Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification

429 7 4
By Paranormal_Babe


Loki returns to Asgard, yet again smug and satisfied, but he's quite caught off guard when an unexpected surprise awaits him. Meanwhile, you're having The Shittiest of Shitty Days. You just hope this whole "delayed gratification" thing is worth the wait.


Happy Friday!! Yup, after a whole week of one shots I'm still here with an update. Quarantine is driving me insane, I had to occupy my time with something. Apparently, that something is smut. Lucky you

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Loki really should not have been as amused as he was. Did he feel a bit guilty leaving you behind wet and wanting after he so blatantly took his pleasure from you? Perhaps. But he knew he wasn't the only one who enjoyed your exquisite deep-throating. Besides, the end result of pressing pause on your release would be so delicious.

You hadn't done this before - withholding your pleasure just to enhance your orgasm later on. In fact, Loki was slightly convinced that you never actually had a real orgasm before he showed up. Maybe there had been minor bursts of pleasure and little waves of adrenaline but certainly nothing like the experiences he was able to give you. Loki needed to teach you a lesson, however, that pleasure was not given, it was earned. If you were able to resist temptation and not touch yourself, he would reward you very generously.

Taking the Bifrost was the only way back to Asgard but he elected not to take the main bridge. He didn't need to deal with the quiet yet annoyingly snarky all-seeing Heimdall. His booming voice would send word to Odin that Loki was back and that was a headache he didn't need. Instead, Loki took one of the smaller, lesser known Bifrost bridges that led him into the large mouth of the southern mountains.

The trip back to Asgard involved two branches of thinking: what to do to reward you if you obeyed Loki and what to do to punish you should you fail.

Loki could not decide which outcome he preferred.

Punishment, that was something you had yet to discover. Truthfully, he wanted to hold off punishing you for as long as possible. He needed you to trust him completely before he bruised your backside or tied you up and left you clenching on vibrating magic for hours.

Oh. Tying you up. Loki mentally added that to the list.

When he finished his travel through the Bifrost, Loki stared over the horizons of Asgard. The blue, pink, and yellows of the sky were blending together to form a painting a bit less exquisite than the sparkling color of your eyes. Loki loved looking into those eyes. They were so expressive for him. And when you came, your eyes would get wide, your pupils would nearly explode, and tears would well up in the corners of them, threatening to spill over onto your cheeks.

Loki adjusted his pants.

While the style of Midgardian clothing was more comfortable than that of Asgard, it certainly did not do a good job at hiding his erection.

Maybe it's because the men of Midgard have small dicks, Loki thought to himself with a chuckle. It explains so much.

Loki changed back into a much more suitable attire for Asgard - black leather pants and a black tunic that draped over his torso long enough to cover his insufferable crotch. The detailing on the fabric were deep, emerald green and a regal gold. Loki's eyes flickered over to the palace and he sighed, he had to go back eventually.

Quickly transporting himself to the front gates, Loki pushed his way into the palace with an aura of excellence and superiority that had everyone looking away from him. He smirked, mildly appreciating the fact that he could at least walk the halls of the palace without being bothered.

"Prince Loki."

Or so he thought. Bastards.

Loki stiffened his back and turned around, trying to conceal the look of distaste on his face. One of the guards was standing in the center of the hall, his helmet held in the bend of his arm. If his helmet was on, Loki believed he would not recognize the rather plain looking ginger.

"Sir Alder," Loki said with a curt nod of his head. "Do you have a message for me?"

"I do. Your presence is required in the throne room," Alder said, bending into a deep bow.

Loki sighed. "Is this quite necessary? I just had a very...intense visit to Midgard and I would ask to be left alone."

"If I may speak freely, Prince Loki, I believe this is rather important," Alder said.

Loki cocked his jaw and debated whether or not he should just transport himself back to his chambers. He was really considering it, however if Alder was to return to the throne room without Loki after Odin demanded it, the old man would surely never let Alder hear the end of it. Deciding to extend his benevolence to Alder - which perhaps he would blame you and your soft nature for - Loki extended one arm forward.

"Lead the way."

Alder bowed again and turned around, escorting Loki towards the throne room. The walk was not unpleasant. Alder was a kind man who understood the boundaries of privacy. Any other guard a bit more smug than Alder would have prodded and poked at Loki until he revealed what he was doing on Asgard. Alder, on the other hand, simply asked if his trip went well. When Loki answered with a smirk, Alder just shrugged and continued his walk.

As they neared the entrance to the throne room, Loki bristled. He prepared himself to hear Odin's wrath. Visiting a Midgardian mortal not once, not twice, but three times? What has gotten into you, Loki?

Into me? Nothing. Into her? Well...

Loki snickered and Alder pretended he didn't hear it.

The guards standing before the golden doors stood up straight as Loki and Alder appeared. They bowed nearly silently before pulling the doors open. Alder stepped to the side and gestured for Loki to enter alone. Loki nodded at Alder then erected his back. He folded his arms behind himself, appearing the perfect picture of intimidation and strength for Odin to gawk at.

But when Loki stepped into the throne room, all of that disappeared.

"Brother..." Loki whispered. Thor was sitting on the throne with a large grin on his face. He stood as Loki unfolded his arms from behind him.

"I'm back," Thor said, stepping down from the throne's dias. He stepped towards Loki, who stepped towards Thor, and before either brother could say another word, they embraced one another. Loki sighed, his eyes shutting as he held Thor in his arms.

"It has been so long, Thor," Loki murmured into his brother's shoulder.

Standing in the quiet throne room as he hugged Thor made him feel like he was a child again. It had been years, perhaps even a decade at this point, without Thor in Loki's life. Thor had always been a traveler, always craving to see more, do more, experience more. For that reason, he left Asgard to mature himself and learn more of what he needed to learn to become King of Asgard one day. He came back every few years, a bit wiser, a bit calmer, a bit less of a pain in the ass, and his absence actually strengthened the bond between the brothers. This past round of travels had been his longest, and though a decade was a blink of an eye for an Asgardian, it was also a decent amount of time to learn that Loki genuinely missed his brother when he was away.

"I'm here now, Loki," Thor said, pulling away and patting his brother on the back. "Have you been getting my letters?"

"I have, yes," Loki said with a nod. They walked towards the throne, Thor's arm slung around Loki's shoulders. "Your adventures seemed rather interesting this time around. Xandar sounded nice. Seems like it improved since we last were there."

"It's much better now. The Kree pulled out and signed a treaty with them. They're flourishing, Loki! You should see their Hall of Sciences. It's brilliant," Thor laughed, turning fully towards his brother but keeping a hand clamped on his shoulder. "I missed you, little brother."

"I missed you too, you oaf," Loki said, punching Thor in the chest. "I actually thought I saw you on Midgard. I ran into a portly Golden Retriever and almost mistook him for you."

"Oh, a Golden! Isn't that - wait, portly? Why would I be portly?" Thor asked, dropping his hand.

Loki smirked playfully. "Sorry. Is 'big-boned' a better expression?"

"Much!" Thor smiled. "Say, why were on you Midgard?"

"Research," Loki answered quickly. He turned towards the throne and pursed his lips. "Say, why were you on the throne?"

"Ah, that's actually why I'm here," Thor said, crossing his arms over his meaty chest. He was wearing much less gold than he used to. Perhaps the travels taught him more humility and put the value of gold into perspective. Loki didn't really care, he'd keep wearing the gold. "Father and Mother were needed on Vanaheim. Apparently there's some issues going on there that only they could resolve."

"Oh, really?" Loki asked, his voice low and smooth. Light bulbs were flashing in Loki's mind as he stood there, staring at the empty throne. Without Odin on Asgard to lecture Loki about going to Midgard, he had no one to stop him from visiting you. This was the perfect chance for him to continue seeing you without any form of interruption. Heimdall would be too busy guarding the realm while Odin was away and surely Odin would not leave Vanaheim just to stop his son from having sex.

Well, Loki wouldn't really put it past him.

Thor nodded, cheerful and oblivious to Loki's racing mind.

"Indeed." Thor gestured between himself and the throne. "So I am here as sort of a temporary fill-in."

"Congratulations, brother," Loki said with a genuine, honest smile. "The throne suits you well."

"Thank you." Thor smiled softly. "Will my baby brother be joining me at my side this time as Royal Advisor?"

Loki shook his head in mock regret. "Unfortunately, I cannot. I have been tasked with doing research on Midgard."

"Oh, right. What type of research?" Thor asked.

"Well, after obtaining my new title -"

"God of Sex," Thor snickered. "Appropriate."

Loki waved him off. "It seems that the study of intimacy is much different on Midgard than it is on Asgard and the other realms. It is my responsibility to understand their ways in order to properly accommodate their wants and needs. I'm afraid I'll be spending a large chunk of time there. I may come back from time to time but really, my focus is needed with the Midgardians."

"That's very considerate of you, brother," Thor said, patting Loki again on the back of his shoulder. He paused for a moment and brought Loki in for another brief, brotherly hug. "You have become a wonderful man, Loki."

"And so have you, Thor," Loki said. "Why don't we celebrate your return with a feast? A small one, though. I truly can't handle when things get wild."

Truthfully, Loki could handle it. Loki could handle anything. But the last thing he needed was to get drunk, forget about his whole delayed gratification deal, and return to Midgard with the intention of fucking you into the bed. You just had to wait.

"Aye, Loki, things would no longer get wild under my eye," Thor said with a laugh. He walked up to the throne and took a seat. He sighed and rested his chin on his hand. "But let's do it. Just you, I, and some of the warriors. Sounds good?"

"Sounds wonderful." Loki chuckled and bowed down, his closed fist pressed to his chest. "It's good to have you back, King Thor."

Thor snorted. "King Thor? No, not yet and only temporarily. And even when I do become King, it will still only be brother to you."

Loki raised himself from his bow. "Then it's good to have you back, brother."


Delayed gratification. Your two new least favorite words in the English language.

You probably spent about ten minutes staring at the spot where Loki was once sitting with that beautiful smile hoping that he was going to pop back in. When the air remained still and it was clear he wasn't coming back, you huffed and crossed your arms over your chest like an angry child. You would not call out for him this time. If he was making you wait, then fine, you would wait. You would play his game and then you'd make him regret it when he came back to you.

You hopped up from the couch, still fuming and extremely wet, when your stomach growled. Right, you hadn't eaten yet today. Loki had taken that time up. You walked into the kitchen and almost tripped over Cooper. Your dog gave you a look and you panicked.

If Cooper and Loki could understand each other, did he know what Loki was saying to you?

Blushing, you turned away from your dog and tried not to let that thought bother you too much. Instead of dwelling on it, you opened up your fridge, fully prepared to make yourself scrambled eggs yet again since your options of food were tragically scarce. But when you opened the door, you let out a gasp. Your fridge was full.

Your fridge was never full. With the crazy hours at your job and the expense of rent, Cooper, and bills, you were forced to have a limited menu. As you scanned over the heaping amounts of food in your fridge, you almost felt yourself beginning to cry. You had no idea how this happened but you didn't want to question it. It felt like a dream seeing the shelves filled.

You poked around through the items and found nearly everything you could imagine - fish, vegetables, meat, fruit, even some things you didn't recognize. You pulled out a package of wrapped cheese and saw Loki's insignia plastered onto the plastic wrapping. You looked up at the ceiling and grasped your pendant.

"Thank you," you whispered. Slowly, you narrowed your eyes. "But I still can't believe you're doing this to me."

The rest of your day was spent enjoying the gift of Loki's food, cleaning your apartment again, and doing literally anything in your power to ignore the wetness between your legs. Dammit, you wanted to touch yourself. You thought about it several times. Loki taught you how to touch yourself for a reason and yet he was depriving you of that basic chance at pleasure. Even with all of your distractions, you still found yourself rubbing your thighs together desperately.

By the time the sun set and you were getting ready for bed, you were thoroughly frustrated. Surely Loki would be back soon, right? You stared out of your window, looking for any sign of his arrival. Grumbling out a few more curses, you realized you would never be able to fall asleep in this state of arousal.

You turned to your bookshelf and began scanning through the spines. If Loki wouldn't let you pleasure yourself, then you could at least pretend he was fucking you through some colorful literature. For that reason, you decided that you would slip out your copy of 50 Shades of Grey and replace Mr. Grey with Loki. Your face scrunched up as you reached the bottom of the case and couldn't find what you were looking for.

Then, you began pulling out each and every book. Your floor was a mess of books and papers and magazines by the time you pulled everything out. The book was nowhere to be found. You couldn't help it - you let out a frustrated growl before standing, closing your curtains, and crawling into bed.

You tossed and turned for a while, anxious and worked up about where that book was and the dripping situation between your thighs. You flipped onto your back and stared at the ceiling, silently wishing Loki would come to you. This was part of his lessons, his games, and you knew that. You just didn't want to go to bed so aroused.

You picked the pendant up between your fingers and ran your thumb over the gem. As you scrubbed the emerald with the pad of your finger, you felt a warm sense of calmness fall over you. You held onto it tighter and shut your eyes, petting the necklace softly.

"Loki..." you whispered. Your entire hand wrapped around the pendant and you were falling asleep.

You swore you felt a gentle kiss on your forehead as you dozed off.


You woke up the next morning to the sound of your phone ringing loudly. You shot up, your right hand still clenched around the pendant as you grabbed your phone with your left hand.

"Hello?" you asked into the phone.

"Where the fuck are you?" the sound of your boss' voice came through the phone You could practically feel his hot, angry breath on your neck. "You were supposed to be here two hours ago!"

"What...?" You blinked, the room still pitch dark. You looked at the clock on your nightstand which indicated it was nearly 10 a.m.

"Get your ass here in the next twenty minutes or you're fired," he said, hanging up before you could answer. You flung yourself out of bed, forgoing a shower and quickly brushing your teeth. You pulled on a dress - something easy to slip on - as you fed Cooper. Your dog looked at you with an expression that was both curious and a bit annoyed. You ignored his hungry huff as you tossed his food bowl down. You grabbed your bag and a green scarf, covering the pendant and the dotted bruises on your neck, and ran out of your apartment.

You still had 15 minutes to get to work but your job was a 25 minute walk on a good day. You were sprinting down the streets, pissed at yourself for oversleeping.

You had no idea why you slept in for so long or why your room was so dark at 10 a.m. You specifically bought those curtains because they were thin and flimsy, allowing the sun to start streaming into your room bright and early. Somehow, those lame curtains had blocked out the sun and stopped you from waking up on time.

Pushing yourself into your office building, you checked the time and saw you still had two minutes to spare. You practically bent over trying to catch your breath. Your boss, Travis, approached you with a glare.

"Mr. Richards, I am so sorry I -"

"Quiet," Travis said, straight-faced and annoyed. "You were two hours late so I'm taking away your lunch hour and you have to stay an extra hour later today."

"But wait, I -"

"Just...just get back to work," he said, waving you off. You felt tears welling in your eyes at not even having the chance to explain. You shook your head and slowly walked over to your cubicle. You sat down in the spinning, purple chair and held your head in your hands.

"Hey." You looked up and saw your coworker, Michael, standing over you. It was unusual to see him at your desk. You were friendly associates with one another but that was all you were. Still, you plastered on your best smile and acknowledged him.

"Hi, Michael," you sighed, sitting up straight and adjusting your dress. Michael frowned, his eyes catching your movement as he leaned on the little wall of your cubicle. You noticed his expression and you chuckled. "Heard all that, didn't you?"

"Yeah," he murmured. "You're never late. What happened?"

"I...I just overslept," you mumbled. "I need to get to work but -"

"Here." He held out his hand, presenting you with a sandwich stuffed into a plastic bag. "Take it. You can eat while you work. I have cash with me anyway. I'll just buy something from the deli next door."

You took the sandwich and sighed in relief, suddenly realizing you never brought any food with you. "Thank you, Michael."

"No problem. Have a good day," Michael said with a wink and a smile as he walked away. You looked after him, wondering where that little flirtatious wink at the end came from. Michael never showed you any interest before, nor did he ever really talk to you outside of meetings before. Chalking it up to pity, you pushed yourself closer to your desk and began working.

The day was slow and full of tedious work. The world of editing was never easy and required your complete attention. Unfortunately for you, every time you moved, you felt the weight of the pendant bounce against your skin and rub over your upper breasts. Feeling the gem on your skin only reminded you of what you had done with Loki yesterday and what Loki had not done with you. You tried taking deep breaths to focus on the writing you were looking over but you couldn't help but imagine the slide of Loki's cock between your lips.

He had plundered your mouth, taught you and trained you only to fuck your mouth like an animal in the end. You remembered feeling the tip of his cock jabbing the back of your throat and how his thighs trembled with pleasure. And his moans - oh, you wanted to hear them again. The rough, deep sound of his groans as he fucked your mouth, hands in your hair and your name falling from his lips. You were the reason he was so aroused. You were the reason he came so violently down your throat.

You couldn't wait to get to him again. You wanted to strip him bare, sink down on his cock, and ride him until he came inside of you with those same hot, heady groans. You wanted him to flip you over, fuck you with wild eyes, and whisper to you how much of a good, good girl you were for your Master...

"So you come in late and now you just sit here gazing into space?" Travis hissed at you, snapping you from your reverie.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Richards. It won't happen again," you mumbled, sincerely hoping he couldn't smell the wetness between your thighs like Loki said he could.

"That's an extra hour added onto the end of your shift for laziness," Travis snapped before turning on his heel and walking away. You shut your eyes and sighed, scrubbing your face with your hands and desperately trying to ignore your desire.

By the time the work day was done, you were feeling quite low. You were overworked, exhausted, and turned on. You picked up McDonald's on the way home since it was cheap and quick. You ate your McNuggets as you trudged down the gloomy streets. The walk back to your apartment consisted of dragged feet, sunken-in eyes, and eventually, pouring rain. You stared up at the cloudy sky, held up your middle finger, and cursed violently at the inconvenient weather. You were sincerely hoping Cooper wasn't in the mood for a long walk tonight because you really couldn't handle that. When you finally got back to your apartment, you swung open the front door, slammed it shut, and fell back against it.

"Could this day get any worse?" you asked yourself as you shook out your dripping wet hair.

"Perhaps. I could make you wait another day to cum."

You gasped and watched as Loki rounded the corner and leaned against the wall. Today, he elected to wear a pair of tight black pants with an emerald green button-up tucked into it. He had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, exposing the smooth skin of his forearms. His boots were a muted brown that was so dark it almost appeared black.

"Loki!" you practically cheered. You ran forward and dumped yourself into his arms. Loki caught you, holding you tight to his body as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You're here!" You froze and pursed your lips, pulling back a bit. "You're here? Finally here after leaving me wet for over a day!"

"Ah, well that was part of your lesson, pet," Loki snickered. You narrowed your eyes and pinched his side, stepping out of his arms and crossing your own over your chest. Loki gave you a pointed look as he rubbed his side. "Not nice, little girl."

"Not nice? A pinch isn't nice? No, not nice is leaving me turned on and telling me I can't do anything about it," you snapped.

"Be careful who you use that tone with, darling," Loki said carefully, stepping towards you slowly. You looked up at him but stood your ground. You straightened your back and tilted your nose up, giving him your best glare. The disgruntled look on his face flickered into one of amusement at your attempt.

"Oh, boo you," you said, rolling your eyes. Loki stopped in his tracks and looked at you, scanning his eyes up your body and noticing that you were drenched in rain water.

"You're upset," he pointed out plainly.

"Well, duh."

Loki softened. "This isn't about not getting to have sex, is it?" You didn't answer as you looked away. Loki sighed and came closer to you. He ran his hands up your arms and you felt your skin tingle. A green glow formed under his hands and you felt your hair dry and your dress un-stick from your body. "What happened, little one?"

Between Loki's soft voice and his tender touch, you broke down. Tears fell from your eyes and you fell back into his arms. Loki held you in your tiny hallway, one hand stroking down your back as the other pressed to your hair.

"Today was fucking terrible, Loki. I woke up late, got yelled at for being late to work, had to stay at work an extra two hours - three, if you count my lunch hour being taken away - had to do a shit ton of work that I was distracted the entire time doing and then I had to walk home in the rain," you spoke, your voice strained and shaky. "I can't stand that job. My boss wouldn't even let me explain."

"I was wondering why you were home so late," Loki murmured, pressing his lips to your hair. "Cooper told me you normally get home around 5:30. You're a bit past that."

You snorted. "Yeah, like three hours past it. I had McDonald's for dinner, Loki. Mc-fucking-Donald's!"

"I'm assuming that's a bad thing," Loki said, pulling back a bit to cup your face in his hands. "No more bad things tonight, my dearest."

"I wish. I'm going to have to go back into the rain to take Cooper out. He has to be busting for a piss right about now," you laughed, wiping your cheeks with the backs of your hands. Loki shook his head and took your hands in his, kissing the backs of your knuckles.

"That's unnecessary. It's already been taken care of. He's been fed, walked, and is now resting on the couch."

"You walked him?"

"Yes, darling. He told me what to do," Loki said. He dropped your hands and wrapped one arm around your waist, tugging you against his hard, lean body. You rested your hands on his chest and ran your palms over his pectorals.

"You know, an orgasm would really help right about now." You winked.

"Ah, not yet." Loki laughed as your face fell. "Delayed gratification, little girl."

"Fuck delayed gratification. I need your cock."

"And you'll get it, all in good time," Loki said. He dipped down and pressed his lips to your ear. "I'm going to make everything better, pet. You just need to trust me. It will take some patience but when I finally permit you to cum, it will be euphoric. All of your stress and pain will go away. Will you let me take care of you, darling?"

Your knees were shaking and your breath was coming out in short, shallow hitches. You nodded and fisted his shirt in your hands. "Please, Master."

"Good girl." Loki's hands settled on your hips as he pushed you into the wall. You gasped as his lips landed on yours. Your head hit the wall as Loki pushed himself further against you, completely surrounding you with his taste and his smell. You moaned as his hands ran up and down your body, exploring you like it was the first time.

His lips were intoxicating. As he kissed you, you literally felt yourself melting into him. His tongue swiped across your lower lip and you parted your lips for him. He kissed you deeply, passionately, and you already felt that familiar wetness gathering between your legs. Loki pressed himself against you and you could feel his hard bulge nudge you.

"Please, Loki. I need you to touch me," you moaned when his mouth pulled away from yours. His lips trailed down your neck, kissing along your throat.

"All in good time," he murmured. When his lips met your scarf, he grimaced. He pulled back and placed a single finger on the scarf. "You're covering up my pendant."

"I didn't want to have to explain it to everyone at work after I already was in trouble. It would make my boss mad if I was talking to too many people after running late," you explained. Loki hummed and trailed his knuckles over the scarf's fabric.

"At least you picked green." Loki smirked. He tugged the scarf from around your neck, revealing the shimmering pendant. "Much better." Loki looked up into your eyes and rested a single finger on the gem. "Never be ashamed to wear this, darling."

"I'm not," you whispered.

"Good." Loki looked down at the scarf in his hand. He wrapped one end around one fist and the other end around his other fist. He pulled the scarf taut and grinned in approval. "Oh, yes. This will come in handy...eventually."

You had no time to ask what that meant because the scarf dropped from Loki's hands as he scooped you into his arms. He carried you into your room, kicking the door behind him, all as he ravished your mouth. Your hands were knotted in his hair as he dropped you onto the bed. He crawled over you, never letting his lips leave yours, and he pushed his hands up your thighs, bunching the skirt of your dress around your waist.

"You've been on my mind all day, pet," Loki murmured against your lips. You whimpered and spread your legs further so he could settle between you. The weight of his godly body felt so divine on top of you that you almost pulled him down so he could crush you. Loki pulled his mouth from yours and kissed down your neck, licking and biting over your already marked skin. "I was at a feast, you know. I was having a good time. Then I had to excuse myself because I couldn't stop picturing your pretty lips wrapped around my cock. I came so hard just thinking about you, imagining it was your tight pussy I was releasing into."

You moaned, unashamed of how loud you were. "I was thinking of the same thing at work today."

Loki lifted his head and grinned arrogantly. "Is that why you were so distracted doing your work?"

"Maybe," you whimpered. Loki's thumbs were rubbing circles on your hips, fogging up your mind. You shook your head and tried to focus. You knew his touch was maddening but this was just overwhelming. You didn't even realize you had said that out loud until Loki began chuckling.

"Yes, pet. It is overwhelming," Loki said softly as he took his hands off of you. You whined but Loki placed his index finger over your lips, silencing you. "This is what happens when you go without my touch for so long. It's almost...intoxicating, isn't it? But worry not, I will make you feel so good. I will take care of you, little girl."

"Please," you whispered, his finger still pressed to your lips. You lifted your head a bit and took his finger into your mouth, sucking it slowly as if it was his cock. Loki's eyes became darker, clouded with a gray lust that hooded his features magnificently.

"You temptress," Loki purred, sliding his finger from your mouth. He lifted his hand upwards and grabbed the air. There was the sound of metal slicing through air and suddenly, a dagger appeared in his hand. Your eyes widened as Loki dragged the dull side of the dagger over his flat palm. "Your breathing is so attractive when you get aroused. You hold it for a moment, your chest puffs a bit, and then you release it in small, eager breaths. You did it when I first touched you, you do it when I slide my cock into you, and you're doing it now. Tell me, little one, does this arouse you?"

"You look really good with a dagger," you admitted. "It reminds me that you're actually a real god. You're really the Loki."

"Yes, I am," Loki said with a viper-like grin. He flipped the knife in his hand and held the point at your throat. "And I could do anything I want to you and you would let me. I could make you bleed and you would thank me, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, Master." You nodded.

"But I won't." Loki dragged the tip of the knife along your chest before tapping it against the stone in the pendant. "Because I'm here to protect you and care for you. Not hurt you...much."

"So then what is the knife for?"

Loki smirked and there was a madness in his eyes that almost made you fear him. Almost.

"For easy access, of course." With that, Loki sliced his knife down the front of your dress. It fell around you like wings before he cut off your bra and panties. Loki snapped his fingers and all three articles of torn clothing and the dagger disappeared.

"Hey! I liked that dress," you whined.

Loki laughed and sat back on his haunches, his large hands gliding up your thighs. "Don't worry. It's in your closet neatly hung up."


"Right, well if you're done questioning me about your clothing, I'd quite like to fuck you."

You spread your legs, not even giving an answer because you physically couldn't. Whatever answer you gave would just be a whimper or a moan or maybe even a cry. You were so turned on, so aroused, you couldn't wait any longer. Loki winked at you before maneuvering you, pushing you back so your head rested on your pillows. His hands explored your body like he had been all night, but now that you were naked, his touch was a bit more eager, a bit heavier.

"Loki, please take your clothes off. Please," you begged, bucking into his touch. Loki's dark eyes met yours and he nodded slowly. He pushed himself up onto his knees and gestured to his body.

"Go ahead. Get to work."

You sat up and began unbuttoning his green shirt, slipping each button out of its respective hole. As more of his skin became exposed, more wetness pooled between your legs. You could hear Loki's breathing increase as you opened his shirt fully and slid it from his pants. You ran your hand up his abs.

"You're so beautiful," you sighed softly. "This body...Loki, I can't believe you're real."

"I am real, pet. It's all for you," he said, his fingers trailing along the top of your head. You looked up at him as he pushed his shirt off of his shoulders. You then ran your hands up his arms and over his shoulders, and though you had to stretch a bit given you were sitting and he was perched on his knees, you did your best to admire every bit of skin. You didn't have the opportunity to touch his bare, cool skin yesterday and you wanted to absorb every bit of it tonight. You waited too long to do anything but that.

Your hands fell to his belt when you decided he was thoroughly mapped. With a bit more haste, you undid his belt and pushed down his pants. You pulled his cock out and immediately began rubbing him, flicking your wrist as you worked him. Loki's head rolled back and his eyelashes fluttered pleasantly. He bucked into your hand and you nearly forgot about your own pleasure. But apparently, Loki didn't. He moved his head forward and opened his eyes. He pushed you down onto the bed and shucked off the rest of his clothing with magic.

"Let's see how patient my pet can be," Loki said as he rested himself between your legs. He spread you nice and wide before positioning his mouth just above your cunt. "Be a good girl and be nice and loud for your Master."

Loki's tongue was on you, lapping at your folds and drinking up your juice. You screamed - genuinely screamed - after being touched. Should you have been so desperate after less than 36 hours? No, not really. But this was Loki, God of Sex, and rules did not apply to him. He didn't just help you feel pleasure, he owned it. He had claimed pleasure and distributed it as he desired. He had stripped that pleasure from you for the past day and a half and was finally, finally, giving it back to you. So really, you couldn't blame yourself for riding his face and fisting his hair with your hands.

Your climax was quickly approaching, it was almost embarrassing. But Loki's tongue was everywhere - circling your clit, tracing your folds, dipping into your hole. Your thighs were trembling around his head and you just felt so good. You rocked down against his tongue and felt that hot coil tightening in your gut. You moved against him faster, spewing his name like a prayer.

Not ironically.

"Please, Loki! Loki, oh my gosh, please, please, please..." you moaned, tossing your head back. You felt it, you were going to cum. And as you began tipping over the edge, Loki pulled away. You lifted your head and gaped at him. "What...?"

"Not yet," Loki said with a wink. He sat there for a few moments until he was sure that your orgasm had edged away - and the bastard was right, it had - before diving back in. Loki continued doing this, bringing you to the edge before pulling away and leaving your body to relax. Every time he pulled away, his cock seemed to jump and grow harder and harder. He was getting off on your frustrated groans and pouts.

The fourth time it happened, you wanted to strangle him. You waited so long - yes, now you considered 36 hours a long time - and he wasn't letting you cum. Irritated tears formed in your eyes and he chuckled, his hands tracing down the tops of your thighs.

"Why won't you let me cum?" you hissed.

"I told you, you must have patience and when I permit you to cum, it will be worth it," Loki purred, slipping back down to toss your legs over his broad shoulders. This time, however, not only his tongue assaulted you, but his fingers did too. His lips were suctioned around your clit as two long, swift fingers slid inside of you.

"Master! Oh, please. Please let me cum, I b-beg you!"

Loki locked his eyes with yours as he lifted his head for a quick moment.


He was back to licking you, tasting you, claiming you. His fingers were talented - they always were - as he fucked you with them. They curled and pumped and prodded, tempting you to hit the edge before he pulled you back from it.

Loki was moaning against you, his eyes clouded with lust. He refused to look away from you and you refused to look at him. You couldn't meet his gaze because seeing that hot look would only push you closer to your climax. You thrashed your head from side to side as Loki growled against you. He certainly did not appreciate the lack of attention to his actions.

"Look at me."

"N-No, I can't."

"Look. At. Me."

"I c-can't. It'll make me c-cum."

"Look at your Master or you will not cum for the next week."

"Fuck!" you shouted as you lifted your head to stare at him. The need to cum was completely overwhelming as you took in the sight of him. His dark head was buried between your legs, locked in by your thighs. His one hand was still fucking you and the other was gripping your thigh, nails biting into your skin so harshly you were sure they were bound to leave marks. You shivered as he lifted his head and twisted his fingers inside of you.

"Do you want to cum, little girl?" he asked innocently, as if he hadn't been tempting you to cum for...what? An hour? Had it been that long? You didn't really know. Too long.

"Yes! Please, Master. Please, let me cum," you panted out, hands fisting desperately in his black hair.

Loki looked like he was genuinely considering it. But as soon as that thoughtful look came onto his face, it left in favor a wicked grin.

"No. Delayed gratification, sweetling."

You could have bashed your head against the wall. That would have been less painful than having Loki between your thighs and not being able to cum. In fact, you were close to pushing him away and muttering about taking care of your problem yourself because fuck delayed gratification. But then, Loki pulled himself away from you and gripped your legs, pushing you as wide as you could get before sinking his cock inside of you.

"Ah, there's that sweet, tender pussy I've been thinking about all day," Loki groaned as he bottomed out.

"You could've had it sooner." You wanted the phrase to sound snarky and a bit bitchy but instead, it came out as a whine of relief. Finally, that heavy, thick cock was inside of you. You nestled against him, wanting to feel the complete fullness of him. "Am I going to be allowed to cum now?"

Loki chuckled. "No."

And then, he was fucking you. Hard. Hard enough that you were sure the ceiling from your apartment had been torn off because you were seeing the night sky, littered with stars and comets and every beautiful, bright planet in the impossibly large galaxy. With every thrust, Loki was moaning and for the first time, you realized how vocal he was during sex. His brow was furrowed and his lips were parted as he fucked you, the perfect picture of pleasure and lust and sex and everything good in this damned world.

You reached up and touched him, touched any part of him you could reach. As your hands fell on his skin, Loki's head rolled back again and you wondered why he reacted this way when you caressed him. You wanted to hold onto him forever if it meant that look on his face never disappeared.

But then it was happening again, the coil was tightening and the heat in your belly was blossoming. You didn't want to tell him you were cumming, you almost considered cumming and hoping he wouldn't notice. Then again, this was Loki and he noticed everything. He felt the clenching of your cunt around his cock and he slowed his thrusts down to a sensual grind accompanied with a small, teasing smirk on his face.

"Good girls don't cum until their Masters tell them they can," he reminded you with a click of the tongue. He bent himself over you, still grinding into you at a slow, languid pace. "And you are my good girl, right?"

"I w-want to be. You're making it really hard though," you said through clenched teeth. Loki chuckled and kissed you tenderly, licking around your mouth and sucking on your tongue. He nurtured you and for a moment, you forgot about the teasing prick he was being. When he pulled his mouth from yours, he stared down at you. "You're a beautiful woman."

"And you're - oh!" you gasped as he began fucking you fast and hard again, pushing you against the bed and making your headboard bounce against the wall. You reached up and grabbed his back, running your nails over his skin. Loki hissed and his cock jumped inside of you.

"That's it. Take my cock," he grunted. "But don't cum. Not yet."

"When? Please, Loki, tell me when," you begged.

Loki slowed his thrusts yet again to a deep, heavy grind. "When I say so."

Your head fell back against the pillow, stretching your neck out. Loki watched how the pendant sat over your breasts and how the gold chain glittered against your skin. But then your neck - that caught his eyes. One of his hands moved from your leg, up your stomach, over your breasts - which he spent a good two minutes fondling - and then up to your neck.

He cupped your throat. Squeezed it, in fact. And then he fucked you again.

Your eyes flew open as you felt the pressure of his hand around your neck. His pace was brutal, cock pistoning in and out of you like you had offended him. His teeth were bared and he snarled as he pounded into you. Every few thrusts, his grip on your neck got tighter and tighter. It didn't hurt but you felt it, that sting and pressure.

"I'm going to let you cum in a moment," Loki warned you. "But you must wait until the exact moment I say you can, do you understand me, pet?"

"Yes, Master," you whispered. Loki's thumb stroked over your pulse as he nodded down at you. The hand on your thigh fell down to your clit and he began stroking it quickly and with the same amount of pressure being exerted on your neck.

"You've been such a good girl, baby. I'm so proud of you. So good for your Master," Loki praised you. He worked your clit with fast strokes. Loki leaned over you and squeezed your neck a bit tighter. You felt his warm breath on your face and you moaned out his name. Loki hummed as you called out for him. "That's it. Praise your Master. Worship me."

"I do," you gasped. Your vision was getting fuzzy with the need to cum as you tried to hold yourself back. You were so close to cumming all over him without his permission. Only a few more thrusts and -

"Good. Now cum."

Loki's fingers pressed to your clit harshly and his hand tightened on your neck as you came. Fireworks, literal fireworks, exploded as you came. You swore you heard them, saw them. Your body felt like it had been doused with magic and tingles. You shook, trembled, and screamed - screamed his name like it was the only name that ever existed. You clawed down his back as your legs tightened around him. Nothing had ever felt so violently good in your life until this moment.

Loki didn't stop fucking you as you came and you wondered if this orgasm was actually two or ten or a hundred orgasms bundled and disguised as one. As you chanted his name, Loki ground his teeth together and shot into you, his cum soaking your walls. He hissed your name as he tossed his head back and let his own orgasm wash over him. His hand fell from your neck to your breast and he squeezed it softly.

Your heart was pounding as Loki rested on top of you, his cock still wedged within you. He sighed happily and let his head fall forward. Loki kissed you smoothly, patiently. And against your lips, he continuously muttered, "good girl, such a good, perfect girl."

He slid his cock from you and rolled onto the bed beside you. He took you in his arms and began running two fingers over the expanse of your neck.

"Does it hurt?" he asked when you shuddered.

"No," you said honestly with a tiny, weak voice. "Feels so good."

Your words were slurred, still drunk from his cock and your massive orgasm, and Loki found it endearing.

"Do you want to sleep?" Loki asked.

You shook your head and wrapped an arm around Loki. "No. No, I don't."

Loki was quiet as one of his arms pulled you closer against him. "Alright. I can stay."

"Good," you whispered. "Hey, Loki?"

"Yes, darling?"

"Delayed gratification isn't so bad," you said with a giggle. "I just hate waiting."

"But you were so patient. Regardless, you will learn to love it, I promise you that. Such a good girl," Loki hummed, stroking up and down your back. "My good girl."

"I like the sound of that."

"As do I."


Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki !

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