Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them

342 4 0
By Paranormal_Babe


Several orgasms and a lot of pleasure later, you and Loki find yourselves caught up in some pillow talk. It wasn't meant to get deep but it does. You're slowly learning more about each other, but there are still some things he is clearly not telling you.


Happy Friday!! Welcome back to our wonderfully smutty adventure! I hope everyone is doing well today! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Somewhere between your third and fourth orgasm, you and Loki started talking.

He was laying on his back, his eyes staring up at the ceiling with his arms folded behind his head. There was a small smirk on his face - a self-satisfactory one that indicated precisely how good he was feeling at this moment. You were still trying to catch your breath, your last orgasm so powerful that it winded you.

Maybe that was the reason for Loki's cocky grin, actually.

Your body was alight with pleasure and you felt like you were still flying somewhere high up in the clouds. It seemed there was nothing Loki couldn't do to bring you to the edge. He was rough, yet attentive, demanding, yet caring. Normally, a man being that way with you would give you whiplash, for it would be far too confusing to keep up with. But with Loki, it seemed so natural. Submitting to him was like breathing and every time he used those sinful hands, that wicked tongue, and his generous cock on you, you found it easier and easier to let go of each inhibition, each insecurity, and offer him every part of you that you could.

Finally, you rolled onto your side and propped yourself up onto your elbow. Loki's green eyes drifted from the ceiling over to you and he slid a bit closer to you. You ran your knuckles up his bare stomach, then back down again. You explored his body and didn't miss the way his breath caught in his throat when your fingers ran up to his chest. You looked at him and his face was soft, pleasant, but a bit detached.

"What are you thinking about?" you asked, leaning further onto your hand. "You seem...down? Yeah, a little down."

Loki internally winced at how easily it was getting for you to read him. No one could see past the facade he would put up when necessary. With you, he was truly happy. He felt good, secure, genuinely satisfied. But the worry of those flares still lingered in the back of his mind, severing him from this moment with you. All he wanted to do was rest with you, enjoy you laying beside him, and forget about the magic being sent out across this small chunk of Midgard.

However, Loki tried not to let that show. He chuckled and moved one of his hands from behind his head to your waist. Now it was his turn to run his knuckles along your skin. "I'm just fine, pet. I'm here with you. There's nothing more I could want."

"That's sweet of you to say," you said with a blush, looking away. Loki's hand moved up from your waist to your cheek. He turned your head back towards him and gave you a strong, pointed look.

"I mean it," he whispered. His eyes flickered down to your lips and he licked his own. You took the opportunity to kiss him, your body draping over his as your lips touched his. He sighed against you, a delightful sound that had a chill running down your spine. He held you close to him, his hand still cupping your hot cheek. The kiss was sweet and simple, but you knew if you spent just a few seconds longer with your lips pressed to his, it would quickly turn feverish. Loki was the first to pull away and when he opened his eyes, they were nearly glittering. His lips quirked into a grin. "What's your favorite color?"


"I asked you what your favorite color is," Loki said with a gentle shrug. "Is that such an offensive question?"

"No, not at all. I just wasn't expecting it," you admitted.

"Well, I did say we were going to get to know each other better and it truly just occurred to me that I do not know this basic fact," Loki said thoughtfully. "So, tell me, kitten, what's your favorite color?"

For a moment, as you looked into the depths of Loki's crystalline eyes, you wanted to say green. You had to physically bite your lip to hold the words down in your throat. Once you were sure you wouldn't croak out the cheesy answer, you moved yourself back up onto your elbow.

"I would have to say purple. Like a rich, deep violet or a nice indigo," you said, pursing your lips. "I'll take a wild guess and say that your favorite is green."

"How could you ever know that?" Loki asked, dropping his jaw in fake shock. You laughed and swatted his stomach lightly. Loki chuckled and settled further into the pillow, his smile remaining curled and his body laying completely pliant. "My mother picked that color for me when I was very young."

"Did she?" you asked. "What is Frigga like?"

"She's wonderful. Very kind, intelligent, and dangerously skilled with magic. She could offer you a sweet, charming grin and then slash you in half all in the same second," Loki explained. He smirked a bit. "I think you can see where I get that from."

"I'm glad you're aware of it, then." You wrapped your free arm around Loki's torso. "What is the rest of your family like?"

"It's just me, Thor, and Odin," Loki said, his nose twitching when he mentioned Odin. "Thor is a very good brother, the best perhaps in all the Nine Realms. He's always been there for me and when I was a kid, he protected me. He really went out of his way to make sure I felt safe. After everything that happened, he was there for me."

"Everything that happened? Why did he need to protect you?" you asked, brows furrowing slightly.

Loki paused and looked away. "It is no matter."

"Loki -"

"Odin, on the other hand, he's a hothead," Loki said quickly, turning back to you and running his hand along your face. He swept his fingers over your lips, stopping you from speaking. "That man could level a planet with his anger. He's dangerous, but not in the way Frigga is. Frigga can contain her desires. She knows peace and balance. Odin just...doesn't. Well, maybe he does. He just chooses not to obey it. He likes to speak in riddles and keep secrets - secrets that are potentially dangerous...secrets that could hurt people."

You tried not to notice it, but you couldn't help pick up the traces of resentment when Loki spoke of his father. It made you cling to him a bit tighter. He was facing the ceiling once again, but instead of a cocky grin on his face like earlier, he was more contemplative and cold.

"Do you have a good relationship with him?" You weren't sure if you should ask the question. It sounded like Loki had bonded well with Thor and Frigga. But you had heard the stories of Odin being a bit too chilled. Hearing about him from someone who actually knew him instead of just worshipped him made you think there was more to tales you were taught.

"I...I don't know," Loki admitted. "Somedays, yes. Other days, no. I think...I think he is a good king. I think he tries his best and truly, the realms prosper under him. But I think he takes his politics too far into his relationships as well. I know he loves Thor and I but he goes about it all wrong. He pressures Thor into taking the throne and he pressures me into being the perfect god - perfect by his standards, mind you. Believe me, you cannot pressure mischief and chaos into fitting a mold and I am not sure he understands that. He doesn't trust me with my powers."

"He must have some faith in you. He made you the God of Sex," you offered.

Loki snorted. "Because no one else wanted to be it."

"Hey," you said, rolling over so you were on top of him. "Odin may not believe in you but I do. I think you're doing an amazing job."

"Thank you." Loki stared at you and you thought there were tears in his eyes. He blinked quickly and cleared his throat. But when he looked away, you saw something flash across his face - guilt? You pondered this - what would Loki have to feel guilty over? Instead of asking, you waited for Loki to look back at you, and when he did, he was smiling again. "Why do you live here? This place is so...small."

"It's what I can afford," you said. "It's not much but it's home."

"Cooper said you moved out here 6 months ago just for the job you're at now," Loki murmured. "Why?"

"The place I used to live in was near a hub of the city, so the rent was really high," you explained. Loki watched you intently, his head nodding slowly as you spoke. "I worked at a job similar to what I do now - editing. It didn't pay as much and with the apartment being so costly, I was barely making ends meet. I saw that my current job was hiring so I applied and got it. The higher pay from the job mixed with the lower cost of this apartment meant I could be saving more money for..."

"For?" Loki mumbled.

You blushed and shook your head. "It's silly."

"No, tell me," he whispered, taking your free hand in his. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles, then to your palm and wrist. He looked up at you as he held your hand to his mouth. "Please?"

"Promise you won't laugh at me?" you asked sheepishly.

"I promise," Loki said. He stuck out his pinky finger and you were a bit surprised that this godly Asgardian knew what a pinky promise was. You folded your pinky with his and shook it once. When you went to drop his pinky, Loki continued to hold your hand.

"Okay. Let me start by saying that I like what I do. Editing is fun because I get to read a lot but...they give me such shitty things to read! Essays, articles,'s boring, Loki," you sighed. "Anyway, there is something that I've always loved and that's art. I've always wanted to be an artist but it's not really a money-making field. I practice a lot and I think I'm actually really good but, I don't know, I can't go anywhere with it. So by taking this job and saving up money, it can get me better supplies which will make better projects which might lead to me being confident enough to show someone my work. Right now, I work with Crayola art supplies and barely sharpened #2 pencils. I know I have the talent to create some pretty nice drawings but I can't get there without the funds."

"I am very sorry to hear this," Loki murmured, eyes cast down towards your conjoined hands. He stroked the back of your hand with his thumb for a few quiet moments before looking back up at you. "May I see the drawings?"

"You really want to see them?" you asked.

Loki nodded eagerly. "Yes, I very much would."

"A-Alright," you said, pushing yourself up and off the bed. You stood there for a moment, a bit unsure of whether or not you should actually show Loki your work. It was something very private, something you had not shown anyone in a long, long time. Swallowing your nervousness, you walked towards the dresser at the corner of your room. You heard Loki sit up and a slight groan left his lips.

"I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave, kitten," Loki purred. You scoffed and shook your head playfully as you opened the bottom drawer. You lifted up the piles of shirts covering your sketchbooks. You pulled one out and held it front of you, staring at the blue cover with a contemplative look. You stood back up and turned around, only to find Loki's eyes directed in the area of your ass and his cock half-hard again.

"You are -"

"Insatiable, I know," he laughed. "Only you can do this to me."

"I doubt that," you muttered as you climbed onto the bed. Loki's hands suddenly grabbed your hips and flipped you over so his body was pressed on top of yours. Your eyes widened when you saw him glaring down at you. He bent his head over you so the only thing you could see in your field of vision were his dark, glowing eyes.

"Do you think I lie to you about this, little one?" Loki whispered, his words curt and sharp. "Do not doubt me, lest I need to punish you into compliance."

"Yes, Master," you whispered, nodding quickly. You felt yourself growing wet at the thought of being punished by Loki's hand. There he went again, promising things that he had yet to give you.

A blush had grown along your cheeks, neck, and chest as Loki crawled off of you, murmuring a quiet and proud "good". He collected your sketchbook and handed it towards you.

"Show me," he said, his voice once again sincere and delicate. You sat up and took the book into your hands. You wanted to thank him for not just opening it when he had it grasped in his own hands. Perhaps he could see the depths of how much this concerned you to show him. Even now as you held the sketchbook, you wondered if you were brave enough to show this to Loki. He must have seen your concern, for his arm hooked around your waist and pulled you into his lap. His arms were tight around you as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "Take your time, pet. I can wait." He kissed your neck and smiled against your skin. "And hey, I promise again, I won't laugh."

There was something about his patience and his concern for your wellbeing that had you flipping open the cover of the book. Loki did not have to show so much interest in your work but he truly wanted to see this side of you - a side you had not revealed until now. With shaky fingers you flipped to the first drawing in the book and tilted it upwards so he could see.

It was a picture of Cooper sprawled out in a field of grass. He was on his back, his belly facing the sky and a dopey look on his face. His tongue was hanging out and his eyes were squinted from the sun. You had drawn this at a park near your old apartment on a particularly warm and sunny day. You did your best to capture the rays of sun in the simple pencil drawing, and looking at it now, you thought you did a somewhat decent job.

You waited quietly as Loki looked at the page, your breath still within your chest. You dared not to move, or else you feared it would snap him out of whatever trance he was in and make him realize the rather plainness of your work. You felt him shift ever so slightly and he exhaled softly.

"Darling, this is excellent," he said.

You turned your head towards his to see him looking up at you with a bright grin. "You mean that?"

"Of course I do. Look at this!" Loki poked the page with his index finger. "I can feel this picture, pet. He's happy here and you were happy drawing it. There's a warmth that radiates from the page that you so perfectly managed to capture. You said you had cheap materials but darling, that does not matter. You have created pure and utter magnificence with such instruments."

"You're the first person to ever see this," you admitted.

Loki's grin softened. "Then I am most honored."

"Three virginites," you murmured. "You took three of my virginities now."

"Sex, massages, and showing people your art," Loki laughed. "You are one of a kind."

"You spoil me," you giggled. You paused and gripped the sketchbook a bit tighter. "Can I show you some more?"

Loki's eyes lit up and he nodded. "Please. Please, I'd love that."

You sat there for, well, you didn't really know how long it was. You were caught up in the moment of freedom you felt of finally feeling confident enough to show someone your work. With every flip of the page, Loki would hum and ask you if he could just look at what you drew for a few seconds. He would ask you questions of what this piece was, why you drew it, and how you felt when you created it. And he listened. He listened so carefully, you were sure he could repeat every one of your words back to you. He asked questions, he took notes, he begged you for explanations. By the time you go to the back of the book, Loki was quiet.

"Your mind is incredible," he said softly.

"More or less incredible than Bowie?" you teased, but Loki's face remained serious.

"To me? More." He leaned in and let his lips hover just above yours for a moment before pecking a chaste kiss on your lips. "You have a gift, little one."

"Thank you," you breathed out. "I'm glad you liked them."

"I loved them."

While he said it, he was looking into your eyes. The intensity within them drew shivers down your spine. You felt nervous, suddenly. It was like the world had come to a stop around the both of you, sealing you in this quiet globe of nonexistence and tenderness. Loki's eyes fell to your lips and he slowly leaned in. You shut your eyes and brushed the tip of your nose against Loki's. He was breathing slowly, you could feel it on your lips. Your breathing mingled and you decided to be the first to connect your mouths.

Loki's lips were soft and smooth, tasting faintly like you from earlier. You turned in his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. Loki's hands found your hips and he held you steady as you kissed him. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling softly on his long locks. Loki moaned into your mouth and you drank it up, relishing in the taste of his noise.

"Pet," he groaned as you tore your lips from his so you could kiss down his neck. His nails dug into your hips and he bared his neck to you. You kissed along the front of his neck, the sides, and even towards the back where his hair rested. Loki hissed as you licked over his pulse and up to his ear. You nibbled on his earlobe and felt his cock bounce against you. You subtly smiled against his warm skin.

"Yes, Master?" you asked, kissing him over and over again, not taking any breaks to catch your breath.

"That was some...passionate pillowtalk," Loki gasped out. "I did not imagine we would get so deep. Talking about familial issues and forbidden dreams - ah, yes, my pet - I just wanted to know your favorite color."

"And now what do you want?" you murmured into his neck. Loki's hands dropped to your ass and he tugged you forward so your wet cunt rubbed along his hard shaft. You moaned into his ear, and felt his cock bob as you did.

"I want you to wrap that little hand around my cock and make me cum."

You lifted your head from Loki's shoulders and looked into his eyes. For once, you were a bit startled. His words were dominant, yes, but they were lacking the command they normally did. Usually, Loki would take what he wanted from you and he would demand it to be so. You loved it, you loved the pure strength he exerted over you. Now, however, there was a softness in his tone. One that asked, not told. And you found that as he whispered a gentle, "please", you loved this just as much as the power.

"I adore you, Loki," you whispered, the sound of it feeling so right to say, as you wrapped your hand around his cock. Loki groaned, his eyes closing in pleasure as you slowly worked your hand over his cock. You twisted your wrist, flicking your hand in a way that you learned he enjoyed. You went back to kissing his neck and appreciating how he slid his cock through your fist.

"Just hearing you say that is going to make me cum," Loki admitted, his cheeks beginning to flush red. You simply hummed and pumped his shaft, enjoying the drops of precum that dribbled from his cock and over your fingers. You stopped kissing his neck for a moment and removed your hand from his cock. Loki looked up, a bit dazed and confused, until you lifted your hand to your mouth. You cleaned up the glassy drops of precum with your tongue, sighing the entire way through. Loki's jaw dropped and he groaned. "I take it back. That is going to make me cum."

"Why don't you cum in a more suitable place, then?" you asked. You lifted yourself from his lap and pressed your hands to his chest. You pushed him backwards until he was laying on his back. Loki's chest rose and fell deeply as you crawled down his body until your face was even with his cock.

"Are you going to suck my cock like a good little girl?" he asked, a knowing smirk on his face. You nodded happily as you wrapped your hand around his cock again and began pumping. His smirk faltered as a moan broke through him, his shoulders tensing ever so slightly. But you and your watchful eyes noticed.

"Yes, Master," you whispered before diving down and taking the tip of his cock in your mouth. You moaned around him, sending pleasurable vibrations up through his spine. You sucked on his tip, drinking the precum that leaked from him. His cock was flushed an angry red color and hardened so drastically you were sure it was painful for him. You locked eyes with Loki, who was now perched up on one elbow watching you tease him. You winked as you took him further down your throat, rolling your fist over whatever you couldn't take.

You had sucked Loki's cock a few times but it was never in this position. It was more difficult than usual but you were in the mood to take your time with him. Loki didn't seem like he was in any rush after all. You bobbed your head slowly, never taking your eyes off of Loki's. His mouth was parted and his forehead was etched with focus lines as he watched you. One of his hands reached down towards you and landed on the back of your head. He didn't force you down further, however. He simply cradled your skull.

"That's my good girl. So good at sucking your Master's cock," Loki hissed as you gave a particularly hard suck. You popped off of him, pumping him still with your hand as you gave Loki a devious grin.

"I want you to cum down my throat, okay?" you asked. Loki nodded and his cock twitched in your hand. You eyed him and he chuckled, a flush covering his long neck.

"I cannot help my attraction to you, darling," he said. "You turn me into a fumbling boy again."

"Is it because you adore me?" You ran your lips up the underside of his cock, tracing his vein with your tongue. Loki cursed and bucked into your touch, though he restrained himself from moving too hard against you. You kissed along his cock, occasionally using your teeth to scrape against his shaft lightly.

"Yes, my sweet. I adore you. I think I adored you since the moment I appeared in this very room," he admitted. You paused and blushed a bit. Quickly, you took his cock back in your mouth to avoid any sort of embarrassing confessions or unexpected revelations. You sucked him generously, never tearing your eyes from his.

Loki's hand twitched at the back of your head, his nails scraping along your scalp ever so slightly. You hummed as you took him down further and further until the tip of your nose scraped his waist. Loki cursed and rolled his head backwards. His hand applied the slightest bit of pressure to your head and kept you there, holding you down on his cock. Your throat fluttered as you felt his cock pulsing in your mouth, his need to cum rather violent. You sucked the base of his cock, and with your free hand, you fondled his balls.

"Fuck, you're such a good girl," Loki hissed. "You should suck my cock every fucking day. I'd keep you on your knees for me, mouth open and tongue out just waiting to take me in."

You moaned and felt your cunt clench. He had said words like this to you before but now you knew that he actually meant it. He could put you through dark, wicked situations and enjoy it. You wouldn't put it past him to demand a daily sucking of his cock. You pictured it for a moment - a snap of his fingers and you sinking to your knees. He wouldn't even need to ask. Just that click of his fingers smacking together would be a signal enough for you to perform your duties.

It was such an erotic thought that you had to reach behind you and flick your clit with your fingers. Loki tilted his head to the side and watched you play with yourself as you lifted your head and began sucking his cock with long, quick dips of your mouth.

"Play with yourself. Just like that, baby. Show me how you play with your little cunt," Loki whispered, his voice dripping with seduction. You whimpered around his cock at the sound of his luscious, deep voice and continued to swivel the pads of your fingers over your clit. Loki chuckled and bit his lip. "If there is one thing I've noticed about you, my sweet, it's that my voice is an aphrodisiac for you. Is it not?"

"Mhmm," you managed to hum around his cock, your eyelashes growing wet with tears. Loki cooed and stroked your cheek with his fingers, which turned into a pinch when you grabbed his balls a bit harder. He exhaled through his nose and gave you a heated look.

"Your mouth, your hands, your cunt - it's all perfection, my dear. You make my knees tremble, my bones ache, my cock hard as a rock. I desire nothing more than to sink inside of you and watch you tremble. When you take my cock between your lips, I swear I can see each and every star of the universe - fuck, just like that. Deeper, little girl. Take me deeper," Loki panted.

You dove down further and gagged on his length, tears leaking from your eyes. You wanted to please him, you wanted to hear more of his sinful words, and as you swept your fingers along your clit, you knew you would not last much longer. You begged him with your eyes to cum in your mouth, you wanted to feel him drip down your throat. Clearly, Loki understood. He grabbed your cheeks with both hands and helped you work over him.

"Good girl. Such a good girl. I'm going to cum in your mouth, baby. I want you to drink it all. Suck on me like I am the only being able to quench your thirst. Suck harder, take me deeper, let me cum in your mouth," Loki groaned. His grip on you tightened and his hips bucked upwards. "After I cum in your mouth, you will ride my cock. I want to see you bounce on top of me, your beautiful ass grinding against me. I want to watch my cock slide in and out of your sweet, tight pussy and see my essence flow from you after I cum again. Don't you want this, sweet? Don't you? Make me cum and it will be yours, I swear it."

You wanted that - you craved it. You imagined it and you knew you would be a goner. You did as he told you to. You sucked him harder, took him deeper, and dammit, you just wanted to make him cum. You couldn't wait any longer to feel his cum spill down your throat. You bobbed your head quickly, played with Loki's heavy sack a bit more, and felt his thighs tremble beneath you. And when his grip on your head tightened and held you still, you knew within moments he would cum.

And he did.

You drank it up, eagerly taking in every hot, milky spurt that shot into your mouth. You did your best to keep your eyes open, wanting Loki to see the thankfulness that you held as he came for you. You missed this - the taste of him, the scorching burn of his cum down your throat. You continued to swallow him until he stopped cumming, and only then did you pop off of his cock, lick your lips, and utter a quiet, "thank you, Master."

"No, no. Thank you," Loki said, still catching his breath. "You didn't get to cum, didn't you, darling?"

"No, Master." You shook your head. Loki clicked his tongue and wrapped his hand around your arm. He pulled you upwards so your cunt was aligned with his cock. He was still hard - and really, that should not have surprised you considering the stamina he always held. He slid his cock between your wet lower lips.

"Then it's time to make good on my promise. Sit up, ride me. Show me why I want you so badly," Loki purred. Before you could sit up, Loki hooked a hand around the back of your neck and pressed a lingering kiss to your lips. Pulling back, Loki gave you an adoring smile. "My good girl."

"I live to serve you, Loki," you teased, running your hands up his chest. "Let me do so, Master. Let me make you feel so good. You deserve it."

Loki moaned as you sat up straight, erecting your back. You grinded against him slowly, rocking your hips in a seductive, tempting manner. Loki licked his lips as he watched your cunt glide over his cock.

"Go on, baby. Put my cock inside of your delicious cunt. Guide me into you. Grip me like the hot, wet vise your pussy is. Milk my cock, use me, I'm yours, pet. You live to serve me but I live to please you. My cock is your instrument, play with it. Play with me. Ride me like the dirty, good girl you are. I want to see you put my cock inside of yourself. Lean back, let me watch," Loki whispered, running the flat of his hand up your stomach.

Fuck, his voice was really going to kill you.

You leaned backwards, balancing yourself against his thigh. You traced the head of his cock around your hole before carefully inserting him inside of you. Loki moaned - perhaps the loudest moan you had ever heard him make - as he watched himself enter you. He craned his neck just to watch you as closely as he could.

"That is so fucking hot. Stay there for a moment. Let me look at this," Loki said. His hand went from your stomach down to your cunt. His fingers traced your stretched out hole, catching your juices. You trembled as you held yourself up for his viewing pleasure. Loki brought his fingers back to his mouth and sucked on them, eyes shutting closed in pleasure. He slipped his fingers from his mouth and ran them back along your cunt again. "You must taste yourself. Your body leaks the sweetest nectar I have ever tasted. Open your mouth, pet."

"Yes, Master," you whispered before parting your lips. Loki reached up and you took his fingers into your mouth. You grabbed his wrist as you sucked his fingers. Subconsciously, your body began moving over his cock. You sank down further, swallowing his cock completely inside of your body.

Loki could not think of anything more attractive than this - your body atop of his, rocking slowly on his cock, as you sucked your own arousal from his fingers. He fucked upwards, hips bumping against yours as he attempted to get his cock as deep inside of you as possible. Your cunt was warm, flooding him with heat and lust. His eyes darkened as he gripped your hips tightly.

"Go on. Ride my cock. Worship me, pet. I am your god. Prove it," Loki nearly growled.

You wanted to worship Loki. You wanted to give him back the energy he gave you. You lifted your hips upwards so only the tip of his cock remained inside of you. You swirled your hips around in a few circles before dropping back downwards. Loki grunted out a loud expletive - which made you feel rather proud of yourself, admittedly - before curling his lip upwards.

"Yes, just like that. Ride my cock, let's go. Make me proud, kitten," Loki groaned as you bounced yourself up and down on top of him. You pressed your hands to his thighs to help you balance as you lifted yourself up and dropped yourself down again quickly. You moaned out his name as you purposefully stretched out your body so he could get a good look at his cock inside of you.

"Loki, oh Loki. Loki, you make me feel so good. I love your fat cock. You fill me up so much, Master," you moaned, looking down at Loki through hooded eyes. His hands slid around to your ass and he grabbed your cheeks eagerly. One hand removed itself from your ass and then, it came raining down on you. You jolted forward, your cunt clenching on his cock, as the sting from his spank ran through your backside.

"I can't wait to spank you," he admitted with a grin. "I'm going to blister your ass. It'll be red for days. You won't be able to sit anywhere aside from my lap. Maybe I'll purposefully make your ass sting unless you're on my cock. That'll keep you nice and full, won't it? You'll never want to get off of me. I'll keep my cock in you for hours - fuck, I'll keep it in you for days. Your pussy is so hot and slick, it'd keep my cock all warm."

"Please, fuck, give me that. I w-want it," you begged as you bounced on top of him, your body on complete display for his ogling.

"One day," he whispered. "For now, keep riding me. Mmm, baby, your body is so sexy. Watching you is making me need to cum again already. But I bet you want that too, don't you? I know how much you like being filled up with my cum."

"Yes, Master. I love your cum," you whimpered, stopping your bouncing in order to grind yourself back and forth. Your sore clit ached and you reached down to play with yourself. Loki's eyes immediately locked with the motions of your fingers and you swore he began to drool.

"Touch yourself. Just like that, play with your little clit. Make yourself feel good on my cock," Loki whispered. His hands grabbed your hips again and he rocked you back and forth over him.

Your eyes, though drooped and heavy, looked down at Loki with lust. Seeing this magical, nearly immortal being below you, drunk on the feeling of your pussy, felt empowering. You felt confidence surging within you as you picked up the pace of your movements. You wanted him to moan and squirm in the same way he made you feel. You threw yourself forward, placing a hand on his strong abdominals as you continued to bounce and play with yourself. Loki let your name fall from his lips as he watched you above him.

"Am I making you feel good, Master?" you asked, batting your eyelashes innocently.

Loki nodded, a quick gesture that had his hair shuffling around like a mess. "Yes, baby. You make me feel so good. You make me lose myself."

"Lose yourself in me," you sighed, shutting your eyes and taking your pleasure. Loki's head fell backwards against the bed as you used his cock. He continued fucking up into you, the tip of his cock jabbing you perfectly. With every swipe of your fingers, you knew you were edging close to completion. You bit your lip as you scraped your nails down Loki's stomach. His back arched and you grinned. "I want to cum."

"Cum, then. I told you to use my cock to pleasure yourself. Do it," he hissed. You rode him harder, faster, deeper, until you were a bumbling mess that couldn't stop yourself from flinging over the edge. You came with a shout, your body literally shaking on Loki's cock. He took back the sliver of control you stole from him and he held you down on his cock. He thrusted into you a few more times before he came. He released with a roar, your name the only sound filling the room - and perhaps, now that you considered it, the entire apartment complex. His cum shot inside of you and you eagerly soaked it in, not wanting a single drop to escape your body.

You fell forward onto Loki, your head resting on his chest. He slid his cock out and pressed his hand over your cunt, stopping any of his cum from leaving you. You shut your eyes and snuggled into him.

"I like your voice," you mumbled.

Loki chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "I like your voice, too."

You lifted your head and squinted. "Do you?"

"I do," he said honestly. "I like when you talk to me and tell me stories. You have a very pretty voice."

"No one has ever said that before," you admitted with a blush on your cheeks. Loki cupped your face and craned his neck to kiss you. You melted into the kiss and rolled over so he was on top of you. Loki slotted himself between your legs as he caressed your waist with his free hand. When he pulled away, Loki rested his forehead against yours.

"You should hear compliments like this every day," he murmured. "You deserve it. Your art, your voice, your personality, your mind, your looks - it is all beautiful. And I would be honored to tell you so."

You didn't want to start crying, but you did. It felt so relieving to hear someone compliment you. After being alone for so long without a lover or someone to at least show you affection, you needed to hear it, honestly. You wanted to know that you were wanted and desired, and Loki made you feel just that. He pulled you into his arms and hugged you, kissing away your tears until you were calm and sated.

"I needed that," you said into his chest, rubbing your face against him. "You always know how to make me feel good."

"In more ways than one," he said cheekily. You burst out into laughter, tilting your head upwards so you could look at him. Laying here with Loki felt intimate, personal. You stretched up and kissed him quickly.

"Yes, you do," you said, biting your lip. You looked away for a second before slowly dragging your eyes back to his. "Do you want to make me feel good again?"

"Already?" Loki nearly gasped. "You minx!"

"Hey! It's not my fault you're well endowed," you giggled.

"Darling, it's just like your art supplies. It doesn't matter what you have, it matters how you use it," he said with a wink. You rolled your eyes and reached for his cock, amused that he was already half-hard again.

"Luckily, what you have is perfect."

"What I have is you. So, yes. What I have is perfect."

You blushed and released his cock. You curled up to his chest as he folded his arms back behind his head. You drew shapes on his naked chest, filling the silent room with just the quiet scraping of your nail over his skin.


"Yes, Loki?"

"What's your favorite food?"


It was well past 1:00 in the morning when Loki practically stumbled out of your bedroom.

Though a pair of his black Asgardian relaxation pants hung low on his hips, he was naked otherwise. His torso was bare, his cock was sated, and an arrogant smirk was plastered onto his face.

Damn, it felt good to fuck you.

Loki had been inside of you for hours, fucking you through orgasm after orgasm. And every time he came, every time he had pulled out, you had pounced back onto him. It was after the, perhaps the sixth orgasm, that you had rolled onto your hands and knees, presented your pussy to him, and begged for him to fuck you so hard that you passed out.

He did.

Really, you both just couldn't keep your hands off of each other. Not that he was complaining. He took pride in knowing that you wanted him so desperately. Clearly, you knew he wanted you too. But Loki wondered if you knew just how much he wanted you - in every way, in every shape, in every form.

Well, you knew he wanted your cunt. That was enough, he supposed.

You had fallen asleep on your last orgasm, his cock still wedged inside of you. He had chuckled softly and slowly slid his cock out of you. Loki then took a moment to admire all of the cum that dripped out of your hole. You were well and truly spent, and he would embed that image of your swollen, raw, used pussy into every corner and crevice of his sharp mind.

Loki had tucked you in and kissed your forehead - something that was becoming a habit. He felt that familiar ache in his chest as he left your room, every part of him screaming at him to just get back into bed and hold you. Loki of Asgard was not a cuddler, but for you, he wanted to be. Reluctantly, he had left your room so he could try to sort out these magical flares again. The sooner he accomplished this, the sooner he could just relax with you.

Even though he had been inside of you for hours, he could not take his mind off of the thought of being with you again. Really, it was becoming concerning how much he wanted to stuff his cock into you but truly, he couldn't help it. You were a drug to him. He had gotten his hit - several times, may he add - and he wanted more and more and more.

But the odd thing, Loki found, was that he wouldn't mind not having sex if it meant he could talk to you. He was rather shocked at the depth of your pillowtalk tonight. He wasn't expecting it - he just wanted to know your favorite color! Interestingly, you had coaxed information out of him that he kept under lock and key. No one on Asgard, nor in the Nine Realms, knew of the issues that lurked within Odin's family. Well, no one except for you now.

There were still things he managed to keep hidden, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized he probably didn't mind telling you. But, no, it wasn't the right time. He would wait a little longer before admitting his more personal secrets.

Loki strolled over to the couch, conjuring a glass of scotch from Midgard - he'd give your realm credit for the delicious drink, at least - as he sat down. Loki took a generous sip before leaning backwards, one arm stretched over the back of the couch. For a few moments, Loki sat there silently, spinning his drink in his glass. He wasn't sure what would be awaiting him once he looked at these flares - if they were still there, of course - and he needed this moment of peace and relaxation. The ice in his drink clinked against the glass as he spun it, disturbing the contemplative silence he had created for himself.

"Alright, Midgard. What's going on with your flares tonight?" Loki murmured to himself. He downed the rest of the Scotch before waving the glass into nonexistence.

Loki settled into the couch and placed his hands on his thighs. He faced his palms upwards until they were glowing a gentle, emerald green. Loki's eyes sparkled the same color, illuminating the dark room. Just as he was about to shut his eyes, Loki heard a whimper. He turned his head and saw Cooper crouching near the end of the couch, shuffling nervously from paw to paw.

"Relax, I am tracking the flares. Go to sleep," Loki murmured. He paused and flung the door open to your room with magic. "Go in, be with her."

"Don't gotta tell me twice." Cooper quickly got up and ran into your room. Loki shut the door behind him with magic once more before returning his focus back to the matter at hand.

Loki shut his eyes and let his power surge. He reached out to where he had captured signatures of his presence before. Much to his annoyance, the flares were still there. Loki practically cursed and slammed his fist into his leg - which in hindsight, probably would have shattered his bone from the frustration he was feeling. The fact that the flares were still there had an anger so hot boiling inside of him that he was afraid of how it would be unleashed.

Fuck, and he called Odin the hothead?

Taking a deep breath, Loki let himself dive into the signatures. He searched through the minds of his worshippers, trying to pick up their wants and needs. As he looked further into them, Loki felt himself releasing a breath of air he didn't know he was holding. Where anger once lived, relief came to blossom. The flares were still there but within them, his presence was not as strong. Some people's prayers had ceased - they got what they wanted, or what they needed. So while the flares were still hovering over the general area, they were not sinking as deeply into the people as they were last night.

Loki slumped into the couch, his eyes opening and his hands releasing the magic they held. Quickly, he conjured another glass of scotch - whether that was a drink to celebrate or ease his nerves, he was not sure. Loki sipped from it and took a long sigh. His plan was working. The flares were going down - albeit slowly. The magic was still strong in certain spots, your workplace being one of them, but as long as he could reduce some of the power, he would feel better.

But, this just meant he needed to keep working and answering prayers. He couldn't relax with you just yet. You would need to spend your nights alone in bed for now.

Loki regretted that more than he wanted to admit.

"Why the long face?"

"Fuck!" Loki jumped up and whipped out a dagger, swinging around and pointing it at the intruder. His drink spilled on the floor with a dull clatter. There, smiling in the doorway to the kitchen, was Thor. Loki rolled his eyes and tossed the dagger onto the couch. "You scared me, brother."

"I can see that. Not something I manage to do often," Thor chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" Loki asked, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. Loki looked up at his brother and squinted. His eyes weren't the usual bright blue they normally were. In your dark apartment, they glowed gold - a sign he wasn't actually here and was just using Heimdall's gift.

"I came here to warn you, brother," Thor said, stepping forward. His body shimmered and shifted as he walked through a lamp. "Have you gotten those magical pulses under control?"

"I'm getting there," Loki grumbled. "I was able to whittle them down a bit but they are still present."

"You must fix it, Loki," Thor said slowly. "Father is...he's rather unhappy."

"When isn't he?"

"Aye," Thor chuckled. His face sobered and he cleared his meaty throat. "He is also keeping an eye on them. He warned me that if you should not fix it, he was going to step in. I was not to tell you this but...Loki, I couldn't stand to see something happen to you or your mortal."

Loki glanced over the room you were sleeping peacefully in. He frowned and turned back to Thor, his smooth face riddled with dark lines and shadows. "I am doing my best."

"Brother, I know you can do this. You are the strongest sorcerer in the Nine Realms. Whatever is happening here, you can handle it," Thor said, a large smile on his face. "What can I do to help? Is there anything?"

Loki pursed his lips and thought about this. "Just keep Odin at bay. And if you can, give him a reason to stay on Vanaheim. The longer his nose is stuck in the politics there, the busier he is and the more time I have to figure this out."

"Will do." Thor firmly nodded. "Say, did you find out what's happening here?"

"Yes," Loki sighed. "The people feel my presence and they're just...they're...well...Thor, they're damn horny."

Thor burst out into laughter, his hand gripping his gut as he bellowed out the jolly sound. "Brother! That's hilarious!"

"It kind of is," Loki snickered. "But my only issue is that it's not me who is sending out the flares. Well, it is my magic but it is coming from her."

"The mortal?" Thor asked with a lifted brow. "That's interesting. I've never heard of a mortal sending out magic."

"I do not think that is the case. I believe my...activities with her are causing my magic to cling to her. But I have worked out a plan. My followers feel neglected, subconsciously of course, making them beg for sex. I must divide my attention in the area. Therefore, they are satisfied and I can keep my pet at my side," Loki explained, making himself another scotch. Talking about this made his throat dry. He took a sip and shook his head. "And before you ask, no, I will not leave her. She needs me."

"I think you need her, actually," Thor proposed. Loki gave his brother a sharp look but Thor just shrugged. "You're different, Loki. You're protective and possessive of her, but not in a way that an owner is. You see her in a strong light, one of admiration and love."

Loki rolled his eyes. "Alright, time for you to go."

"I mean it. I've been all around the universe. I know a twinkling eye when I see one," Thor said, waving a hand around.

"Good for you," Loki griped.

Thor turned to where Loki was once looking, and though the image of the room was a mirage for him, he pointed to your door. "Is she in there?"

"Yes," Loki said, putting his body between the door and Thor. It wasn't that he didn't trust his brother. In fact, if Loki had to trust your safety with anyone other than him, Thor would be his first choice. He knew Thor would protect you. But something in him felt possessive over you, especially since you were sleeping nude with his cum still on you only a few feet away from all of this.

"May I meet her?" Thor asked. "I can allow her to see me. I just need to consult Heimdall and -"

"No," Loki growled, his hands balled into fists. "You cannot."

"Why?" Thor asked, tilting his head. Loki gave him a dark look that challenged him to defy his orders. It made Thor feel rather nervous. He had never seen his brother so protective over anyone. It only confirmed his suspicions. Thor sighed and lifted up his hands defensively. "Okay, I understand."

"Thor, I trust you. I love you and I know you would not do anything brash," Loki explained, running his hand through his hair. "She is just resting and I do not wish to disturb her. It's been an...energetic night."

"Has it been?" Thor wiggled his eyebrows, a humorous laughter coming from the depths of his chest.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Yes, now get out of here. I need to concentrate and answer some prayers."

Thor grinned and shook his head with amusement. "Be well, brother. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, you unbearable oaf," Loki said, wishing he could hug his brother and gain some sense of security. Thor looked up at the ceiling, ready for Heimdall to absorb his essence once again before Loki put a hand up. "Ah, Thor?"

"Yes, Loki?"

"Do me a favor and tone down your storms on Midgard," Loki said. "There was a bad one last night and it scared her rather badly. I know it wasn't you directly but if you could just ease them down, at least in the area, it would be well appreciated."

Thor looked at Loki knowingly. "So that's why you're shirtless and she's resting? Aided in some comfort, did you?"

"Get out."

"The God of Sex is a panther! Bye, then, brother!"

Thor disappeared, his form shimmering towards the ceiling and dispersing in a shower of gold sparkles. Loki rolled his eyes and walked back to the couch, settling as deep in as he could go. He looked into his drink and grimaced.

"Well, we're in for a long night, aren't we?" Loki spoke to his drink, feeling only slightly ridiculous.

For the next few hours, Loki sat on your couch and answered prayers, knowing that if he could not quell the pulses soon, it would not be the magic that would hurt you.

It would be Odin.


Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki !

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