Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish

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By Paranormal_Babe


You still can't believe what happened last night. It seems so surreal that a god like Loki could ever fall in love with you. You're starting to believe that maybe it could be possible to be the one he truly loves. But when a fright happens the following morning, all of your confidence fades to dust.

TW: discussions of menstruation cycles and pregnancy. Active breeding kink. Graphic depictions of violence, a lot of blood, threats of kidnapping and murder, very brief mention of violence involving animals

I know that discussions of pregnancy and breeding kink may not be everyone's cup of tea. However, this does make up a large portion of this chapter. To avoid this, please scroll past the first * until you see the second *. To avoid the violence of this chapter, do not read after the second *. A chapter summary will be posted at the end of this chapter for anyone who does not want to read but still wants to know what happened.


Happy Friday everybody! Are you ready for a monster chapter today? The past two weeks have only (pfft, ONLY) been around 8,000 words but today's chapter is over 11,000 words - oh boy. Buckle up!!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

At one point, Loki would have said the best feeling in the world was having sex with you.

At another point, he would have said holding you while you fell asleep under his arm was the best feeling in the world.

But now, he knew there was no better feeling than loving you and being loved by you.

Though, the sex and the cuddling were still absolutely great.

Loki laid there in bed, one arm wrapped around you and the other slung over Cooper's back - and both of you were snoring like monsters. He was staring at the ceiling, eyes glistening with emotion as he thought over the day. Fucking you in the morning, going to work with you, taking care of good ol' Michael, fighting with you, and then hearing that declaration of love tumble from your lips like spilled wine.

It made him hard just remembering it. The way you stood there, terror and fury in your eyes as you told him how you really felt - how you loved him. When he had heard you speak those words, Loki swore he saw a million futures run through his mind - one where you left him, where you hated him, where you both continued on with this complex relationship, where you stayed with Michael, where you stayed with him with a detached heart - only to realize those futures were not real. The future that was presented to him was the one he wanted. You loved him.

When Loki had surged his body against yours, pressing his mouth to yours in a violent, passionate manner, it was solely because he could not possibly believe what had happened. And if he had not kissed you, he would have fallen to his knees, sobbing like a broken little boy. Sex seemed to be the more attractive option, so he elected to pick that one.

Confessing his feelings to you felt surreal. Loki knew he could make his admittance, for you had already said the words yourself - several times, though he egged those on, he'll admit. But now, you both had exchanged them plenty of times and he would never tire of saying them, whispering them, shouting them, moaning them...however you wanted to hear those words, he would say it.

And here in your bed, Loki was at peace. He felt so good, so strong. He held you closer to his body and turned his head so he could inhale the smell of your hair. There were a thousand things he wanted to do. First and foremost, he wanted to fuck you again. His cock was hard as he thought about you saying you loved him. Maybe he should be concerned about how much those three words turned him on but frankly, he didn't really care. After a brutal and thorough pounding, Loki wanted to take you out, dance with you, bring you to Asgard, introduce you to Thor and Frigga - fuck Odin, he didn't deserve to meet you. He wanted to make you new jewelry and bring you more art supplies, move you into a mansion. He wanted to pull each star from the sky for you and weave them into a blanket of warmth and dimension.

But for now, he would hold you. He would kiss the top of your head. He would adore you. And as he slipped into a peaceful, restful sleep, he would count all of the ways he could show you how much he loved you.


You were pleasantly sore when you woke up in the morning. The dull ache between your thighs and the stiffness of your hips reminded you of the unbelievable night of fucking, holding, and loving you had endured. Loki was always an aggressive lover, but last night seemed to flip a switch in him that left him even more insatiable. You had to stifle a moan as you remembered the hours and hours he had spent working your body to blissful and intense orgasms.

You blinked the morning light out of your eyes, still in awe of how good you felt despite the licks of pain through your body. That positive feeling you realized could be attributed to the fact that for the first time in weeks, you woke up completely and utterly sure of who you were.

You were Loki's beloved. You were his partner now, his lover. No more did you have to wonder what exactly this was - a fling, a fuck, a frienship. There was no more stress about Loki leaving you or finding a better woman. He had admitted it to you completely. He loved you and there would be no one else he wanted. Maybe a while ago you would have questioned it, but waking up with his arms around you, his breathing in your ear, and the reminder of how much he was attracted to you helped solidify the truth.

Loki loved you. It was as simple as that.

There was no more dreading work. There was no more worrying about Michael. There was no more pinching pennies to save up for rent or groceries. Loki was going to take care of you. You were going to create art. Cooper was not going to starve. You were protected, cared for, and loved. And while under normal circumstances, you wouldn't want to rely on Loki to provide you with your income, you were aware that these weren't normal circumstances. He had tied his heart to yours, swore his fidelity, and that declaration of love made you sure that abandonment was not in your cards. Plus, Loki had accepted that you would give back once you were bringing in money.

Everything seemed to be perfect. For the first time in a long time, it was perfect.

At some point in the night, Cooper must have decided he wanted to be alone, because his large, fluffy body was no longer on the bed. You and Loki then rolled onto your sides, your back tucked against Loki's chest while his arm draped over you protectively. It was this position that stopped you from stretching out - something your increasingly aching body was demanding you do.

You looked over your shoulder and smiled softly at the gentle, peaceful look on Loki's face as he slept. You knew he said it was now safe to wake him up, but you really did not want a repeat of what happened the first time you woke him up. Instead, you elected to let him sleep a little longer and wake up naturally as the morning progressed.

You kissed his cheek before slowly, carefully sliding out of his grip. His arm tried to lock around you tighter but you managed to wiggle out of his embrace without waking him. You slid out of bed and placed his arm on a pillow, letting him cuddle something. With a sleepy sigh, Loki pulled the pillow closer to his body and nuzzled his nose into it. Your heart fluttered and you bit your lip to repress the large smile that wanted to grow on your tired face.

As you brushed some errant strands of hair away from Loki's face, you decided that a hot shower would be best for your sore body. You'd clean yourself up quietly and crawl back into bed for a round of riveting morning sex with your new...lover? Boyfriend just didn't sound right. Lover, that worked.

The walk to your bathroom was less of a walk and more of a lazy waltz. You felt divine, beautiful, free. You shut the door nearly silently behind you and pushed off of it with a happy sigh. Before your shower, you went to relieve yourself, not wanting a single interruption once you walked back into the bedroom. But before you took to the toilet, you noticed that your toilet paper roll was empty. Shrugging, you opened the cabinet beneath the sink to retrieve a new roll, only to have your hand freeze when your eyes locked on a bag of pads.

You stared at the white and black bag filled with wrapped pads with a startled awareness. You had not gotten your period yet and it was due to come last week. Yet, between the stress, your vacation, and the lovely time with Loki, it was something you had completely forgotten about.

Falling back from your squat onto your ass, you stared at the bag under your counter with fear. Your body functioned like clockwork. You could predict the exact date your period would come, right down to the hour, sometimes even the minute. You could tell from the incoming cramps, the soreness in your knees, and the little headache that you used to mistake as sinus pressure when you were younger. But as you sat there, you realized you had experienced none of that.

Your hands shifted to rest over your stomach, shaky fingers brushing your nude stomach. Trembling, you grabbed a robe from the laundry basket, feeling as though the purple terry cloth could protect you from the weight of your realizations. You shrugged the robe on, never taking your eyes off of the pads.

You had been having sex with Loki for three weeks. Several times a day, he came inside of you. You never used any sort of protection - no condoms, no injections, no pills. Tears began budding in your eyes as you addressed your carelessness. You had no idea how pregnancy with a god worked, but you were sure that his potency would be exceptionally higher than that of a regular mortal man.

Could you...could you be pregnant? Was it even possible for Loki, an Asgardian, Vanir, Jotun god, to get you, a mere Earthly mortal, pregnant?

The thought made you sick. If you were pregnant, Loki could leave you. You were certain he would not want a child with a woman he only recently met.

This was it. This was the shoe dropping after everything good that had happened. This was where Loki finally realized the shit storm he got involved with and understood that you were not worth it. If that was the case, you'd be left behind jobless, loveless, and saddled with a baby that you had no idea how to care for.

The onslaught of terror running through you caused an uncontrollable sob to escape you. You tried to hold it in, tried to stay quiet, but even your deepest will couldn't stop the tears. You pressed your palm to your mouth and shut your eyes, crying into your hand and letting the tears fall down your cheeks. You held yourself tighter as you rocked back and forth on the bathroom floor.

Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Love? Are you in there?" Loki asked through the door. You sat there completely still as you listened to his soft breathing outside of the door. His knuckles tapped against the door again. "Darling? Are you okay?"

You hastily scrubbed the tears from your face and cleared your throat. "I-I'm fine."

There was a pause and then, the door was swinging open. Loki was standing in the doorway, naked aside from a pair of black pants hanging low on his hips, revealing the deep V chiseled into his waist. When he saw you, Loki immediately sunk to the ground and cupped your face in his hands.

"You're crying. Why are you crying?" Loki asked, rubbing his thumbs over your face.

"Why did you come in here?" you sighed, ignoring his question. "I told you I was fine."

"Your voice cracked when you first spoke. It always cracks when you cry," Loki whispered. You stared at him with parted lips, in awe of how he had always paid attention to you. You felt dumb for a brief second and you questioned how you had not seen his love before. "My sweet pet, what has made you so upset? You can tell me anything."

You bit your lip and looked away from his gaze. He said you could tell him anything, but could you tell him this? Could you tell him that you think you might be pregnant with his child? If there was a time to tell him, it was now. It was before you were too deeply invested - well, you already were too deeply invested. You loved him. But at least you couldn't fall any harder if you were to tell him the truth now. It pained you to think about this being your last few moments with Loki but you had to do it. You looked back at Loki and observed his features for a long, sullen silence. His green eyes shimmered with concern and his jaw was locked tightly, lips parted as he awaited your answer. You reached your hand up and ran your fingers along his cheekbone.

"You're so beautiful," you said softly.

"Thank you," Loki said, capturing your hand in his and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Not that I don't love being complimented but, pet, please tell me what's wrong."

You sighed and dropped your gaze to your lap. "I don't want you to be upset."

"Upset? Why would I be upset?" Loki asked, leaning closer to you.

"Because it's bad," you said, choking on your words. Loki kissed your hand again, his lips pressing all over your skin as he hushed you. "I don't want you to get angry."

"I have no reason to be angry. The woman I love told me that she loved me yesterday. Nothing could possibly ruin my mood. Everything is wonderful and -"

"Loki, I think I'm pregnant."

Loki paused, his lips frozen from his halted speech. He blinked a few times before his lips curled up into a grin and he began snickering.

"Alright, no."

"I'm serious, Loki!" you gasped, tugging your hand away from him. Loki continued to chuckle and you crossed your arms over your chest defensively. "What's so fucking funny?"

"What's so fucking funny is that it's not possible for you to be pregnant, dear," Loki chuckled, plopping down backwards and resting his arm on his arched knee. You blinked in confusion and ran your hands over your stomach, shaking your head. Loki followed the movement on your hands with his eyes.

"We've been having sex for three weeks, completely unprotected. I'm a week late with my period without any sign of getting it any time soon. Don't you think that after, what, a hundred times of you cumming inside of me that it's not at least a little likely that I could be pregnant?" you challenged.

Loki shrugged. "No."

"And why do you say that?" you asked, dropping your head a little with an incredulous look on your face. Loki sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked to be choosing his words carefully before actually speaking.

"Ah, now it's your turn not to be upset at me," Loki said sheepishly as he traced the palms of his hands over his pants.

You raised a curious brow. "What did you do?"

"Let me preface by saying I didn't really expect for us to get to where we are now," Loki began, holding his hands out as if to placate you. "On the first night I came to you, I really thought I'd fuck you and, well, that would be it. In order to prevent the off-chance of you getting pregnant, I placed a spell on you that would halt the conception functions within your body, hence your period stopping. After that night, I let them go back to normal but when I came back, I placed the spell on you again."

"How is that even possible?" you questioned.

"Remember when I said as the God of Sex and Mischief, I am also the guardian of certain branches that fall underneath that?" You nodded in confirmation. "As the God of Sex, one of the branches I maintain is fertility. Though my mother is more in charge of it, I can control whether or not someone can get pregnant. That is how I was able to take away the chance of pregnancy when we were intimate."

"And you never told me?" you asked with a frown. Loki nodded, his cheeks red with slight embarrassment. "Why not?"

"Honestly, I do not know," Loki sighed. "I apologize."

"It's okay, Loki. You just need to understand that my life is much easier when you just tell me about the spells you use on me," you laughed lightly, crawling over to Loki to climb into his lap. His hands settled on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Just keep me in the loop, alright?"

"I will, darling. I promise," Loki assured you. "While we're on the topic of using spells, I may or may not have used a silencing spell to get you to stop snoring in the middle of the night a few times."

"What? I don't snore," you scoffed.

"You sound like a fucking banshee, darling."


"It's true! I don't do it anymore because I've discovered it's rather endearing but pet, you really do sound horrid," Loki exclaimed, hugging you closer to his body. You giggled against him, a weight sliding off of your shoulders. You traced your fingers over his skin before meeting his eyes once more.

"So, just to clarify, there is absolutely no chance that I'm pregnant?"

Loki laughed. "None. Now come here and kiss me."

As you kissed Loki, your mind began to wander to places a bit more devious now that your worry had gone away. Despite not being at all ready for a child, you wondered what Loki would be like as a father. Certainly overprotective, definitely caring, and probably one to spoil his child. His hands cupped your ass and an image flashed through your mind - Loki holding a tiny baby against his bare chest, supporting the child with his large hands. Your cunt clenched and you couldn't believe your mind. You were getting turned on by the thought of Loki being a father.

Not only that, you were starting to get wet thinking about Loki being the father of your child.

You could picture it, your belly full and round as Loki rubbed his hands along your swollen stomach. His large body would protect you from any onlookers. He would soothe your sore breasts and ease the ache with his mouth between your thighs. And if he was possessive now, you could only imagine how he would act when you were pregnant.

You whined against Loki's lips as your hands tightened their grip in his hair. Loki groaned and rolled you onto the cool tile floor, and with quick movement of his hands, his pants were below his waist and your robe was open. He fucked you right there on the floor, and it took everything in your power not to speak of your hidden desires.

For the next few hours, you wandered around the house in a daze of love and lust. Loki cooked breakfast, cleaned, and held you, all filling you with warming thoughts of Loki as the perfect father-figure for a future baby. You discovered that even though you weren't mentally, emotionally, or even physically ready to have a child, the idea of having one with Loki one day wasn't so scary. You knew he'd be a good lover, and based on his behavior, he'd also be a good father. It was these thoughts that kept your mind skipping off to distant futures that could possibly be yours.

"What's on your mind, kitten?"

You looked up at Loki from where you were seated on the bed. He was standing by your bookshelf, fingers tracing the spines of the many books and records and loose-leaf papers you had shoved into the shelves.

"Nothing," you said with a shrug. Loki lifted an eyebrow as he placed down a record. He leaned against the wall and eyed you up and down. You were wearing his shirt and a pair of panties, back in your vacation attire as Loki dubbed it.

"You've been ever since this morning in the bathroom. It's like you're not here with me," Loki murmured. He winked and gestured to his cock. "But I'm sure I could bring you back to reality."

You rolled your eyes. "You're always so horny."

"God of Sex, my beloved," Loki laughed. Once his chuckles died down, Loki gave you another curious look. "But really, dearest, what is it?"

Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking about how I really want to have your baby one day and I keep picturing you as a father and honestly, if you got me pregnant one day I really wouldn't care. I'd actually be happy.

You winced at the intensity of your thoughts. "I'm just thinking about earlier."

"Are you still concerned?" Loki asked, his expression softening. You shook your head and tried to figure out how exactly you could approach this. Realistically, you could just pretend you weren't getting so turned on by the thought of Loki...breeding you. That's what this was. You didn't want a kid - no, not yet. But the thought of making one with Loki had arousal streaking through you. Loki took a step closer to the bed and sharpened his gaze. "Then what is it?"

You stayed quiet and looked down at your hands. You wrung them together as you bit the inside of your cheek.

"Would you...would you want to have kids one day?" you asked, still looking down. "I mean, did you ever want to be a father?"

"I do," Loki said, sliding onto the edge of the bed. You looked up at him when he placed a strong hand on your thigh. "One day, I do. And do you want a child?"

"Yes." Yours. "I do."

"Then may I ask why you were so scared this morning?" Loki murmured, brushing his thumb over the inside of your thigh. You trembled at his touch but the sincerity and curiosity in his eyes had you melting like warm butter.

"I just don't think I'm actually ready for it right now. But one day, yeah, I really want kids," you explained.

"You really want kids," Loki repeated back. "With me?"

The question startled you. You gasped a little and tried to hide the fluster on your face. "Loki, we just got together -"

"Darling, you and I have been fucking for weeks, are quite frankly in love, and have been playing house ever since I arrived. Now answer the question," Loki instructed with a snort.


"I want children with you," Loki said honestly. "You're right, I am not ready for it either. But as a God of Fertility, it is so arousing to think about the woman I love growing round with my child. Having a baby at your breast, cradled in your loving, motherly arms. I'd take care of you, pet. You'd glow...fuck..." Loki looked away and you noticed that his pants were tented. Clearly, Loki was just as aroused at the thought as you were. He cleared his throat and let out a weary laugh. "I know it seems too soon to know about the kind of future I want but darling, you are the only woman I have ever loved. I have never felt this way about anyone else. I'm not saying we need to get married right now or have a whole litter of children. I'm a young god, still figuring everything out, and I am not ready for either of those things. But one day, when I look into the future, it's you who I want to do those things with. I know it's fast, but...but it's not. No, it's not fast, not for me. Because when a god falls in love, it is not just love they feel. It is devotion. When I, Loki of Asgard, fell in love, I did not do so lightly. There are no hesitations, no doubts, no second-guesses. You are what I want for the rest of my days. You are the one I want to protect, cherish, and dedicate every one of my breaths to. You humans view love as insignificant. That is not the case on Asgard, it is not the case with me."

Tears were welling in your eyes at his beautiful speech. You could see his passion, literally feel the intensity in his words. You held no doubts about Loki's feelings for you. He said it truthfully - you were what he wanted. You wanted to give yourself to him in every way, mind, body and soul. You wanted to reveal the deepest, most insecure, most sensitive parts of yourself to the man that was before you. You licked your lips and smiled softly.

"That...Loki, that was so beautiful," you said, trying extremely hard not to choke on your emotions.

"Is it so wrong, pet? Is it so wrong to actually know what I want for the first time in my thousand years?" Loki asked and you could taste the slightest insecurity in his tone.

"It's not wrong," you said, shaking your head. "Because I want that too."

"You do?" Loki asked, raising that one, tricky eyebrow.

"Yes," you answered. "I love you, Loki. I think I've known that I've wanted those things for a while. Having you around here all the time, playing house as you called it, it made me see the future we could have together. It''s one of the reasons I fell in love with you."

"Oh, pet," Loki purred. He stretched himself over you, pushing you back onto the bed. "I love you so much. Hearing you say undoes me."

His lips were on yours and you moaned into his mouth. His dangerous hands wandered along your body, drinking you in through his touch. You arched up against him, wanting to feel the heat of his naked chest press against you. Your legs spread and hooked around his waist, tugging him down with your ankles so his clothed, hard cock brushed against your wet center. Scratching your nails down Loki's biceps, you whimpered.

"Loki..." you moaned. "I...I want..."

"What do you want, pet?" Loki murmured, breaking his lips away from yours to kiss along your jaw. "Tell your Master."

"I want you to breed me," you whispered. Loki's lips paused against you but his cock was all but still. It twitched rapidly and you felt precum leak through his pants and onto your leg. Loki looked up and his pupils were blown wide with desire.

"You cannot say that to a fertility god and not expect to get thoroughly fucked," Loki growled.

"That's what I want though," you said, running the tips of your fingers down his chest. "I don't...I don't want you to actually get me pregnant. I really am not ready for that. But...can we just...I don't know...pretend?"

"Oh, pretend we will, darling," Loki snickered. He hoisted you up to sit in his lap and his hands explored the skin under your shirt. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

"I really don't but I trust you," you affirmed. Loki's eyes softened and he pressed a kiss directly over the gem of your pendant.

"Thank you," Loki whispered. He looked up at you through his dark lashes and smiled. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," you giggled, running your fingers through his hair. Loki's eyes fluttered shut and he leaned into your touch, soft sighs of pleasure escaping his parted lips. You bent your head down and kissed him, letting him groan into your mouth as you scratched his scalp. When you came up for air, Loki's eyes opened slowly.

"I want to play with you today, pet," Loki admitted. "I want to breed you as a god would. As I would."

"Let's do it," you said, smiling so wide that your cheeks physically hurt.

"Such a good girl," Loki purred. "But before we start, we must redecorate."

Loki hoisted you up as he stood and planted his feet on the ground. He placed you down beside him, but you kept your arms wrapped around his waist. Loki smirked at the feeling of your hands on his skin and you quietly explored his taut abdomen. Lifting his hands, Loki emitted a green smoke through the room. You watched in awe as the furniture, decorations, and collection of unorganized crap melted away. In its place, heavy drapes, dark walls, and a large bed covered in dark green sheets rose from the mist. When the smoke faded away, you were presented with what looked to be a bedroom that certainly was not yours.

"Welcome to my room, pet," Loki whispered in your ear. You shivered at the depth and richness of his voice as you turned to look up at him. He was grinning, his eyes alight with lust. "It's not the real thing but it's close enough to serve our purpose. And now, for a shift in our attire."

Loki took a step back from you and his body shimmered with a wave of green glimmer. You watched as complex fabrics and leathers warped around him and settled onto his skin. The clink of heavy metal armor filled your ears and with a bright glow, Loki seemed to grow at least a foot taller. When the glowing dispersed, you let out a hearty gasp. Loki had not gotten taller, but he had magicked on his glorious, gold helmet. He was dressed in his finest armor and your knees buckled, suddenly feeling the overwhelming urge to kneel before him. You bowed your head, not feeling exactly worthy to look at this beautifully dangerous warrior god.

"Oh, little one, do not fear me," Loki murmured as he stepped closer to you. You positioned yourself demurely, still not fully looking at Loki. For some reason, when he was dressed in his armor and that glorious helmet, you felt small, nearly insignificant. You watched his dark, heavy boots come into your eyesight. A finger settled under your chin and you tilted your head upwards to stare into Loki's eyes. He flashed you a smile as his thumb stroked your chin lovingly. "I am your god and you will worship me."

As you looked into his emerald irises, you were floored with the realization that although, yes, Loki was an all-powerful god, he was still yours. He loved you, helmet or no helmet, royalty or not. He was still the man who made love to you, kissed you, and made you feel undeniably beautiful. Your heart hammered in your chest as the feeling of self-doubt melted away and a smile dawned on your face. You wanted to please him, to remind him that even though you two lived different lives, you were still the one he claimed to love. You held your head higher and nodded.

"Yes...Your Highness," you said softly. With that, you sunk down onto your knees and bowed yourself to the floor. Your lips found the top of Loki's boot and you pressed a delicate kiss to the black material. When you peeled yourself upwards, you noticed Loki's hard cock tenting the many layers of leather he wore. "My body is yours to command."

"Yes, yes it is," Loki growled, his pupils blown wide and dark. "Stand. Now."

You quickly stood and folded your hands behind your back. Loki circled around you, scratching his chin as he observed your body. You felt rather scantily clad compared to him but it also sent a wave of warmth to your cunt. Loki hummed and stepped behind you, his chest pressed to your back.

"What a beautiful woman you are. The perfect vessel to carry my heir," Loki whispered, bending down to kiss your neck. You moaned and rolled your head back, shutting your eyes as his hands ran up and down your body. Beneath his fingers, you could feel a cool sensation wash over you. Loki continued kissing your neck through it and only pulled back when he was done. You swallowed and rolled your head forward and preened at the familiar feeling of your collar around your neck.

Loki ran his fingers down your arm and snapped with his free hand. In front of you appeared a tall mirror lined with gold trim. You gasped as you caught sight of yourself. You were wearing a thin white slip that was completely sheer. It went down just enough to cover your ass. Your hard nipples poked through the soft material, showing just how turned on you were. Your skin was speckled with gold dust, causing your body to shimmer as you moved. Loki leaned in and wrapped his hands around your wrists and ran them upwards. In the wake of his hands, wrist guards made of pure gold shielded your skin. On the guards were Loki's insignia. From there, Loki tapped your collar and instead of the thin, golden chain, your collar grew into a thicker, gold plate that constricted your throat even more, the green gem dangling from the center in its typical tear-drop shape. Loki hummed in approval and nodded.

"You are so perfect," Loki said huskily in your ear. "The perfect little whore for me to breed."

"Thank you, Your Highness." You looked at Loki in the mirror and bit your lip. "Master...Your Highness...Loki, my almighty love...I'm yours. I'm whatever you want me to be, whoever you want me to be. I love you. I trust you. And I want you."

"Oh, pet," Loki sighed, a wide grin on his gorgeous face. "I am all of those things and I will prove it to you."

Loki's hands reached up and he began groping your breasts through your dress - if you could even call it that. You moaned as you watched Loki touch you courtesy of the mirror. Your legs spread on their own accord. Loki preened and smirked, one hand leaving your breasts to cup your mound. When he found you already extremely wet, Loki skipped all pretense of teasing and slid two fingers inside of you.

"Loki! Oh my gosh," you gasped, widening your stance to allow Loki to finger you deeper. His fingers pumped inside of you as his other hand pinched your nipple. You rocked down on his hand and reached behind you to grab at whatever you could reach. "Feels so good."

"That's my good little slut. You're already so wet for your Master. Are you thinking about how I'm going to fuck you and fill you with my cum over and over again until my seed takes root? Are you thinking about how I'm never going to let you out of this room until you fall pregnant with my child? Such a good little slut, so hungry for her god's cock," Loki growled, grinding his hard cock against your backside as he fucked his fingers faster into you. "Look at how hard you've made me. The thought of breeding you...fuck, it fuels me. It truly makes me weak. How badly I want it to be true...I want to breed you, pet. I want to fill you with child after child after child. I'd never let you go. You're mine."

"Oh fuck!" you whined as his fingers curled within you. You had no idea that Loki would get so riled up from this. But when he reminded you that he was God of Fertility - in a way, at least - it made sense. This was his domain. This was what he controlled. You were mixing so much of what he looked over together - trust, sex, fertility. It caused you to shiver, for you were sure that his hands were more dexterous, the thrusting of his cock against your ass was harder, and his body was alight with even more magic.

"Do you want to know what would happen if I were to breed your little body on Asgard?" Loki asked. You weakly nodded as you rocked down on his insistent fingers. "You would be taken to my chambers and bathed by your personal handmaids. They'd coat you in alluring perfume, really whatever scent I preferred. You are being given over to me, after all. Then they would dress you in an enticing outfit, much like this sheer little dress. Though, perhaps they'd add a nice green robe just to tease me. They would then set you on the bed to present yourself to me as they took their leave. And when I entered the room, you would already be wet and wanting me to take you. Your body would accept me, ready to bear my heir.

"But you know the funny thing, pet? They wouldn't include these." Loki moved his hand from your breast to brush over your collar and bracers. "They might put some dainty little bracelets or rings on you. But that is what they would do for demure little brides, innocent virgins, sweet girls. You're none of that. No, not anymore. Instead, you're my own personal little slut. My pleasure slave. I own you, little one. I control your body. This collar, these bracers - they show everyone that you belong to me. You're mine to fuck, claim, and of course, tie to my bed and breed."

"Loki! Oh, Your Highness, Master...oh, please," you cried out, your juices literally dripping down your thighs. You were so aroused that you felt nearly dizzy. You weren't even looking in the mirror anymore. Your eyes were screwed shut with pleasure. In the back of your mind, you noticed how empty you felt. Though Loki's fingers were still pounding into your cunt and filling the room with sounds of your wetness, your womb felt utterly devoid of all sensation. You wanted him to fill you up, cum inside of you until it was impossible to fit any more of him in you. You grabbed Loki's hair from under his helmet and whimpered. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Oh, please Master, breed me. Breed me, Your Highness. I want to please you!"

"I know you do. And you will," Loki whispered in your ear before biting your earlobe. Loki slipped his fingers from you and you felt a startled gasp bubble from your throat. His body left yours and when you turned around, you felt your heart jump in your chest. Loki had created a throne and he was sitting in it, legs spread, and cock out. He raised a brow as he ran his hand over his cock. His power, his dominance, it sent you straight to your knees.

"Your Highness, I worship you," you whispered. Loki toed his boot outwards and lifted it up, and you proceeded to press a long kiss to it, your eyes locked with his. Loki stroked his cock faster as you lifted yourself upwards and crawled towards him. You blinked innocently as you licked your lips. "May I suck your cock, Sire?"

" better. Get to work, you little cumslut," Loki growled. You straightened your back into a proper kneeling position before leaning forward and running the flat of your tongue up the underside of Loki's cock. He cursed and tossed his head back, his hand immediately reaching for your head. He forced you down onto his cock as he moaned out your name. Meanwhile, you choked around him, your cheeks burning with an intense blush as Loki gripped the back of your throat. He rolled his head forward and grinned wickedly. "This is where you belong, pet. With my cock shoved down your throat, on your knees before me, it is the perfect position for the perfect slut. Tell me, kitten, does it feel good having my cock in your mouth?"

You moaned around him, nodding as best you could. The moaning sent a flourish of pleasure through Loki and he bucked into your mouth. You were startled at his lack of control, but you knew that if you uttered your safe word, he would halt in an instant. It comforted you and only fueled the flare of desire you had for him.

"I'm going to fuck your mouth now, pet. I'm going to get myself nice and ready to fuck your delicious cunt. No hands," Loki groaned before slipping his cock out until only the tip remained in your mouth. You politely crossed your arms behind your back, pushing your barely covered breasts outward. His eyes softened and he reached down to stroke your cheek. "I love you, my very good girl."

You elected not to respond verbally. Instead, you slid yourself down on Loki's cock, running your tongue along him. You bobbed your head sensually, winking up at the god above you. You knew that he knew what you were trying to tell him - I love you too...but don't be gentle.

Loki collected your head in his hands once again and began fucking your mouth. Curses, aches, and groans fell from his lips in a sexual symphony. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. Between your whorish outfit and his warrior armor, you truly felt like his personal pleasure slave. The realization had your pussy fluttering, clenching around nothing, which you only hoped could become his cock.

"Such a fucking perfect mouth," Loki hissed through his teeth as he thrusted himself between your lips. He was in awe of how you looked on your knees for him. Tears were welling in your eyes and the flush of your cheeks made you look even more alluring. His cock slid in and out of your mouth as if it belonged there and you were sucking him perfectly. Loki was almost sure he wasn't even going to last.

But still, he held onto you tighter, pushed you down harder, and fucked your throat faster. You were positive that you wouldn't have a voice after this but that didn't matter. You were pleasuring Loki and that was all you cared about. Your hands were itching to touch him, wanting to feel the heat of his skin on yours. You wrung your hands together behind you and whimpered as you spread your legs wider.

"What is it, pet? Are you desperate to get fucked?" Loki asked, earning an eager nod from you. Loki inhaled and laughed, tossing his head back. "Oh yes, I can smell it. You're so fucking wet for me. You're so excited by this, huh?" Loki rolled his head forward again, the light glinting off of the horns on his head. "What do you want, hm? Do you want my cock fucking your slutty pussy? Do you want me to cum inside of you until you're so full that it's dripping out of you?"

Again, you nodded. Tears were falling from your eyes as his cock jabbed the back of your throat. You choked and sputtered but Loki did not relent. He gritted his teeth and stared down at you with a fire in his eyes. Finally, he tugged his cock from your mouth and grabbed you by your collar. He pulled you up and slammed his lips to yours, tasting himself on your tongue. His kiss was almost violent with passion and you clawed at his chest, wanting him as close as possible.

"My dirty fucking slut," Loki hissed as he pulled away. "It's time to get bred by your god."

"Please, Master," you whimpered as Loki dragged you over to the large bed. He tossed you onto it, placing you in the center. He waved his hand over you and your arms shot above your head, chains connecting from your bracers to the large posts at the front of the bed. Your eyes widened and you began panting. Loki's eyes scanned your body and you pushed your breasts forward. "Please, Your Highness...breed me..."

"I do love it when you beg like a common whore," Loki snickered. He gripped your hips and pulled you upwards and with one swift movement, his cock was inside of you. You moaned as Loki settled as deeply as he could. He groaned and stared at his cock snug inside of you. "But that is what you are, right? You're my little fucktoy, my plaything, my cockslut. If I snap my fingers, you'd come running for my cock. I own you."

"You own me, I'm yours," you agreed. You wiggled around and cried out. "Sire, please! Please fuck me!"

The usual talkative and vocal God of Sex was left speechless as your cunt clenched him when you arched against him. Instead of speaking, Loki did what you asked - he fucked you. He pounded his cock into you as he stared down at your body. He felt so good inside of you and you felt so full. This was what you wanted. You wanted to be claimed and torn apart, then put back together again. Loki's hands were gripping you tightly and you were sure he was going to leave bruises.

As Loki fucked you, the fertility god within him was roaring with life. He had never felt so powerful before as he fucked you to breed you. Granted, he knew it wasn't real. He would never take advantage of you in that way. But just the simple thought of it - the thought of you growing round with his child - was turning him on beyond belief. You were discovering things about him that he had no idea existed - his submissiveness, his love for pain, and now his desire to hold you down and breed you. He was entirely in awe of how lucky he was to have found the most perfect partner in all the Nine Realms.

But he wanted more.

Loki's hands moved up from your hips to the top of your slip. You watched as an idea lit up on his face and with a tear, Loki ripped your slip from your body. Your breasts now bounced in full view as he thrusted into you. Loki groped them vigorously as he thrusted harder into you. Hints of pain mixed with pleasure at the intensity of his thrusts and you writhed around.

"There you are, my beautiful plaything. You look so good getting fucked by your Master's cock. All spread out before me like a virgin sacrifice, womb ready to grow with my heir," Loki grunted, his cock spasming inside of you. You felt him pulse and tick, causing whimpers to fall from your lips. Loki slammed into your harder, his pace never relenting. "Oh, fuck, I can feel you clamping down around me. You want my cum so badly. Fuck! Squeeze just like that, little one. Oh, you feel so fucking good."

"Loki, Loki, Loki...oh yes, Master...Your Highness please cum inside of me," you cried out, pulling at your restraints. Based on the look in Loki's eyes, you knew that you wouldn't be getting away this time. Loki spread your legs wider and leaned over you so his face hovered above yours. His breath reflected off of your face and you tasted the desire in his exhales. You arched your back on a particularly hard thrust and Loki dipped down to suck on your nipple. "Cum in me, please."

"I will, pet, I will," Loki groaned, lifting his lips from your nipple to your neck. "I'm close, fuck. I need to...need to breed you...need to fill you up."

"Do it, Master. I'm yours. Take me. Fill me up. Give me every drop of your cum," you sobbed, hooking your ankles around his ass and pulling him in closer. Loki cursed into your neck as he sucked a bruise into your skin, his tongue licking over your sensitive skin. His cock was jabbing against your g-spot and you felt your orgasm building up smoothly. "Your Highness, please! I need to cum!"

"You will cum upon my cock. You will do it and then I will fill you with my heir," Loki hissed. His hand moved down to toy with your clit and when he pressed two fingers against your clit harshly, you came with a shout.

"Loki! Loki, thank you! Oh, breed me, Sire, please!" you screamed, thankful for the bubble of silence Loki always wrapped your apartment in when you got intimate. Loki growled and straightened his back. He gripped your hips once again and pounded into you. Your cunt was spasming around him and with one final thrust, Loki spilled into you.

"Yes! Oh, fuck," Loki moaned, followed by the sweet sound of your name. His cum shot into you and it was easily one of the most powerful orgasms Loki ever had. He thrusted into you ensuring every drop of his cum spilled inside of you. Loki looked down and watched as his cock twitched and pulse, his cum spurting inside of you in thick, heated ropes. He groaned at the sight, getting even more aroused by his cock pumping into you that he shot out even more cum. "Take it all, pet. Take everything I give you."

"Yes, Master," you whispered, his warmth flooding your body. You shivered with pleasure as you tugged Loki in closer, his leathers pressed against your body. You stared up at the reflection of yourself in his horns and whimpered. The sound sent more pleasure down Loki's spine and he spilled more and more cum inside of you.

You didn't know how long he had been cumming but it was easily at least five minutes. When he finally stopped, you felt yourself longing for the feeling of his cum leaking into you again. You rocked yourself downwards onto his cock but Loki grunted and held you down.

"Relax, pet. Do not overwhelm yourself," Loki whispered. He kept his cock wedged inside of you, surely as a plug for his cum, as he waved his hands around. His armor melted away and he was left nude. The room transformed back into yours, the forgotten throne and mirror disappearing as if they never existed in the first place. Your shackles and bracers disappeared, and your necklace returned back to the style of the pendant.

For the next few moments, Loki took care of you. He rubbed your wrists, gave you water, and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. As he delivered his aftercare, you felt the sensitivity of the situation settling into your body. You found yourself clinging to Loki as he rocked you back and forth, kissing your face and your hair.

"I love you, my sweet. I love you so much," he murmured into your hair, and when he finally pulled out, you could feel the evidence of his love leaking out of your pussy. You were fuzzy, and you couldn't respond, so you simply kissed his chest and cuddled closer to him. But for Loki, that was enough.


It took longer than you thought it would to come out of the post-fuck haze that Loki had put you into. He coddled you the entire time and when the coherence finally entered your gaze again, you made sure to return every sweet sentiment that Loki had given you. Your words caused Loki to blush and flounder like a fool, and you were humbled that you were able to bring such a powerful being into such a state of surrender.

After your coupling, Loki ensured that the protective spell he resurrected on your body so long ago was still intact. He panicked for just a moment that in his passion, he got carried away by carnal lust and destroyed it. He had not, of course, but precautions were always in order.

Hours later - belly full with dinner and body wrapped in extra layers of comfortable clothing - you were curled up on the couch with Loki. His arm was wrapped around you and he was dozing in and out of sleep. He predicted this would happen, considering how much of a power trip he had gotten from the sex. He claimed it was almost like an overdose of power, though he would be completely fine with some rest. You ran your fingers through his hair and pressed soft kisses to his head, relishing in the love that lived in your heart.

A soft rapt at the door tore your attention away from the man nearly draped in your lap. You wanted to ignore it, but when the knocking turned to the jiggling of the doorknob, you began to grow nervous. You chewed your lip as Cooper lifted his head. His nose raised into the air and he sniffed. A growl erupted from his mouth and you knew something was wrong. Loki roused against you and shook his head.

"Hey, it's okay. Go back to sleep," you whispered, trying to conceal the anxiety in your tone. You got up before Loki could protest. You whistled for Cooper to follow you as you walked to the door. The doorknob was jiggling viciously and Cooper began barking loudly, his head tossed back and forth from the intensity of his vocals. You crept towards the door and with a deep breath, you opened it. You froze in the doorway with your hand stuck to the doorknob. "Michael?"

"Bookworm," Michael said, pushing his way into your apartment. His skin looked pale and his eyes were wide and bloodshot. He slammed the door behind you and took you by your hips, pushing you into the wall. Cooper barked and growled, creeping towards Michael. Michael turned and glared at the dog. "Not now, dog."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" you yelled.

"I'm here to win you back. I had a chat with your man. He thinks you want him. I know that's not true, bookworm. I know I'm the one you really want," Michael explained, his mouth widened into a crazed smile.

Cooper continued to bark and Michael growled. He turned to Cooper, pulled a ball from his pocket, and threw it at him. It rolled into the living room and Cooper chased it, or so it seemed. Your eyes watered as Michael pressed his body to you. You could hear Cooper barking in the other room and it only caused your heart rate to increase. "Michael...what...what are you..."

"Shh..." Michael cooed, moving his hands from your hips to your face. He stroked your cheeks, wiping the tears from your face. "Your boyfriend tried to threaten me yesterday. He told me to stay away from you but baby, I couldn't. I know you want me. I know you need me."

"I don't want you," you cried out. "This is ridiculous! I barely even know you!"

Michael's face went from hollow to angry rapidly. He grabbed your face and slammed your head back against the wall.

"Fine, you little bitch. I'll make you want me then." Michael went to grab your hair when a knife was pressed to his throat.

"I thought I told you to stay away."

You sobbed in relief as Loki pulled Michael off of you. Cooper stood in tow, his teeth bared. It clicked then that Cooper didn't chase the ball, he went to wake Loki up for you. You slumped down against the floor and Cooper ran over to you, blocking your body protectively. Michael fought against Loki's grip but Loki held him tightly.

"Fuck you! She's mine!" Michael screamed. Loki rolled his eyes and dug the knife into his throat. Blood trickled from the slight cut Loki left and you winced at the sight.

"You are a fucking fool," Loki growled. "I told you to stay away. I told you what would happen to your family if you were to come back."

"Family?" you asked.

Loki snorted and looked at you over Michael's shoulder. "He has a fucking family. Wife and kids. And he's still doing this to you!"

You sat there shaking, but as Loki explained the story to you, he seemed to miss the movement Michael was making. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. He went to thrust it back into Loki's thigh but Cooper shot forward and bit his wrist. Michael shouted in pain as Loki let him fall to the floor. Cooper continued to bite Michael's arm, his sharp fangs piercing his skin. Loki walked over and placed his boot on Michael's chest, a snarl escaping his lips.

"Why are you here?" he asked. Michael continued to wail in pain but Loki lifted his foot and stomped on him again. "Answer me!"

"I...I was here to get her back!" Michael shouted. "You don't deserve her!"

"Oh, I don't deserve her? You don't even know who I am," Loki laughed. With that, green swirled around his body and his armor from earlier covered his body. Instead of it being sexy and attractive this time, it was terrifying. Fear jolted through your body as Loki loomed over Michael with intimidation. "Fine then, I will tell you who I am. I am Loki, Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief, God of Sex, and you have fucked with the wrong person."

Michael's eyes widened in fear as he struggled away from both Loki's boot and Cooper's bite. Blood splattered onto the floor and you covered your mouth with your hand, trying to hold back the bile in your throat. You didn't want this. You didn't want him to get hurt. You couldn't handle that. Loki clicked his tongue and raised an eyebrow.

"You know, I have a feeling that you weren't just here to smooth talk her and win her back. After all, why would you shove her head into the wall like a fucking bastard if that was the case?" Loki purred, dragging his knife over Michael's throat again. "I should kill you just for that." He ran the tip of his dagger up to Michael's forehead and perked an eyebrow up. "But first...why don't we see what your real intentions were?"

"That's - no!" Michael shouted as Loki pressed his hand to Michael's forehead. You watched as Michael slumped down onto the ground. Loki's face shifted through a bunch of emotions - fear, hurt, anger - before settling on pure and utter heated rage. Loki ripped his hand from Michael's head and picked him up. He threw him against the wall and punched him over and over again. You heard a crack and you knew something had happened to Michael's jaw.

"You fucking pig! You worthless piece of scum! I will kill you where you fucking stand!" Loki screamed. He thrusted his arm back but before he could stab him, you jumped forward and grabbed Loki's elbow.

"Stop!" you yelled. "Don't! He doesn't deserve it!"

"Doesn't deserve it?" Loki growled, turning to face you. You knew it wasn't a mistake this time around - his eyes were burning a bright ruby red. He laughed cynically and shook his head. "Oh, he deserves it. Did you know he's been following you around for weeks? The grocery store, the dog park, on your walks home? He was there! He's been trying to get into your apartment for weeks! He was the one standing outside your building that night! And do you know what his intentions were for today?" Loki grabbed Michael's pocket and ripped the front of it, spilling several syringes onto the ground. "He was going to knock Cooper out, then you if you fought him. And then, he was going to take you. He was going to kidnap you. He was going to go as far as killing you if he couldn't have you. And don't worry, I was on the hit list too."

You stumbled backwards, your heart pounding. Cooper walked up to Michael, sniffed him, and barked up at Loki. Loki shook his head and punched Michael again, causing another crack to sound through the hallway.

"That was you! The man that bumped into me when I was walking the fucking dog! You slimy bastard!" Loki shouted. You continued to stand there, staring down at the floor. You didn't want Michael to be hurt, but he was going to hurt you. Even worse, he was going to hurt Cooper and Loki. You fell to the ground and let out a shrieking sob, sweat pooling on your forehead. You looked over your shoulder at Loki and Cooper. Loki's eyes had returned to their deep green color, and some of the anger had dissipated into concern. "Pet? Are you - ?"

"Don't kill him," you hissed, standing upwards. "But I want you to hurt him. I want you to hurt him really, really badly. I want him to never come here again."

Tears streamed down your face as Loki's own gaze softened. He looked down at Cooper and gestured to Michael. Cooper pounced and bit Michael's leg, stopping him from moving. Loki stepped towards you and took your face into his hands.

"Violence isn't you," Loki whispered. "I'm so sorry. should go. You shouldn't see this."

"No, I can't leave you with him. Loki, he could've...he could've..." you sobbed, thinking about what Michael could have done to the three of you. Loki hushed you and pulled you into his arms. "He could have killed you! He doesn't deserve to be spared!"

"You say this now but I fear you will regret it. You are too good of a person to not," Loki murmured. An idea popped into his head and Loki looked down at you. "I know how to hurt him. How to protect you and every other person on this planet from him without killing him."

Loki went to pull away but you clung to him, your entire body trembling with fear. Loki hushed you and pressed a lingering kiss to your lips. You could taste sweat and blood on him, which only forced another sob to erupt from you. Loki pulled back and hushed you, running his hands along your face.

"Trust me, pet. I will keep you safe." He opened his eyes and smiled weakly. You could see the exhaustion in his face from earlier mixed with anger and sorrow. "I love you."

"I love you," you whispered as Loki walked away from you. He grabbed Michael by the collar of his shirt and slammed him onto the ground. Loki knelt over Michael and grinned.

"I am going to take everything away from you," Loki laughed before settling both hands on his head. There was a flash of white light that had you looking away, hand shielding your eyes. The light glowed through your apartment before settling deep in Michael's head. The man passed out and Loki licked his lips. A sigh escaped his mouth and he fell backwards.

"Loki!" You ran over to him and took him into your arms. Behind you, Cooper growled and pounced on Michael, biting him everywhere his mouth could reach. You tried not to focus on the sound of skin tearing and crunching behind you, and instead took Loki's face in your hands. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I need to take him onto the fire escape," Loki grunted, gingerly hoisting himself up and taking Michael by the bloodied leg. Loki tugged him out onto the fire escape and plopped him down onto the metal platform. Loki climbed back inside and looked at you. "I need to rest on you."

"O-Okay, go ahead." No sooner than you answered, Loki leaned half of his weight on you. You could feel his body aching beneath yours as he faced the sky. He caught his breath before he cleared his throat.

"Heimdall!" Loki shouted. There was a pause and then a cylindrical rainbow fell from the sky. It engulfed Michael's body and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. You turned to Loki as he stumbled backwards again, landing on the couch this time. "It's done."

"What did you do?" you asked.

"I wiped his memory, which also wiped away the memory of him from his family as well. They will not suffer from him anymore. To them, it will be as if he never existed. Then, I told Heimdall to take him to Asgard and keep him in the jails. He cannot return. He cannot hurt anyone anymore. He cannot hurt you," Loki explained. He looked at you and tears pooled in his eyes. "I am so sorry you had to see that. I should have taken care of him sooner, I am so sorry. Today was so wonderful and then..."

Instead of letting him continue in his anguish, you leaned over him and kissed him. The kiss was slow, patient, a promise that what happened was okay - that you were okay. Loki pulled you closer, his hands caressing your body as his lips danced with yours. The taste of him was feverish but you knew no fire would burn from this. This was not a lustful kiss. It was love, tenderness, consideration. You poured every once of love you could into his mouth from yours, and found solace when you tasted it right back from him. You continued this slow exploration of each other for a few minutes, and when you reluctantly pulled your mouth from Loki's you gasped upon seeing trails of tears streaking down his face.

"Oh, Loki, it's okay," you said, throwing your arms around Loki. His armor faded away, leaving Loki nude aside from a pair of soft pants on your couch. You hugged him tightly and rocked back and forth with him. His arms held you flush against his body.

"I love you. I am so sorry. Everything is okay now. He can't hurt you. I'm here and I love you more than anything." Loki repeated this mantra over and over again, and you were unsure whether he was saying it all for your sake or for his. You trembled in his embrace, upset at what happened but also...relieved. Michael was not dead. He was just in jail covered in Cooper's bite marks.


"Coop!" you shouted over your shoulder. Your dog came bounding into the room. He hopped onto the couch and you threw your other arm around him. "Oh, you're such a good boy. So, so good. Thank you."

Cooper rubbed himself against you and you felt something warm smear on your hand. You looked down and saw Michael's blood running from Cooper's fur onto your skin.

"L-Loki," you stuttered.

Loki looked up and saw what you were looking at. "Oh, dear. Let me fix that."

Loki waved his hand around and cleaned the entire apartment, including Cooper's fur and teeth. Your skin was no longer clammy and you didn't feel as dizzy. When Loki was done, you could see how tired he looked, how pale he had become. Between his magic during sex, finding out about Michael, and then using such powerful magic to take care of him, Loki was truly wiped out. You could feel exhaustion taking you over too as you snuggled up against him.

"I love you, Loki. I love you, and you're right, it's over. Everything is okay now," you whispered into his chest. Cooper whined and pawed at Loki. You looked up at Loki, his eyelids drooping. "What did he say?"

"He said we can sleep. He's going to watch over us," Loki murmured. He patted Cooper's back. "Good boy." There was a pause and Loki grunted. "Yeah, I guess this time you're the best boy too."

Loki wrapped both of his arms around you and you buried your head in the crook of his neck. You tried not to think about what just happened. Your body still trembled slightly as you thought of what could have become of you, Cooper, and Loki. But that did not happen. Michael was gone, officially gone, and you would not need to worry about him any longer.

It was going to catch up to you eventually. For now, the shock was numb, the confusion was lost, and the reality of what had just occurred in your entryway wasn't heavy. It would creep up on you and hit you in a quiet moment, you were sure of it. Though, for now, all you wanted to do was hold and be held by the man you loved.

Despite the lingering trauma and terror, you fell asleep quickly, Cooper's keen eyes watching the apartment. And although you had just been covered in blood and sweat only moments earlier, your safety and life threatened, with your two boys here, you knew you were safe.


Chapter summary: The reader wakes up, goes to the bathroom, sees her pads and realizes she hasn't gotten a period since her and Loki began their affair. She believes she might be pregnant but Loki confirms he placed a spell over her when they first met to prevent that, which then stops her period. He apologizes and although the reader isn't ready to have a child, she's intrigued by the idea of Loki being a father one day. They then have some very kinky breeding kink sex. That night, there's a knock on the door and the reader opens the door, only to find Michael there. Loki comes to the rescue and discovers that he's been the one following you all of the time. He also discovers that Michael came to your apartment to convince you to be with him and if you did not agree, he was going to abduct you. After some violence, Loki wipes Michael's memory and sends him off to be jailed on Asgard. You're rather traumatized, but finally you feel safe.

~ ~ ~

Well, THAT happened. So nope, the reader is NOT pregnant and yup, now Michael is OFFICIALLY gone! Pfft, did you really think I would have left that last chapter as his grand finale?? Nope!

Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki !

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