Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art

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By Paranormal_Babe


After teasing you with your second gift last night, Loki makes you wait almost a full day before giving it to you finally. And once you receive it, you decide to get...creative.


Happy Friday!!! Are you ready to get filthy?? Hehehehehe

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"You're not staying?"

The question startled Loki. It wasn't because you had asked it, but it was the way you had asked it. He had just tucked you into bed after magicking some clothing onto himself. You two had been talking for what felt like hours when Loki realized he still had work to do. After getting up and kissing you, Loki promised he'd see you in the morning. Then, you posed your question, thus earning a very halted expression from Loki.

Your eyes were wide and your lower lip was nearly trembling. Your hand was grasping his, keeping him tethered to you by your small fingers. Loki's heart ached. He wanted to stay with you more than he could explain. Holding you in his arms tonight had made his heart warm and soft. Feeling you in his embrace brought a certain peace over Loki that words could not properly explain. You were a balm for him and he couldn't resist the comfort you brought him.

But in order to keep that comfort and warmth, Loki had to answer prayers. He had to focus. He couldn't do so with you in his arms. His mind would be distracted by your soft skin and supple body, and then he would inevitably get carried away and end up with his cock inside of you. It was a loop Loki knew he would fall into.

So, Loki just sighed and threaded his fingers through yours. He kissed your hand as he looked into your eyes.

"I cannot. I have prayers to answer," Loki reassured you, though he could still sense your fear of waking up alone. As he watched your face fall, Loki was hit with the realization of how confusing, stressful, and perhaps painful it was for you to wake up alone. Then, on top of that, the loss of his protection and care from him not hearing you call for him must have terrified you. Grimacing, Loki knelt back down on the bed and captured your cheek in the palm of his hand. "I will just be in the next room, pet. I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" you asked, squeezing Loki's hand tighter. Loki crawled over you, settling his body above yours. You reached up with your free hand and threaded it through his smooth locks. Loki purred and bent his head down, briefly kissing you.

"I promise," Loki whispered against your lips. He pulled back to look into your eyes and smiled apologetically. "I am quite sorry for scaring you today. I really did not think I would be gone long, nor did I think I would be unable to hear you call for me. Sweetling, I wanted nothing more than to shower you with some gifts and adoration. I fumbled it, admittedly."

"That's okay," you said. You shifted upwards and hooked your arm around Loki's neck. "You're here now. That's what matters."

"I'm not going anywhere ever again without you by my side," Loki sighed, shaking his head. "I promise I will not leave without informing you as to where I'm going or how long I'll be gone for."

"It's okay, Loki. You're not under lock and key here. You can leave whenever you want," you said.

Loki's expression was determined as he looked into your eyes. "And what if I don't want to leave? Ever?"

Your heart skipped a beat and you licked your lips. "Then that's okay too."

"Good," Loki said. "Because there is nowhere else I'd rather be than right here by your side."

Tears were welling in your eyes and Loki could not stand to see you cry. For a moment, he was worried he had overstepped. After all, it was becoming a bit hard to contain his feelings for you. But then, you tugged him down and kissed him so fervently and with so much heat that Loki's cock immediately hardened in his silk pants. Your hand unwound from his to pull him down further, your legs spreading beneath the blankets Loki had tucked you under. Loki's cock poked against your thigh and you pushed up against it, whimpers leaving your mouth and leaking into his. It took every bit of Loki's willpower not to tear the blanket off from on top of you and sink his swollen cock into your cunt. Your hand cupped his generous length through his pants, and with a gasp, Loki pulled away. Your hand froze as his forehead fell to yours, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"You are such a temptress," Loki laughed, pulling away to sit back on his haunches. You grinned and pulled the blanket down enough so your breasts spilled out. Loki pressed the heel of his hand to his cock and cursed.

"Don't you want me, Loki?" you asked with a giggle. You sat up on the bed, kneeling as you threw your arms around Loki's neck. You lifted a brow as you twirled a lock of Loki's hair around your finger. "Want to put another hole in the wall?"

"Dammit, woman!" Loki gasped as you pressed your breasts against his shirtless torso. "What have I done to you?"

"You've made me confident," you whispered, your seductive face softening into an expression more tender. "You've made me realize that...that someone could want me."

"You are so wanted, little one," Loki murmured. "But I did not do all of this. This was you. I introduced you to sex but you have been the one to truly take the reins."

"What do you mean?" you asked with a cute tilt of your head that had Loki's heart fluttering like that of a twelve year old boy.

"I may be the dominant one. I may be the one to push your limits. But you, pet..." Loki poked your chest lightly, " have told me what you wanted. You have shown me how ready you are for the rougher stuff. You are the one who radiates like an Asgardian summer sun. You are so divine. You have come out of your shell since I met you two weeks ago, sweet. I am so proud of you for taking this journey with me with an open mind."

"Loki," you whispered, burying your face in his neck. "Thank you for helping me."

"Thank you for letting me help you." Loki rubbed your bare back with one hand. He stroked along your spine and wondered what blessed thing he had done in order to get so lucky as to meet you. Loki pressed his nose into your hair and took a deep breath in, admiring your scent and your sweetness. When you finally pulled back, you were wiping tears from your cheeks. "Hush, pet. No tears. There is no need to cry."

"I'm just really happy," you sighed. You pressed a kiss to Loki's cheek. "Go take care of what you need to take care of. I'll be here."

"Yes, my dear. You need to sleep. I wish I could stay to send you off to dreamland," Loki chuckled.

"Will you stay if I let you watch me touch myself?"

Loki's cock sprung back to attention. He shut his eyes and groaned, peeling himself away from you slowly. Your hands traveled from his neck, down his arms, and to the front of his pants as he climbed off the bed. He inhaled and could smell the depths of your arousal staining the sheets beneath you.

"You will be the death of me, I am absolutely sure of it," Loki snickered. He grabbed your chin and leaned over you, a cunning grin growing on his face. "Save that idea for later, kitten."

Loki swooped down and kissed you. You moaned, whimpering against his mouth as he pillaged your lips. You reached back up to tangle your hands in his hair but Loki caught your wrists. He pulled his mouth away from yours and kissed your hands.

"Sleep," he purred. He pushed you back down onto the bed and pulled your blankets back up over your nude body. "I will see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Loki," you giggled, your eyes trained on the flush on his face from kissing you.

"Goodnight my devious little pet." Loki kissed your forehead before erecting his back and leaving your room. He closed the door quietly behind him. His eyes moved to the hole that he put in your wall and he snorted. He walked over to it and looked at you through it for a moment. You squirmed around in bed before pulling your blankets all the way up to your nose and sighing peacefully. Loki smiled and let out an adoring sigh before sealing the hole in the wall.

Just then, there was the sound of metal jiggling. Loki furrowed his brows and turned towards your door. Loki stayed completely silent, staring at the door in anticipation. There was a cough and the sound of shuffling feet from behind the door, amplified by the gentle shadow that could be seen from under the door crack. Loki immediately sprung into action. He grabbed his dagger out of subspace and crept towards the door, making sure his footsteps were silent. Being barefoot was convenient, Loki realized. When he reached the door, Loki whipped his hand out and flung the door open, holding his knife out.

But no one was there. Loki narrowed his eyes and stepped out into the hallway that led to your apartment. He looked around but could not see anyone. He shut his eyes and listened for something, anything, but not even a stray footstep or hurried breath could be heard.

Stepping back inside, Loki placed an extra ward of protection over the apartment. He locked the door and sealed it shut. It seemed he was paranoid more or less these days. You had told him about the old woman who was blind in her left eye and frequently mistook your door for hers. Loki took a sigh of relief. It must have just been her.

Walking back into the living room after waving his knife away, Loki settled down on the couch and spread his arms over the back cushions. Cooper huffed and crawled over to him and rested his head on Loki's thigh.

"Did I say you could do that?" Loki asked the tired dog.

Cooper opened one eye and licked his wet nose. "No. But quite frankly, I don't give a fuck."

"Quite the mouth on you," Loki snorted before relaxing into the couch. One of his hands fell to Cooper's head and he began scratching the dog's noggin without even realizing it. Cooper was humming against Loki's hand as they rested there.

Loki shut his eyes, ready to reach out and touch the flares. But when he began to pick up their traces, he was overwhelmed with the amount of power surging from some random spot near your home. It wasn't as strong as the magic radiating from your apartment or from your job, but it was clear that there was a significant trace of power there. Loki paused as he felt that spot - you had mentioned that you went to the park with Cooper.

"Dog," Loki said, shaking Cooper awake. Cooper growled but lifted his head, looking at Loki with a look that held so much distaste, Loki nearly flinched. He gestured towards your room and raised an eyebrow. "She said you went to the park today. Do you know exactly where this park was?"

"Uh, about ten blocks away. Turned left, walked another two blocks, and we were there."

"Fuck," Loki hissed. That was precisely where another set of flares was coming from. Loki ran his hand down his face and set about answering the prayers of those who were calling for Loki.

He was at this through the night - answering prayers, scratching Cooper's head, and occasionally passing out from sheer exhaustion. And as the sun began to rise in the morning, Loki knew this was not a problem that could be solved in a single night.

Or so he thought.

Rising from the couch - which Cooper growled at him for because, quote, "buddy, can't you see I'm sleeping on your thigh here?" - Loki stretched and let out a fierce yawn. He hoped your night was better than his. Loki sighed and shook his head, walking into the kitchen. He stared at your table and remembered the Livets Blomst and how he needed to create a container for it. Though he was tired from the excessive answering of prayers, this was important and could not wait. Loki didn't know when that little beady pearl would be needed on you, though he hoped he would never need to use it.

Loki pulled the flower from its pocket of subspace and placed it gently on the table. The petals were still shut snuggly around the pearl. Loki tapped into the deepest pools of his magic. He placed his hands forward and drew the shape of the container with his fingers. The glass appeared on the table as he shaped it in his mind. There was a near explosion of light that Loki was afraid would wake you before the glass shell appeared on the table. Loki admired the elegant design of the clear encasement that would house the Livets Blomst. He had created it with such care and concentration that only he and you would be able to lift the lid, shove it off the table, or break it to pieces.

In essence, not a soul in the universe could access this flower except the two of you. It was a bit romantic, now that he thought of it.

Loki lifted the extravagant case from the table and picked up the flower. He placed it under the glass container and sealed it shut. Once the housing unit was closed, the flower began floating in it and the petals blossomed, revealing the treasure hidden within. But when Loki looked at what was inside, his eyes widened and he nearly stumbled backwards.

There was a second healing pearl inside of the Livets Blomst.

Loki practically pressed his face to the glass, staring at the flower in disbelief. The flower only had one pearl when he had taken it, but now there were two shiny, creamy orbs nestled inside of the royal blue petals. It dawned on Loki just then that when he gifted the garden his gift of fertility, it had affected this flower as well. His power was so great, so immense, that he had spawned a second pearl inside of the legendary flower.

He wasn't quite sure what to do with this information. On the bright side, he had two ways to heal you now. If you ever needed saving twice, you would be fine. However, the more he looked at the precious pearls, the more his mind began to stir and delve into curious places.

"The pearl is supposed to be able to heal anything," Loki murmured to himself. He lifted the glass container away from the flower and picked it up delicately by its stem. "So can you heal a planet, by any chance?"

It was a risky thought, Loki knew that. There was no way to tell whether this would work. But technically, Midgard was suffering. It was poisoned by his magic, thus tainting the minds of his followers. If the pearl could heal anything, Loki pondered if it could heal the flares of magic being sent out across your portion of Midgard.

Loki plucked one of the pearls from the flower before he could second guess his decision. He stored the Livets Blomst safely in its container before holding the pearl in his hand. He shut his eyes and closed a fist around the pearl before letting his magic sink into it. He willed the power of the pearl to expand and clean the section of Midgard that was infected, for lack of better terms. Loki then tapped into the flares as the pearl began glowing in his hand.

And it worked.

The flares were rapidly shrinking, pulling away from where they were blanketed over the near area and returning to your apartment and your workplace. Loki grinned, tears stinging the corners of his eyes as he felt his magic shrinking. The weight on his shoulders was disappearing as relief swelled over him. It worked. The Livets Blomst worked. As the pearl turned to dust and the flares vanished, Loki collapsed onto the floor. Cooper barked and jumped from the couch, stumbling into the kitchen before sniffing at Loki's face. Loki laughed - a genuine, elated laugh that had his stomach hurting - as he scratched Cooper's face.

"What the fuck has gotten into you?"

"Things are perfect, Cooper," Loki said, throwing his arms around the dog. "They are fucking perfect!"

Cooper huffed and nipped at Loki's arm. "Let go of me."

"Oh, you grump," Loki scoffed, pulling away. He rested on his elbows on the floor, tears still tracking down his face. "I fixed it. The flares. They're gone."

"Damn, really?"

Loki shut his eyes and reached out for the flares. Well, they weren't completely gone. There was the faintest flicker still existing in your home and at your job, but that wasn't surprising. Those destinations had been flooded with so much magic that his powers were perhaps combating the pearl. But the flame of his magic was so small, so faint, that it was nearly undetectable. It was nothing to worry about. That, he believed, could be fixed with prayers. However, it wasn't something to worry about now. The giant wave of magic was gone and now Odin wouldn't be able to find a proper reason to come to Midgard. Two flickers of magic were typical, practically expected when a god came to this realm. The thought put such joy in Loki's heart that he let his head fall down to the tile floor as he stared at the ceiling.

"Mostly gone," Loki whispered. "But it's better, Cooper. It's so much better. She's going to be safe."

"She better be." Cooper got up and plopped himself down onto Loki's chest. "Well...thanks for helping her."

"You're welcome," Loki said, scratching behind Cooper's ear. "Thank you for being there for her yesterday. I went to Alfheim and it blocked the pendant's magic so I could not hear her calling for me. I apologize for the carelessness."

"Eh, it's worth it if it fixed this shit."

"Good point," Loki sighed. "I can't wait until she wakes up. I just want to kiss her."


"You literally lick your own ass."

"That's different."

With that, Loki and Cooper rested on the floor until you trudged out of your room a few hours later. Loki snapped his head up as he saw you walk into the kitchen only wearing his shirt and a pair of leggings. His cock immediately flagged as you stared at him, one eyebrow raised upwards.

"Am I disturbing something here?" you giggled, pointing at Cooper snoring on top of Loki. He all but pushed Cooper onto the floor - which the sleeping dog barely noticed - before hopping to his feet and pressing you to the wall. His lips were on yours in seconds, capturing your mouth in his and drinking you up with his sweet, savory tongue. When Loki finally pulled back, your chest was rising and falling unevenly, trying to catch your breath. "Well good morning to you too."

"I missed you," Loki purred, bending down to kiss your hands. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," you said, clenching your teeth to stop yourself from saying what you really wanted to say. It would have been better if you were there. Smiling, you patted Loki's chest. "How are you doing?"

"Wonderful," Loki exclaimed with complete and heavy honesty. "I didn't have time to make breakfast before you woke up so..." Loki waved his hand and on your kitchen table appeared a dozen plates full of breakfast food. Loki looked back at you with a wide grin. "Magical breakfast will have to do."

"As long as I don't need to clean any of these plates, I'm fine with anything," you laughed. Your eyes caught sight of the Livets Blomst planted in the center of the table, floating in a glass container. You walked over to it and brushed your fingers over the glass. "It's beautiful."

"And it's all yours," Loki murmured in your ear, pressing a soft kiss just above your pulse.

"It looks just like the rose from Beauty and the Beast," you noted with a smile. You turned around as Loki gave you a confused look. You gasped and poked his chest. "Have you never seen Beauty and the Beast?"

"No, I haven't," he admitted. Your jaw visibly dropped and Loki pushed up on the underside of your chin, but your mouth only fell open again.

"You're telling me that you used to hang out and write songs with Freddie Mercury but you never watched Beauty and the Beast?" you asked.

"Goodness, pet, no. Arrest me, why don't you," Loki snorted.

You narrowed your eyes. "We're going to change that."

"I'm sure we are," Loki sighed playfully.

Humming, you reached up on your toes and pressed a light kiss to Loki's sweet lips. You went to sit down but Loki grabbed your hips. You squealed as he sat down and pulled you into his lap. You tossed your arms around his neck as he balanced you on his thigh. "You're in a touchy mood this morning."

"It's been at least twelve hours since I've been able to hold you. I'm a needy, needy man, pet," Loki purred, hugging you tighter with one arm. He picked up a piece of buttered toast and held it up. "Open up, kitten."

"I'm used to hearing that in a different context," you said with a wink before taking a bite out of the toast. You chewed it slowly before swallowing. It did not go unnoticed that Loki's eyes were trained on you the entire time. Nervously, you looked down at your hands as a blush covered your cheeks.

"What is it, little one?" Loki asked, still holding the toast. You took another bite before redirecting your gaze back to his.

"Is it present time?" you asked. Loki burst into laughter but shook his head. He forced the toast back towards your mouth and made you finish the slice before he patted your butt with his hand.

"No," he answered simply. "It will wait until later."

"You love torturing me, don't you?" you asked with an eye roll. You picked up a slice of bacon before Loki swiped it from your hand so he could feed it to you instead. You never thought you would enjoy someone feeding you but as Loki slipped the slice of juicy bacon between your lips, you realized how endearing this actually was. Loki had perched you on his lap just so he could be close to you and take care of you. The blush had worked its way back onto your cheeks as Loki pressed a kiss to your jaw.

"I do. I really, really do."

Loki and you shared the rest of the breakfast - most of which was consumed by him and his endless stomach. Afterwards, Loki bent you over the table and fucked you, his hand pressed to the back of your neck and his groans filling the small room. This time, the table almost broke, but at least Loki was conscious enough to move you and him onto the chair before it collapsed.

But when Loki had said you would get your gift later, he truly meant later. The entire day, you had been waiting anxiously for what he could have possibly gotten you. You wanted to say that you were modest, but truthfully it had been a while since you had gotten a present. You felt like a child on Christmas as you tapped your foot anxiously for Loki's surprise. However, the god was patient. He voluntarily watched Beauty and the Beast to pass the time, as well as cooked up three more meals - much too large for only you to consume - before sitting you down on the couch to present your gift to you.

You sat with your legs folded beside you as Loki slowly eased himself down beside you. He smirked as you bounced a bit in place, your hands anything but idle.

"I think you might be excited," he said, looking at your jittery hands.

"I am, Master," you laughed lightly. "Can I please have my gift now?"

"You have been such a good, patient girl. Yes," Loki whispered. "There's only one issue, though...there's more than one gift."

"What?" you gasped. Loki grinned and cleared the small coffee table in front of the couch. He placed his hands over the empty table and let his magic flow through him. The table glowed green as you watched the silhouettes of some unknown objects occupy the tabletop. They solidified as the green shimmer faded away, and when you took a look at the contents, you sat there in confusion. "Loki? What is this?"

"They're art supplies from Alfheim," Loki said, turning around and placing his hand on your knee. "A master artist gave them to me just for you. Each piece is crafted with you in mind. Like this..." Loki reached down and picked up a long piece of glass with a sharp silver tip. "If you touch the glass end of this against anything, it will recreate the color of that object. Look."

Loki pressed the glass bulb at the end of the pen to the brown table. He then created a piece of paper and dragged the silver tip along the page, revealing an ink the exact color of the table.

"Oh my gosh," you gasped, taking the pen into your hands. Despite its elegant and complex look, it fit perfectly in your hand. The pen was balanced beautifully and wasn't too heavy nor too light. You looked back at the table and pointed at another object. "What's that?"

"Ah, this is a special sketchbook," Loki explained, picking up a book of white sheets. "It is meant to withstand any weather. Rain, cold, heat, sun - not a problem. The page will not wilt, dampen, or fade. And if you'd like to turn it into canvas, simply tear the page out and place it on an easel. It will mold and form into canvas."

"Wow," you whispered, tears welling in your eyes. Loki continued to explain each and every object on the table. There were things there that you didn't think could ever possibly exist. Your artist's heart fluttered as he pointed out how each piece he had crafted just for you. When he was finished showing you everything, you jumped into Loki's lap and buried your face in his neck. "Loki, this is so amazing. I'm...thank you. Thank you so much."

"Pet, look at me," Loki instructed. You pulled your face out and stared into Loki's sparkling green eyes. "This is what you deserve. You deserve to be given gifts and a life of luxury. I want to give that to you. I want to give you everything. You mean more to me than anyone else and if this is how I can show you that, then that is what I will do. My darling, I..."

You held your breath as Loki got stuck on his words. You wanted him to say it. You wanted him to tell you that he loved you.

Because you loved him.

You knew you did, there was no denying it now. After everything that had happened these past two weeks, you were sure that Loki would be the only person to ever occupy the sheltered space of your heart. He had come into your house and made it actually feel like home. You never wanted to be without him, and as long as he was here, you knew you were safe, protected, and cared for. You were wanted. You were cherished. And maybe, just maybe, you were loved.

But then, Loki licked his lips and sighed. "I adore you."

You threaded your fingers through his hair and ignored the twinge of mild disappointment in your chest.

"I adore you too, Loki," you said. You leaned in and kissed him. His mouth opened and his tongue sunk between your lips. His kiss was slow, intimate, and full of so much heat that you were already wet. His cock was hard in his pants as he slowly grinded against you. You moaned against him as his hands gripped your ass through your leggings.

"Too much clothing," Loki nearly growled.

As his hands frantically felt you, an idea popped into your head. You pulled away and pressed your hands against the planes of Loki's chest. You bit your lip playfully as you rocked down against him.

"We can fix that," you whispered. "Loki, will you let me draw you?"

"Draw me?" Loki asked with surprise. "That is not what I anticipated you would say."

"Well, I really want to try out these new art supplies. Plus, I...I want a piece of you. A picture, a drawing, whatever it is - I want to create something of you," you said.

"I'd love that, pet." Loki gave you a cheeky smile. He batted his eyelashes and gave you his best seductive look. "Draw me like one of your French girls."

"Titanic?" you giggled, your sides hurting from how hard you were giggling. Loki watched you laugh on top of him with such admiration that he was sure if you looked closely, you could see the adoration on his face. You rolled your eyes and ran your hands down Loki's chest. "You know what happened after Rose said that?"

"The boat sank."

"Loki!" you laughed again. "You're not wrong. But I meant that she got naked. So..." you stood abruptly and gestured towards Loki. "Strip."

"Bossy little thing, you are," Loki snorted. He quickly shucked his clothing off and you took a moment to examine his lean body, perfectly sculpted and pale like cream. His cock, however, was practically red as it bounced up, hard and aching to be touched. You hummed and placed your hands on Loki's shoulders.

"Will you lay down on the couch for me?" you asked. Loki nodded and stretched himself out so he was laying down, one arm behind his head and the other dangling towards the floor. You shifted his legs a bit and offered him a smile once you were finished. "Perfect."

"I know I am," he said with a cocky wink. You rolled your eyes as you fetched your easel from the storage closet. Once it was set up precisely where you wanted it, you picked up the canvas book. You tore one sheet out and placed it on the easel. You watched as the paper stretched and formed into a canvas board before your very eyes. You ran your hands over the sheet and sighed.

"This is incredible," you whispered.

"You know what is not incredible? You being clothed while I'm nude," Loki said.

"You literally fucked me last night while you were fully dressed in thick armor and I wasn't in a scrap of clothing," you pointed out, picking up a few of the graphite sticks that Loki had brought for you. You pulled up a chair and took a seat behind the canvas.

"Yes, but that's different. Now, as your Master, I insist you remove your clothing," Loki said sternly. The submissive in you wanted to strip, solely to please Loki, and you nodded. You discarded your clothing and sat back down. Loki grinned and ran his fingers along his hard cock before letting his hand fall back to the floor again. "That's my good girl."

"Thank you, Master," you said with a light blush.

You shifted uncomfortably in your seat as you picked up the graphite and began sketching. You had never created any art while being naked but something about it felt somewhat liberating. You didn't need to worry about an errant sleeve falling down or your shoes being too tight and becoming irritating or confining. While the draft made the hairs on your arms stand up, it was comforting to feel the gentle push of air along your skin as you worked.

It had been a long time since you sketched a person, and you never actually had an actual person to sketch in the first place. Whenever you drew people, you were copying photographs or other artists. But now, you had Prince Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief and Sex, draped over your couch allowing you to sketch him. And he was a marvelous subject. He stayed perfectly still, his chest barely even moving as he breathed slowly in and out of his nose. The light from the setting sun was streaking across his body, giving him the perfect golden sheen. It was rather calming being here with him, the only sound filling the room being your graphite scratching the canvas.

The only distracting thing was that Loki's cock was still very hard.

It had been resting across him, aching and straining to be touched. When you went to sketch that part of him, your breath hitched and your wrist twitched. Loki must have noticed because he moved for the first time in over an hour, his lips quirking up into a smile.

"How is it looking, pet?" he asked, his fingers curling along the floor. Admittedly, the drawing was coming out rather excellent. You had managed to capture his expression almost perfectly and the graphite sticks weren't dragging or staining any part of the page that they shouldn't be. But the beauty of the drawing wasn't what you were focused on. Instead, your eyes were concentrated on the long, hard cock that was begging for your touch. You licked your lips and slowly sketched the image of his erection onto the canvas, your heart pounding in your chest.

"Good," you squeaked out. "It looks...very good."

"Mmm, I'm sure it does," Loki purred in a deep, sultry voice. You kept your eyes on the canvas for the next few minutes. You heard Loki clear his throat and when you looked up, his hand was wrapped around his cock. You froze, graphite halfway to the canvas as he began stroking himself. He groaned and his eyes fluttered shut for a moment, but when they reopened, they were staring right at you. "Keep drawing, pet."

"O-Okay," you stuttered. You tried to focus on the task at hand but it was far too difficult seeing Loki stroke his cock out of your peripheral vision. Your hand trembled, and when he groaned your name, you felt yourself getting wet. You shifted in your chair as Loki fucked his fist faster. You ended up placing the graphite down and staring at Loki. "Loki, please."

"What, pet? Do you want me to stay still?" Loki asked, offering you an innocent look. He let his hand stay wrapped firmly around his cock but continued to tease his swollen head with his thumb. He moaned and arched his back a bit. "I can't help myself, darling. You look like a goddess sitting there nude as you draw me. I want nothing more than to ravage you but alas, I must stay here. Your perfect muse."

"I can take a break," you whispered.

"Oh, no. That would be awfully rude of me to have you stop your portrait just so I could let you please me," Loki cooed. He sighed and continued to stroke his cock with his large, agile hand. You pressed your thighs together as Loki took a deep breath of air through his nose. "But ah, you tempt me still."

"I'm almost done, Master. Really I can stop for now," you said quickly.

Loki shook his head almost regretfully. "Even more of a reason not to make you stop. You are so far along."

"Please," you begged. "Touch me."

"You want me to touch you?" Loki asked. He clicked his tongue but then paused, his hand frozen on his cock. He grinned and looked back at you. "Well, there is a way..."

You almost shrieked as a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind. You whipped around, only to gape at what was behind you.

Or rather, who was behind you.

"Hello, pet," Loki said. His eyes flickered to the drawing and he hummed in acknowledgement. "Yes, very nice. It looks absolutely perfect. It must help having such a pretty muse."

"I agree," the Loki on the couch said. You gasped as you looked back at the couch. Loki was still laying there, his hand still stroking his cock as his eyes glittered with mischievousness. "Oh, don't look so shocked, kitten. You know I'm full of magic."

"Yes, but...but how is this possible?" you gasped, still looking between the two Loki's in your living room. "There's two of you."

"It's not that complicated," the Loki behind you said. "We're both Loki. My consciousness splits its two so if I wanted to, I could be in two places at once."

He accentuated that statement with a wink and you knew he meant something a bit more dirtier than he intended by it.

"Wow," you whimpered. You lifted your hand up and placed it on Loki's chest, marveling at how he felt exactly like the Loki you had come to know. You dragged your fingers downwards and paused when you reached his cock. You turned back slowly to the Loki on the couch. "What would you like me to do, Master?"

"Continue drawing, of course," Loki said nonchalantly. Suddenly, you were hoisted up and Loki's clone was sitting beneath you. He placed you on his lap and wrapped one strong arm around you. His free hand dipped down and rested deviously on your inner thigh. He could feel the heat radiating from your core and it made his cock twitch against your back.

"Go on, pet," Loki's clone whispered in your ear.

You nodded shakily and retrieved the graphite you had put down. You watched Loki adjust himself on the couch, but he never removed his hand from his cock. He continued to stroke himself as you added some detail to the drawing, sweat beading on your brow. You became lost in your work after a few minutes, unaware of Loki's clone's hand moving closer and closer to your cunt until he drifted two fingers along your wet seam. You squeaked and bounced forward, but his arm remained hooked around you as he dragged you back into his lap.

"Keep going," he murmured. You took a deep breath and flicked the graphite against the canvas. Loki's clone began kissing the back of your neck as his fingers danced along your cunt. You whined and rolled your head to the side but continued to draw, your hand moving much slower and shakier than before. Loki's tongue licked along your pulse before he nibbled the fine skin there. Two long fingers sunk into your core as you moaned and almost dropped the stick of graphite. Luckily you caught it, but neither Loki missed the trembling of your hands.

"She's very sensitive today," Loki said from the couch as he watched his clone play with you. It was utterly arousing to watch his fingers fuck your tight hole. He admired how good you two looked together and he was sure there would never be a finer pair of specimens to ever roam the Nine Realms. Your back arched as Loki's clone teased your clit, his lips still sucking at your neck.

"She is," his clone chuckled as he curled his fingers inside of you. You gasped, the drawing completely forgotten until Loki pinched your side. "Work, pet. Work for your orgasm."

"Y-Yes, Master," you said, fluttering your eyes open. You did your best to work on the drawing - truly, you tried - but it was nearly impossible to focus when Loki's clone was massaging your inner walls with those long, dexterous fingers. Your head fell back onto his shoulder as you rode his hand, his thumb attacking your clit in small, wicked circles.

"Fuck," you heard Loki hiss. You opened your eyes and locked your gaze with Loki. He was laying across the couch, his jaw locked and his eyes hard as steel. His hand was working over his cock in slow, hard pumps as he watched his clone finger you. You tilted your head forward and stared at him as you lifted yourself up and dropped down onto his clone's fingers. You whispered his name as you braced yourself with one hand tossed back into his clone's hair and the other on his thigh. The drawing was abandoned, forgotten on its easel as you let yourself be played like a fine instrument by the clone.

"I bet you want him to join us, don't you?" Loki's clone whispered in your ear. You gasped, your walls clenching around his fingers as you imagined getting fucked by two Loki's. He laughed and pushed a third finger into you. "You do, you dirty little slut. You want two cocks just for you."

"Only yours," you admitted.

"Good girl," both Loki's said in unison. You blushed, feeling a bit self-conscious under the dark, scrutinizing gaze of two Loki's. The clone turned your face towards his and he glanced at Loki.

"Let's put on a show for him, shall we?" Loki's clone asked. You nodded and Loki pulled you forward, sealing your lips to his. He kicked the easel aside with his foot, ensuring it didn't fall or collapse on itself.

This gave Loki on the couch a much better view. He groaned, fucking his fist as he watched himself make out with you. He couldn't explain the odd feeling of simultaneous jealousy and arousal he felt. He was jealous because he wanted to be kissing you - though technically, he was kissing you. He could feel your lips on his own as if he was the one with you in his lap. It was an odd sensation, but one he wouldn't give up or question.

Alternatively, he was heavily aroused. It was one thing to watch you in a mirror or look down at your cunt. But watching from the sidelines, seeing every detail and every edge of your body move, flicker, and writhe against him had him practically sweating. Loki gripped his cock tighter, fighting the insistent urge to cum all over his closed fist as his clone finger-fucked you with no sense of mercy.

When you pulled away from Loki's clone's lips, your gaze fell back to Loki touching himself. You spread your legs wider, wanting Loki to see everything. You pushed your breasts out as his clone bit the back of your neck and hissed your name. His cock was rocking against your ass as his three fingers began scissoring you, preparing you for his gorgeous cock.

"Loki, please," you begged, panting so hard that your chest had become irritated and flushed. "Make me cum."

"I will, baby, I will," Loki's clone whispered. The original Loki cursed and tossed his head back, his cock straining in his fist. The clone curled his fingers upwards and rubbed against your G-spot, and when his thumb tapped on your clit, you came with a shout.

"Loki! Fuck, Master!" you gasped as you leaked all over the clone's hand. He grinned against your neck and helped you ride out your orgasm. When you had finally come down from your high, he removed his hand from you and brought it to his mouth to clean. Once he finished that, he grabbed you by your hair and tugged you in for a kiss. You tasted yourself on his lips but that didn't stop you from grinding back against him and silently begging him for more. Loki's lips moved down to your neck as you turned and watched Loki on the couch. You threaded your fingers in the clone's hair and gave Loki a sultry look. "Come join us, Loki."

"Not today, pet," he grunted.

"Why not? Don't you want me to suck your cock while your clone fucks my pussy?" you asked. Both Loki's groaned and the one beneath you bucked up against you.

"I do. Fuck, I really, really do. But you're not ready," he said through gritted teeth.

"I am ready. Give it to me," you begged. "I want to ride him while you cum down my throat."

"Stop it, pet. Don't tempt me," Loki growled. Fuck, Loki really wanted to play with you while his clone fucked you. It was a thought that had admittedly distracted him many, many nights as he answered prayers. He could just imagine how perfectly sinful you would look as he came in both your hot cunt and on your tongue. Loki had to practically claw the couch to keep himself held back. But for now, he just wanted to watch you. He wanted to see what it was like to watch himself fuck you, and if he let go of his own rules, he was unsure of whether or not he would be able to control both him and his clone in a threesome with you.

But you were really fucking testing his restraints.

"Please, Master. Please let me fuck you and your clone. I need it so badly," you whined.

"Enough!" Loki practically shouted. He looked at his clone, who had raised his head from your neck. "Gag her and fuck her. She needs to be taught a lesson."

"With pleasure." Loki's clone winked.

"Huh?" you asked before there was a gag shoved into your mouth. You looked at Loki and he gave you a stern look, his eyes watching you carefully. He held a single hand up as the clone raised you above his cock.

"Wait," he said. "Pet, what's your color?"

There was some sort of garbled noise coming from behind your gag but you couldn't properly speak. Instead, you reached down to the coffee table and picked up a green piece of chalk. Loki chuckled and gave a look of pride.

"Smart girl. I'm very proud of you," Loki said honestly. Your heart fluttered at his praise, but the rapid beating quickly halted as his clone lowered you onto his cock. You squealed behind the gag and reached behind you to grab at Loki's clone's hair. You tugged on his locks as he bottomed out, his cock stuffed perfectly inside of you. You tried your best to keep your eyes open so you could watch Loki but the pleasure was so overwhelming that you had no choice but to roll your head back onto the clone's shoulder.

"I'm going to fuck you like the naughty bitch you are," Loki's clone said into your ear before biting at your earlobe. His hands held your hips as he lifted you up and slammed you back down onto his cock. Your thighs trembled dramatically as he continued to bounce you on his cock, his own hips bucking upwards to meet yours.

"Oh, fuck," Loki groaned on the couch, his hand viciously working over his cock. "Put your hand around her throat. She loves that."

"Such a wonderful idea. It's almost like I thought of it," the clone snickered. You could hear Loki laughing along with him as a strong hand wrapped around your neck. Your cunt clenched and you whimpered, the gag becoming wet in your mouth. Loki's clone cooed as his cock twitched inside of you from your eager reaction. "Hm, you really do love that, pet."

"Good. Now fuck her harder. I want to hear her scream behind that gag," Loki instructed, and his clone readily listened. He was fucking you so hard that your thighs were beginning to ache and your cunt was becoming sore. You tried moaning his name but it came out as a mess of random noises. Instead, you resorted to tugging his hair and grabbing his thigh.

Watching you get fucked was an image that would be burned into Loki's mind for the rest of his life. There you were, gagged, choked, and getting absolutely pounded by his clone and you were loving it. Your poor, tight hole was gaping to accommodate the size of his clone's cock - which Loki would remember for the rest of his life. He could tell from your flushed chest and the way you were spasming that you were also incredibly aroused from being used like this. Loki smirked as he squeezed his cock, moving his fist in time with the clone's thrusts. And thanks to his wondrous magic, Loki could practically feel the heat of your tight, wet cunt enveloping his own cock.

"Give him a show," Loki's clone whispered in your ear. "Play with yourself like you promised you would last night. Look into his eyes. Show him how sexy you are."

Though your vision was blurry and your body felt weak from all of the pleasure you were receiving, you managed to lift your head and open your eyes. When you caught sight of Loki touching himself - nostrils flared and jaw clenched - you almost came. The way he touched himself was practically poetic. You imagined him awake at night as he stroked his cock with a tight fist, moaning and arching his back with pleasure. Briefly, you wondered if this was what he did at night after you went to sleep. Your cunt tightened and became even wetter at the mental image you had conjured up with that thought.

Then, he moaned your name as he gave you a sultry, lustful look. You wanted to make him proud of you. You pressed down on the clone's cock as you stared into Loki's eyes. You two couldn't stop looking at each other. This reminded you vaguely of the night he watched you touch yourself with the toy he created for you, except something about this was so much more erotic. You were fucking him as he watched you, and from the looks of it, neither of you were going to hold on much longer.

"Touch yourself," Loki said in a deep, gravelly voice. "Play with your clit for me."

You moaned out a weak "yes, Master" behind your gag before letting your hand fall to your clit. You began swiping the bud in small, graceless circles. Loki's clone tightened his grip on your neck as he thrusted into you faster. You were seeing stars as Loki's hand increased speed on his cock, his thumb teasing the swollen head. His other hand shot down to fondle his balls and you whined, desperate to taste him on your tongue.

"Do you want to cum, baby girl? Do you want him to watch me cum inside your wet cunt, claiming you as my sweet little whore?" Loki's clone asked. You nodded quickly, gripping his hair harder. He grinned and squeezed your neck harder. "Cum then, pet. Let him watch you cum on my cock."

Your fingers swiped over yourself faster and with a screech, you came. Your orgasm was powerful, winding you as your pussy clenched around Loki's cock. He gasped and hissed your name through his teeth as he spilled inside of you. Just as the clone shot into you, Loki came over his fist on the couch, his back arched dramatically as ropes of white cum spurted over his abs. You whimpered, a second orgasm hitting you as you watched the sight unfold. Loki's clone unwrapped his hand from your neck before he kissed your neck gently and pulled the gag from your mouth. You sighed in relief as he kissed your jaw.

"Good girl," he whispered. He tilted your head to look at him and he kissed you on the lips. "I will see you soon."

Loki's clone pulled his cock from you and he disappeared, fading away with a green shimmer and a promising wink. You looked down and watched as his cum dripped out of you. Your shaky hands fell to your thighs as you scooped up his cum and slipped it back inside of you. Apparently, you weren't the only one amazed by the sight, because Loki let out a groan on the couch as he watched you play with his cum.

"You are a divine creature," he sighed. He reached his hand out and you saw a few drops of cum sticking to his fingers. "Come to me, kitten."

"Yes, Master," you whispered. You sank to your knees and crawled across the floor. Loki raised a brow at you as you reached his hand. You wrapped your lips around his fingers and sucked him clean, swallowing his cum with a happy sigh. When you were done cleaning his hands, you scooted over to where he was laying. You reached up and licked the cum from his abs. You felt his muscles twitch under your tongue and you whimpered. Loki watched you as he held his breath, his hands still at his side. After cleaning him, you crawled up onto Loki and kissed him slowly. "Thank you, Loki. That was absolutely incredible."

"You're very welcome, pet," he breathed out after you pulled away.

"You're really hot when you touch yourself," you giggled, dragging your nails up Loki's chest. "I should have drawn that."

"Next time," Loki said with a cheeky wink.

You giggled and blushed before you paused and looked away. "Speaking of next time...could you please join in next time you bring your clone into the bedroom? I really want to have you both fuck me."

"We'll see. It could very intense. I know we've gone to some rougher places but I truly want you to be prepared, physically and emotionally, for that. If I fuck you with my clone, we will not go easy on you. Do you understand?" Loki whispered and you nodded. He pulled you down and kissed you again. This kiss was slow and intimate, and you were both sealed in this perfect moment with one another. When you were nearly breathless, Loki pulled back and kissed your cheek. "You mean the world to me."

You two laid there peacefully until the moon had risen and you had almost fallen asleep. Loki was content holding you, a happiness existing in him that he did not know could exist. He was so proud of you for embracing this hot, heavy world of sex and trusting him with your entire being. You didn't even question the clone. You were ready to please him and be pleased.

But most of all, you were curled against him like you wanted him. Your breath was bouncing off of his chest and the tip of your nose was poking against him. Your warm, supple body was resting above his like a protective blanket, shielding him from every one of his fears. Loki held you tighter and realized that he could not possibly spend the night without you. He needed to keep holding you. He needed to be with you finally.

Because he knew that Kassandra had been right.

When you were floating on the brink of consciousness and unconsciousness, Loki scooped you into his arms and carried you to bed. He placed you in the bed and for a moment, you thought you were dreaming when he crawled into your bed beside you. He pulled the blankets up over you as you curled into his chest.

"When do you need to go answer prayers tonight?" you asked sleepily.

"I don't," he whispered. "I'm staying tonight."

"You're staying?" you asked, tilting your head up to look at him. Loki smiled and nodded. He brushed his fingers along your cheek before wrapping his arms around you and pulling your body directly against his.

"Yes, pet. I'm staying. Go to sleep. I will be here right beside you when you wake up," Loki said softly, nuzzling into the top of your head.

Perhaps he should have taken the time to answer prayers that night. But really, the flares were under control again. He didn't need to worry about them. For now, he just wanted to lay here and hold you through the night, fall asleep beside you, and wake up in your arms. You smiled against his naked chest and pressed a kiss to his warm skin.

"Thank you," you murmured. "Goodnight, Loki."

"Goodnight, my love."


Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!

Visit me on Tumblr @ shiningloki !

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