Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure

336 3 3
By Paranormal_Babe


Loki decides that he needs to figure out what the actual hell is happening on Midgard with these magical flares. Apparently, he's going to have a partner in crime on his trip. This should be fine.


Happy Fridayyy!! Kudos to you if you've noticed the two pop culture reference titles in a row. I'm not really that creative so this is just what I do. Regardless, this chapter was rather fun to write and I think you'll see why (hint: it has to do with the title).

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

The next time your eyes slipped closed, Loki placed his hand on your forehead and forced you into a deep, nourishing slumber. Clearly, it had worked. Your snores were bouncing off the walls as loud as sirens. He rolled his eyes and waved his hand over you, cutting off your snores.

"Such loud noises from such a little thing," Loki muttered, shaking his head.

It was not his intention to put you under a sleeping spell tonight. Really, he honestly planned on whipping you up some dinner, perhaps hopping into the shower with you, and then fucking you so hard you passed out - maybe even still with his cock buried in your cunt. That was how you were meant to fall asleep. But the warnings of Odin were still on Loki's mind and despite how much he wanted to believe the old grouch was fibbing, Loki could sense that he was telling the truth.

There were random flares of magic spreading out in your neighborhood. He needed to figure out what exactly those flares were.

He didn't know how long he would be gone for, but Loki assumed it would be a while. Hence, he put you under one of the deepest spells he knew. You would be missing dinner tonight, so Loki also ensured your body absorbed the nutrients it needed from his magic. He wouldn't let you go hungry. No, he refused to do that. He would take care of you even when he was not here to do so physically.

But before Loki left your room, he sat on your bed for a few minutes and just watched over you. Your face was at such ease and you were so peaceful. Loki ran the pads of his fingers up and down your arms, taking in the smoothness of your skin. As he watched you sleep, Loki was struck with a pang of awe again. You were so beautiful that Loki practically fell to his knees again. He grasped the side of the bed with one hand as his other held onto you.

He was overcome with the urge to take you again. He wanted his cock so deep inside of you that you could feel him everywhere. But more importantly, Loki wanted to hold your hand, kiss your lips, and keep you so close to his that he could feel every slope, every curve, and every dip of your body. There was a moment where Loki wanted to abandon all plans for the night so he could just stay with you, though he knew protecting you was far more important than some self-indulgence.

Loki let his hand fall into his lap. Realistically, he didn't have to protect you. He shouldn't protect you, actually.

With the possible threat of danger on the horizon, Loki should have just gotten up and left. He should have taken your pendant and destroyed it, burning the remaining magic into nonexistence. He should wipe your memories, ensuring that when you woke in the morning, you would not remember anything about him. He should leave Midgard and never turn back. He should have gone into his temples and focused on his worshippers, eradicating the growing darkness that was possibly manifesting here.

Loki should have done a lot of things. He didn't do any of them.

Because when he presented himself with that solution of abandonment, Loki could not bring himself to leave you. The idea of tearing himself away from you felt like a dagger had stabbed his chest repeatedly. Loki couldn't do it. He couldn't leave you. He would do what he could to lessen the threat - lessen the threat to you.

And as Loki watched you snuggle into your pillow and release a gentle, soundless sigh, he knew that there was nothing he would not do for you.

It was an unusual feeling for Loki to have. Only two other people had Loki's complete and undivided promise of protection: Frigga and Thor. Perhaps after earlier, Heimdall had made his way onto that list. Loki was still debating that one, though, but it was looking good for the guardian. Anyone else, Loki may swear his sword to, but he certainly would not go out of the way for them. Yet here he was, watching you sleep and determining the best plan of action to keep you safe.

Loki wasn't unfamiliar to sex - obviously. He had his fair share of lovers in the past but none of them had ever captured his attention like you had. None of them ever had him crawling back to taste more, see more, feel more. He had fucked them and rid them from his bed within minutes of cumming. But with you, the thought of doing that was absurd.

"Why do I care for you so deeply, pet?" Loki murmured, stroking his hand along your hair. "What are you doing to me?"

To use the words 'care for' was...not right, Loki was aware of it. Yes, he cared for you but this went deeper, much deeper. Even he knew that simply caring for someone did not mean one would threaten, maim, and consider murder for that person. But this was still fairly new, all things considered. Loki didn't know how to label this nor did he have an idea of how to label how he felt.

You were his. No one else could have you. And for him, he did not want anyone else but you.

That was as much as he was able to say.

Sighing, Loki shook his head and stood. He flicked his wrist and a soft, emerald green blanket covered your body. Loki leaned over you and pressed a long, endearing kiss to your temple.

"I will be back, my darling," Loki whispered. "I will keep you safe."

Loki left the room before his heart ached any more. The fact that he felt loss before even leaving you now - for this important matter, nonetheless - was baffling. You really had your claws deep inside of his skin.

That was fine. He would let you leave them there. He wanted them there.

When Loki stepped out into the hallway, he was met with a sight that nearly had him snorting with laughter. Cooper was sitting by the door, growling at his reflection in the mirror that Loki replaced your door with.

"That's you, you stupid animal," Loki scoffed. Cooper looked over his shoulder, big black eyes looking at Loki expectantly. Loki tilted his head. "What do you want now?"

"I need to take a shit. You didn't walk me after dinner."

"Of course you fucking do," Loki sighed, shaking his head. For the briefest, most discrete moment, Loki genuinely considered the consequences of letting Cooper do his business in the house and then cleaning it up with magic. Ignoring the thought, Loki walked over to the door. "Let's make a deal."

"What do you want now?" Cooper teased.

Loki rolled his eyes. "I have to do some...experimenting. I will bring you with me but it will be some decent walking. Are you up for it?"

"Listen, Mischief. I just want to do my duties then sleep."

"Cooper, I need to do this to protect her. She could be in danger," Loki said, kneeling beside the dog. Cooper lifted his head and stared directly into Loki's eyes. He was quiet for a moment, but then Loki heard a soft, determined voice in the back of his head.

"Let's go."

For all his inconveniences, Loki could at least appreciate Cooper's complete willingness and desire to protect you. It made him comforted to know that at least when he could not be at your side, your dog would be here to look after you. Loki reached forward and scratched Cooper's cheek.

"Good boy."

"I'm the best boy, actually."

"No. Not to me."

Loki stood and collected Cooper's leash from the wall. Even though the dog gave him a pointed look, Loki hooked the clasp of the leash onto his collar. Loki pulled Cooper through the front door and shut it. He then placed both of his hands on the wooden structure, shut his eyes, and murmured a few words in ancient Asgardian. The door glowed a gentle green before fading away is small wisps of smoke.

"Protection spell. No one but you or I can get inside. It's very strong," Loki explained before Cooper could ask. Though it could block out anyone, the spell was mainly meant to prevent Odin from coming to take you away, wipe your memories, or worse...Loki couldn't think about it. The thought made him visibly shudder. But now, Loki was the only one permitted to enter your home. No one could harm you while he was away.

"So, what's going on, hot shot?" Cooper looked up at the man at the end of his leash. Loki wrapped the handle of the leash tighter around his fist as they walked down the steps.

"There are some magical disturbances occurring on Midgard. I want to figure it out," Loki murmured.

"And I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's your fault?"

Loki sighed. "Probably."

"Great job, kid."

Loki rolled his eyes as they reached the end of the stairs. He pushed his way out of your building and let Cooper walk outside first. They hopped from the steps to the sidewalk and Loki stood there. He magically put on a leather jacket and slipped on some sunglasses. Once the articles were on, Loki snapped a hair tie into existence, ran his dexterous fingers through his inky hair, and knotted his hair back into a bun.

"Sunglasses at night? That's not suspicious."

"I think it looks rather nice, thank you very much."

"Right. And what about the man-bun? What inspired that?"

"Again, I think it looks rather nice."

"You're a bit dramatic, you know. You poof on your outfit but you go out of your way to physically tie your hair back. What gives? Is the well running dry?"

"The well running dry," Loki repeated incredulously. "Are you hearing yourself? I'm the Great Master Sorcerer."

"Whatever. At least the jacket looks good. Maybe stick to the leather from now on."

"Quiet, mongrel," Loki hissed. Cooper let out what sounded like a laugh as Loki groaned. He was reconsidering bringing the dog with him. But Loki simply adjusted his glasses and looked down at the snickering dog. "Cooper, you canines have strong noses."

"Yup. What about it?"

"I'm going to pass some of my magic onto you. I want you to keep your eye - ah, well, nose - open and try to...sense me," Loki explained. He opened the palm of his hand and presented Cooper with a green glowing ball. "Go on, get a good sniff."

Cooper placed his snout in Loki's hand and sniffed the ball. The green magic crawled up Cooper's nostrils and embedded itself into his nose. When the green glow was all gone, Cooper sneezed.

"Thanks for that," he groaned sarcastically, flicking Cooper's snot from his hand. "Let's start." Loki turned back to face the building and shut his eyes. He let tendrils of his magic pulse out and feel for hints of his presence. He felt around, and at the exact moment his magic touched your building, Loki nearly stumbled backwards. Your building was radiating his magic. It seemed to be the beacon of the flares being sent out. Loki reopened his eyes and looked down at Cooper. The dog was whimpering, shuffling back and forth nervously as he sniffed the air. "Do you feel it too?"

"Yeah. Powerful shit." Cooper nodded, his dark eyes looking at the building.

Loki bit his lip and ran his large hand along Cooper's head. "Go do your business while I figure out where to head next."

Loki walked Cooper over to the patch of grass lining the sidewalk. He stood there, one hand fisting the leash and the other shoved into his pocket. He didn't take his eyes off of your building. This was far too disturbing. He tried to reach further into your building to see if one specific spot held more magic than the rest, but the signatures were so tangled, so messy, that it was just a heaping load of unpredictable energy.

Cooper barked, signaling to Loki that he was finished. Loki looked down at the dog and opened his mouth but was quickly pushed off balance. Loki stumbled and turned, seeing a man in a dark jacket and a hat walk past him in a hurry. Cooper growled, his tail fattening as he bared his teeth at the man.

"Sorry!" the man called, rushing up the steps into your building. Loki narrowed his eyes. The door shut behind the man before Loki could identify him. Loki looked down at Cooper to see the dog staring at the door with an equal amount of confusion and suspicion as him.

"Do you know that man?" Loki asked.

"No. He smells weird."

"What do you mean by weird?"

"Like eggs."

"Right." Loki tugged in Cooper's leash. "So why did you growl at him?"

"He bumped into you." Cooper hit Loki with his tail. "That's my job."

"That's oddly pleasant of you to say," Loki said thoughtfully. Cooper sneezed on Loki's shoes and gave him a dopey grin. Loki scratched his head once again. "Alright, let's go. I think I know where we should head."

"Lead the way, boss. Just not too fast. I'm tired."

"Lazy tramp," Loki snickered, walking down the street. As Loki walked quietly, he continued to reach out and feel for his magic. The presence of his energy was strong here, but not as condensed as within your building. Cooper's nose was pressed to the ground as he sniffed for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Their walk was slow - as requested by the dog - but Loki stepped with a nervous skip. On the surface, his face was calm and collected. But with every shot of magic that he sent out, he could feel his powers radiating and flowing outwards, expanding even further.

"Loki." Cooper looked up at Loki. His nose was twitching and he pawed at the ground. "Your smell is getting stronger that way."

Cooper pointed his snout to the left. Loki grimaced - that was the exact way he meant to head. He shut his eyes and reached out again, confirming Cooper's statement. His magic was flaring quite powerfully.

It was flaring quite powerfully from your job.

"This is what I feared," Loki murmured. He pulled on Cooper's leash and practically ran down the street. Once he reached your workplace, he pressed his hands to the building. It was soaked with his magic, albeit not as powerful as the projection coming from your home. Loki stumbled back from the building and shook his head. "This isn't good."

"What's going on?"

The voice of Cooper was so serious, so strong that Loki was nearly shocked it came from the lazy dog. Loki shrugged and stared up at the sky, as if he would be able to see his magic floating through the air.

"The places that she is most present hold my essence the most," Loki whispered. "I thought it was me. I thought the magic spiked where I went. It's's her. I only came here once - twice, rather. But the second time was only a few minutes. There is no way the magic would be this strong from just those two visits."

Cooper turned to Loki and growled. His fur raised and his teeth hung sharp and menacing from his mouth. Cooper crawled towards Loki, his head low and his claws scratching eerily against the dark pavement. "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing! I did nothing," Loki quickly explained. He dropped down to one knee and took Cooper's face between his hands. "Whatever is happening is out of my control."

"I don't care. Figure it out."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Loki hissed. He pulled his sunglasses off and jabbed his finger at the building. "Why do you think we're here? All I want to do is protect her!"

"She likes you. She likes you a lot." Cooper huffed in Loki's hand and pulled his large head away. "Please don't let anything happen to her. I don't know what I'd do if something happened."

"Nothing will happen," Loki whispered. It was a promise he had been making a lot today. But the more he said it, the more determined he was to make sure that you were protected. Loki pursed his lips and looked away. "I will keep an eye on what is occurring here. It will be my top priority. For now, we must not worry her. If she suspects something is happening, she will blame herself."

"Yeah, she tends to do that."

Loki laughed sadly for a few moments. The magic that was in the area was truly terrifying him, but he could not tell you that. Any worry that would be in your mind would plague you, he knew it. He had to conceal it from you in order to keep you safe. Loki's eyes drifted down to Cooper's collar - a plain strip of blue cloth that was wrapped loosely around his neck.

"I want to give you something," Loki said.

Cooper's dark eyes narrowed. "It better be a nice steak."

"Later," Loki growled. He gripped the front of Cooper's collar. "For now, I must give you this."

Loki's magic leaked from his fingers and curled around the cloth of Cooper's collar. The blue fabric shimmered and transformed into a sleek black leather piece. It would not chafe against Cooper's skin nor would it ever become too tight. Centered throughout the collar were gold plates carved with the braided symbols of Loki. Embedded in those plates were bright emeralds which sparkled just as the gem did in your necklace. Loki let his hand fall as his magic sealed itself into the collar.

"This will allow you to call to me, should you ever need me," Loki said. "I will hear you from across the realms if needed."

Cooper shook his head, adjusting the collar around his neck. He sat down on the pavement and whined.

"You're not giving this to me because you're leaving her, right?"

"No. No, I am not leaving her," Loki said with a hard face. "I will be at her side nearly constantly for the next two weeks. This will be good, actually, that she has this vacation. It will keep her in one place. When she sleeps, I'll try to figure out more of what's happening with these magical pulses."

"I'll watch after her, I promise."

Loki smiled softly and scratched the dog's cheek. "I know you will, good boy."

"Best boy."

"Not a chance." Loki stood and dusted off his jeans. He fiddled with his glasses and rolled his shoulders out. "Alright, we've found the two peak spots. The magic is radiating from her home and her job the most."

"And do we have any idea of what's happening because of that?"

"Faintly," Loki murmured. "Odin said my followers would feel me. I just don't know what that means."

"Any chance you could figure it out?"

"Possibly." Loki looked around, his eyes glancing over the glowing windows of the buildings surrounding him. "It will take a lot of magic. Do you know the way home on your own?"

Cooper tilted his head. "Yeah, why?"

"Because I might become too entranced in this to find my own way home. You're going to need to lead me," Loki said. He looked back down at Cooper who nodded. Loki pulled the dog into a standing position, wrapped the leash three times around his fist, and tapped into the deepest pools of his magic that he could reach.

Loki knew how to do this, he had just never done it before. In order to see what was happening because of his magic, he would need to enter the minds of the people who were within the radius of the magic pulses. He had to see, hear, feel their thoughts and emotions. He needed to discover their desires. He needed to see what was there that he possibly could be impacting. In essence, Loki had to hone in on this area and listen to their prayers in a more focused manner than normal.

Cooper began walking, slowly and only with a little bit of exhaustion, as Loki listened to the prayers of the first building. He nearly stumbled in his tracks as the prayers slammed into his mind.




The people there were begging for it - for someone, anyone to fuck. Some chanted Loki's name while others just swam in their lewd thoughts. And the intention was...well, there was no intention. They just wanted sex. It was intense, hot and heady, and Loki gasped for air at how overwhelming it was. Their desires were fragrant, practically wafting from their windows and into his nose, erecting a chill down his spine. Loki gripped Cooper's leash tighter and continued reaching into the buildings.

Where his magic was not as present, the ache for sex was not as strong. It was there, mildly, and the people wanted it. But it was not consuming their every thought. It was not charging their decisions. Luckily for Loki, it was not dangerous. The people were not willing to commit crimes. They were just...horny? It was odd, because the more Loki looked into their minds, the more turned on he got.

It was infectious, it seemed. He had listened to his follower's prayers before and was not so affected. But now, as Cooper practically dragged him down the street, Loki felt his cock straining in his jeans. His followers wanted everything - bondage, spanking, degrading, praise, rough, slow, fast, hard, loving, brutal. And in turn, Loki wanted those things too.

He wanted them with you - each and every bit of it. He found his feet moving faster along the pavement with the sole purpose of heading back into your room, sliding into your bed, and fucking you. He would slip his cock into you especially deep, the tip of him pressing against every part of you that should not be physically possible to reach. Loki gripped Cooper's leash tighter and took in a deep breath.

He didn't know why this was affecting him so badly. He was the God of Sex! Their wants should not be inspiring him to think such wild thoughts about you. He had been in this position for quite some time and nothing had impacted him this way - well, except for you on that very first night. And that was the strange thing for him. The magic seemed to be flaring where you went but the effect it brought about was because of him - his sex. You sparked the flame but he was the entity they were feeling. You were just a carrier of his power.

Loki was confused. He was also turned on. It gave him a headache.

As they got closer to your building, Loki felt the urge to fuck you grow even greater. He squeezed Cooper's leash in one hand and his glasses in the other. His sunglasses shattered, little black pieces of glass sprinkling to the sidewalk, but Loki continued walking. He was set to get to you and a bit of tingling in his palm wouldn't deter that.

But he still kept his head on his shoulders and remembered that he had a job to do. Loki reached out further - blocks and blocks away from your building. There, he found nothing. No unusual desire for sex, no atypical lusting, nothing that would indicate he was ever there. Loki wondered if by keeping you in one place, the magic that was circulating the area would die down. If your presence was not detected, would the magic eventually fade? He could only hope.

For now, it was only slightly concerning. The people in your area just seemed overly horny. They weren't dangerous, nor were they considering dubious things. As Cooper tugged Loki closer to your building, a thought came into his head.

If the people are so desperate for sex, why not grant it to them?

Well, he couldn't grant it to everyone.

He would cozy himself up in your living room, nurse a glass of wine - a chilled white from Jotunheim this time, he decided - and answer prayers of the worthy. For the rest, he would give them what they needed in some way, shape, or form. Perhaps a really good orgasm by their own hand was all they needed. If their prayers were answered, their desires would ultimately fade. Loki nearly patted himself on the back. All he had to do was focus a bit more on the people in this area. Divide his attention, as old Odin Allfather would like to say. Then, once that energy was divested into them, the waves of magic would go away. Their hunger would dissolve and Midgard would be fine once again. If he continued to do this regularly, he could stay with you as long as he pleased. For every time he fucked you, he would answer prayers - and not only the prayers in the area, he would make sure to spend extra time listening to his followers. That would certainly contain the issue and stop the magic flares from spreading too far or too deep.

Loki, you brilliant, handsome bastard! Look at you go, he thought to himself.

Walking up to the front of your building, Cooper looked over his meaty shoulder. "Alright, are we done here?"

"Yes, all my questions have been answered." Lie. Most of them had been answered. But it was easy to fib to the dog.

"So, what's the plan?"

"I simply need to answer the prayers of the people in this area. They are desperate for my attention, thus heightening their cravings for what I can offer them. They can tell that I am here, so they are being louder, their wants are heavier. All I need to do is answer them," Loki explained, looking down at Cooper and hoping the dog didn't notice the tent in his black jeans. "I will take care of this tonight and quash this problem before it gets any more drastic."

"You better, pretty boy."

"Aw, you called me pretty," Loki said with a smirk.

Cooper walked up beside Loki, opened his large mouth, and bit his leg. Loki yelped and hopped backwards, grabbing his calf with his free hand. And in response to Loki's outburst, Cooper plopped onto the ground, rolled onto his back, and stuck his tongue out more than happily.

"You are truly a horrid creature," Loki hissed, pulling on the leash and hoisting Cooper back up. The dog licked his nose and he trotted up the steps to your apartment. He still looked terribly pleased with himself, Loki noted. They walked up the stairs quietly - aside from the sound of Cooper's panting - and when they reached your door, Loki checked on his spell. You were safe and still sleeping inside. He pushed the door open with his hip and let Cooper off of his leash. He waved his hand and pointed to the kitchen. "Two juicy steaks for you. Thank you for your help."

"Thanks for the new bling."

Cooper rounded the corner and within moments, Loki heard the munching and chomping of Cooper eating the steak. Loki waited in the doorway until he heard Cooper paw his way into the living room, jump up onto the couch, and then proceed to snore peacefully into a deep slumber.

Loki wanted to check on you before he began answering prayers. He pushed open your door and when he laid his eyes on you, that carnal urge arose in him again. His cock stiffened immensely and his grip on your doorknob was so tight, the metal broke in his fist. Loki tried looking away, he tried to leave - really, he did - but you were there, sleeping and so alluring, and he could not deny his desires.

He wanted to fuck you. He needed to fuck you.

He knew he had to work on those prayers but fuck, you were so irresistibly laying there all innocent, pliant, and still covered in his cum beneath that blanket. He made the blanket disappear and groaned at how beautiful you were. Loki palmed himself through his jeans and watched your chest rise and fall, your breasts tempting him under his shirt. He licked his lips and realized that there would be no possible way for him to focus on these prayers unless he rid himself of this lust first.

It seemed he would be disrupting the sleeping spell earlier than intended.

Loki climbed in bed beside you and lifted the spell from your body. As the spell evaporated from your pores, you shifted a bit restlessly, but you stayed sleeping. Loki hummed and dragged his knuckles down your arm. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the back of your neck. He sighed against you, your skin tasting delectably sweet against his tongue.

"Wake up, kitten," Loki whispered against your skin. "Your Master requires your services."

You shifted a bit and your ass rubbed against Loki's crotch. He cursed and shook his head, biting his lip to stop from waking you up too harshly. After a deep breath, Loki rocked you again, pressing more kisses along your shoulder blade.

"Pet, it's time to wake up," Loki murmured, his knuckles now grazing your bare thigh. You groaned and Loki watched your eyelashes twitch and your eyelids flutter, though your eyes did not open yet. Your head pressed deeper into the pillow and Loki shook you a bit more. "Wake up, little one."

"Loki?" Your words were slurred as you were roused from your sleep. You yawned, your legs stretching out and your fingers reaching into your pillow.

Loki continued to kiss your neck. "It's me, darling."

"What's going on?" you asked through yet another yawn. Your eyes finally opened and you looked over your shoulder. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched Loki push his shirt down and kiss your skin tenderly. His hands were exploring your body and you instantly felt yourself getting wet.

"I want you." It was a simple, quick answer but Loki said it in his deepest, most arousing voice. Your cunt clenched and you whimpered, pushing yourself back against Loki's crotch. You hissed a bit as the bruises that still decorated your ass rubbed against his jeans.

"Did I not please you earlier, Master?" you asked, chewing the inside of your lip nervously. Loki lifted his head and shuffled closer to you. His arm wrapped around your body and his large hand slipped under your shirt and cupped your breast. His thumb brushed softly over your nipple and you stifled a weak moan.

"Quite the opposite, actually," he murmured, bending down to kiss your temple. "You're irresistible to me, baby. I couldn't stop thinking about you. All I wanted to do was sink my cock into your luscious cunt again. Will you let me do this, sweet? Will you let me take you again?"

"Yes, Master," you gasped as his fingers pinched your nipple. Your head fell back against his shoulder and you groaned. You were completely awake now as Loki groped you, his magical touch both soothing you and working you up. You pushed your chest outwards, pressing deeper into his touch. "I love your hands."

"Do you now?" Loki mumbled. He lifted his hand to your face and you immediately wrapped your lips around his index finger. One by one, you sucked on his fingers, your tongue dragging along his sweet, roughened skin. Loki watched you from behind, his cock intensely hard in his jeans. He grunted and with a wave of his free hand, he magicked the clothing off of his body and yours. His cock sprung forward and slapped against your ass. You thrusted yourself back against him and whined around his hand. Loki kissed your neck again as you swirled your tongue around his finger. "You're getting good at this, pet. A natural, might I say."

You pulled your lips from his finger and blushed. "I have a good teacher."

"Just good?" Loki teased.

"Mmm, okay. Excellent. I have an excellent teacher," you giggled. You could feel Loki's warm chest shake with laughter behind you and you could no longer resist yourself. You flipped yourself around to face him. His hair was tied back, exposing his beautiful face. You cupped his cheeks and grinned. "What does my excellent teacher plan on having me learn tonight?"

"I..." Loki paused and pursed his lips. "No, I have nothing. I just want to fuck you."

"The last time you said that, you broke my kitchen table," you noted. "Please don't break my bed."

"No promises." Loki smirked. He dove in and kissed you, rolling his large body on top of yours. You moaned his name into his mouth as his tongue danced with yours. His cock rubbed against your wet cunt and you spread your legs for him. You were sore, aching even, but you wanted him so badly. You wanted the weight of his cock inside of you. Loki's body was heavy on top of you as he held you down, one hand on your waist and the other cupping your breast. When he pulled back, you gasped for air. Your eyes fell down to his neck and you frowned.

"Loki?" you asked, running the tips of your fingers along his neck.

"What is it, darling?"

"Can I mark you again?" you asked, looking up at him through your lashes. "The bruises healed and I want to leave more."

"You're a possessive little pet, aren't you?" Loki asked, his grin wide and cocky.

You raised a single brow and pointed to the bruises on your chest and neck.

Loki blushed. "Ah, you have a point."

"So can I?" You ran your hands along Loki's naked chest and he nodded. You licked your lips and pushed him, tossing him onto his ass. Loki's eyes widened as you crawled over him and latched your lips onto his neck. Loki groaned and pinched your back with his nails as he rolled his head backwards.

"Pushing me? Fuck, that turned me on the first time, turned me on again now. You're divine, little one," Loki hissed through his teeth as you sucked on the skin over his pulse. This time, you would not be so shy. You wanted to see these marks everywhere. And with his hair pulled back into that bun - oh, you had to remind him how sexy he looked like this - your marks would be on full display. Wherever he went, people would know that someone was fucking the God of Mischief and Sex and that someone was you. You were the one who Loki came to and fucked with his large, godly cock. You were the one who got this powerful man to moan and whimper at his most vulnerable of times. You were the one who was filled with his cum each and every night. The thought had you grinding your wet pussy against his abdomen as you moved your lips over to the curve of his jaw.

"Loki," you whispered, dragging your lips over his skin. "I can't wait for you to fuck me."

"And you call me the insatiable one," he snickered but his laughter was quickly cut off by the feeling of your teeth nipping him. Loki stretched his head back even further, expanding his neck and offering you every inch of space possible. You clawed your nails down his chest and maneuvered yourself so your cunt was resting over his cock. You dragged your wet lips along his cock as you sucked bruises into his skin.

There was no rhyme or reason to the placement of bruises you left. Really, you just wanted to attach your mouth to every inch of skin you could reach. And Loki - he was loving it, adoring it, craving it, actually. Every time your lips moved onto a new spot and you began sucking, his hips would buck upwards and your name would fall from his lips. His precum was smearing over you as you ground along him faster. Once you were finished, you lifted your head and looked into Loki's wide, erotic eyes.

"Will you fuck me now, Master?" you asked in the most innocent voice you could muster. Loki's hands smoothed over your ass. He smacked you once and you gasped, falling forward. Your face fell into the crook of Loki's neck and he laughed sinisterly.


He flipped you onto your back and moved his face down to your cunt. His eyes flickered over you, his cock twitching as he took in the sight of your glistening lips. Your inner thighs were still covered in his cum and Loki had to fuck his hand for a moment to relieve his arousal. He inhaled your scent, his eyes fluttering shut in divine worship. You spread your legs for him, presenting him with your cunt. You hooked your hands under your thighs and held yourself apart for him, offering him complete access to your body.

"Good girl," Loki praised as he ran two fingers over your slick core. "You said you love my hands, yes? Shall I give you another reason to love them?"

"Please, Loki," you begged, craning your neck to watch Loki drag his fingers along you. Loki gave you a wicked look as he pushed his two fingers inside of you. You took in a sharp breath when he breached you. You whimpered, the pain still evident from his brutal fucking earlier. Loki eyed you carefully as his knuckles met your seam.

"Color?" he whispered.

"Green," you assured him with a nod. Loki hummed and bent his head down. His tongue darted out and he licked over your swollen clit, easing you into a more comfortable state. With his hair tied back, you could see his face perfectly clearly - meaning, you could see the pleasure and satisfaction that he was getting from tasting you. You sighed and bucked against his mouth. His fingers remained still, but the more Loki licked you, the more you began to feel a gentle vibration in your hole. Loki's lips suctioned around your clit and he suckled at you, similar to the way you lavished his neck. On a particularly hard suck, the vibration within you kicked up. You gasped and tightened the grip on your thighs. "L-Loki? What...?"

"I'm giving you another reason to love my hands, just as I said I would," Loki whispered, his lips brushing your cunt with every word. "Now relax. Let me take care of you. Let me get your pretty little pussy ready for my cock."

You couldn't answer, not when his tongue was licking your clit in circles and his fingers were...vibrating? Yes, they were vibrating. You could feel that. Slowly, Loki began pumping his fingers in and out of you and that was when you felt the vibrations truly in full force. The veins in his arm were straining, his muscles nearly bulging, as his fingers pleasured you.

"Loki!" you shouted his name as his fingers fucked into you faster. "Oh are you doing that?"

"Magic," he said with a cheeky grin. "Stop asking questions and take what I give you."

"Yes, Master," you said quickly. His tongue licked around his fingers and then back up to your clit. And then, your clit was vibrating. Everything was vibrating. You cursed, grabbed at his hair - still tossed back into that bun - and you pulled at whatever loose strands you could reach. Loki groaned and lifted his head.

"No touching," he commanded. "Am I going to need to tie you up, little girl?"

"Please, Loki. Oh, fuck, yes...please," you begged, fucking yourself against the pumping, curling, and devious vibrations of his two long fingers.

Loki smirked as he licked a long stripe up your wet cunt. He moaned at the taste of you on his tongue and for a moment, he considered it. He thought of how you would look with your arms bound above your head, breasts pushed out, and completely helpless. He could do whatever he wanted to do to you and you wouldn't be able to stop him. And the best part is that you would trust him, you would beg him for it, and you would want him to do everything he had on his dark, twisted mind. Loki lifted his head and crawled up your body. He pushed his fingers into you extra deeply and spread them. You cried out his name and Loki laughed.

"No." When you gave him a look of near betrayal, Loki kissed the corner of your mouth. "Not tonight, at least."

"The more you say that - fuck! The less I believe it's actually going to happen," you sighed, your head falling back as Loki's fingers curled upwards and stroked the spongy part inside of you. Your breasts were heaving as Loki bent his head and sucked on your nipple.

"We have two whole weeks alone, kitten. Don't rush me," Loki said as he moved his mouth over to your other nipple. He latched his lips onto you again and bit down on your bud. You arched upwards, pressing your breast further into his face and his fingers deeper inside of you. Loki worried your nipple between his teeth and flickered his eyes up to stare into yours. He watched you with lust in his blown pupils as he tugged your nipple away from you with only his white teeth. You gripped your thighs harder, nails biting into your skin almost as hard as his teeth were biting your nipple, and you shouted his name once again. Loki let your nipple spring backwards and he licked it gently. "I love when you shout my name. It reminds me that I'm the only one who gets to have you like this."

"Yes, Loki. My body is yours. Take me as you please," you said with ragged breaths. Loki moved his mouth up to your neck and pressed a kiss over your pulse. You stretched your neck out as Loki sunk his teeth into your throat. "Fuck!"

He sucked on your skin, his free hand cupping the other side of your throat. His fingers did not stop their relentless pumping and vibrating within your body. He pushed your throat harder against his mouth and he sucked your skin with so much power, so much eagerness, that you could feel the blood rushing to where his lips were placed. You fucked yourself down on his hand and he pushed into you harder.

"If you can mark me, I can mark you, pet," Loki growled after releasing your neck. His face hovered above yours and he sent you a flirtatious wink. "You're all mine, after all."

"Yes I am, Master," you agreed, licking your lips slowly. "I know you said I can't touch you...but...but..."

"What is it, little one?" Loki cooed.

"I want to kiss you. I want to grab you and just fucking kiss you," you admitted. "Please, Loki. Please let me touch you."

"If this is how you beg to touch me now, I cannot wait to have you bound," Loki chuckled. He curled his fingers within you and you gasped, your body pressing completely against his. "Go on. Touch me. Give your Master a ki-"

Loki couldn't finish because your arms had flown up, wound around his neck, and pulled him down against you. He groaned your name into your mouth as you kissed him, licking into his mouth with a sense of possessiveness that you were only slightly ashamed to unleash. Loki's fingers pressed into you harder and his thumb began circling your needy clit. The bud between your thighs buzzed and quivered, and you cried into Loki's mouth.

"Put your cock in me. Please, Master. Please give me your cock. I need it so badly. Please, please, please," you cried, hugging Loki's neck with tight hands. "I feel so empty without you. Please fuck me, Loki."

"Oh, baby," Loki hissed. He pulled his fingers from you, earning a whine from your swollen lips, but he quickly settled between your thighs. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him in. Loki grasped his cock in one hand and guided it inside of you. Loki tossed his head back as his cock became sheathed inside of your tight core. This was what he had craved the entire walk home - the warmth of you, the tightness of you, the sheer pleasure of being surrounded by your wet walls. "Yes, pet. You feel so good wrapped around my cock."

"Deeper, Loki. Go deeper," you whined as he continued to push himself inside of you. Loki growled as his head rolled forward. He wanted to settle his entire body inside of you at this point. His cock pulsed inside of you, twitching with need as he buried himself deeper and deeper. When his hips finally pressed to you, you locked your legs around him even tighter. "I want you."

"You have me," Loki purred. He pressed his hand to your abdomen, pushing down harder. You writhed on his cock, feeling him so far inside of you that you nearly passed out from shock. Loki rolled his palm over your waistline and smirked. "You feel that, baby girl? You feel me in you?"

"How can I not feel you? Your cock is...oh Loki...fuck, it's huge," you whimpered. "Please, move. Fuck me, Master."

"You sound so pretty when you beg," Loki said. He let himself fall over you, his arms caging you against his body. Your grip on his neck tightened and you pulled him down so his weight rested on you. Loki kissed you, rendering you breathless, before pulling his cock almost all of the way out of you. He slammed his hips back forward, causing you to shriek his name. Loki nuzzled your neck and grinned against the newly formed bruise. "Good girl."

And when he truly started fucking you - hips bucking roughly and nearly desperately - Loki was loud. It was the loudest you ever heard him. He was normally talkative, releasing groans and grunts and terribly sinful promises, but this time around, he just kept moaning. His eyes switched back and forth between being screwed shut to wide open, staring at you. His hands were possessive, gripping onto you in a way that you knew would leave bruises. You wanted those bruises. You wanted to give him bruises too.

You dug your heels into his body and tugged him closer. Your nails bit into his neck, some landing right over the bruises you left, and your mouth attached to the underside of his ear. You kissed him, licked over his skin, and uttered his name with a needy ache.

"Loki...oh, Loki," you moaned, biting his earlobe. "Fuck me harder, Loki."

"Fuck..." Loki grunted, his hips pistoning into you. "Did I not fuck you hard enough before?"

"You can never be too rough with me. You should know that by now," you said, winking up at Loki's flushed face.

He lifted his left brow upwards as he raised himself upwards so his back was fully erect. "Oh, really?"

"Mhmm," you hummed. You could see a twinkle in his deep green eyes, but there was a sparkle in yours as well. You grinned and locked your legs around Loki as tightly as you could. Your arms hooked around his neck, and with as much core strength as you could manage, you hoisted yourself up so you were in his lap. Loki, still kneeling on the bed, quickly scooped one arm under your ass. "Give me your best, Mischief."

"You brilliant woman," Loki groaned, sliding you down further onto his cock. You tossed your head back and Loki took that as the opportunity to lick up the center of your neck. "Fuck yourself down on my cock. Let's go, little girl."

Both of Loki's hands settled under your ass and he helped you lift yourself up then drop back down. You moaned Loki's name as you continued this motion, your movements getting more and more aggressive. Loki knelt there, watching you in awe as he aided you in riding his cock.

As Loki stared at you, eyes traveling from your face to your breasts then back to your face, he was hit with such lust for you. The power of the prayers was rushing back to him as you milked his cock. He bucked upwards, shoving his cock as far as he could get. He did it again, then again, and then again, until you were frozen on him and he was the one fucking his cock into you.

"Your pussy feels so good around me, baby," Loki groaned with a particularly rough thrust. "How are you still so tight even after I fucked you? I could leave my cock inside you for hours."

That made your walls clench drastically. Loki grinned and eyed you, though your eyes were screwed shut. He would add that to the list of things to accomplish one day. But for now, he just wanted to cum.

Loki leaned forward, his body hanging over yours as he fucked you. His nails scratched your ass, digging into the bruises on your cheek. You held onto him, the thrill of being suspended above the bed and wrapped around him forced your pussy to squeeze around his cock. His balls smacked against your sore pussy and the blunt head of his cock pounded against your sweet, sensitive spot.

"Oh, yes! Fuck, I need to cum!" you shouted.

Loki growled and grabbed your hair, tugging your head backwards and kissing your neck. "Say my name. Say it, pet."

"Loki, oh, fuck...Loki!"

"Say it."





"Loki!" you screamed. "Loki! Loki! Loki!"

"Yes, pet. Shout my name. Shout it and I will let you cum," Loki groaned. His cock was swelling with the need to cum. He hung over you, holding you nearly horizontal again but still lifted from the bed. His fingers moved and found your clit. He rubbed you quickly and he felt your thighs tremble around him.

"Loki! Please let me cum! Please, Master! Fuck, Loki!" you shouted, tears welling in your eyes from the intense pleasure he was delivering upon you.

"Cum, little one. Cum for your Master," Loki hissed, pressing his fingers down on your clit. You let go and flung off the edge. You shouted his name again as your body pressed to his. Your nipples rubbed against his hard chest as your body spasmed. Your pussy clenched around his cock and you came, waves of euphoria blinding you. Loki cooed as he continued to pump into you. "That's my girl. Such a good girl. Such a good, good girl when you cum for me."

Your body fell pliant in Loki's arms but he didn't stop thrusting. He pounded into you, his own release extremely close. Sweat was beading on his forehead and he grunted your name from his trembling lips. Your eyes opened and you smiled up at him. You brushed some of his loose hair that fell into his face back around his ear and you whispered softly, "please cum inside my pretty little pussy, Master."

Loki gasped as he came, your words flinging him over the edge of ecstasy. His cum flooded your body, filling you to the brim and leaking out of you. Loki rocked into you slowly as he came...and came...and came. It was the hardest he had cum since he could remember. Loki watched as his milky liquid flowed from your cunt and onto his thighs and your bed. And when he thought it was over, a new wave of cum spurted from him. He realized that this was probably an effect from the prayers since they fueled his power but fuck, this was the hottest thing he ever saw. There was an itch inside of him, one that demanded he deposit all of his cum into you and never let a drop leak out. His need for it hit him like a brick to the head. He grunted, hips bucking forward and his cock acting like a plug to avoid too much of his essence from leaking out of you. His cock spasmed as he watched his cum spill into you, which only made Loki cum more from the erotic nature of it all.

"So much cum," you whimpered, squirming as he shot into you still.

"I know, pet. It's a lot. I'm sorry," Loki laughed almost nervously. You rolled your eyes playfully and hugged him tighter, your cunt unintentionally squeezing around his cock. You smiled lazily at the feeling of his cock continuously twitching and pumping hot ropes of his thick cum into you. You fucked yourself up and down on his cock, moaning as he filled you insistently. Loki rubbed your back and smirked. "Not that you mind. You are my dirty little cum slut after all."

"Yes, I am. Keep giving me more. I want it all," you giggled, pressing further down onto him to capture as much of his release as you could. It took another two minutes but once Loki finally stopped cumming - much to your unspoken disappointment - he slowly slid his cock out from you and placed you on the bed. He grimaced at the mess he made and waved his hands, cleaning your dirtied sheets in an instant. He looked up at your legs and when he went to wave that away, you grabbed his wrist and smiled. "No, leave it."

"I adore you."

Loki didn't really mean for it to come out so quickly, so blatantly, but he couldn't help himself. Seeing you in that moment with such a bright smile on your face, looking so honored to be branded with his cum, had Loki's heart racing a bit faster in his chest. When the words escaped his mouth, you blushed and looked away.

"I..." you trailed off, teeth catching your lower lip between them.

Loki hushed you and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Don't worry, darling. Say nothing." Loki slid off the bed and lifted you, tucking you into your bed. His shirt and your panties appeared back on your body as he settled you down, his own clothing reappearing on his slim form. He wrapped your blanket around you and ran his hand along your cheek. "Back to bed now, little one. You need your rest...again. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Disturb me all you want, Loki," you giggled, turning your face and pressing a kiss to the palm of his hand.

"Don't tempt me," he said with a wink. "Sleep, sweet. I'm going to answer some prayers."

"Oh," you said. You plastered a smile onto your face and nodded. "Okay. Have fun."

Loki leaned over you and smiled softly. "Trust me, I'd rather be here with you."

"Then stay. Can't you answer your prayers from here?" you asked, chewing on your lip still. Loki gripped it and pulled it from your teeth, giving you a stern look. But his eyes softened and he sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"Unfortunately, no," he whispered. "I apologize, pet."

Loki brushed his lips over yours gently. The kiss was soft, coddling, and something so genuinely romantic that it gave Loki a pause. When he pulled away, he pressed another kiss to the corner of your mouth, to your nose, your eyes, your forehead, and finally, back down on your lips.

"I will see you in the morning," he said in a low, soothing voice.

"Have a good night, Loki," you said, cheeks flushed from the sweet kissing. "Go be the amazing god you are."

Loki chuckled as you shut your eyes, a tiny smirk on your face. His own smile faded as he placed the sleeping spell over you again. He didn't want to do this, but he knew he would be too tempted by your presence if you were awake. He would be too curious about what you were up to if he left you awake. And tonight, more than ever, he needed to focus.

Realistically, he could have answered the prayers from your room. He could have laid in your bed with you cuddled up into his side as he sifted through the words in his head. But it was so important for Loki to get this right. He could not mess this up. Your safety was Loki's top priority and he would not sacrifice that for a few hours of holding you tonight. He could do that tomorrow, the day after, and the rest of these two beautiful weeks.

Loki lifted his hand as your snores filled the room, but he paused. He watched your mouth open and close slowly. He let his hand fall to your cheek and he brushed your smooth skin. Then, Loki stood, pressed a kiss to your forehead, and left the room.

He did not silence your snores. Tonight, as he answered his prayers, he wanted to leave you be in your slumber. He wanted to know that in the next room, even without him, you would be safe.

And truthfully, Loki just wanted to hear you.


Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki !

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