you toy with my hair? You don't need to ask me twice," Loki hummed. He shut his eyes and relaxed into your touch. You sat there quietly as you braided Loki's hair. It was soft between your fingers and it brought you a sense of calmness and tranquility as you repeated the braiding motions. Loki's quiet breathing grounded you to that moment. It was nice to see him so relaxed, given how strong he always appeared to be. Helping him find peace brought you your own peace.

It didn't take long to braid Loki's hair. You really only braided some of his hair, trying to copy the style of the viking braids you remembered seeing on Thor a few years ago. Once Loki's hair was finished, you elected to run your fingers through the unbraided portions of his hair. Loki purred and rubbed against your thigh, his lashes fluttering at the gentle sensations running along his scalp.

"My warrior god," you chuckled. "More like a little kitten."

"No, no. You're the kitten. There's no debating this," Loki mumbled, his eyes still shut.

"Sure, because I'm the one purring," you snorted.

"I can change that." Loki turned his head and opened his eyes. He shot you a wink and even though you were laughing, you were in awe of how beautiful Loki looked. This was a good idea. You mentally patted yourself on the back as you crawled off of the couch. Loki licked his lips and watched as you collected a pencil and thick canvas paper from the table.

"Stay there," you instructed. "Just...yeah, stay there."

"Easy enough." Loki shrugged and leaned back against the couch. His dark hair fell over his naked, broad shoulders, contrasting the paleness of his skin. The braids in his hair highlighted his cheekbones, showing off how carved and sharp they were. Loki's green eyes stayed locked on you as you took your pencil to the page.

Time ticked by without your awareness as you sketched Loki. Capturing his intense beauty was difficult. It took you several minutes to get the perfect arch of his nose. Loki was patient and quiet, sitting across from you as he took slow, steady breaths. You drew him from the chest up, making sure to make his eyes the focus of the piece. Once you managed to get a basic sketch of Loki, you placed the pencil down and began preparing the paints.

"May I see?" Loki asked.

"No," you said, smiling as you shook your head. "I want to show you when it's done."

"And when will that be?" Loki questioned, tilting his head to the side a bit to try and catch a glimpse of your work. You held it against your body and gave him a sharp look. He held his hands up in mock defense.

"When I say it's done," you answered.

"Feisty kitten," Loki chuckled, settling back against the couch. "I like it."

You glanced over at him and saw his cock hardening in his pants. Your cunt clenched but you tried to shake your arousal away. This would not end up like the last time you tried to make a portrait of Loki. You wanted to actually get color on this one this time.

"Like it a little less. I'm trying to concentrate," you muttered with a playful eyeroll.

Loki snickered but kept his mouth shut as you dipped your paintbrush into the paint you laid out. You were filled with serenity as you began painting, trying to find the perfect combinations of colors and shades and dimension to replicate Loki's face. Even though he was still very clearly aroused - perhaps even more aroused than before - he was pliant and silent. His eyes remained on you in a contemplative manner.

When you went to paint his eyes, you found yourself pausing over the green paint. It wasn't the right kind of green. Huffing, you put the canvas down behind the table so Loki couldn't see it. You crawled over to him and sat on his lap. His hands smoothed up along your thighs and he smirked.

"Hello to you too, pet," Loki purred.

"I'm here to look at your eyes. Like, really look at them," you said, tilting Loki's head back. You were a bit breathless being this close to him and with his cock poking at your bruised backside, it was taking every bit of restraint not to forget the painting and make love to him right here on the floor.

You looked deep into Loki's eyes and while you could confirm they were green, there were also specks of gold and blue scattered throughout his irises. Even dashes of gray swirled around his pupils. You brushed over his cheekbones with light fingers as you gazed into his eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes, Loki," you whispered.

"As do you," he murmured. You blushed as you realized that while you had been staring into his eyes, he had been looking into yours. Loki reached his hand up and cupped your cheek. "Kiss me."

"I need to get back to work," you whispered, your eyelashes fluttering shut as his nose brushed yours.

"Just one kiss," he said softly before pressing his lips to yours. You sunk into his kiss, your hands grasping the sides of his neck as he pulled you in closer. You should have known it wouldn't be just one kiss. You sat on Loki's lap kissing him for ages, his warm mouth perfectly slotted against yours. Despite your ass being sore, you still chose to rock down on Loki's erection, earning a moan from him. "Fuck, you feel so good, pet."

"Master..." you gasped as you tilted your head back. Loki kissed along your neck, his hands smoothing along your back to keep you close to him. You were wet and dripping onto his pants since you weren't wearing any underwear. Loki rocked you back and forth on him, both of you almost oblivious to you whimpering because of your aching pussy.

"Get back to work," Loki growled into your neck. "Get back to work before we hit the point of no return."

"What if I want to hit that point?" you teased, a moan escaping your mouth when he bit down over the bruise on your pulse.

"Go. I'm this close to fucking you," Loki hissed. You whined but scooted off of him, your throbbing cunt aching to be filled. You crawled back over to your spot on the floor and began mixing more paint to correct the color of Loki's eyes. There was a hunger in his gaze as he watched you work. He traced his lower lip with his finger as his eyes scanned your body. "Such a pretty little thing, you are."

"Thank you, Master," you whispered breathlessly as you picked up your painting and began working again. You tried to concentrate on the colors dabbing the sheet but your arousal was making you want to toss it aside and crawl back onto Loki's lap. You peered up at him from over the edge of your canvas and blushed when you noted how hard his cock was. His pants did little to conceal his arousal.

"Keep working," he commanded in a gently dominating tone. You nodded and continued painting. It was hard at first but you soon fell into the familiar rhythm of stroking and dabbing the brush. His eyes were coming together nicely as you dusted some gold along the edges of his irises.

Loki stayed quiet as you worked, surely not wanting to disturb you from the bubble of focus you found yourself in. You knew that you were taking a long time to paint, but you wanted this to be perfect. When you finally got to his hair, you dipped your brush in the darkest black paint you had and began smoothing it over the canvas. You worked in some extremely dark blues and browns to add some highlight to his hair. It had taken at least two hours but by the time you were finished, you were in love with how it came out.

"Alright, it's done," you said, looking up at Loki. His cock had not softened, you realized, meaning he sat there patiently for hours just waiting for you to finish. You swallowed the lump in your throat as Loki gestured to the canvas in your hands.

"May I see it now?" he asked softly. You nodded and crawled back over to him. You took a deep breath and turned the canvas around. Immediately, Loki's eyes widened and his lips parted. You watched him scan the page with intense interest, scrutinizing every detail. Finally, he looked back up at you with a look of awe on his face. "Pet...this is beautiful. I love it so much."

"Really?" you giggled.

"Yes! It's fantastic." Loki gingerly took the canvas from your hands and held it in his own. You could see tears welling in his eyes as he smiled a watery grin. "Seeing myself through your's amazing."

Loki stroked his thumb over the canvas, still shocked by what he saw. You had painted him from the chest up. His skin looked smooth and bright. There was a distinct hollowness in his collarbones that he had never noticed before. His dark hair fell over his shoulders and his braids made him look extra powerful. But his face, that was what surprised him. He looked...happy. He wasn't smiling with his lips parted or his teeth showing. All that was there was a slight curl of his lips that formed a smirk. His nose was pointed up slightly, aided by the shadows decorating his high cheekbones. Loki was in awe of the way you had painted his eyes. You captured so much emotion in them. They danced with color, brightness, and life. He could almost feel the radiance of himself on the page. This was how you saw him and he swallowed the emotion down that was crawling up.

"I'm glad you like it," you cooed, kissing Loki's soft cheek.

"Like it? I love it," Loki whispered. A single tear fell down his cheek and he laughed quietly. "I can feel you in this, pet. This look in my eye? It's all because of you. You bring me this happiness. I...I never thought we'd get here."

"Me neither," you admitted shyly.

"I thought you were to be my pet. Nothing more. I even told myself it would be impossible to love you but here we are." Loki placed the painting down and folded your hands in his. He uttered your name as he stroked his thumbs over your knuckles. "I'm in love with you. You are everything to me. And it would be an honor if you let me keep this painting."

"You really want to keep it?" you gasped, taken back by his sincerity. You knew Loki liked your work but wanting to keep it just for himself meant he genuinely loved it. Loki nodded and looked back down at the painting.

"I do. I want to hang it in the palace. A piece by beloved," he said, smiling down at it. He paused and turned back to you. "If that would be alright."

"My work in the palace?" you stammered. "Would it...would it even belong?"

"Of course it would, sweet," Loki promised you. "I would hang it upon the walls myself."

"Well...well okay then," you giggled. You squealed as Loki pulled you onto his lap and held your hips in his large hands.

"Now what could I possibly offer you in return for such a lovely painting?" Loki inquired.

You traced your fingers along Loki's braids and winked. "I can think of something..."

"Oh, little girl," Loki growled before tugging you down to meet his lips. The kiss was hungrier than it was last time, now without the task of the portrait looming over you. Loki's fingers went down to trace over your cunt but you hissed and pulled away from his lips.

"I'm sorry," you sighed.

"Still sore, baby?" Loki asked, dropping his hand. You pouted and nodded solemnly. Loki hummed and a grin grew on his face. "I have an idea. I think I know how to make this sore pussy feel much better..."

Loki carefully lifted you and placed you on the couch. He untied the front of your robe and let it fall open. He helped shrug it off of you so you were sitting bare on the couch. You looked down at the little bruises covering your body and you bit your lip, arousal flooding you at seeing Loki's marks. He swept his hands along your thighs after pushing your spread legs onto the couch.

"I'm going to take care of you, pet," Loki purred. Loki knelt between your spread legs and blew a stream of air on your wet cunt. You gasped when you registered his breath was cold.

"L-Loki?" you asked in a trembling voice. He continued to blow cold air over your clit and it did indeed help soothe the ache you had.

"Relax for me, little one. Your Master is going to make you feel good." Loki winked and ran his tongue along your folds. You arched your back as his cold tongue massaged you. He used slow, tender motions as he licked at you, his eyes locked with yours. Your chest was heaving as the chill of his tongue soothed you.

"Fuck," you gasped as he circled your clit with the tip of his tongue. It felt so odd having something so cold touching your core but it felt so relieving. The intense usage your cunt endured yesterday had left you red and sore. Now, that pain was dissipating as Loki's cold tongue worked over you.

He was being incredibly gentle with his movements. He licked in long, slow strokes along your pussy, moaning with every swipe. You grabbed the couch cushions as you resisted the urge to buck down on his face, slightly unfamiliar with this sort of tenderness. But even though he was being careful with you, he was still delivering the same excitable pleasure.

"How does it feel, darling?" Loki asked as he pulled away. He lifted two fingers up and when they pressed to your clit, they, too, were icy cold. You shivered and moaned, your head rolling back with pleasure.

"So weird but so good," you admitted as Loki slid a single finger inside of you. You looked back down at Loki, his eyes expression looking back at you. "How are you doing this?"

"Do you remember what I told you about who I truly am, my pet? Asgardian, Vanir, and, of course..." Loki circled his tongue around your clit, sending chills up your spine. "Jotun."

You moaned when he slid a second, cooled finger inside of you and kept licking at you. You were trembling with pleasure, your body conflicted. You wanted to run away from the cold but you also wanted to press further into it. You thrashed around, amazed at how Loki being so gentle with you could inspire such dramatic motions from your body.

"You taste so fucking good," Loki moaned, green eyes glimmering up at you. "I'll never tire of tasting this delicious little pussy."

"Master..." you moaned as you reached down and held his head closer to you. You were overcome with how erotic this situation was. You had a god - viking braids and all - kneeling between your spread legs pleasuring you with his mouth. And he was loving it. He soaked in your juices and relished in your taste. You came almost from the idea of it.

You couldn't look away from Loki as he gently coaxed you to the edge of your release. His chilly tongue was a balm on you and it was a talented balm, at that. You gripped Loki's hair and he moaned, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. He curled his cold fingers inside of you, rubbing your sensitive walls gently. His lips suctioned around your clit and sucked, his entire mouth cold as it wrapped around your bud.

"Loki!" you gasped, your body shivering from pleasure and from the cold. You rocked yourself down slowly on him, the adrenaline running through you making you forget about the bruises on your ass rubbing against the couch. You may regret it later, but for now, you couldn't stop receiving the attention and pleasure Loki wanted to give you.

"Cum for me, little one," Loki purred, scissoring his fingers inside of you. "Cum for your Master and I'll let you sit on my cock."

"Oh, oh, oh, Loki!" you moaned. Your body froze - almost literally - as your orgasm swept over you. You trembled and held onto Loki's hair tighter, keeping his cooled mouth pressed against you. Loki lapped up your juices as you came, extending your orgasm even longer. You bit your lip to contain your moans as Loki removed his fingers from you and stood. He loomed over you, dark eyes shining. His hair was slightly messed up from your grabbing, but his thick braids were still intact. You sat up and ran your hands up his shirtless torso. "My god...I love you."

"Mmm, my sweet little pet, I love you too," Loki cooed, patting your head. You blushed at his praise and rested your head in his hand. "And you have been such a good girl for me. Let me reward you."

Loki sat down beside you and swung you so you were sitting in his lap facing him. You felt his pants disappear from underneath you, his hard cock springing up. Loki lifted you slightly and aligned you with his shaft. He gripped your hip and lowered you slowly, sinking you down onto his cock.

"Master!" you nearly screamed. Your core was still cold from his chilly attention but his cock was so hot. You always felt warm whenever he fucked you but this had heat blossoming through your gut. You grabbed onto Loki's thick shoulders as you settled further down on him, your cunt stretching to accommodate his size. When you were fully seated on his lap, you were gasping for air. "Oh my gods."

"That's it, baby. You look so good seated on your Master's cock," Loki purred, stroking his hands along your back. "I was quite rough on you yesterday. You've honored me with your painting so I'm going to let you go at your own pace. Take as long as you need or go as fast as you want. Ride my cock like a good girl."

"Thank you, Loki," you breathed out. You gripped his shoulders harder as you lifted yourself up then dropped back down. You rolled your head back with pleasure, tiny moans escaping your lips as you rocked slowly on Loki's cock. The sweet drag of his hot cock inside of you was driving you delirious. "Fuck, feels so good. I love your cock, Master."

"Such a good little cock slut," Loki murmured as he reached up and fondled your breasts gently. It felt so nice to rock slowly like this with Loki, taking everything at a slow, languid pace. You rode him, careful to avoid slamming down too hard and hurting your already bruised ass. Loki hummed and leaned forward. He wrapped his lips around your nipple and you floundered. His mouth was cold again.

"Fuck, Loki," you moaned, your body torn between the pleasures of the heat of his cock and the coldness of his lips. He licked at your nipple generously, moaning the entire time. He gave the opposite nipple the same treatment. His cock spasmed inside of you as he caressed your breasts with his mouth. You picked up the pace slightly, your body thrumming with arousal.

"Ride my cock, baby. Just like that. Such a good girl. You're squeezing me so nicely. Such a tight little pussy you have. You were designed to be wrapped around my cock all the time," Loki groaned as he bucked up into you. He settled his hands down on your hips as he leaned back against the couch. He helped you bounce on top of him and he admired the way your breasts bounced in front of his face. "Tell me how my cock feels inside of you."

"It feels so good, Loki. I can feel you here." You moved one hand to your stomach and pressed down. "Your cock is so huge, Master. It's splitting me in two. I love it."

"I've trained you so well," Loki said, angling his hips to rock into you at a different angle. "You were a demure little virgin when we met. Now you're my perfect little cock slut. I adore you, kitten."

"Yours. Only yours," you panted, rolling your hips. Loki let out a particularly loud moan at that. You preened, knowing both your words and your motions were affecting him greatly. You continued riding him like that - slowly, deeply, with an extra squeeze in your cunt.

"Oh, baby," Loki moaned, rolling his head back. "You're so good at riding cock. I should let you do this every time I fuck you."

"I'd miss the way you hold me down though," you said with a blush.

Loki rolled his head forward again and looked at you with lusting eyes. "Dirty little girl."

Loki's hips bucked upwards and you let out a groan. You rocked down on him a bit faster, your orgasm quickly approaching. Your nails bit into Loki's shoulders which caused him to let out a hiss. You whimpered and ground yourself down on his cock heavily.

"Master..." you whined.

"I know, little one. You need to cum. Go ahead, but first..." Loki reached down and pressed two fingers to your clit. He stared into your eyes and with a smirk, his fingers grew chilly. The mixture of heat in your pussy and cold on your clit sent you over the edge. You squealed and came, clamping down on Loki's cock. He moaned your name as he shot his cum into you, holding you down on his lap. "Fuck, such a good girl."

You fell forward and wrapped your arms around Loki's neck as he continued to cum inside of you. You relished in the warmth of his cum, grinding down softly to get as much of it as you could. Loki ran his hands along your back, soothing you as he pumped inside of you. When his orgasm finally stopped, you pouted into his neck.

"Want more cum," you sighed. His cock twitched inside of you and you giggled.

"Naughty thing. You'll get more later," Loki chuckled.

"Now," you whined, rocking back down onto him. Loki groaned and rolled his head back as you slowly moved your body over him. His cock, which was once softening, was now completely erect again. He was amazed at how quickly you could bring him back to full mast always. Loki's hands lazily gripped your hips as you bounced on top of him. You kissed his neck and whimpered. "Cum in me again. I want your cum, Master. Please fill me up."

"Oh, fuck," Loki moaned. You squeezed your cunt around him and with a deep hiss, he came again. You moaned as you felt his cum spilling inside of you and warming you. You continued to rock your hips slowly until Loki grabbed you and held you still. "We'll never leave this couch if you keep doing that."

"Mmm, good," you laughed, a small yawn escaping your lips. Your orgasm had left you weak and weary and especially in the mood to cling to Loki. He held you on his lap for a while, helping to bring you down from your post-orgasmic high. You curled into him and shut your eyes, your body relaxed and pliant. Loki kissed your temple and ran his fingers along your hair.

"Sweet? Are you with me?" he murmured.

"Yes, Master," you said quietly, lifting your head to look him in the eyes.

"That was wonderful. The braids, the painting, the sex. My gods, you can ride cock like a pro," Loki laughed.

"You taught me everything I know," you teased. Loki reached up and kissed you slowly. He slid his cock out of you before he grew hard again. As much as he wanted to keep fucking you, he didn't want to overuse your already sensitive body.

Some of his cum dripped from your cunt and you frowned, but when you tried to scoop it back in, your sore cunt throbbed in protest. Loki tipped your head up and pinched your chin to cheer you up.

"How about we go take a shower, yeah? You clean up here and I'll get the water ready," Loki offered. You nodded and flung your arms around Loki one more time, hugging him close. He rested his cheek on top of your head and smiled. "My precious little girl, I love you so much."

"I love you, Loki," you said happily. You reluctantly pulled out of his grasp and stood up. Loki stood and stretched. He gave you a kiss on the forehead before walking towards your room. "Wait! Loki?"

"Yes, little one?" Loki asked.

"Can you leave the braids in?"

"Trust me, they're not going anywhere," Loki assured you with a flirtatious wink.

Your eyes fell to his taut ass as he sauntered into the bedroom. You shook your head, your face completely flushed as you began cleaning up the supplies you had out. You placed the painting of Loki on the table to keep it safe from Cooper stepping on it - as he had done plenty of times before in the past.

As you cleaned, you heard someone knock on the front door. You froze, kneeling on the ground, waiting to see if the person was actually knocking on your door. When the knock came again, you groaned. You couldn't answer the door naked and the robe Loki made for you would show off the many bruises on your body. You quickly reached into a laundry basket in the corner of the room and found a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. You pulled on the ensemble in a hurry before rushing towards the front door. You opened the front door and gaped.

"Gretchen?" you asked. Gretchen was standing in front of your door, a wide smile on her face. She was dressed scantily, her breasts nearly falling out of her dress. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk about that artwork of yours," she said as if it was obvious.

"I...we didn't have any plans for that," you murmured.

"Eh, I was in the neighborhood. Thought I'd drop by," she laughed, pushing her way inside. You stumbled to the side a little bit as she walked past you. You shut the door as you shook your head. Gretchen stood in the hallway of your home and smiled, looking between your bedroom and your living room. You glanced and checked to see the bathroom door was closed. The last thing you needed was for Gretchen to stumble upon a naked Loki. She hummed and walked into the living room. "So, where's Loki?"

"He's busy," you said. "Speaking of which, now really isn't a good time -"

"Nonsense. What else would you have planned?" Gretchen asked with a giggle. "Not like you have a job to get to or anything."

"Right," you gritted out. Gretchen slipped her gloves off and walked around the coffee table. She glanced down and caught sight of your painting of Loki.

"Oh, honey," she gasped. She scooped up the painting and stared at it in awe. "This is amazing!"

"Thank you. I just made it," you said, shuffling back and forth. Something about Gretchen touching that picture of Loki didn't sit right with you. She stared at it with a greediness as she drank in the sight of it.

"He's so beautiful," she sighed dreamily, her eyes reflecting the desire she held for Loki in them. You took a deep breath as she traced his fingers down the side of Loki's painted cheek. Her voice was so low you barely heard her. "His eyes look so glorious. And his lips...what I wouldn't give to kiss them."

"Excuse me?" you gasped. Gretchen froze and turned back to you. She chuckled nervously and placed the painting down. You watched her with an incredulous expression but she waved it off dismissively.

"Nothing, nothing. Can I see the rest of your pieces?" she asked with a smile.

You sighed. "Gretchen, I really can't."

"Why not?" she almost barked. "I am trying to pay you for some of your work and you are being exceptionally selfish right now. If you're this rude to all of your customers, how can you even afford to sell your work? How can you pay for this little apartment?"

You flinched but grimaced. "Alright. Let me just -"

"Darling? You've been making me wait quite a while now..."

You and Gretchen both looked over to the doorway. Your heart sped up a bit as you heard Loki open the bathroom door. Gretchen smiled and bounced excitedly, her lip between her teeth. Loki walked into the room, his body glistening wet from the shower. Luckily, he had wrapped a towel around his waist. Still, he was offering Gretchen a generous view of his muscled torso. She gasped and stumbled forward.

"My Prince!" she almost moaned.

"What are you doing here?" Loki snapped. "We weren't expecting you."

"I came by to talk about purchasing an art piece," Gretchen explained. Her eyes fell to Loki's abs and she pressed her thighs together. Loki narrowed his eyes and if he listened closely, he could hear Gretchen's prayers whispering in the back of his mind. My Prince, your beauty is outstanding. Please let me see more. Please let me have you...

"Wonderful," he growled. Loki waved his hand and a set of conservative clothes covered him. He watched Gretchen's hopeful expression falter as she looked back up into his eyes. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Well? Have you picked one out?"

"Well, actually," Gretchen laughed nervously. She pointed to the painting on the table. "I'd love that one."

"No," Loki hissed. "My beloved made that for me. You cannot have it."

"Please, my Prince! It captures your beauty so wonderfully! I would be honored to hang it above my altar. I have no way of seeing your face when I pray," Gretchen begged as she fell to her knees. Gretchen pushed her breasts out temptingly. She grabbed Loki's hand and kissed it. "Please, Prince Loki."

"What happened to wanting one of your parents?" Loki asked, snagging his hand away from Gretchen. She stood quickly and looked between you and Loki.

"I would buy both. One of my parents, one of you...many of you, actually," Gretchen said. Her eyes focused on you as she ran up to you. She took your hands and held them in hers "Oh, honey. Please make me a piece of Loki. My altar needs it. I'll give you as much money as you want. I'll even hand out your card or flyers for your pieces at work! There's a lot of big wigs at my company that would pay good money for art like this."

You stood there, terribly conflicted. On one hand, you really didn't want Gretchen having any artwork of Loki, not when those pieces were private and sacred. They were a part of him that you got to keep and hold onto when he wasn't here - which, really, was quite rare. It felt like you were sharing him with her in that case. On the other hand, her offering you money meant you could finally pay Loki back for the apartment and begin contributing. Plus, with her having so many big-pocketed people she worked with, that offered you even more clientele.

You took a deep breath. Maybe giving her paintings of Loki would help settle her down. She could have a picture of him without actually having him. But perhaps it would be enough to quell her want. You smiled weakly and squeezed her hands.

"Okay. I'll do it," you whispered. Gretchen squealed and pulled you into a tight hug. Loki watched you with a hesitant expression but ended up shrugging. You pulled back and saw tears in Gretchen's eyes.

"This is amazing. Thank you so much. My altar will officially be perfect," she laughed happily. You couldn't help but smile and chuckle too. Her laugh was infectious and seeing her happy did bring you some joy. But then, Gretchen sighed and clasped her hands together. "Speaking of altars, can I see yours?"

"Oh, Gretchen, I -"

"Of course you can," Loki interrupted with a cheery smile. He waved his hands and suddenly the coffee table transformed into a large jade altar. Gretchen's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Loki came up behind you and clapped his hands down on your shoulders. He pressed a kiss to your cheek. "It was so large that I put a spell over it just so we could have enough space here."

"It's so gorgeous," Gretchen gasped, running her fingers along the stone. As she was distracted by the altar, you looked up at Loki and he winked. You mouthed your thanks to him and he kissed the top of your head, both of you knowing the storm that would have happened if you admitted to not having an altar. Gretchen looked back at you, catching Loki kissing you, and her body became rigid. "Very nice."

"Thank you," you said softly, a flush on your cheeks.

"The altar, the necklace, the've got it all, don't you?" Gretchen said stiffly. She looked down and her eyes caught a stain on the couch. It was a collection of white droplets. She cleared her throat and turned back to you and Loki. "Well, it's wonderful. I should be going though."

"Allow me to walk you out," Loki offered. He squeezed your shoulders and you both walked Gretchen to the door. He opened it for her while giving her a scrutinizing look. "Have a good day, Gretchen."

She blushed and winked at Loki. "You too, my Prince." She glanced at you. "And you too. Bye!"

Loki quickly closed the door behind Gretchen and turned back to you. He grabbed your face between his hands and pressed his lips to yours. You moaned and grabbed his sweater. When Loki pulled back he gave you a sultry grin. "Come on. Let's go get in the shower."


That bitch!

Gretchen stomped furiously down the stairs, her lips pressed into a tight line. Oh, you just got everything, didn't you? Loki, that beautiful altar, his pendant...his sex. Gretchen knew what that stain on the couch was. That was Loki's cum. Her mouth had watered when she saw it. She wanted him and all of his glorious cum.

When she saw him shirtless, Gretchen swore she was going to get on her knees and beg to suck his cock right then and there. But you were in the room and that probably wouldn't go over well. But even when she did get on her knees, she made sure Loki got a generous view of her cleavage. She was willing to bet that he wanted to fuck her, based on that glint in his eyes. And yet, it didn't fucking work.

Pointing her nose upwards, Gretchen finally got to the bottom of the steps and stared at the front door to the building.

It wasn't fair. You shouldn't be the one to have Loki. Gretchen was the greater worshipper, the one who wanted him, the one who loved him. Gretchen would do anything for Loki. She had to stop him from wanting you.

Gretchen ran out of the building. She stared ahead of her as she made her way to the church she had begun going to in the area. Her face was determined as she pushed the doors open and strutted inside. It was quiet and not many worshippers were occupying the space. She looked around and caught sight of one of the church leaders.

"Lady June," Gretchen said, walking up to the older woman. June turned around and smiled at Gretchen. She clasped her hands together and bowed slightly.

"Good afternoon, Miss Gretchen," June greeted. "What can I do for you today?"

"Would we be able to talk in private?" Gretchen whispered. "I have a...personal question about worship."

"Of course, girl. Come, let's go." June began hobbling towards one of the private worship rooms. Gretchen followed her inside and closed the door behind her. The room was small but decorated with incense and candles, a small altar, and a quaint offering bowl on top of the altar. June sat down in one of the two seats in the room and gestured to the one across from her. "Sit, sit."

Gretchen sat down and bowed her head. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"Not a problem." June waved her hand dismissively. "What is on your mind?"

"Well, as you know, I'm a big worshipper of Loki, God of Mischief and Sex," Gretchen began.

"Yes, I do. You may be his biggest follower I've ever met," June chuckled, rubbing her leathery hands together. Gretchen nodded stiffly, unhappy with the reminder but also reassured that her devotion was clear.

"Yes. That is the issue. I am one of his biggest followers, dare I even say his biggest ever, but he has yet to come and answer my prayers," Gretchen sighed, pouting her lips.

"Loki is not an easy god to communicate with," June reminded her with slightly raised eyebrows. "He is what we call a distant god. He answers prayers quietly without actually visiting his followers. I think that has to do with his domains, since they are a bit on the darker side."

"I understand that. But if I was to try and get him to come to me, how would I do so?" Gretchen asked.

"Child, that's a tough question to answer," June chided.

"Please, Lady June," Gretchen said, grasping June's hands. "I love him. I need to show him how much I adore him. I'm afraid he's...looking elsewhere. I want him to look at me. I want him to want me."

June blew out a tired gust of air as she sat there and contemplated this. "Ah, that's tricky. I guess you could try causing some mischief. Though that might make him come to you in anger. You know, trying to stop you from being too mischievous."

Gretchen could try that but she didn't want to piss Loki off. She wanted to entice him. She grimaced and shook her head. "No, I don't think I should. I don't want to anger him."

"Nor would I. I've heard he has a temper," June chuckled. She patted Gretchen's hand. "You could appeal to his other domain, God of Sex. I'm sure that the God of Sex would be interested in sex."

"I've tried that," Gretchen groaned. "I mean, do you see the dress I'm wearing?"

"I tried not to," June laughed. Gretchen giggled and shook her head, a blush on her cheeks. June tilted her head to the side and shrugged. "What if that's not enough? Perhaps only the real deviancy of sex will attract him."

"Like what?" Gretchen asked, furrowing her brows.

"Direct offerings of sex. Prayers during intimacy - both with yourself and others - or maybe offering him something sexual," June proposed. "After all, the gods are not perfect. We have all been taught that. They have temptations too - lust, carnality. Being the God of Sex, I'm sure Loki gets many sexual requests. Maybe you just have to do a bit more, like the options I just gave, in order to truly bring him in."

"Huh..." Gretchen scratched her chin and pursed her lips. She had tried flaunting herself to Loki but what if that wasn't enough? Maybe she had to follow June's advice and tempt him with her sex directly. You prayed to him about losing your virginity, no doubt while being a whore about it. That must be the key to his heart - exposing inner lusts and wanting him to be the one to fulfill it. She just had to grasp his eyes first. Between constantly being in your life and now extra lusty prayers, she was sure to gain Loki's favor. Gretchen smiled and turned back to June. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you."

"Of course, dear. He has been seen around Earth recently, as Paula said. She did not mention why though, but that is no matter," June said with a smile. Gretchen knew why, but she didn't want to say. Still, June shrugged. "Granted, if my advice doesn't work, then a large offering of something personal to Loki would probably bring him to you, but it is incredibly rare to find something of Loki's direct interest. He's so fickle."

"I bet," Gretchen chuckled. "Thank you, June, truly. I love him so much and I want to prove that to him."

"Then I wish you all the luck I can, child." June stood on wobbly legs and pressed a kiss to Gretchen's head. "Stay in here as long as you need to. Holler if you need anything else."

June left the room and shut the door behind her. After the door closed, Gretchen walked over to it and locked it. She looked at the offering bowl and grinned wickedly. Gretchen sat down in the chair and hoisted her dress up. Then, she began touching herself to the thought of Loki and his shirtless body. She prayed the entire time, hoping to catch his attention. When she came, she collected her arousal and poured it into the bowl. She knelt in front of the bowl and began properly preparing the offer. She smiled down at the bowl and she imagined Loki receiving her offer while being with you. It would definitely distract him. That was the goal. Get his mind off of you and onto her. Thanks to June, this would be the best way to do so.

"Prince Loki," she whispered as she burned all of the candles in the room. "You will be matter what it takes..."


Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki !

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