Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up

327 5 3
By Paranormal_Babe


With Loki's sudden disappearance, you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of loss, worry, and anger. You don't know how long you have to wait for him to come back...if he'll ever come back at all.


Happy Friday!!! Make sure you check the end notes on this one!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

You knew Loki was going to leave you eventually. You just didn't think it would happen this soon, especially not after last night.

When you woke up in the morning, your body was pleasantly sore from all of Loki's divine love making. You practically waltzed into the bathroom to shower. As you turned on the hot water to bathe, you thought about inviting Loki to join you under the warm, soothing spray. You shucked on your bathrobe and walked into the living room, the sway of your hips ready to seduce Loki into the shower with you.

But he wasn't there.

He wasn't in the living room. He wasn't in the kitchen. He wasn't even in the dingy little guest bathroom that you never used. Cooper had not seen him leave - he communicated that with a shake of his head.

You figured that maybe, just maybe, Loki stepped outside for a few moments. You awaited by the door for almost two hours, standing against the wall with your lip between your teeth. When it was clear he wasn't coming back, you felt tears welling in your eyes.

"Loki?" you called out as you grasped your pendant. "Loki? Where are you?"

Silence. Complete and utter silence.

"Loki! Please come back! Whatever I did, I'm sorry!"

You couldn't help but think that this was somehow your fault. A million questions ran through your mind - what had gone wrong? Had Loki regretted telling you the truth of his heritage? Did he feel that he could no longer trust you? Had he suddenly grown bored of you?

You froze.

Did he realize that you developed feelings for him?

Panic settled in your chest as you gripped the pendant tighter. The edges of the gem bit into your skin so hard that lines from the stone's cut were etched into your skin. Tears fell freely from your eyes as you turned your face towards the ceiling.

"Loki! Please! I need you! I'm sorry!" you practically screamed. You collapsed to the ground and rested your head against your knees, trying to quell the sobs that erupted from your throat. Beside you, Cooper's nose nudged you. You looked down at your dog and tossed your arms around him. Your tears soaked into his golden fur but you couldn't find it in yourself to care. Cooper's steady heartbeat was reassuring beneath you, reminding you that at least you weren't completely alone. You rubbed your face against Cooper's shoulder and whimpered.

Cooper turned his face upwards and let out the loudest howl you had ever heard. He let out the yowling noise five times, each time growing more impatient and nervous. You sat there, your body completely still, as you waited for something, anything to happen. You were curled up on the floor for almost another hour but Loki had not returned.

"He's gone," you murmured against Cooper. "He's really gone."

You managed to get up a little while later just to use the bathroom and put some food in your stomach. But then, you returned to the doorway and sat there, waiting for the wooden structure to swing open and reveal Loki walking inside. As you sat there, you replayed every moment that happened yesterday in order to discover where things had gone wrong. You could find nothing that he said or did that would indicate that he would leave. He even told you he was never going to leave you, so why was he suddenly gone?

You were angry at yourself for a little while for appearing so desperate. You shouldn't be upset that a guy you only met a week and a half ago had ditched you. You even told yourself many, many times that this was going to happen. But as you gazed at the stagnant door, you realized that yesterday, you had convinced yourself this wouldn't happen. Loki told you all about himself and he made love to you. He made you feel like perhaps he also had feelings for you.

Was it that crazy to think that Loki could like you?

The more you pondered it, the more your anger turned into anxiety. What if Loki hadn't just left you...what if something happened to him? He did admit to there being people who wanted him dead, and if his secret of being a Frost Giant was so sacred, had Odin somehow figured out that Loki told you? You began panicking again and Cooper nestled closer into your side. Your hand reached for your pendant, though it was shaking so much you couldn't hold it steady.

"Loki...come back..." you whispered. "Please..."


As the Bifrost disappeared around him, Loki took a deep intake of air.

Alfheim smelled so much better than Midgard.

It had been a few decades since he last visited the land of the Light Elves and it wasn't his intention to return any time soon, but after tucking you into bed, Loki had some rather disturbing thoughts. All day, he could not get the memories of his past out of his head. It was why he kept you so close to him. Touching your skin, smelling your scent, tasting your lips - it cleared his mind. It helped him breathe a little easier.

But in the back of his mind, the threat still lingered. At some point, someone wanted him dead. Someone wanted to end Loki's life, and now that he was connected to you, that hatred could transfer to you as well. Someone could want you dead solely because you were associated with him. The thought was so jarring, so terrifying, that Loki found himself in tears when you had left to use the bathroom at one point.

And then there were the flares. Those fucking flares.

On the bright side, they had gone down a lot. The circumference that they radiated in had shrunk and even the people within the circle had stopped praying as much. Loki had been whittling the flares away as much as he could, even turning to doing so during the day. He noticed that you were watching him a lot, so when he did get caught up in those moments, he would do his best to distract you with certain physical means. To be fair, it worked.

Though, the flares were still there. Magic was still pouring out in Midgard. Loki had managed to keep you sequestered in your apartment and whenever Cooper had to do his business, Loki offered to take him out. You had not left your apartment in days and it seemed that between that fact and Loki answering prayers frequently, things were calming down.

Until he tried to kill you.

When Loki snapped out of the trance he was in to see his hand wrapped so tightly around your neck that bruises were already forming, he nearly tore your pendant off and left right then and there. How could he be so foolish to hurt you like that? He, the man who was meant to protect you, almost took your life from you. He was seconds away from doing so. But when he had blinked the confusion from his eyes, he still saw trust in yours - an unbridled faith in him that told him you knew he wouldn't hurt you. It was why he stayed and told you the truth. He couldn't leave you, he wanted to keep you around for the rest of his life. If telling you about his heritage meant that could happen, he would do it. Though, telling you that very truth was putting you in danger. It was a difficult trap he was in.

To sum it up, you were threatened by the magic on Midgard, the people who hated Frost Giants, Odin, and at some measure, Loki himself. Wonderful.

That was how Loki found himself on Alfheim, strutting towards the stone castle donning his Asgardian armor. His visit was for a few reasons, really, but the main reason for coming to the nature realm was to retrieve a special flower.

It was called the Livets Blomst and it was native only to Alfheim. The beautiful blue flower had thick, shimmering petals that concealed a little white pearl in the center. It contained healing powers that could save nearly anyone from death. It's healing powers were unmatched by any other token or being in the realms. He wanted to gift it to you as a means of protection, but also because he just wanted to.

He wanted to give you a gift, something special. You had done so much for him just by listening to his story and accepting him. And then, when he had made love to you, he knew that you were unlike any other person in the Nine Realms. You were his slice of perfection and he never wanted to let that go. He never wanted to let you go. Even now, as he walked down the white stone paths towards the palace, he was regretful to have left you alone. Cooper would protect you, as would the spell he cast over your home, and he would be back soon.


When Loki got closer to the palace, the invisibility spell he had cloaked over himself shimmered away, revealing him to any prying eyes. He cursed under his breath, noting that he forgot that the palace of Alfheim blocked out any foreign magic. Because of that, Loki was completely exposed.

He began to steer towards the right, hugging the shadowy edges of the path. He knew where the flower bloomed and he planned on going directly there. He wanted to spend as little time on Alfheim as possible. All he wanted was to get the flower and return home to you. He snuck quietly through the pathways, under arches, and around trees.

The sight of the gardens Loki was looking for came into view and he smirked. Loki slid out of the shadows and walked towards the garden. He was nearly there when he heard her.

"Still sneaking around, are we?"

Shit. He knew that voice.

Loki plastered on his most charming smile and turned around.

"Princess Kassandra, it is so wonderful to see you again," Loki said, taking a deep bow before the Princess of Alfheim. Her white hair billowed around her as she glided towards Loki. She smiled and shook her head with the tiniest, most unnoticeable motion that only she could do.

"Prince Loki, it has been a while," she said softly, her voice like airy windchimes. Her eyes trailed down his body and a slight hum escaped her lips. When her eyes locked with his again, she curtsied. Kassandra pulled herself back up and folded her hands in front of her body. "I believed I would never see you again."

"Ah, Kassandra. Do you think me to be so rude as to avoid your eye for the rest of eternity?" Loki asked with a light chuckle.

Kassandra raised her brow. "You were just crawling around in the shadows. That appears to be avoidance enough in my opinion."

"Well," Loki sighed, bobbing his head back and forth. "It wasn't you I was avoiding."

"Then who?" Kassandra stepped directly in front of Loki and placed her hand on his chest. "Tell me, God of Lies."

Loki stared at her and cleared his throat. "You've put me in a corner here."

"Don't I always?" Kassandra laughed, stepping away from Loki and returning her hand to the front of her body. She smiled softly and winked. "I was the only one who could challenge you. That is why we were going to be married, wasn't it?"

For some reason, Loki was hoping the Princess would forget about their past. He certainly tried to. A century or so ago, Odin had declared that Loki and Kassandra would be wed in about a decade in order to solidify the bond between Alfheim and Asgard. At the time, he wasn't exactly opposed to it. Kassandra was beautiful, intelligent, and had a witty tongue. Although, it wasn't what he wanted. He didn't want marriage or love or a family. He was young and he wanted to focus on being a god and growing in his power. It took a few years, but he eventually told Kassandra this. The Princess was very understanding, though he knew she yearned for him quietly. Many, many times he fucked her - like he said, she was attractive - and when he broke their engagement, she asked if he could bed her once more. He did, and although he didn't love her, it truly was hard to resist the body of a Light Elf Princess. He wasn't attached to her, however. He did it to appease her, and after that, he let her go with ease.

Loki may have lost a potential wife, but along the way, he had gained someone he could confide in. Kassandra was at least good at keeping a secret, hence why it took almost a whole year before Odin found out that Loki had severed the engagement.

Odin was furious, of course. But Frigga managed to contain his rage and convince him this was for the better. She told him that in a few decades, perhaps Loki would come back around to Kassandra. He never did and avoiding Alfheim was his solution to that. If he could not see Kassandra, he couldn't fall in love with her.

And as he stared at her now, Loki knew that love was not there - it never had been, it never would be. She was a good friend at most. He would value the time he spent with her and the lessons he learned, but he had moved on.

Because when Loki considered love and romance, he did not think of Kassandra. He thought of you.

He thought of the way the sun reflected off of your skin and your hair. He thought of your laugh, your smile, your moans. He thought of your body and how good it felt under him, on top of him, next to him. He thought of how you ate food really slowly, but how you seemed to enjoy everything he prepared for you. He thought of the way you spoke with such passion and fire in your eyes. He thought of how you always curled deeper into him when he told you stories about his past. He even thought of your snores, as annoying and obnoxious as they were.

"Loki? Are you there?" Kassandra waved her delicate hand in front of Loki's face. He blinked a few times and realized he had zoned out thinking about you. He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"My apologies, Kassandra."

"Have I made you weak in the knees finally?" Kassandra purred.

Loki shook his head. "No, you haven't."

"Blunt as always, Mischief," Kassandra scoffed. "Tell me, then, what has you drifting into the expanses of space? Or should I say...who?"

"I've met someone," Loki whispered. "A Midgardian."

"Midgardian?" Kassandra gasped. "Aren't they rather tiny?"

Loki laughed as he thought about how small you were compared to him. Your little nose, small feet, tiny hands...

His cock was getting hard.

"Yes, she is quite small," he said, a smile still lingering on his face. "She's rather lovely."

Kassandra gave him a knowing look. "I bet she is. So why are you here then and not with her?"

"I wanted to give her a gift," Loki said, gesturing to the garden. "The Livets Blomst, actually. So if you'll excuse me, I'll just be getting that and going on my way."

Loki began walking but Kassandra stepped in front of him. "You won't find it in there. We've had an issue with people trying to rob the flowers so we had to move them."

"Great, where can I find them?"

"I'm not telling you."

"What?" Loki gasped. "But...why?"

"Walk with me, Loki," Kassandra said, turning and walking towards the garden. Loki sighed but followed the Princess. The sun was glittering off of her skin as she basked in it, her eyes closed. Loki kept his eyes on her as they roamed through the garden but all he could think of was what it would be like to walk amongst the beautiful flowers with you. Finally, Kassandra spoke again. "Why do you want the Livets Blomst?"

"As I told you, she is Midgardian. She's weaker than me and I believe that having such a powerful healing method in her possession would be beneficial to her," Loki explained, waving his hands around.

"I understand that," Kassandra chuckled. "But why her? Why do you want to protect this girl?"

"She...she's good company," Loki said cautiously. Kassandra paused her stroll and turned towards Loki. Her eyes fell to his lips and her own pink mouth curled up into a grin. She stepped back into Loki's personal space. Her hand slipped into Loki's hair and she leaned forward.

"Kiss me, Loki," she whispered.

Loki froze as Kassandra leaned in. "I...Kassandra, what are you doing?"

"Trying to kiss you," she giggled, twirling a strand of Loki's hair around her pinky. "So, give it to me, Mischief. Oh, or shall I address you by your newest title - God of Sex? Why don't you show me what qualified you to earn that title, hmm?"

Kassandra continued to lean in and Loki quickly held his arms out and pushed her away. Kassandra stumbled backwards as Loki placed his hands in front of himself defensively. The Princess grinned and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I knew it," Kassandra squealed, bouncing up and down on her heels. "She isn't just someone you want to make sure stays healthy. Loki, Prince of Asgard, you love your little Midgardian!"

"Fucking hell," Loki groaned, running a hand through his hair. "First Thor, now you - what is going on here? Why is everyone saying I love her?"

"Because you do," Kassandra said, walking up to Loki and taking his hands in hers. She squeezed his hands and offered him a bright, encouraging grin. "You told me you did not love me at all when we were engaged but you said that nothing would stop you from indulging in my body, even if we weren't technically together."

"I did say that didn't I," Loki mumbled. "I was a horny bastard back in the day."

He felt rather ashamed thinking about that. Truthfully, he was just looking for someone to fuck and Kassandra and her body were right there. But the way he felt about fucking her was far different than the way he felt about you. Loki didn't just want to fuck you so he could have sex, he wanted you. He wanted to touch you, feel you, breathe you in and soak you into his skin. He wanted to hear you moan for him and clench around his cock. He did not want that with Kassandra. With her, Loki wanted the relief. With you, he wanted the sex and everything that came with it - before, during, after. Still, he sighed and tried to repress the warmth that grew on his cheeks just from thinking about you.

"You did become the God of Sex. It's fitting." Kassandra shook her head and giggled. "But Loki, look at what just happened! You turned me down without even a question! Your cock did not stiffen and your eyes did not wander! Your heart is truly hers."

"Just because I didn't want to fuck you doesn't mean I...I love her," Loki murmured, squinting and staring down at the ground.

"It does," Kassandra whispered. She subtly moved her thumbs to rest over Loki's wrists. "Tell me about her. Tell me her name. Tell me everything."

Loki looked in Kassandra's bright eyes and he let the floodgates open. He uttered your name softly and told her the story of how you met. He explained how he came to you after you prayed to him and how you immediately caught his attention - by fucking pushing him! Dammit, he'd never get over that.

He detailed nearly every moment you spent together. Loki did not realize that the entire time he spoke, he was smiling and laughing, his heart elated and full of joy. It felt so good to talk about you to someone that wasn't involved in any drama with Odin. Unfortunately, he did tell Kassandra about his feuding with Odin and the possible danger you were in. But the moment he said your name again, the grin grew on his face once more. By the time Loki recapped the story of his time with you, Kassandra was giving him a knowing look.

"What?" Loki asked, his dark brows furrowing. Kassandra lifted up their clasped hands, revealing her thumbs on Loki's pale wrists. Loki looked down at her thumbs and parted his lips. "Kassandra?"

"Did you know that the entire time you spoke of her, your pulse was racing?" Kassandra asked, gracefully dropping Loki's wrists. His hands flopped to his sides as he stared at Kassandra, wondering how this woman always seemed to pull the rug out from under him. Kassandra smirked at Loki's perplexed look and shrugged. "It started the moment you said her name. Your heart rate kicked up and did not slow down until just now."

"That doesn't mean - "

"Are you an idiot, Loki?" Kassandra scoffed. "You love her! Your heart pounds when you talk about her, you go out of your way to protect her, you've risked war with Odin to be with her! You have never done any of those things with anyone else, me included. Tell your story again to yourself. Really listen to what you're saying. The fact is right there. You have deep, deep feelings for her. It's beautiful."

Loki turned away from Kassandra and walked over to a flower that was the exact color of your cheeks when you blushed. He knew that color like he had painted it on the backs of his eyelids. Loki picked the flower from its bush and held it to his nose. It smelled like you when you stepped out of the shower, steam warming your skin and hair sticking to your forehead. Loki shut his eyes and sighed.

Perhaps Kassandra was right.

There was not a single woman in the universe that Loki wanted except for you. He would do anything in his power to keep you safe and at his side. He challenged Odin, threatened to fight Thor, and attempted robbery from Alfheim. He told you who he truly was and exposed the burns that were scorched into his heart. You accepted him for who he was without any doubt. Loki's lower lip trembled as tears welled in his eyes.

"Maybe I do love her," Loki whispered, turning around and looking down at the flower. "I want to see her with no one else and I want to be with no one else - sorry, Kassandra. Every time I'm with her, it feels like there is not a single problem in this universe. I feel strong with her, powerful, and in a ridiculous way, safe. Fuck, she can't do anything to protect me but she guards my pain, my secrets, heart. She means more to me than anyone else in all the Nine Realms. I...I think I might love her."

"You do not need to be completely sure. It has all happened very quickly for you," Kassandra noted thoughtfully. "But keep your heart open and your mind aware. This girl, she is good for you, Loki. I have not seen you so happy in all the time I've known you."

"I just wish I knew how she felt about me," Loki sighed. He quietly put a sustaining spell over the flower and set it into a pocket of subspace so whenever he was without you - which he prayed would not be often - he could have something to remind him of you.

"If I could guess, she feels quite the same way. It's not hard to fall in love with you, Loki," Kassandra said softly, her eyes displaying a sadness that had Loki feeling slightly guilty about gushing about you to the woman he was once intended to marry one day. But then, Kassandra smiled and the sadness left her eyes. "I am happy for you. And...and I will let you take the Livets Blomst."

"Oh, Kassandra, thank you," Loki said, bowing before Kassandra. She rolled her eyes and hoisted Loki up by the shoulder of his armor. She gestured her head and began walking through the gardens. Loki followed Kassandra closely as she led them to an underground garden beneath the palace. The garden existed within a dark cave, the cavern walls lit solely by the luminous flowers and crystals that flourished there. Kassandra guided them to the depths of the cave and around a silvery waterfall. Loki stared at the cavern in awe until his eyes caught sight of the Livets Blomst. Kassandra walked over to the blooming flowers and knelt beside them. She looked over her shoulder and motioned for Loki to follow.

"Come, it requires an offering," Kassandra explained. Loki nodded and knelt beside her. Kassandra held her hands above the flower and hummed. "Livets Blomst, I present to you Loki Odinson, the one who requests your power. He is here to offer..."

Kassandra looked to Loki and he thought for a moment. Loki held his own hands out above the blue flower and looked into the white pearl in the middle.

"I offer you fertility," Loki said firmly. "As the God of Sex, I am also partially the God of Fertility. I offer you my magic of fertility to provide strong soil which will bear several more Livets Blomst to replace the one that I have taken."

The pearl inside the flower glowed and Kassandra nudged Loki with her shoulder. "It accepts."

"Wonderful," Loki chuckled. He let his magic flow into the mounds of soil that the flowers were growing out of. It glowed green before settling into emerald sparkles which sunk into the dirt. The petals of the blue flower shimmered with emerald dusting as the petals closed securely over the pearl. Loki looked to Kassandra and she nodded, allowing him to pluck the flower. Loki took the flower from the soil and immediately placed a protective spell over it. He hid it in his pocket of subspace along with the flower he took from the garden and sighed, sitting back on his haunches. "Thank you, Princess Kassandra. This means more than you can understand."

"Oh, I am sure it does. I would do the same for my lover," she said with a wink. "I have, in fact."

"What?" Loki asked. Kassandra giggled as she stood. Loki stood with her as they began to walk back through the cave. "What do you mean?"

"I have been courting someone recently - a princess from one of the smaller kingdoms in the south of Alfheim," Kassandra hummed, running her fingers along the flowers they passed. "She is most kind."

"I'm very happy for you, Kassandra. You deserve happiness," Loki said honestly. "But, wait...if you're with someone, why did you try to tempt me to kiss you?"

"Oh, Loki." Kassandra rolled her eyes playfully. "Even if you accepted, I wouldn't have kissed you or gone any further. It was simply a test."

"A test," Loki scoffed. "You are your bloody tests."

"It was worth the end result." Kassandra blushed and looked at Loki. "She is here, you know. In the palace. She came with some of her family for political negotiations but we've been sneaking away quite often. Would you like to meet her?"

"I'd love to but I really should be getting back to Midgard," Loki said as they climbed out of the cave. "I hate leaving my girl alone and I've been here longer than intended."

"Hm, well, that is reasonable. I'm sure she would love to meet you but if you must go, then that is fine," Kassandra said, patting Loki's arm.

"I apologize, Kassandra. Tell me, though, what is her name? I'd like to offer up a prayer for you two," Loki asked.

"Princess Alvana," Kassandra said.

Loki's eyes widened and he held up a finger. "Princess Alvana? As in, the Art Princess of Alfheim?"

"That's the one," Kassandra said with a smile and a nod. "She's so talented with art and the tools she creates - they're excellent, Loki! I have never seen any supplies and tools as exquisite as hers!"

Loki considered this. He could sacrifice another few moments away from you in order to meet Princess Alvana. She was known for being an art enchantress and her advanced skills with creating complex and beautiful means of creating art. If he could somehow convince Alvana to give him some of her supplies, it would make such a wonderful gift for you. He could picture the wonder in your eyes already. He would miss you dearly but Cooper was there and his spell was still erected. This would be worth it. If it would make you happy, then Loki couldn't say no to this opportunity.

It might even make you love him.

Loki snapped his head upwards and offered Kassandra a sweet smile.

"Well, perhaps I have a few moments to spare."


After dinner, you decided to take Cooper out. It was obvious Loki wouldn't be back anytime soon. You had spent the day waiting for him, and after a few hours of doing that, you stopped calling out to him.

He was no longer listening for you, clearly.

You were the park with Cooper, something you had not done in months. Cooper was running around in the grass beside you, playing with an athletic looking Beagle. You stood there with your hands in your pockets watching the emeralds glitter on his collar. Sighing, you turned away and rested your head against the tree beside you. But as you turned, your eyes caught something.

There was a man watching you.

When he noticed you looking at him, he turned away. He was wearing dark glasses and a red hat. A scarf was wrapped up to his nose, obscuring your view of him. He shoved his hands in his deep coat pockets and scurried away. Chills ran down your spine as you whistled for Cooper. Your dog lumbered over to you, clearly out of breath from playing with the other dog. You hooked his leash onto his collar as you watched the man scurry from the park.

You shook your head. Perhaps you were just paranoid. Normally, you wouldn't be so uneasy. However, it was the first time you left the apartment in days and Loki wasn't listening to you or Cooper. If something was to happen, he wouldn't know. Maybe he would, maybe he was listening this entire time, but he no longer cared. The thought made your walk home gloomy and by the time you reached your front door, you just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep away the sadness that lingered in your heart.

You pushed open the door to your apartment and Cooper ran in, heading straight into the kitchen for his water bowl. You barely got the door closed before a set of hands were on you and pressing you against the wall.

"Where were you?"

Your eyes widened as you took in the sight of Loki in front of you, his glare wild and his lips curled into a relative sneer. A range of emotions ran through you - relief, happiness, shock - until they settled on anger. You furrowed your brows and poked your finger against Loki's chest.

"Where was I? Where were you?" you yelled. Cooper came back into the hallway curiously. You sighed and looked at your dog. "It's okay, Coop. Go to bed."

Cooper gave you a wary look but listened to your command. He walked back into the living room and you turned back to Loki. You pushed him off of you and scoffed.

"You disappear and come back acting mad that I took my dog to the fucking park," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. "Oh yeah, that's where I went by the way. To the park with my dog."

"Why did you leave? You couldn't have waited for me to come back? I gladly would have taken him out," Loki growled, his heart pounding in his chest. Your jaw fell and you narrowed your eyes.

"You left without any warning, Loki! How was I supposed to know when you would come back? Fuck, how was I supposed to know if you'd even come back?" you asked, tears welling in your eyes. Loki's face softened as he watched the sadness growing on your face. You looked down at your feet and scrubbed the toe of your shoe into the floor. "I was terrified that you left for good."

"Oh, pet. I'm sorry I worried you. I was gone longer than I thought I'd be," Loki sighed, walking up to you. He slowly slid your coat off and tossed it carelessly onto the floor. You gave him a look but he just shook his head and captured the gem of your pendant between his fingers. "I could never leave you, little one. That is why you have this. As long as you have this, I will always be there for you."

"That's not true," you whispered, your lower lip wobbling. "I called for you. You never answered."

"You did?" Loki furrowed his brows and dropped the pendant. He looked up at you and groaned. Alfheim. He knew the spells placed around the palace blocked out foreign magic but he didn't think it was strong enough to stop him from hearing your calls. Loki cupped your face in his hands and stroked his thumbs over your cheeks. "I am so sorry, pet. Really, I apologize. I was in a place where my magic was tampered with and it blocked out your calls to me. If something...if something happened..."

Loki trailed off, fear on his face. He gazed into your eyes before crushing his lips to yours suddenly. You squeaked and went to grab his shirt, only to realize your hands were touching metal. The kiss was fiery and passionate, full of need and the mutual disturbing thought of never seeing one another again. Loki's kisses were desperate as he kissed you and you could feel his need for you sinking from his lips into yours. You pulled your mouth away from Loki to catch your breath but he continued to press kisses along your skin. You ran your nails along the metal plates on his clothing, your cunt quickly growing wet at the sight of Loki in his armor.

"Do you like my armor, little girl?" Loki asked, mouthing at your neck. He slipped his hand between your legs and grinned. "Even through your pants, I can feel your pussy getting wet for me."

"It's hard not to," you moaned as he began sucking on your neck. You grabbed the leather straps of his armor and ground down against his large, hot hand. "I-I missed you, Loki. I missed you so fucking much. I was so worried..."

"Worried? Why?" Loki asked as he lifted his head back up so he could look at you. His hand was idle on your clothed cunt, not daring to move it as you chewed on your lip. Loki rolled his eyes and swooped down, sucking your lip into his mouth and licking it with his tongue. He pulled it back with his teeth, tongue still drawing patterns on it as he did so. Loki let your lip snap back towards your teeth and he gave you a pointed look.

"I'm sorry. It's just after everything you told me last night, I worried that...I don't know...someone wanted to hurt you? Or maybe I..." you trailed off, looking away from Loki. You didn't want to say that you were worried he discovered your feelings for him. That admission, in and of itself, would admit how you felt. Instead, you sighed and placed your hand on Loki's abdomen. "Maybe I pushed you away."

"Pet, look at me," Loki said sternly. You met his gaze and Loki moved his hand from your cunt to your hip. "I am sorry for worrying you. But you could never push me away, I mean that. I adore you too much to let you go." Loki bent down and bit your jawline before smoothing it over with his tongue. "I'm here now, kitten. Let me show you just how deep you have your hooks in me."

Loki's hands were under your sweater then. He pulled it over your head and nodded in appreciation when he saw you went braless. He knelt before you - a sight most arousing when he was donned in his royal armor - and put his mouth on your breasts. He sucked your nipples and groped you, his moans sending vibrations through your body. Loki's mouth traveled all over your abdomen, leaving little bruises in his wake as he reached your pants. With a wink, Loki shucked your shoes, pants, and panties off, leaving you completely nude in your hallway.

" perfect..." Loki whispered as he trailed his hands up your thighs. You spread your legs as his face reached your cunt. He inhaled deeply and purred, his nails digging into your thighs. "So wet for me, little girl. You smell divine. I bet you taste even better."

"Why don't you see for yourself?" you said with more bravery than you felt. Loki grinned and pinched your ass, earning a squeal from you.

"Such a naughty little pet for your Master," Loki chuckled before pressing his mouth to your mound. You gasped and tossed your head back as Loki's tongue ran up your folds. He lapped you up, moaning with great vigor at every drop of your arousal that leaked onto his tongue. The tip of his tongue danced circles around your clit before flicking your little bud back and forth rapidly. Your chest was heaving as Loki ate you out, moaning like you were the most delicious thing he tasted.

He told you that you were many, many times. You were now starting to believe he wasn't exaggerating.

However, your moans turned into startled whimpers when you felt something cool press to the undersides of your thighs. And then, you were suspended in the air. You opened your eyes and looked down, shocked as you saw that Loki had tossed your thighs over his shoulders and lifted you off the ground. He was still devouring you, his eyes shut so tightly in bliss that you weren't even sure if he knew he had lifted you up or not.

"M-Master," you cried out as he sucked on one wet lip of your pussy. His teeth nibbled your skin before he suckled it again and let it settle back into place. Loki opened his eyes and he pulled back. He looked between your thighs and he grinned.

"Why, I am rather tricky, aren't I?" Loki laughed. You were right, he didn't know that he had lifted you up. He was so distracted, so consumed, by licking your pussy that he didn't even realize he had maneuvered your body on top of his to get closer to you. The idea of that was so hot that another wave of wetness flooded your cunt. Loki sent you a wicked look and his smile grew wider. "It's time, pet."

"What do you mean?" you asked, your breasts heaving.

Loki licked his lips. "Hands above your head."

You tentatively lifted your hands above your head, arms slightly bent at the elbow. A tingle tickled your wrists and with a squeak, your arms were hoisted straight above your head. There was a cold weight on your wrists that was pinning you to the wall. You looked up and saw two gold chains wrapped around your wrists with a long chain binding you to the ceiling. Your cunt flooded with wetness as you looked back down at Loki. His eyes were glazed over with dominance and you could see his cock tenting the leathers of his trousers.

"Thank you, Master! Thank you!" you cheered, a bright grin on your face. You tugged at the chains but they kept you restrained rather snuggly. Loki ran his hands up and down your thighs, teasing your skin with the drag of his blunt nails.

"So fucking sexy, pet," Loki groaned before burying his head back between your thighs. If Loki was enthusiastic before, he was raging with eagerness now. The noises he was making were so filthy that you were sure the wet sounds of your arousal could be heard from the hallway. You tugged on the chains, wanting to run your fingers through Loki's dark hair, but you were trapped. You whimpered and clenched around Loki's tongue, and it did not go unnoticed. Loki lifted his head, his chin glistening with your juices. "You really love being tied up, huh? I can feel your cunt squeeze on me, holding me in every time you pull on those chains. Such a naughty little girl."

"Please, Master. Please put your mouth back on me," you begged. Loki blew a cool stream of air over your clit before sealing his lips back around you. You rode his tongue, your eyes stuck on Loki's dark head between your thighs. He was a man starved as he devoured you. You were so close to cumming and you needed him to stay close to you. You tugged on the chains again but your hands did not budge. You groaned in frustration, but Loki only chuckled and pulled away.

"What's wrong, my sweet girl?" Loki purred, running two fingers along your wet seam. You whimpered and rocked on his hand but Loki pulled away. You grimaced and he winked. "What? I'm just playing with your gorgeous pussy. It's so swollen and warm for me. Have I ever told you how arousing it is knowing that every time I put my fingers here..." Loki tapped your fluttering hole "'re always so fucking wet? Does your cunt hurt, pet? Does it hurt always being so turned on for your Master?"

"It does," you whined. "I always want your cock in me, Master. I feel so empty without your cock. Whenever you want me, I'm yours. Anywhere, any time of day, my body is yours, Loki. You own me."

"Yes, I do," Loki growled, dropping your legs from his shoulders and lifting himself back onto his feet. He wrapped his hand around your throat and brushed your pulse with his thumb. "You belong to me."

"Yes, Master," you whispered before Loki pressed you firmly against the wall and ravished your mouth with his slick lips. You could taste yourself on him but it only turned you on more thinking about how he had reduced you to a whimpering mess. Without your legs on his shoulders, you realized your feet couldn't fully touch the ground. You had to balance yourself on your toes as Loki kissed you. His mouth dragged down to your neck and he sucked on your pulse, worrying your skin between his teeth.

"You're mine," Loki growled. "No one else can have you. No one."

"I don't want anybody else," you said, shaking your head as much as you could with Loki's hand on your throat and his head buried between your neck and your shoulder.

"Good girl. That's what I like to hear," Loki said as he lifted his face back up. His hands moved to your hips and with a smirk, you were flipped over, your naked front pressed against the wall. You squirmed as Loki's cock sprung out and hit against your ass. "I'm going to fuck you now, pet. I'm going to fuck you into this wall and you're going to take whatever I give you."

"Oh, please," you whimpered.

Loki rubbed his cock between the cheeks of your ass and you felt his warm breath on the back of your neck. "Beg me to put my cock in you."

"Put your cock in me, Loki. Please put your cock in my pussy. I've been so good for you, Master. Please let me please you, I beg you," you cried out. Loki's hand slid up to the back of your neck and he pushed your face against the wall. Your breathing picked up as he dragged the blunt head of his cock along your wet hole.

"Tell me who you belong to," Loki whispered against your shoulder.

"You, Loki. I belong to you and only you," you said, spreading your legs wider.

You felt Loki smile. "Yes you do, my good little slut."

Loki thrust his cock into you quickly, one hand on your neck and the other on your hip. You called out his name, your legs tensing as he pulled out and thrust back inside of you harshly. You tightened your hands into fists around the chain that was suspending you from the ceiling. Loki's hips - still covered in his armor - smacked against your ass with every rough, possessive thrust. There something that aroused you so greatly knowing that Loki was still dressed in his fancy, royal battle armor and you were naked. That simple display of dominance over you had your pussy gushing.

"This dirty cunt is mine, pet. I'm going to fuck you so hard you can't even think of any other man's cock inside of you because none of them are as good as me," Loki hissed. He pressed you harder into the wall as he fucked you. His hand was locked around your hip and you knew there would be bruises blossoming there in the morning. "Oh, baby girl. This pussy is so good. You're so tight and hot around my cock. I can't wait to cum inside of you and fill you up. I'm going to leave my cum inside of you so you feel me for the rest of the day."

"Fuck, Loki!" you yelled, arching your back so your ass was pressed further against him. Loki groaned and moved the hand that was on your neck down to your ass. He growled and smacked your left cheek. You bounced on your toes with a squeal as you felt the heat of his palm blossom over you.

"Mine," he moaned with a secondary hit. "You're all mine."

The possessiveness Loki was showing was turning you on more than you could describe. He was being rough and brutal, fucking you into the wall without any restraint. You tugged on the chain as your breasts rubbed painfully against the wall.

"More," you gasped, fucking yourself back against his thrusts. "More, Master."

"That's my little whore," Loki chuckled. "You love being a filthy little cock slut for your Master."

"I do," you moaned, rolling your head back onto Loki's shoulder as he began kissing your neck.

His thrusts didn't slow down as he licked as your neck, caressing the bruises he kept leaving day after day. Loki didn't know why he felt so unbelievably protective and possessive over you right now. Perhaps it was seeing his ex-fiancee and the admittance of his feelings for you that had him wanting to show his dominance over you. He wanted to remind you that, yes, you were his but he was also yours. You owned his body and his heart, he was sure of it now.

Though, Loki knew that part of that possessiveness stemmed from the fear of arriving at your home and not seeing you here. He had no idea where to start looking for you and he almost burst out of your home until you walked through the door. The relief of having you here and seeing you safe had unleashed the beast in him. Something could have hurt you, someone could have hurt you, and knowing he couldn't protect you terrified him. Now that you were here, Loki was going to take full advantage of your submissive body to remind him that you were here, you were safe, and you were his.

"You're my good girl," Loki murmured. "And I am never letting you go."

With that, Loki sunk his teeth into the back of your shoulder. You froze and you tugged mercilessly on the chain. His cock was pounding into you and his arm was wrapped around your waist. Though your face was still pressed to the wall, your ass was so far out that you were nearly lifted into the air from his grip. Loki's other hand landed against the wall beside your head, giving himself leverage to keep fucking into you.

"Loki! Fuck, your cock feels so fucking good in me. Fuck me harder, please, Master," you begged, tears welling in your eyes. Loki lifted his mouth from your neck and swung you back around. Your back hit the wall with a hard smack and you whined as Loki slipped his cock back inside of you. His eyes were like fire as he fucked you, staring into your soul with his darkness and lust. You wrapped your legs around his waist as his hands rested beside your head. Your breasts bounced with every thrust of his hard cock and you pushed into his thrusts.

"You want harder? I'll give you fucking harder," Loki growled, one hand moving from the wall to your throat. His cock thrusted into you even harder, pounding against your G-spot perfectly. Your toes curled and you tugged on your restraints.

"Let me touch you, Loki. I want to touch you, please," you cried out, pulling on the chains. Loki grinned and leaned in, licking over your lips seductively before biting them with a kiss.

"No, little girl. You wanted to be tied up, you're tied up. I'm not letting you escape, kitten," Loki chuckled darkly. "There's nowhere you can run. I want you, and I always get what I want. I should leave you tied here to this wall for me to fuck whenever I want."

"Oh...oh, Loki..." Your voice trembled as your cunt tightened around his cock.

"You want that, baby girl? Should I use you like my little toy? My dirty little cum slut, only good for taking my cock like a pleasure slave," Loki moaned, his cock pistoning into you harder. You nodded and there was a sharp tingle across your chest. Your pendant shrunk back and transformed into your collar. As the chain gripped your neck, Loki's cock twitched inside of you. Loki bit at your neck, sucking the chain into his mouth briefly. "My personal little cock slut."

"Y-Yours," you agreed. You felt your orgasm coiling in your gut and you tugged firmer on the chain. But when you pulled on the chain, your collar tightened around your neck. You gasped for air and Loki's smile grew into something only a deviant would wear.

"Isn't it beautiful," he purred. "Don't struggle or you might pass out."

"Yes, Master," you said, your cunt so tight around Loki's cock you weren't sure how he was able to thrust into you like he was. This entire situation was so overwhelmingly hot that you were positive you would pass out from the sex, not from the lack of air.

Loki pressed his weight against you, leaning firmer on the wall. You heard a crack but you thought nothing of it as he pounded his cock into you. You tossed your head back as Loki slammed his fist against the wall.

"Cum for me. Cum, dammit! Cum right fucking now or I'll punish you so hard you won't be able to sit for a month," Loki growled, his eyes wide and wild.

"Oh, Loki! Loki!" you screamed as your orgasm overcame you. You pulled against the chain unintentionally, restricting your collar. Everything that happened made your orgasm that much stronger and your cunt locked around Loki's cock. He roared your name and shot his cum into you.

But that wasn't the only terribly loud sound.

As Loki filled you with his hot cum, there was a crack and a rumbling sound. Loki fell onto you as his fist went directly through the wall, opening up a hole to your room. The display of his strength forced another orgasm over you, which then made Loki cum harder.

It took you a long time to recover but when you did, you turned your head slowly to the hole in the wall. You let out a loud laugh as you looked into your room from the hallway. Loki looked up, lifting his head from the warm safety of your chest, into your room. He blushed and let out a sheepish laugh.

"I'll fix that later," he murmured. You giggled, your head feeling floaty and light, as you moved in to kiss Loki. He sighed against your mouth and ran his hands down your soft body. "My good girl. I'm sorry if I was too rough."

"Never apologize for that," you said with a grin.

"Keep your legs tight around me," Loki instructed. You tightened your legs around him as he waved the chains from the ceiling away. You immediately wrapped your arms around his body and buried your face in his neck. You whimpered against him, your body weak and sensitive. His hands rubbed against your back as he walked you into the bedroom, his cock still wedged inside of you to keep his cum in you. "Shhh, I've got you. I'm right here."

"I missed you," you said again into his neck. "I was so scared."

"I know, pet. I am so sorry," he murmured as he placed you on the bed, regretfully slipping his cock out of you. For the next few minutes, Loki rubbed lotion over every inch of your skin. He left your necklace in the shape of the collar but loosened it enough for you to turn your head and breathe comfortably without feeling it. When he finished massaging your skin, he shed his clothes and fell onto the bed next to you. "Come here, lay with me."

You didn't hesitate moving into his arms. You rested your head on his chest and nuzzled into him. His hand continued to stroke along your back, his fingers teasing your spine. Your breathing slowed as he held you there quietly.

"Where did you go?" you asked, peering up at him.

"I got you a gift," Loki said. "I went all the way to Alfheim for it."

"What?" You perched yourself up onto your elbow. "You got me a gift?"

"I got you two." Loki grinned, running his hand along your bent arm. "Would you like to see?"

"Yes!" You sat up cross legged. Loki pushed himself up so he was in a sitting position. He held both of his hands out and with a shimmer of green magic, there was a blue flower floating in his hands. Your eyes widened as you looked at the impossibly gorgeous flower. "This is beautiful, Loki."

"Do you know what it is?" he asked. You shook your head and he pinched the stem of the flower between two long fingers. "It's called the Livets Blomst. It's grown in Alfheim and only those who are worthy are allowed to take one. There is a single pearl inside that is meant to patch any wounds, heal any illness, or really recover anything that is wrong. I wanted to give you one because, well, you deserve it. I have burdened you with my wounds, my toxins, and my hurt. This is my way of giving back to you."

"Loki..." Your eyes welled up with tears. "This is the greatest thing anyone has ever given me. Well..." You touched your collar. "One of the greatest, at least."

"You deserve only the best," Loki whispered, placing the flower on your nightstand. He looked into your eyes as he cupped your cheek with his hand. "Pet, I...I love...I love how you take so much joy in things I give you. I would do anything to see you happy."

You blushed and pressed your cheek into his hand. "You're too good to me, Loki. Thank you."

"Only the best for my pet," Loki chuckled. He picked the flower up again and made it disappear. You scrunched your eyebrows together but Loki soothed the crinkles on your forehead with his thumb. "I'm going to create a protective case for it later. I don't want anything to happen to it before that."

"Makes sense," you said with a smile. "Hey, you said you got me two gifts. Was that flower both of them?"

"Cheeky girl," Loki laughed and pressed a kiss to your lips. "No, it wasn't. There is more."

Loki just sat there grinning at you. You looked around before settling your gaze back on him.


"You're going to have to wait until tomorrow," Loki said. Your face fell and he laughed as he pulled you into his arms and onto his lap. "Consider it another form of delayed gratification."

"Fuck delayed gratification," you huffed. Loki continued to laugh as he kissed all over your face.

"I know, little one. It's just so terrible," Loki said with a dramatic exaggeration. He kissed your collarbone and sighed. "I'm so happy you're safe."

"I'm always safe as long as I'm with you."

"I hope so, pet. I hope so."


HE'S BACK!!! Did you really think I'd break your hearts like that? Hehehe

Anyway, for those of you who don't know, my birthday is tomorrow! And because of that, I will be posting the official "Get On Your Knees And Pray To Me" PLAYLIST on my Tumblr! It will also be available on Spotify! Consider it my little birthday gift to you! Anyway, be sure to check my Tumblr (shiningloki) tomorrow to get access to that playlist!

~ ~

Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki !

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