Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"

242 5 0
By Paranormal_Babe


It's your last day of vacation and you decide you want to make it extra special. When Loki proposes that you can do anything you want, you know that you are certainly going to take advantage of that.


Hello there and happy Friday! So, this chapter is definitely new territory for me. You'll understand why if you've read my other works. I just hope you all like it!

Also, thank you so much for 30,000 hits!! I can't believe we reached that milestone already!! Gosh, I love each and every one of you so so much.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

When Sunday came around at long last, you wanted to cry.

You had to go back to work tomorrow and your blissful vacation full of sex, sex, and a bit more sex would unfortunately be coming to an end. You knew you'd still get laid even after you went to work but it wouldn't be the same. You couldn't wake up whenever you wanted, randomly get bent over a table and fucked, and you couldn't be around Loki for every moment of the day. Now, you actually had to focus on ridiculous things like work and bills and waking up on time again. There was a possibility that after work, you'd be too tired to fuck - well, no, there wouldn't be. Even tiredness couldn't stop Loki from being inside of you. But it was something to consider, at least.

Frankly, you weren't ready to go back to the mundane life of editing articles, wearing itchy clothing, and trying to cover up your bruises. Even covering up your pendant was now something you had to consider again. It had hung freely around your neck for these past two weeks - whether in the form of the necklace or the collar, it didn't matter. You didn't need to hide it. Really, you could leave the necklace dangling above your clothing at work but you didn't want the constant questioning.

And you knew there was someone who would definitely question you about it.

At one point, you would have been worried about Mr. Richards seeing the necklace. However, he already saw it and it brought literal fear into his eyes. Though, you knew that was because of Loki threatening him - a memory that brought you more joy that you wanted to admit. But it wasn't Mr. Richards you were worried about anymore.

It was Michael.

The man was creepy. You didn't know much about him and honestly, the two weeks away from work had actually pushed him out of your mind. You were so focused on Loki and his passion and his intensity than the thought of literally any other man was simply nonexistent to you. But now that you had to return to work, he had crept back up into your thoughts. You didn't want to have to deal with him and his lunches, his chocolates, and his odd behaviors. He had tried asking you out right before you went on vacation and you feared what he would do when you returned.

You had half a mind to ask Loki to come to work with you again. He didn't have to do anything other than just stand around in his invisible form. However, you were a bit afraid to ask him to do that. It was clear Loki cared for you and that he wanted to protect you, but you didn't want to become too dependent on him. You could handle this. There was nothing Michael could do that wouldn't be seen by all of your other coworkers. All in all, you were nervous, but you felt mostly safe.

Still, Loki must have sensed something was wrong. You had been sitting on the couch after lunch just staring out of the window. He had been saying something, but you weren't paying attention. He went quiet for a few moments, then he said your name. Still, you didn't respond. He began speaking again though you weren't listening to anything he said. Finally, Loki placed his large hand on your thigh and you jumped, whipping your head to face Loki. He was offering you a concerned look as he rubbed your thigh.

"Sorry," you murmured. "I zoned out a bit."

"I could tell," Loki chuckled. "I've been calling you my dirty little cock slut and begging you to let me fuck you for the past three minutes and you haven't even noticed."

Your cheeks immediately lit up red. "Oh. That'"

"Such a bad girl not listening to her Master," Loki purred, sliding up beside you and wrapping his arm around you. He bent his head down and began peppering kisses along your neck. You sighed pleasantly, offering him more room to kiss. But when his hand moved upwards and groped your breast, you shook your head and pulled away. Loki furrowed his brows and returned his hand to your thigh. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just not in the mood, I guess," you sighed. You leaned back on the couch and began playing with the skin around your nails. That was something Loki had not seen before. He leaned back with you and wrapped a tight arm around your shoulder. He placed his hands over yours and when you looked up at him, he gave you a gentle look. You felt your lower lip tremble at the softness in his eyes.

"What's going on, my love?" Loki asked. Chills ran up your spine at that name. He had used it a few times since saying it in the bathtub and every time those words left his lips, you felt yourself falling even harder for him. You swallowed the lump in your throat and shrugged.

"It's nothing," you said, placing your hands on your lap. Loki kept his hand over yours, probably to ensure that you didn't continue to pick at your fingers.

"It's not nothing if it's bothering you," Loki said softly, tenderly. "Something has been on your mind all day. You woke up and clung to me so tightly you left claw marks in me." Loki gestured to his left side and showed you the crescent-moon-shaped fingernail marks in his skin.

You winced slightly. "Sorry."

"Don't be, I like them." Loki winked flirtatiously. You rolled your eyes but blushed anyway. He leaned closer to you and kissed your warm cheek. "Not only that, but when I fucked you, you wouldn't stop staring at me with tears in your eyes. At the moment, I may have thought it was because you were feeling rather good. Now I can see it's more than that. As we ate before, you were chewing very slowly, and for someone who eats quickly, that's abnormal for you. Now you're staring out the window and not even reacting to me. You're biting your lip, toying with your hands, and I know something is wrong. Talk to me, my sweet."

Your jaw had dropped as Loki completely read you. It was flattering, but also startling, how well he was able to examine you - even down to the way you chewed. You blinked a few times, trying to get the tears out of your eyes, before finally nodding and offering him a sad smile.

"Yeah, something's wrong," you said. You licked your lips and Loki stayed quiet, silently willing you to continue. "I don't want to go back to work. I don't want to stop seeing you. I don't want to be busy again. I'm happy doing this, just being with you. This is the happiest I've felt in years. You, me, and Cooper...I love it. Going back to work has me feeling sick."

"I see," Loki hummed. "Well, allow me to clear one concern - you will not stop seeing me. Even when you go back to work, I will be here."

"Really?" you asked, your eyes widening slightly. You were sure Loki would leave the moment you left. Truthfully, he had no reason to hang around your apartment after you went back to work. He had eight other realms he could hop around to and enjoy. He was probably in the mood to go back to Asgard.

"Yes, really." Loki smiled. He rubbed his hand along your arm and kissed your temple. "I'll get food ready for you while you work. I'll take care of Cooper. I'll even adjust his schedule so he goes out for walks before you come home. And then when you do get back, you'll have a warm meal, a happy dog, and a god who is more than ready to bang you against the nearest flat surface at your service. I'll even run you hot baths if that would make you happy."

"How about a foot massage?" you giggled.

Loki grimaced. "I draw the line somewhere. I hate feet."

"I've noticed," you laughed. Loki watched you as you laughed, his own little smile teasing at his lips. When your giggles dissipated, Loki's face fell into something more serious. He shifted in his spot and hugged you closer to him.

"Though, there is another option," Loki murmured. His eyes flickered back up to yours and he shrugged lightly. "You could always quit your job."

"Quit?" you gasped. "Trust me, I'd love that but I can't just leave."

"Why not?" Loki asked, tilting his head and furrowing his dark, lovely brows.

"We already had this conversation weeks ago, Loki. I have bills to pay. I have mouths to feed. I have...I have loans! I can't just quit. If I quit, I lose my income. Cooper will starve. I'll fall into debt and lose the apartment. I'll be stuck on the streets," you babbled, wringing your hands nervously. Loki hushed you and kissed your forehead with quick, consecutive pecks but that couldn't stop the wobbling of your lips. "I can't quit, no matter how much I want to."

"You can, though," Loki whispered. He turned your face so you were looking at him. His green eyes were dark and clouded with determination. They sparkled in the afternoon light, accentuated by his high cheekbones. You had the sudden urge to trace the line of his jaw and kiss his pink lips. You squeezed your thigh to stop yourself and shook your head.

"I can't," you muttered.

"You can. I'll take care of you."

"You'll take care of me?" you questioned. Loki nodded with a gentle smile.

"I will," he proposed. "I'm a prince, darling. I have more money than I know what to do with. I can easily transform the Asgardian coin into that of your region. I will pay for your apartment or you can move somewhere new and I'll pay for that - hey, I'll pay it in full. I'll pay off your ridiculous loans. And as you can tell from the state of your refrigerator, food is not an issue. I can cover that as well. You and Cooper will never need to worry about empty stomachs ever again."

"Why would you do that?" you whispered with a trembling, watery voice.

"Because I...I promised to take care of you. This is me doing that," Loki said sincerely. He stroked his hands along you in a smooth, comforting manner. "You are miserable at your job. If you quit and allow me to provide for you, then you can do what you've always wanted to do - be an artist. With the supplies from Alfheim, you can make art and sell it. You'll have all the time in the world to make your creations. And of course, I'd be here with you through it all."

It was a tempting offer - a really tempting offer. What Loki was giving you was the chance to live the life you always wanted. You could make your art, not have to worry about bills or payments, and spend all the time in the world with Loki. You wanted to say yes. It would be so easy to say yes.

But you couldn't.

If you took Loki up on this offer, you would be far too dependent on him. Then if he left you, you would be jobless, poor, and without any assistance whatsoever. You couldn't rely on this, as much as you wanted to. Plus, if everything did go well, you would feel like you owed Loki something - some sort of payment, whether that be monetary or something more physical. You looked away from Loki and bit your lip.

"Thank you, Loki. That is such a beautiful thing for you to offer," you whispered. You shut your eyes and felt a tear slip down your cheek. "But I can't accept it. I need to go back to work. I can't let you do that for me."


"Please, Loki," you said, opening your watery eyes and turning back to Loki. The look on his face broke your heart. It looked like you just kicked him. You rested your hand on his thigh and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Believe me, I want to. Right now, though, I need to say no."

Loki sighed and nodded. "I understand, pet. I respect your choices."

"Thank you," you acknowledged. Loki lifted his hand and using his thumb, he cleared your tears from your cheeks. You leaned into his touch and smiled. You felt so safe with Loki and everything in your world felt right when he was here. If you could leave your job for him, you would. You were just too terrified that things would not work out in the long run. You had already put your feelings on the line, you couldn't risk your financial stability as well.

"Please know that the offer is always on the table, sweet one. Whenever you want, you can close up shop and come to me. I will always take care of you," Loki said after kissing your nose. He bent his head further down and took your lips in his. You melted into his embrace and let yourself be kissed. It felt like something so simple, yet so intimate. You kissed Loki on the couch for a few moments before he broke away and pecked the corner of your mouth. "So darling, what do you want to do on your last day of vacation? We could do anything you want."

You winced at the reminder but considered your options. Loki was giving you the chance to do anything you pleased. A million things ran through your head but one in particular stood out. You smiled up at Loki and sat up straighter.

"I want to cook dinner for you," you said firmly.

Loki raised his left brow and gave you an incredulous look. "Really? Out of everything we could be doing - every position we could be in - you choose to make me dinner?"

"Yes." You nodded twice. "You've been so good to me ever since you arrived and I've never really paid you back."

"Mmm, pet, trust me, you've paid me back enough," Loki purred, swooping his hand around your body to squeeze your ass. You yelped and jumped, but just glared at Loki as he laughed.

"I mean it, Loki!" you exclaimed, jabbing his nude chest. "You've taken care of me and I want to return the favor. I want to make you dinner."

"Alright, alright," Loki said, holding his hands up in mock defense. "What do you plan on making?"

"I don't know yet." You shrugged. "But I guess I should figure that out."

You stood up from the couch and snagged a pair of leggings that were in a pile of laundry beside the window. Loki watched you curiously as you collected your things and walked towards the front door.

"Where are you going, pet?" Loki asked, jumping up and following you. When he rounded the corner to the front door, a black sweater had covered his torso.

"To the store," you said as you opened your wallet and checked your bills inside.

"We have food here," Loki explained, walking up to you and taking your wallet from you. You grimaced and snatched your wallet back, stuffing it promptly in your purse.

"We do, but I want to do this the old fashioned way. I don't want to use your food. I want to pick out ingredients and make something just for you," you explained.

Loki looked extremely hesitant, his lip between his teeth. You grabbed a sweater from the front closer and pulled it over your head. You slipped some boots on and looked back at Loki.

"What's wrong?" you asked, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his torso. Loki immediately hugged you back, the lines in his forehead etched so deeply from frowning that you were concerned they would permanently mar his beautiful face.

"Let me go with you," Loki said, his eyes glancing down at you. "I'd like to accompany you to the store, if you don't mind."


"Because I don't want to be without you."

Your heart skipped a beat and a large smile broke out on your face. You nodded eagerly and squeezed Loki tighter. "Sure, let's go then."

A green light enveloped Loki and he was now dressed in a beautiful suit, tailored perfectly and accentuating every desirable curve and line of his body. You bit your lip and nodded, your eyes scanning him. Loki took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles.

"After you, kitten."


"You humans are absolutely insane."

"It's not insane, Loki. It's diverse."

"Diverse? Alright, I will give you that. But this...there's far too many options. How can you even choose?"

"Well, most people tend to have a go-to."

"But you must try out everything before deciding on your go-to, correct?"

"Not necessarily. Sometimes you just know."

"You just know," Loki mumbled, shaking his head and staring at the freezer of ice cream in front of him. You two had been standing in the frozen food aisle for nearly ten minutes. Loki had seen the various flavors of ice cream and was absolutely bewildered. It was strange, for you felt that as a member of royalty, there would be plenty of flavors of dessert for Loki to have. However, you spent a chunk of time describing every flavor on the shelf. Frankly, Loki was relieved that "Rocky Road" did not have actual rocks in it.

"Yep, and we're going to pick one out for you," you said with a wink. You tugged open the glass freezer door and scanned the colorful containers of different ice cream for a few minutes. Shivering, you quickly swiped a container of chocolate with fudge ripples in it. The door shut behind you and you turned to Loki, wagging the container in the air. "You'll like this."

"Sure. But darling, you're freezing," he sighed, wrapping one arm around you and pressing a kiss to your cheek. He rubbed his hand along the outside of your sweater and you hummed pleasantly, burying your face in his suit jacket.

"That feels good," you said dreamily.

"You shouldn't have let yourself get so cold," Loki chastised, lifting up one of your hands and kissing your chilly fingers. You noticed that his hands were oddly warm. You ran your thumb over his knuckles in wide circles.

"Does it affect you? You know, the cold? Because of your heritage," you asked, looking up at Loki. His brows were furrowed as he watched your thumb run over his knuckles. He seemed to contemplate your question before shaking his head back and forth.

"Not really," he said quietly. "I'm not fully Jotun so I can't handle it as well as a full Frost Giant could, hence why I was not kept on Jotunheim. But standing in front of that freezer, I felt practically nothing. Your colder temperatures on Midgard would probably not affect me, but I would only survive for so long on Jotunheim without help. I'd probably need a fur pelt or two."

"What about the heat?" you asked.

"I'm a bit less tolerable to the heat," Loki explained. "I probably wouldn't like it even if I wasn't a Frost Giant. The feeling of being sweaty is just...gross."

"You don't seem to mind getting sweaty when we're alone." You winked, dropping Loki's hand to fix his tie. You watched his Adam's apple bob and you giggled. You walked over to another freezer and began perusing what was there, not really intent on purchasing anything but you were keen on teasing Loki. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his bulge straining through his expensive black trousers. You pressed your thighs together and tried to focus on the bag of frozen peas in front of you.

"You're doing a terrible job at pretending you're not equally as aroused as I am," Loki murmured, head bent as his lips brushed your ear. "What you said may not have been all that filthy but I can bet your thoughts are now. Are you picturing it, pet? Are you picturing my body on top of yours, my cock thrusting in and out of your tight little cunt, my hands holding yours above your head so you're completely helpless? I know I am."

Loki lifted his head back up as he smirked at you. You knew your face was awfully red and you were rather thankful that the chill from the closed freezers was touching your skin. It was Loki's turn to direct his attention to the bag of frozen peas, though you continued to stare at him.

If you weren't careful, you might just end up with your pants down and your body pressed against the freezer door as Loki fucked you right in the center of aisle 14.

As your dirty mind contemplated that - and how you actually would not mind Loki fucking you in public whatsoever - your eyes drifted again. This time, they focused on two figures standing a few feet away from you and Loki. It was two women, both beautiful and young. They were staring at Loki, whispering something to one another. Loki, for all his godliness, must have heard them. He turned his head and you watched as they blushed and giggled. Furrowing your brows, you looked up at Loki only to notice he was winking at them, sending them a delicious little smirk.

Jealousy took a stab at your stomach and you looked away. You could still hear their insistent laughter in the background and you were beginning to wonder if the giggles weren't flirtatious, but more mocking. Maybe they were quietly teasing you, sending Loki questioning looks as to why someone like him was with someone like you. You bit your lip and tried to will the cold tears away from your eyes as that little voice plagued your mind with these thoughts.

You turned back to Loki, about to tell him you wanted to leave. Maybe dragging him away from this situation would cause his eyes to lock on you again. But when you went to speak, you noticed that Loki still had not looked back at you. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets, eyes locked with the women.

You shoved the feelings of jealousy away as you walked away, leaving Loki behind in the freezer aisle. You rubbed your arms, trying to stop yourself from being cold despite your sweater hugging your body. You turned the corner, heading into whatever aisle your feet brought you to. This was all too confusing - why was Loki so...infatuated with those women? Had he finally realized that you were nothing to gawk at and that other women of Earth held much more beauty or worth than you? If Loki was here, he'd probably chastise you for thinking those things and he'd do anything he could to convince you that you were wrong. But he wasn't here. He was in aisle 14 with those other women. He was still there, smirking at them.

And shit, he was probably still hard.

You turned and faced a bag of burger buns as you wiped your tears from your eyes. You didn't want to lose Loki and dammit, you shouldn't be so upset that he simply winked at two women. But really, the insecurity of going back to work and being too busy for Loki was forcing you to think the worst.

"Hey, bookworm!"

You froze and hastily wiped the last of your tears from your face. You looked over your shoulder and locked eyes with Michael. He was grinning at you, his eyes wide and his arms spread out as if he was welcoming you into a hug. You slowly turned around, keeping your arms crossed over your chest.

"Hi, Michael," you said quietly, eyes darting back and forth to see if Loki was there coming for you. Of course, he wasn't. So, you sighed and politely smiled at Michael. "How are you?"

Michael looked shocked at your question but he walked up to you cheerily. You took a step sideways, trying to avoid contact with him.

"I'm great! I've really missed you at work though. Where have you been? Your desk is still set up so obviously you didn't quit or get fired. If you did, well I think I would have known about that by now," Michael laughed.

"I took a vacation," you said quietly, still stepping back.

"That's what I need right about now. Hey, you look cold. Do you want my jacket?" Michael immediately reached for his tan jacket but you put your hand out to stop him. Your fingers brushed the back of his hand and Michael froze, a big grin on his face. "Oh, you tease."

"I don't need your jacket. Thank you, though," you quickly said, retracting your hand to hold it against your chest. "Anyway, I should probably get going, I -"

"No, it's okay. You don't even have a basket with you! Why don't we go shopping together?" Michael offered. You looked down and sighed. Loki still had your basket, meaning all of your groceries were with him. You shook your head and gave Michael a pitied smile.

"I can't. I'm here with someone and he -"

"You're here with someone?" Michael asked, a deep frown etched onto his face. He walked closer to you and grimaced. "That's not playing fair."

"What are you talking about?" you asked, your hands trembling in front of you.

"I thought we had something going on, bookworm," Michael said, his voice a dark whisper that blew too much hot air in your face. You turned your head to the side but Michael continued advancing slowly, creepily. "You can't bring another guy into this."

"There's nothing going on, Michael! I told you, I'm -"

"Seeing someone, I know." Michael rolled his eyes. He reached forward and gripped your chin between two fingers. "But you could be seeing me. How about that date, huh?"

You took a harsh step backwards, ready to spew out a horrid string of curses at Michael, only to stumble when your back hit something hard. Two hands landed on your shoulders and you looked up to see Loki looming over you.

"Sorry, pal. She's taken," Loki purred, his hands stroking along your arms. You immediately melted into his touch, your heart rate steadying at Loki's presence. Michael watched Loki's hands on you and his face grew hot and red.

"Of course she is," Michael grumbled.

"Yes, she is. And she is more than happy with me. So I suggest you run along and do not think of laying a single finger on my woman ever again or I will ruin your lonely, sad, little life," Loki growled, his hands gripping you tightly. You squirmed in his grip, arousal streaking through you at the pure possessiveness Loki was exerting.

"Very well then." Michael's eyes moved back to you and he grinned, a wicked look that had you shivering. "I'll see you soon, bookworm."

Michael stepped backwards, his eyes still lingering on you for a few moments before he turned and walked away from you. You waited until he was out of the aisle before turning around, throwing your arms around Loki, and burying your face in his neck. His arms immediately wound around your body, keeping you tight to him.

"Thank you for that," you whispered into his suit jacket.

"Oh, pet," Loki sighed. "Why did you leave?"

You pulled back and felt a bit of your jealousy and insecurity from earlier creeping up again. You shrugged and looked away from Loki.

"You seemed distracted by those women. I thought you might have known them. I decided to give you some space," you explained, hoping it was enough to fool him. Loki stared at you with narrowed eyes but hummed anyway, nodding slowly.

"I didn't know them but they were trying to get my attention. I heard them praying, and I don't think they knew I was who they were praying to. I figured I should answer their prayers while I was there," he said, now stroking your cheek with his knuckles.

"What were they praying for?" you asked.

"A chance to sleep with the really hot guy in the frozen food aisle," Loki said, using a mocking tone and a flirtatious flutter of his lashes. Jealousy stabbed you again but Loki's next words relaxed you. "Considering there was no chance at that ever happening, I just granted them some really good orgasms tonight that would rid the thought of me from their minds."

"Oh," you said meekly. You didn't really want to picture those women masturbating to your - to Loki...but it was better than the real thing. You let out a deep breath and looked back into Loki's eyes. "That's good. Sorry for leaving. And sorry for, uh, Michael."

"You work with him, don't you?" You nodded in confirmation. "He brought you lunch that time I followed you to work. I don't like him."

"He's kind of creepy but I think he's harmless," you sighed. "He just keeps trying to ask me out on a date. He also touched my chin today which was weird."

"I'll kill him."

"Loki, no!" You grabbed Loki's arm as he tried to walk past you. Loki stopped and looked back at you, his face as hard as cold, dense marble. His dark eyes glittered with fury and you were beginning to think that perhaps you weren't the only one who was feeling jealousy. The thought had you blushing but you ignored it, wishing you were in front of the freezers again. "It's fine. I'm okay. Thank you for helping me. I'm sorry I lied to him and told him that I was know, yours. I thought it would make him go away."

"Pet," Loki mumbled, facing you completely and cupping your cheeks. He swiped his thumbs over your cheekbones as he leaned over. You could feel his breath on your face as he sighed softly. "It is not a lie. You are mine."

"But I...when I told him, I meant..."

"I know what you meant."

Loki connected your lips together, his slowly slotting over yours in a warm, seductive dance. The fire of desire crept up your thighs again as his lips moved against yours, passion and possessiveness in his touch. When Loki pulled away, he smiled at you. He collected the grocery basket from the ground and kissed your forehead.

"Let us go home. I'm rather excited to watch you destroy the kitchen."


"Darling, that was delicious," Loki groaned, wiping his face with his napkin. You had prepared a filet of grilled salmon for him, decorated with some lemon and a light sheen of olive oil, as well as some jasmine rice and sauteed broccolini. You weren't the best chef, but this was something you knew how to make, at least. You dabbed your own mouth as Loki slid back, one arm slung over the back of his chair while the hand in front of him balanced a glass of wine in it.

"And I didn't even destroy the kitchen," you laughed, placing your napkin down and pushing your empty plate away from you.

"I will admit, that is very impressive," Loki chuckled, offering you a raised glass before finishing his wine. "You amaze me more and more everyday. Thank you for preparing this. It really was wonderful."

"I doubt it compares to the royal meals you're used to but I really wanted to do something for you," you said, a light smile on your face. "It's been so nice having you here. I wanted to repay you for what you've done for me."

"It's been the best three weeks of my life, pet," Loki admitted. "And today has been no exception. I tell you that you can do whatever you want and you decide to treat me and make me dinner. You're so wonderful."

You bit your lip and shifted in your chair a bit. "There's one more thing I want to do."

"Anything you want, little one," Loki said.

Nervously, you rose from your seat and walked around the table. You planted yourself in Loki's lap and began kissing his neck. Loki rolled his head to the side, giving you more room to kiss. You experimentally bit his ear and he hissed, though you felt his cock hardening beneath you. You smirked as you continued to lick and bite along his neck, making sure to leave a few bruises where you knew anyone would be able to see them. Loki's hands were digging into your back as he groaned.

"Loki," you breathed against him, pressing a light kiss to his sharp jawline. "I want to please you."

"You always please me," Loki said in a low, husky voice.

You shook your head and looked into his eyes. "You're the one doing the pleasing, actually. You always put my needs first. You're dominant, demanding, and you make me feel so good. Why don't we switch it up for a night? You know, you can let me take control while you lay back and let me make you feel good. You deserve it with how good you always make me feel."

His cock twitched again and you knew you were feeding into the side of him that loved to be praised.

"Let me take care of you. Let me make you feel good," you purred, going back to kissing his neck as you stroked the bulge in his pants. Loki grunted and shut his eyes, letting you send spikes of pleasure along him. You fumbled with his pants, unbuckling his belt and freeing his cock. You pumped him slowly, earning choppy moans from the man beneath you. "Your cock feels so big in my hand, Loki."

"Fuck," Loki hissed, fucking up into your fist. "Alright, you want to be in control. What does that entail? Me begging you to let me fuck you? You sitting on my face as I lay there helpless? Ah, should I be calling you Master?"

"All that it entails is you letting me pleasure you," you whispered, dragging your lips along his smooth jaw and you worked your hand over his cock. You paused and grinned against his cheek. "And maybe giving me a set of handcuffs."

"Handcuffs?" Loki pulled back and looked at you incredulously. You took that opportunity to grab his face and kiss him on the mouth. Loki's eyes shut slowly as he gave into the way you were sliding your lips against his. You ground down against his erect cock, the material of your pants scratching against him. Loki groaned your name before pulling you closer and sinking his tongue between your lips. The kiss was sloppy but intimate, conveying all the desire you had for one another. When you pulled back, his pupils were blown wide and his lips were swollen. "I think we can make that work."

"Good. Come with me," you said as you stood up. You took his hand and guided him into your room. You shut the door behind you and pushed him against the wall, kissing him again as you took his cock back into your hand. Loki was panting into your mouth as you pumped him harder and faster, your wrist flicking in the way you knew he loved best.

"F-Fuck, such a good pet," Loki gasped. A grin worked its way onto his cocky face. "Or am I the pet today?"

"You're a pain in the ass, that's what you are," you grumbled. "And if you keep using that mouth of yours, I'm going to need a gag with those handcuffs too."

"Feisty little thing," Loki snickered. He looked down at you and lifted his hands in mock defense. "My apologies. What will you have me do?"

"Get on the bed and be a good boy for me," you said, releasing his cock - though not before you felt him twitch in your hand. You bit your lip to conceal the giggle that wanted to escape your mouth as Loki walked over to the bed. As he placed a knee on the bed, you stopped him. "Get naked first."

"Magic or no magic?" he asked.

"No magic," you decided. Loki nodded and turned back towards you. And then, he stripped - slowly, teasingly. His long fingers peeled his clothing off, exposing each inch of creamy, pale skin to you. Your mouth watered as his torso became completely visible, followed by his hips and legs. It felt odd being clothed while he was nude, though you felt that was only appropriate given the amount of times the roles were reversed. When Loki was naked, he climbed onto the bed and laid down on his back. "Good boy."

A shiver went down Loki's spine that did not go unnoticed.

"Are you going to take your clothes off?" Loki asked.

"Not yet," you hummed, walking over to the bed. You hopped onto the bed and straddled him. "I'm going to need those handcuffs now."

Loki held his hands out to you and conjured a set of large manacles, thick and heavy. You raised your brow at the hefty device but Loki smirked knowingly.

"I'll need those, trust me," he laughed. You rolled your eyes and positioned Loki's arms so they were straight above his head. You locked him into the manacles and secured him to the headboard. You leaned back and observed his torso, long and stretched out. Your cunt was wet and you were having a hard time not forgoing this whole thing in favor of sinking down onto Loki's cock.

"You're so beautiful, Loki. I love how good your body looks. You're so fucking sexy," you sighed as you ran your hands along his chest. He preened under your praise, his breathing getting quicker as you ran your fingers over his naked skin. You traced over the bruises you had left along his abdomen and pectorals. You flicked your eyes up to him and pressed your thumb into one of the bruises. Loki arched his back and cursed, his dark hair falling around his shoulders.

"Fuck!" he cursed as his back fell against the bed again. You smirked and raked your nails down his chest, harsh red lines erecting on his skin under your attention. "Dammit, woman!"

"Do you want me to stop?" you whispered as you scratched down his side.

Loki shook his head dramatically. "No. Don't you fucking dare stop."

"That's my good boy," you praised as you dug your nails into his hips. Behind you, Loki's cock was hard and straining, precum leaking from the swollen tip. "I've learned a lot about you over these past few weeks."

"Like what?" Loki asked through gritted teeth.

"You like being in pain." You pinched his side and he lurched forward again. The look he gave you was one of warning, though his eyes betrayed him. He wanted this. "You also like being praised."

"I like praising you," Loki explained.

"But you also like being praised. You like being told how beautiful you are with your long hair, your green eyes, your amazing body." You leaned over Loki and began kissing down his chest. "You love hearing how good you make me feel, how I always feel so full when you put your cock inside of me. Oh, and when you make me're the only one who can do that. You make me feel so good, Loki." You continued kissing down his chest, shifting your body downwards until you reached his cock. You ran your lips over the length of him, teasing him with the tip of your tongue. "And your cock is so big, Loki. I love when you fuck my mouth with it, making me gag around you. I love it when you fill me with your cum - fuck, that feels so good. You always make me feel so good."

"Oh fuck, darling," Loki groaned, his eyes locked on your bent over figure. You ran your lips down his length and sucked carefully at the base of his cock. Loki hissed and growled, a sound that came straight from his chest.

"Does it feel good, Loki?" you whispered as you licked around the crown of his cock.

"It would feel better if you took me into your mouth," he managed to spit out through his clenched teeth.

"Be good and I will," you said softly. "Don't you want to be good for me?"

"Yes," Loki whispered, his head falling backwards as you pumped him slowly. You continued to stroke his cock, guiding him towards the edge but only through cautious teasing.

At this point, Loki was speechless as you teased his cock. You pressed a gentle kiss to the head of his cock, which caused Loki to thrust himself upwards. You giggled and licked around the tip, never fully taking him into your mouth. If Loki wasn't wearing those shackles, you knew his cock would be down your throat already and his hands would be pressed to the back of your head, but you were enjoying playing with him.

"Such a good boy," you sighed as you licked a thick stripe up the underside of his cock. Loki cursed and pulled at his restraints, his muscles flexing drastically. You could see now why he needed the extra large manacles.

"Oh, pet," Loki hissed. "I...I..."

"What do you need, Loki?" you asked, your hand slowing down on his cock.

"You know what I need," he growled.

"Say it," you said with a grin, pausing to kiss the head of his cock. A drop of precum dribbled from his slit and you eagerly licked it up.

"Suck my cock, darling," Loki panted, his dark eyes on you.

"Beg." The word was clipped as you said it but it felt so good to turn the tables around on Loki. He looked at you with shock, his jaw dropped ever so slightly. You scratched down his thigh and his jaw clenched tightly.

"I am so going to punish you for this," he grumbled.

"Promises, promises," you giggled. "Now be a good boy and beg me to suck your beautiful, long, thick cock."

"Fuck!" Loki gasped as you squeezed him, your words causing his blood to feel hotter. His cock twitched in your hand and more precum dewed from the tip. You cleaned up the milky liquid with your tongue and sighed happily.

"You taste delicious. I love having your cock in my mouth," you said breezily. "Beg me to suck your cock, Loki. I want it so badly. I want to make you feel as good as you always make me feel. Beg me."

"Please!" Loki practically yelled, his lungs full of desire. "Please suck my cock. Take me into your mouth. Take me down your throat. Suck me, baby, I need you to suck my cock."

"Will you be good for me?" you asked with a smirk.

Loki nodded quickly, his jaw dropped in desperation. "I'll be good. I'll do anything. Please just suck my cock. I need your mouth on me so badly."

You winked up at Loki before taking his cock into your mouth and sucking him hard. Loki shouted out some sort of noise of success as you took him down your throat. You kept your eyes on him the entire time, your cunt throbbing with need as you watched his strong muscles strain against the handcuffs. This was interesting, being in complete control of Loki. You loved handing over control to him and bending to his every will. But there was something empowering about taking charge. You could play with him how you wanted. You could rip those dramatic reactions from you. You could make him do anything you wanted.

As you sucked his cock, you began raking your nails down his thighs again. The insistent mixture of pleasure and pain had tears springing in Loki's eyes and moans rupturing from his mouth. His throat was bared, covered in your marks and his chest was still adorned with your scratching. He looked perfectly debauched and it was all because of you.

Maybe there was still jealousy left over from earlier because the sight of him like this - bruised, handcuffed, and begging you to suck him - had you even more encouraged. You took him deeper down your throat, scratched his thighs a bit harder, and moaned around his thick shaft.

"Oh my - yes, pet! Yes, just like that. Fuck, I love your mouth. Oh, thank you. Thank you for sucking me," Loki babbled on, and you weren't sure if he was playing up a part or if this was truly genuine. It felt real, the tears in his eyes were indicating that. Your nails took a turn and began scratching the insides of his thighs, working upwards towards his cock. And Loki, the reactive god he was, thrusted up into your mouth so hard that you choked and stumbled backwards. Loki looked at you in fear and you narrowed your eyes. "I'm sorry."

"You better be," you said harshly, acting the part of the dominant woman. "Conjure up rope. Now."

Though Loki's hands were attached to the headboard, he still managed to wiggle his fingers and force rope to appear on his chest. You snatched the rope and began tying his ankles to the two posts at the end of your bed, leaving Loki tied up spread-eagle for you. Once your work was done, you admired him stretched out on your bed. Your eyes landed on his cock, which was even harder and redder than before.

"Oh my gosh," you whispered. "You like being tied up."

"I do," he admitted, his face red and his chest heaving. " feels so good. Please don't untie me."

"I won't. I kind of like you like this. I can do whatever I want to you and you can't stop me," you said, tracing two fingers up Loki's cock. He was leaking all over his stomach. You dipped your head down and caught the liquid on your tongue. You swallowed it as you crawled up Loki's body and pressed your lips to his. He moaned against you, his tongue darting out to taste himself on your lips and tongue. Though he was tied down completely, he still attempted to buck upwards into the air, trying to gain any possible friction he could get on his cock.

"I love learning things about you, Loki," you whispered, lips against his. "Pain junkie, praise whore, rope bunny...what's next?"

"You're bringing out a side of me that I did not even know existed," Loki murmured, his eyes flashing across your face. You began stroking his cock again and his head fell backwards. "I want to please you. I'd let you do absolutely anything you want to me. You have a god at your disposal, pet. I cannot get away."

"You wouldn't want to get away even if you could," you said daringly. You squeezed his cock tightly, one nail pinching the silky skin of his shaft. Loki moaned and shut his eyes tightly. You grabbed his chin between pinched fingers and his eyes flung open. "You love it too much."

"I..." Loki gasped, choking on his words. His eyes were wide and he cleared his throat before continuing. "...need to cum."

"Not yet," you said, pulling your hand off of his cock. Loki groaned in protest but you pinched his thigh. "Be good."

"Yes, my love," Loki whispered.

You blushed at his words. That phrase was continuously catching you off guard. You sat up on your knees and pulled your top over your head. You went without a bra - something that was a usual occurrence over this vacation - so you were completely bare up top. Loki licked his lips at the sight of your breasts and you could tell he wanted to touch you. Instead of giving into the pleading in his eyes, you began touching your breasts and teasing your nipples between your fingers.

"Oh, Loki," you moaned, rubbing yourself. Loki's arms were tensed as he pulled at the manacles, his teeth bared as he tried to get to you. "You know what to do."

"Please let me touch your breasts, darling. Please let me suck on your nipples. Let me please you, baby. Let me make you feel good," Loki begged. You bent over him and he immediately took your nipple into your mouth. You moaned as he licked over you, sucking on you so hard that you knew your nipples would be bruised. You bit your lip as you felt yourself dripping in your pants.

"Take my pants off with your magic," you instructed. Loki snapped his fingers with your breast still on his tongue and you were magically naked. You pulled your nipple from his mouth and slid down so your face was even with his. You kissed him and bit his lip, tugging it away from him. When you pulled away from the kiss, you felt an odd taste on your tongue. You licked over your lip and tasted blood. Except, you were not the one bleeding. Loki's lip was split down the middle from your biting. He knew it, because he wouldn't stop licking over the wound.

"I adore you," he whispered as he cleaned his blood.

"I know," you said with a cocky wink, feeling much more like Loki than yourself. "I'm going to fuck you now. Be my good boy and stay nice and still for me while I use your cock for my pleasure."

"Use me," he whispered.

"I intend to."

You straddled Loki's lap and took his cock in your hand. You sank down on top of him, inserting him inside of you. As he filled you up, you tossed your head back and moaned his name. You heard your name fall from Loki's lips and a sense of pride swelled within you. You were doing this to Loki, only you. Those women from the store may be touching themselves right now as they pictured Loki fucking them but you were the one he was fucking. You were the one sitting in his lap, cock stuffed inside of you. He begged you to do it.

You placed your hands on Loki's thighs as you started riding him. Admittedly, you missed the feeling of his hips bucking up against you and his hands on your waist, guiding you over his cock, but it also felt too good to take control on your own. You bounced up and down, breasts jiggling before Loki's eyes. And Loki, though typically vocal, was rather loud. Usually, he would speak to you during sex. He would coax you into an orgasm with his words. Now, he was speechless. All he could do was moan, groan, and say your name with the occasional "please, baby" sprinkled in amongst that.

You could see now why Loki loved to be dominant. The control you had over this situation was intoxicating and you wanted to taste it, drink it in and exert your force over Loki. At the same time, though, you sort of wanted to unshackle Loki and let him fuck you into the mattress. But for now, you needed to focus on being in charge. You wanted to see Loki, a submissive Loki, cum for you.

"Your cock feels so good in me, Loki," you moaned, groping your breasts as you rode him hard. "Your cock is so fucking big. I can practically feel you up here." You pressed your hand to your stomach and moaned.

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck yourself on me. Use me for your pleasure," Loki gasped, his hips moving ever so slightly to aid you in your conquest of his body.

"It's so nice having you here all helpless for me. I can use your body however I want," you said with a grin. Loki's cock swelled inside of you and you raised a brow. "Is that what you want, Loki? Do you want to be the one to be used like a whore?"

"Yes!" Loki shouted. "Use me, I'm yours."

"You are mine. You'll always be mine," you teased, bouncing on him furiously. "I bet you want to cum still, don't you? Have you been good enough to cum?"


"Have you, Loki?"

"I...I don't know!" he cried out. "It's up to you. You're the one who should decide. I am yours to control, after all."

"Lucky for you, you have been good," you moaned. You moved your hands from your breasts to his chest. You began scratching at him, tearing at his skin with your nails. Loki arched up into you and you could feel his cock pulse eagerly inside of you. "You've been such a good, good boy. You can cum inside of me, Loki. Fill me up with your cum."

"Oh...oh, fuck!" Loki shouted, followed by a string of more profanities and your name. And with that, he came. His orgasm was so powerful that when he pulled on his handcuffs, they tore right out of the headboard and the cuffs fell off around his wrists. He grabbed your hips and held you down on him. His cum shot up inside of you as you hit your own high. You trembled on top of him as you rode out your orgasms together, his cum filling you up and leaking out of you. You whimpered his name as you descended, still feeling his cum pump into you. You fell forward, his cock wedged inside of you as you rested on his chest.

"Oh my gosh," you murmured.

"I agree," he said breathlessly. Loki wrapped his arms around you and looked up at the headboard. "Oops."

"We need to stop breaking my apartment," you laughed against his chest.

"But it is so much fun," he chuckled, still trying to catch his breath. You looked up at him and ran your hand down his chest. Loki preened under your touch, though he winced as you touched some of the marks you left behind. Carefully, you slid off of his cock and retrieved a bottle of lotion from beside the bed. And then, as if you were the caring Master that Loki was, you began rubbing lotion into the sore marks on his body. Loki watched you in awe as you took care of him, massaging his chest, abdomen, and thighs with the vanilla scented lotion. He smiled beautifully. "You would make a good dominant."

You shrugged as you closed the bottle and wiped the excess lotion off onto your own thighs. "Maybe, but I like my submissive role more."

"Really?" Loki asked with a tilt of his head. "You seemed pretty high on the power."

"It was fun, don't get me wrong," you said as you slid up beside Loki again. His arms wrapped around your body once more and tugged you into his side. "But...I like when you take control. This is fun every now and then but I really like letting you take the reins."

"Then that is what I shall do," Loki murmured before pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I've never done that, you know. I've never been submissive with anyone."

"What?" you gasped. "Not even once?"

"No, not even once," Loki affirmed. "I've slept with so many kinds of people and even when I'm the one, for lack of terms, getting fucked, I still have a handle on the control. Handing it over to you was a new experience."

"Oh my gosh, Loki," you murmured. "I took your submissive virginity."

Loki burst out into laughter. "That you did."

As he laughed beside you, you felt your heart swelling in your chest. It shouldn't have made you so emotional, but the thought that Loki had submitted to you and only you made you feel honored. It was like he was giving you a gift, handing over his vulnerability and trusting you to care for it. As you watched his laughter subside into giggles, you were struck with how much you loved him. You loved who he was, what he did, what he stood for. You loved how he made you feel. There was so much love inside of your heart that it was overwhelming, causing tears to brew in your eyes. You blinked them away quickly and bit your lip.

"I, that's so special," you squealed, hugging Loki tighter. He rubbed your back and chuckled pleasantly, nodding against the top of your head.

"You should feel special. I would only do that with someone I trust completely and I trust you with my life, darling," Loki sighed happily. He was quiet for a few moments before he spoke nearly inaudibly. "Promise me you'll consider my offer."

"What offer?"

"The one where you leave your job and I take care of you," he said. "You don't need to accept it. Just consider it, okay?"

"Okay," you sighed. You didn't want to think about going back to work. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from taking Loki up on his offer. After tonight, you were sure you couldn't go back and be happy. All you wanted was to live a calm, peaceful life with Loki. And he was offering you exactly that. You just couldn't depend on it. You couldn't make any promises that he wouldn't leave. Instead of dwindling on it, you propped yourself up onto your elbow and smiled down at Loki's gorgeous face. "Let's have some dessert now, alright?"

"As long as you let me lick it off of you," Loki purred.

"We literally just had sex and you're already trying to seduce me again," you laughed.

"I told you, pet. You would be punished for making me beg." Loki's eyes grew dark and mischievous. "And we still have plenty of time before you must sleep."

Based on the grin on Loki's face and the twinkle in his eyes, you would be in for a long night full of pleasure and punishment. You crawled into Loki's lap and gave him a wink.

"Bring it on, Mischief."


Yup, so I've never written sub Loki before but a lot of people on Tumblr asked for at least one chapter with it so I did my best for you! I hope I did it justice and hopefully you approve of this role switch for this chapter!

Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki !

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